Lecture 14 Synchronization (cont) Logistics Project P01 deadline on Wednesday November 3rd. Non-blocking IO lecture: Nov 4th. P02 deadline on Wednesday November 15th. Next quiz Tuesday 16th. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Roadmap Clocks can not be perfectly synchronized. What can I do in these conditions? Figure out how large is the drift Design the system to take drift into account Example: GPS systems Example: server design to provide at-most-once semantics Do not use physical clocks! Consider only event order (1) Logical clocks (Lamport) But this does not account for causality! (2) Vector clocks! Mutual exclusion; leader election EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Last time: “Happens-before” relation The happened-before relation on the set of events in a distributed system: if a and b in the same process, and a occurs before b, then a → b if a is an event of sending a message by a process, and b receiving same message by another process then a → b Two events are concurrent if nothing can be said about the order in which they happened (partial order) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Lamport’s logical clocks p1 1 2 a b m1 3 4 c d Physic al ti me p2 m2 1 5 e f p3 Each process Pi maintains a local counter Ci and adjusts this counter according to the following rules: For any two successive events that take place within process Pi, the counter Ci is incremented by 1. Each time a message m is sent by process Pi the message receives a timestamp ts(m) = Ci Whenever a message m is received by a process Pj, Pj adjusts its local counter Cj to max{Cj, ts(m)}; then executes step 1 before passing m to the application. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Updating Lamport’s logical timestamps Physical Time p 1 0 1 2 8 7 1 p 2 p 3 0 2 0 8 3 3 2 3 6 4 9 10 7 5 4 p 4 n 0 5 6 Clock Value timestamp Message EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications 7 Problem with Lamport logical clocks Notation: timestamp(a) is the Lamport logical clock associated with event a By definition if a b => timestamp(a) < timestamp(b) (if a happens before b, then Lamport_timestamp(a) < Lamport_timestamp(b)) Q: is the converse true? That is: if timestamp(a) < timestamp(b) => ab (If Lamport_timestamp(a) < Lamport_timestamp(b), it does NOT imply that a happens before b EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Example Physical Time p 1 0 1 2 8 7 1 p 2 p 3 0 2 0 8 3 3 2 3 6 4 9 10 7 5 4 p 4 n 0 5 Clock Value timestamp Message 6 7 logically concurrent events Note: Lamport Timestamps: 3 < 7, but event with timestamp 3 is concurrent to event with timestamp 7, i.e., events are not in ‘happen-before’ relation. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Causality Timestamps don’t capture causality Example: news postings have multiple independent threads of messages To model causality – use Lamport’s vector timestamps Intuition: each item in vector logical clock for one causality thread. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Vector Timestamps (1,0,0) (2,0,0) p1 a b m1 (2,1,0) (2,2,0) Physic al ti me p2 c d m2 (2,2,2) (0,0,1) p3 e f EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Vector clocks Each process Pi has an array VCi [1..n] of clocks (all initialized at 0) Pi increments VCi [i]: when an event occurs or when sending Vector value is the timestamp of the event When sending VCi [j] denotes the number of events that process Pi knows have taken place at process Pj. Messages sent by VCi include a vector timestamp vt(m). Result: upon arrival, recipient knows Pi’s timestamp. When Pj receives a message sent by Pi with vector timestamp ts(m): for k ≠ j: updates each VCj [k] to max{VCj [k], ts(m)[k]} for k = j: VCj [k] = VCj [k] + 1 Note: vector timestamps require a static notion of system membership Question: What does VCi[j] = k mean in terms of messages sent and received? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Example: Vector Logical Time Physical Time p 1 0,0,0,0 p 2 0,0,0,0 2,0,0,0 4,0,2,2 3,0,2,2 (1,0,0,0) p 3 0,0,0,0 p 4 0,0,0,0 n,m,p,q 1,0,0,0 (4,0,2,2) 1,2,0,0 1,1,0,0 (2,0,0,0) (1,2,0,0) 2,0,2,0 2,0,1,0 (2,0,2,2) 2,2,3,0 (2,0,2,0) 2,0,2,1 4,2,4,2 (2,0,2,3) 2,0,2,2 Vector logical clock (vector timestamp) 4,2,5,3 Message EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications 2,0,2,3 Comparing vector timestamps VT1 = VT2, (identical) iff VT1[i] = VT2[i], for all i = 1, … , n VT1 ≤ VT2, iff VT1[i] ≤ VT2[i], for all i = 1, … , n VT1 < VT2, (happens before relationship) iff VT1 ≤ VT2 and j (1 ≤ j ≤ n) such that VT1[j] < VT2 [j] VT1 is concurrent with VT2 iff (not VT1 ≤ VT2 AND not VT2 ≤ VT1) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Quiz like problem Show: ab if and only if vectorTS(a) < vectorTS(b) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Message delivery for group communication ASSUMPTIONS messages are multicast to named process groups reliable and fifo channels (from a given source to a given destination) processes don’t crash (failure and restart not considered) processes behave as specified e.g., send the same values to all processes (i.e., we are not considering Byzantine behaviour) application process may specify delivery order to message service e.g. total order, FIFO order, causal order (last time total order) Messaging middleware OS comms. interface may reorder delivery to application by buffering messages assume FIFO from each source (done at lower levels) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications [Last time] Totally Ordered Multicast Process Pi sends timestamped message msgi to all others. The message itself is put in a local queue queuei. Any incoming message at Pk is queued in queuek, according to its timestamp, and acknowledged to every other process. Pk passes a message msgi to its application if: msgi is at the head of queuek for each process Px, there is a message msgx in queuek with a larger timestamp. Note: We are assuming that communication is reliable and FIFO ordered. Guarantee: all multicasted messages in the same order at all destination. Nothing is guaranteed about the actual order! EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications FIFO multicast P1 Fifo or sender ordered multicast: Messages are delivered in the order they were sent (by any single sender) a e P2 P3 P4 EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications FIFO multicast P1 Fifo or sender ordered multicast: Messages are delivered in the order they were sent (by any single sender) a e P2 P3 P4 b c d delivery of c to P1 is delayed until after b is delivered EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Implementing FIFO multicast Basic reliable multicast algorithm has this property Without failures all we need is to run it on FIFO channels (like TCP) [Later: dealing with node failures] EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Causal multicast P1 Causal or happens-before ordering If send(a) send(b) then deliver(a) occurs before deliver(b) at common destinations a P2 P3 P4 b EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Ordering properties: Causal P1 Causal or happens-before ordering If send(a) send(b) then deliver(a) occurs before deliver(b) at common destinations a P2 P3 P4 b c delivery of c to P1 is delayed until after b is delivered EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Ordering properties: Causal P1 Causal or happens-before ordering If send(a) send(b) then deliver(a) occurs before deliver(b) at common destinations a e P2 P3 P4 b c d e is sent (causally) after b and c e is sent concurrently with d EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Ordering properties: Causal P1 Causal or happens-before ordering If send(a) send(b) then deliver(a) occurs before deliver(b) at common destinations a e P2 P3 P4 b c d delivery of c to P1 is delayed until after b is delivered delivery of e to P3 is delayed until after b&c are delivered delivery of e and dEECE to P2 and P3 in any relative order (concurrent) 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Causally ordered multicast VC0=(2,2,0) VC1=(1,2,0) VC1=(1,1,0) VC2=(1,2,2) VC2=(1,0,1) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Implementing causal order Start with a FIFO multicast We can strengthen this into a causal multicast by adding vector time No additional messages needed! Advantage: FIFO and causal multicast are asynchronous: Sender doesn’t get blocked and can deliver a copy to itself without “stopping” to learn a safe delivery order EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications So far … Physical clocks Two applications ‘Logical clocks’ Provide at-most-once semantics Global Positioning Systems Where only ordering of events matters Other coordination primitives Mutual exclusion Leader election EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual exclusion algorithms Problem: A number of processes in a distributed system want exclusive access to some resource. Basic solutions: Via a centralized server. Completely decentralized Completely distributed, with no roles imposed. Completely distributed along a (logical) ring. Additional objective: Fairness EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: A Centralized Algorithm a) b) c) Process 1 asks the coordinator for permission to enter a critical region. Permission is granted Process 2 then asks permission to enter the same critical region. The coordinator does not reply. When process 1 exits the critical region, it tells the coordinator, when then replies to 2 EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Decentralized Mutual Exclusion Principle: Assume the resource is replicated n times, with each replica having its own coordinator Access requires a majority vote from m > n/2 coordinators. A coordinator always responds immediately to a request. Assumption: When a coordinator crashes, it will recover quickly, but will have forgotten about permissions it had granted. Correctness: probabilistic! Issue: How robust is this system? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Decentralized Mutual Exclusion (cont) Principle: Assume every resource is replicated n times, with each replica having its own coordinator Access requires a majority vote from m > n/2 coordinators. A coordinator always responds immediately to a request. Issue: How robust is this system? p the probability that a coordinator resets (crashes and recovers) in an interval Δt p = Δt /T, where T is the an average peer lifetime Quiz—like question: what’s the probability to violate mutual exclusion? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Decentralized Mutual Exclusion (cont) Principle: Assume every resource is replicated n times, with each replica having its own coordinator Access requires a majority vote from m > n/2 coordinators. A coordinator always responds immediately to a request. Issue: How robust is this system? p the probability that a coordinator resets (crashes and recovers) in an interval Δt p = Δt /T, where T is the an average peer lifetime The probability that k out m coordinators reset during Δt P[k]=C(k,m)pk(1-p)m-k: Violation when at least 2m-n coordinators reset EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: A Distributed Algorithm (Ricart & Agrawala) Idea: Similar to Lamport ordered group communication except that acknowledgments aren’t sent. Instead, replies (i.e. grants) are sent only when: The receiving process has no interest in the shared resource; or The receiving process is waiting for the resource, but has lower priority (known through comparison of timestamps). In all other cases, reply is deferred (results in some more local administration) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: A Distributed Algorithm (II) a) b) c) Two processes (0 and 2) want to enter the same critical region at the same moment. Process 0 has the lowest timestamp, so it wins. When process 0 is done, it sends an OK also, so 2 can now enter the critical region. Question: Is a fully distributed solution, i.e. one without a coordinator, always more robust than any centralized coordinated solution? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: A Token Ring Algorithm Principle: Organize processes in a logical ring, and let a token be passed between them. The one that holds the token is allowed to enter the critical region (if it wants to) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Logistics Project P01 deadline tomorrow. Project/Non-blocking IO lecture: Thursday P02 deadline on Wednesday November 15th. Next quiz Tuesday 16th. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications So far … Physical clocks Two applications ‘Logical clocks’ Where only ordering of events matters Provide at-most-once semantics Global Positioning Systems Lamport clocks Vector clocks Other coordination primitives Mutual exclusion Leader election: How do I choose a coordinator? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications [Last time] Mutual exclusion algorithms Problem: A number of processes in a distributed system want exclusive access to some resource. Basic solutions: Via a centralized server. Completely decentralized (voting based) Completely distributed, with no roles imposed. Completely distributed along a (logical) ring. Additional objectives: Fairness; no starvation EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: Algorithm Comparison Algorithm Messages per entry/exit Delay before entry (in message times) Centralized Decentralized Problems Coordinator crash Starvation, low efficiency Distributed Crash of any process Token ring Lost token, process crash EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: Algorithm Comparison Algorithm Centralized Decentralized Distributed Token ring Messages per entry/exit Delay before entry (in message times) 3 Problems Coordinator crash 3mk (k=number of attempts) Starvation, low efficiency 2(n-1) Crash of any process 1..∞ Lost token, process crash EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Mutual Exclusion: Algorithm Comparison Messages per entry/exit Delay before entry (in message times) 3 2 3mk (k=number of attempts) Coordinator crash 2m Starvation, low efficiency Distributed 2(n-1) 2(n-1) Crash of any process Token ring 1..∞ 0 to n-1 Lost token, process crash Algorithm Centralized Decentralized EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Problems So far … Physical clocks Two applications ‘Logical clocks’ Provide at-most-once semantics Global Positioning Systems Where only ordering of events matters Other coordination primitives Mutual exclusion Leader election: How do I choose a coordinator? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Leader election algorithms Context: An algorithm requires that some process acts as a coordinator. Question: how to select this special process dynamically. Note: In many systems the coordinator is chosen by hand (e.g. file servers). This leads to centralized solutions single point of failure. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Leader election algorithms Context: Each process has an associated priority (weight). The process with the highest priority needs to be elected as the coordinator. Issue: How do we find the ‘heaviest’ process? Two important assumptions: Processes are uniquely identifiable All processes know the identity of all participating processes Traditional algorithm examples The bully algorithm Ring based algorithm EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Election by Bullying Any process can just start an election by sending an election message to all other (heavier) processes If a process Pheavy receives an election message from a lighter process Plight, it sends a take-over message to Plight. Plight is out of the race. If a process doesn’t get a take-over message back, it wins, and sends a victory message to all other processes. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications The Bully Algorithm Process 4 detects 7 has failed and holds an election Process 5 and 6 respond, telling 4 to stop Now 5 and 6 each hold an election (also send message to 7 as they have not detected 7 failure) EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications The Bully Algorithm (2) d) e) Process 6 tells 5 to stop Process 6 wins and announces itself everyone EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Election in a Ring Principle: Organize processes into a (logical) ring. Process with the highest priority should be elected as coordinator. Any process can start an election by sending an election message to its successor. If a successor is down, the message is passed on to the next successor. If a message is passed on, the sender adds itself to the list. The initiator sends a coordinator message around the ring containing a list of all living processes. The one with the highest priority is elected as coordinator. EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications The Ring Algorithm • • Question: What happens if two processes initiate an election at the same time? Does it matter? Question: What happens if a process crashes during the election? EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications Summary so far … A distributed system is: a collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system Components need to: Communicate Point to point: sockets, RPC/RMI Point to multipoint: multicast, epidemic Cooperate Naming to enable some resource sharing Naming systems for flat (unstructured) namespaces: consistent hashing, DHTs Naming systems for structured namespaces: EECE456 for DNS Synchronization: physical clocks, logical clocks, mutual exclusion, leader election EECE 411: Design of Distributed Software Applications