ECE 480 Wireless Systems Lecture 4 Propagation and Modulation of RF Waves 1 Antenna Radiation Characteristics Antenna pattern: • Describes the far – field directional properties of an antenna when measured at a fixed distance from the antenna • 3 – d plot that displays the strength of the radiated field (or power density) as a function of direction (spherical coordinates) specified by the zenith angle and the azimuth angle • From reciprocity, a receiving antenna has the same directional antenna pattern as the pattern that it exhibits when operated in the transmission mode 2 The differential power through an elemental area dA is d Prad S av S av d A S av ˆ dA S dA R always in the radial direction in the far – field region 3 d Prad S dA d A R sin d d 2 Define: Solid angle, dA d 2 sin d d R 4 steradians for a spherical surface 4 d Prad S dA dA d 2 R d A R2 d d Prad R 2 S R , , d The total power radiated by an antenna is given by 2 Prad R 2 S R , , sin d d 0 0 5 2 Prad R 2 S max F , sin d d 0 0 Prad R 2 S max F , F , d 4 is the normalized radiation intensity F , 1 6 3 – D Pattern of a Narrow – Beam Antenna 7 Antenna Pattern It is convenient to characterize the variation of F ( , ) in two dimensions Two principle planes of the spherical coordinate system Elevation Plane ( - plane) Corresponds to a single value of ( = 0 x –z plane) ( = 90 y –z plane) Azimuth Plane ( - plane) Corresponds to = 90 o (x – y plane) 8 Clearer to express F in db for highly directive patterns F dB 10 log F = 0 plane 9 Side lobes are undesirable • Wasted energy • Possible interference 10 Beam Dimensions Define: Pattern solid angle p p = Equivalent width of the main lobe p F , d 4 sr For an isotropic antenna with F ( , ) = 1 in all directions: p 4 sr 11 Defines an equivalent cone over which all the radiation of the actual antenna is concentrated with equal intensity signal equal to the maximum of the actual pattern 12 The half – power (3 dB) beamwidth, , is defined as the angular width of the main lobe between the two angles at which the magnitude of F ( , ) is equal to half its peak value 2 1 13 F () is max at = 90 o , 2 = 135 0 , 1 = 45 o , = 135 o – 45 o = 90 o 14 Null Beamwidth, null Beamwidth between the first nulls on either side of the peak 15 Antenna Directivity D F max Fav 1 1 Fav 4 1 F , d 4 4 p p = Pattern solid angle For an isotropic antenna, p = 4 D=1 16 D can also be expressed as 4 R 2 S max D Prad S max S av Prad 4 R 2 S av S iso S iso = power density radiated by an isotropic antenna D = ratio of the maximum power density radiated by the antenna to the power density radiated by an isotropic antenna 17 For an antenna with a single main lobe pointing in the z direction: p D xz yz 4 4 p xz yz 18 Example – Antenna Radiation Properties Determine: a. The direction of maximum radiation b. Pattern solid angle c. directivity d. half – power beamwidth in the y-z plane for an antenna that radiates into only the upper hemisphere and its normalized radiation intensity is given by F , cos 2 19 Solution The statement F , cos 2 in the upper hemisphere can be written mathematically as F , F cos 2 0 0 2 0 2 elsewhere 20 a. The function F cos 2 is maximum when = 0 b. The pattern solid angle is given by p Polar plot of F cos 2 F , d 4 2 2 cos 2 sin d d 0 0 2 cos 3 2 d 3 0 0 2 0 1 2 d 3 3 sr 21 c. D 4 p 3 4 6 2 D d B 10 log 6 7.78 d B d. The half – power by setting F cos 0.5 2 Polar plot of F cos 2 1 45 o 2 45 o 2 1 90 o 22 Example – Directivity of a Hertzian Dipole For a Hertzian dipole: F , sin 2 D 4 4 F , sin d d 4 2 0 0 4 1.5 8 3 sin d d 3 23 Antenna Gain P t = Transmitter power sent to the antenna P rad = Power radiated into space P loss = Power loss due to heat in the antenna = P t – P rad Define: Radiation Efficiency, Prad Pt = 1 for a lossless antenna 24 Define: Antenna Gain, G G D 4 R 2 S max Pt 4 R 2 S max Prad G D Accounts for the losses in the antenna 25 Radiation Resistance P loss = Power loss due to heat in the antenna = P t – P rad 1 2 Pt I 0 R ant Ploss Prad 2 1 2 Ploss I 0 R loss 2 1 2 Prad I 0 R rad 2 Prad Pt Prad Prad Ploss R rad R rad R loss 26 To find the radiation resistance: • Find the far – field power by integrating the far – field power density over a sphere • Equate to Prad 1 2 I 0 R rad 2 27 Example – Radiation Resistance and Efficiency of a Hertzian Dipole A 4 – cm long center – fed dipole is used as an antenna at 75 MHz. The antenna wire is made of copper and has a radius a = 0.4 mm. The loss resistance of a circular wire is given by R loss l 2 a f c c Calculate the radiation resistance and the radiation efficiency of the dipole antenna 28 Solution The parameters of copper are r 1 c 5.8 10 R loss l 2 a 7 S m f c c 0.04 2 0.004 75 10 6 4 10 7 0.036 5.8 10 7 29 At 75 MHz: c 3 10 8 4 m 6 f 75 10 l 4 cm 0.01 4m This is a short dipole From before, Prad 4 R 2 S max D S max 15 I R 2 2 0 l 2 30 2 2 15 I 4 R 0 l 2 D R 2 Prad l 40 I 2 Prad 2 0 1 2 2 2 l I 0 R rad 40 I 0 2 2 R rad 2 2 l 3 0.04 80 80 4 0.08 R rad R rad R loss 2 2 0.08 0.69 69 % 0.08 0.036 31 Half – Wave Dipole Antenna i t I 0 cos t cos k z Re I 0 cos k z e j t In phasor form: I z I 0 cos k z 4 z 4 k 2 32 For a short dipole j I 0 l k 0 e j k R E sin 4 R H E 0 Expand these expressions to obtain similar expressions for the half – wave dipole 33 Consider an infinitesimal dipole segment of length dz excited by a current I z and located a distance from the observation point d E z d H z j k0 4 e jks I z dz sin s s d E z 0 34 The far field due to radiation by the entire antenna is given by E 4 d E z 4 Two assumptions: 1 s 1 (length factor) R s 35 j k 0 e jks d E z I z d z sin s 4 s Note that "s" appears in the equation twice – once for the distance away and once for the phase factor s R is not valid for the length factor If Q is located at the top of the dipole, the phase factor is which is not acceptable 2 s R z cos 36 d E z j k 0 4 I z d z e jkR R sin e j k z cos cos 2 cos e j k R E j 60 I 0 sin R H E 0 S R , E 2 2 0 2 cos 2 cos 2 sin 37 S R , E 2 2 0 S R , E 2 2 0 15 I 02 R2 2 cos 2 cos 2 sin 2 cos 2 cos S0 2 sin 38 S R , is max when S max S 0 2 15 I 02 R2 cos cos S R , 2 F S0 sin 2 39 Directivity of Half – Wave Dipole Need P rad and S (R , ) Prad R 2 S R , d 4 2 15 I 02 cos 2 2 cos 2 sin d d 0 0 sin 36.6 I 02 S max D 4 R 2 S max Prad 15 I 02 R2 4 R 36.6 I 02 2 15 I 02 1.64 2.15 d B 2 R 40 Radiation Resistance of Half – Wave Dipole 2 Prad R rad I 2 0 2 36.6 I 02 I 2 0 73 Recall: for the short dipole (l = 4 cm) at 75 MHz R rad = 0.08 R loss = 0.036 R rad R rad R loss 0.08 69 % 0.08 0.036 For the half – wave dipole (l = 4 m) at 75 MHz R loss = 1.8 R rad R rad R loss 73 98 % 73 1.8 41 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna Assume an incident wave with a power density of S i The effective area of the antenna, A e , is Ae P int Si P int = Power intercepted by the antenna It can be shown: Pint PL V oc V oc 2 8 R rad = Magnitude of the open – circuit voltage developed across the antenna 42 The power density carried by the wave is Si Ae Ei 2 2 0 Pint Si Ei 2 240 30 V oc R rad E i 2 2 For the short dipole R rad l 80 2 2 V oc E i l 3 2 Ae 8 43 In terms of D: 2D Ae 4 m2 Valid for any antenna Example: Antenna Area The effective area of an antenna is 9 m 2. What is its directivity in db at 3 GHz? c 3 10 0.1 9 f 3 10 8 D 4 Ae 2 4 9 2 0.1 1.13 10 4 40.53 d B 44 Friis Transmission Formula Assumptions: • Each antenna is in the far – field region of the other • Peak of the radiation pattern of each antenna is aligned with the other • Transmission is lossless 45 For an isotropic antenna: S iso Pt 4 R 2 In the practical case, S r G t S iso t D t S iso (ideal) t D t Pt 4 R 2 In terms of the effective area A t of the transmitting antenna t At Pt Sr 2 2 R 46 On the receiving side, Pint t At A r Pt S r Ar 2R2 Prec r Pint t r At Ar Gt Gr 2 2 Pt R 4 R Prec Friis transmission formula 2 47 When the antennas are not aligned (More general expression) t r At Ar Gt Gr Ft t , t F r r , r 2 2 Pt R 4 R Prec 2 48 Homework 1. Determine the following: a. The direction of maximum radiation b. Directivity c. Beam solid angle d. Half – power beamwidth in the x – z plane for an antenna whose normalized radiation intensity is given by: F , 1 for 0 60 o , 0 2 0 elsewhere Hint: Sketch the pattern first 49 2. An antenna with a pattern solid angle of 1.5 (sr) radiates 30 W of power. At a range of 1 km, what is the maximum power density radiated by the antenna? 3. The radiation pattern of a circular parabolic – reflector antenna consists of a circular major lobe with a half – power beamwidth of 2 o and a few minor lobes. Ignoring the minor lobes, obtain an estimate for the antenna directivity in dB. 50 Analog Modulation • High frequencies require smaller antennas • Modulation impresses a lower frequency onto a higher frequency for easier transmission • The signal is modulated at the transmission end and demodulated at the receiving end Several basic types • Amplitude modulation (AM) • Frequency modulation (FM) • Pulse code modulation (PCM) • Pulse width modulation (PWM) 51 Amplitude Modulation Carrier wave – High frequency signal that transports the intelligence Signal wave – Low frequency signal that contains the intelligence 52 AM transmitter • DC shifts the modulating signal • Multiplies it with the carrier wave using a frequency mixer • Mixer must be nonlinear • Output is a signal with the same frequency as the carrier with peaks and valleys that vary in proportion to the strength of the modulating signal • Signal is amplified and sent to the antenna 53 The mixer is usually a "square law" device, such as a diode or B – E junction of a transistor Output input 2 Suppose that we apply the following signals to a square law device f 1 t A1 cos 1 t f 2 t A 2 cos 2 t The output will be f o t A o A1 cos 1 t A 2 cos 2 t 2 54 Homework f o t A o A1 cos 1 t A 2 cos 2 t 2 Determine all possible output frequencies 55 Advantages • Simplicity • Cost Disadvantages • Susceptible to atmospheric interference (static) • Narrow bandwidth (550 – 1500 KHz) 56 AM Receiver • Tunable filter • Envelope detector (diode) • Capacitor is used to eliminate the carrier and to undo the DC shift • Will generally include some form of automatic gain control (AGC) 57 Forms of Amplitude Modulation In the most basic form, an AM signal in the frequency domain consists of • The carrier signal • Information at f c + f m (upper sideband) • Information at f c - f m (lower sideband) (US and LS are mirror images) This wastes transmission power • Carrier contains no information • Information is all contained in only one of the sidebands 58 Frequently, in communications systems, the carrier and/or one of the sidebands is suppressed or reduced • If only the carrier is reduced or suppressed, the process is called "Double – Sideband Suppressed (Reduced) Carrier" (DSSC or DSRC) • If the carrier and one of the sidebands is suppressed or reduced, the process is called "Single – Sideband Suppressed (Reduced) Carrier" (SSSC or SSRC) • Often, the carrier and one of the sidebands is totally suppressed. This process is simply called "Single Sideband" • The carrier must be regenerated at the receiver end 59 Example Consider a carrier with a frequency c c t C sin c t Suppose we want to modulate the carrier with a signal m t M sin m t The signal is amplitude – modulated by adding m(t) to C The expression for this signal is y t C M sin m t sin c t Expanding this expression y t C sin c t M cos M cos m c t 2 2 m c t 60 Convert to frequency domain by taking the Fourier Transform y t C m t cos c t y t C m t e j c t e 2 j c t Take Fourier Transform Y C c x 1 1 M c C c M c 2 2 = Unit impulse function 61 Eff = 100 % Eff = 33 % Eff = 100 % 62 Modulation Index Measure of the modulating signal wrt the carrier signal h peak value of m t C 63 64 65