Consolidation Oedometer Test disc-shaped loading piston “floats” CLAY SAMPLE water squeezed from sample drains freely into chamber Load Schedule time intervals (minutes) double: oedometer and sample are over each load cycle placed in a loading frame loads (N) also double: (61.16, first load applied is 61.16 N 122.32, 244.64, 489.28, 978.56, 1957.12, 3914.24, 7828.48) from time load deployed, Then loads are halved every 24 strain are taken hours, dial and areadings 24 hour strain dial for 24 hours reading recorded (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, 60, 120, 240, 1440) Why Double? There are two types of plots equal spacing on a produced from the data: logarithmic scale is acheived e versus log σ and by doubling the interval dial reading versus log time when plotting data it helps to view the plot with equal intervals of x Other data: ring dimensions: diameter, (mm), height, H0 (mm) specimen area, A (mm2) water content, initial: w0, final: w1 final dry mass, Ms (g) of sample specific gravity of sample, Gs Void Ratios Δecontent, e 1ee (7.1) Method 1: use final water ΔH H ΔH 1 H e w1 and Gs 1 e Δe Δe ΔH If Sr = 1 e at0-eend of test, e1 =the w1G Remember Change this blast and from you’ve got: past? s 1 toΔe 0 0 10 00 Sincerearrange Now e0 = e1 + Δe to find Δe 1 1 e1 Δe ΔHH0 ΔH H0 Δ H = Initial Dial Reading – Final Dial Reading and H0 = Initial height of the specimen Now with ΔH, H0 and 1+e1, find Δe Δe and e0 = e1 + Δe, find the constant ratio: ΔH Then multiply the Δ H for each load increment by this ratio to find the corresponding Δe The void ratio for each load increment is then e 0 - Δe Void Ratios The height of the specimen at the end of any load increment is H1 = H0 –Initial Dial Reading +Dial Reading at end of load increment Method 2: use final dry weight, M and G The void the end of any load is: At end ofratio, test, edry of specimen = Mincrement 1 atmass s s H1 - Hs H1 Ms Knowing A and eG : Hs 1 (7.2) 1 s Hs H AG s s ρw s Compressibility Characteristics The Compression Index, Index, Ce C isc Compressibility, mv is defined as The Expansion Coefficient of Volume is the calculated approximated asstrain the slope slope the volumetric perofunit increase in effective stress. between the expansion any two part points of the one 2/MN (i.e., the inverse of pressure) this linear portion vs logσ’ curve: The units of mv areofmthe Virgin Compression Line: e0 e1 mv can be expressed in terms of void ratio: (7.5) Cc σ'1 log σ'0 1 mv 1 e0 e0 e1 σ'1 σ'0 (7.3) or in terms of specimen thickness: 1 H0 H1 mv (7.4) These Their arelogσ’ typical reflect plots the ofstress void history e versus the clay effective The e shapes vs relationship for aratio, normally consolidated clay H0of σ' σ' 1 0 is nearlyσ’linear shown clay stress, for aas saturated Preconsolidation Pressure 6. Draw 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Produce Vertical Bisect Determine tangent line the straight-line the to horizontal tangent through curve point, and atD line D. of portion of maximum through horizontal intersection D.line the of curve, BC curvature through bisector D. and on the production of Professor recompression CB is the Arthur Casagrande taught Soil Mechanics portion preconsolidation of the and Foundation Engineering at Harvard University and curve, ABσ’c. pressure, developed this empirical method to determine the preconsolidation pressure, σ’c using the e-logσ’ curve. In-situ e-logσ’ Curve For slope initial two The σ’ the of the in-situ compression 0 isin-situ overconsolid line will void ratio, be e slightly greater than that of compression present 0 ated clays the at lines virgin are start linethe can becompression line produced effective the in-situ from of expected the testing lab define by to a disturbed field sample in overburden condition is a the test intersect lab. point E at:at pressure estimated by approximates void ( σ’c ,ratio e0) of the G: thatpoint 0.42e of 0 the in-situ ( σ’0 , e0void ) ratio