ARO309 - Astronautics and Spacecraft Design Winter 2014 Try Lam CalPoly Pomona Aerospace Engineering Two-Body Dynamics: Orbits in 3D Chapter 4 Introductions • So far we have focus on the orbital mechanics of a spacecraft in 2D. • In this Chapter we will now move to 3D and express orbits using all 6 orbital elements Geocentric Equatorial Frame r = X2 +Y 2 + Z2 d = sin -1 ( Z /r) ì æ ö -1 X /r (Y /r > 0) ÷ ïï cos ç è cosd ø í a= ï2p - cos-1æç X /r ö÷ (Y /r £ 0) ïî è cosd ø Orbital Elements • Classical Orbital Elements are: a = semi-major axis (or h or ε) e = eccentricity i = inclination Ω = longitude of ascending node ω = argument of periapsis θ = true anomaly Orbital Elements v r = r× v /r iˆ h=r ´v= X ˆj Y kˆ Z Vx Vy Vz iˆ n = kˆ ´ h = 0 hx ˆj 0 hy kˆ 1 hz Orbital Elements æ hz ö i = cos ç ÷ èhø -1 ì æ ö -1 n× e (ez ³ 0) ÷ ïï cos ç è ne ø í w= ï2p - cos-1æç n× e ö÷ (e < 0) z ïî è ne ø ù 1 éæ 2 m ö e = êçv - ÷r - rv r vú m ëè rø û and e = e× e or h 2 æ 2 2m ö e = 1+ 2 çv - ÷ m è r ø Orbital Elements ì æ 1 æ h 2 öö ì æ ö -1 -1 e× r ï cos (v r ³ 0) ç ç -1÷÷ (v r ³ 0) ï ÷ ïï cos ç è er ø è e è mr øø q =í =í æ ö æ æ 2 öö ï2p - cos-1ç e× r ÷ (v < 0) ï -1 1 h r ïî è er ø ï2p - cos çè e çè mr -1÷ø÷ø (v r < 0) î Coordinate Transformation • Answers the question of “what are the parameters in another coordinate frame” y y’ Q x z x’ Transformation (or direction cosine) matrix é1 0 0ù ê ú T [Q] [Q] = [1] = ê0 1 0ú êë0 0 1úû z’ Q is a orthogonal transformation matrix [Q][Q] = [1] T Coordinate Transformation Where And [ x'] = [Q][ x ] T [ x ] = [Q] [ x'] éQ11 Q12 Q13 ù é iˆ / × iˆ iˆ / × ê ú ê ˆ/ ˆ ˆ/ [Q] = êQ21 Q22 Q23 ú = ê j × i j × êëQ31 Q32 Q33 úû êëkˆ / × iˆ kˆ / × iˆ / × kˆ ù ú / ˆ ˆj × k ú ˆj kˆ / × kˆ ú û ˆj ˆj Where is made up of rotations about the axis {a, b, or c} by the angle {θd, θe, and θf} [ ] [Q] = [ Ra (q d )][ Rb (q e )] Rc (q f ) 3rd rotation 2nd rotation 1st rotation Coordinate Transformation For example the Euler angle sequence for rotation is the 3-1-3 rotation [Q] = [ R3 (g )][R1(b)][R3 (a )] (0 £ a < 360°) (0 £ b £ 180°) (0 £ g < 360°) where you rotate by the angle α along the 3rd axis (usually z-axis), then by β along the 1st axis, and then by γ along the 3rd axis. [Q] 313 é -sin a cos b sin g + cos a cos g ê = ê-sin a cos b cos g - cos a sin g êë sin a sin b cos a cos b sin g + sin a cos g cos a cos b cos g - sin a sin g -cos a sin b Thus, the angles can be found from elements of Q Q31 tan a = -Q32 cos b = Q33 Q13 tan g = Q23 sin b sin g ù ú sin b cos g ú cos b úû Coordinate Transformation Classic Euler Sequence from xyz to x’y’z’ Coordinate Transformation For example the Yaw-Pitch-Roll sequence for rotation is the 1-2-3 rotation [Q] = [ R1(g )][ R2 ( b)][ R3 (a )] (0 £ a < 360°) ( -90 < b < 90°) (0 £ g < 360°) where you rotate by the angle α along the 3rd axis (usually z-axis), then by β along the 2nd axis, and then by γ along the 1st axis. [Q]123 é cos a cos b ê = êcos a sin b sin g - sin a cos g êëcos a sin b cos g + sin a sin g sin a cos b sin a sin b sin g + cos a cos g sin a sin b cos g - cos a sin g Thus, the angles can be found from elements of Q Q12 tan a = Q11 sin b = -Q13 Q23 tan g = Q33 -sin b ù ú cos b sin g ú cos b cos g úû Coordinate Transformation Yaw, Pitch, and Roll Sequence from xyz to x’y’z’ Transformation between Geocentric Equatorial and Perifocal Frame Transferring between pqw frame and xyz {r} pqw ìcosq ü ï h /m ï í sin q ý = 1+ ecosq ï ï 0 î þ {v} pqw ì -sin q ü ï mï = íe + cos q ý hï ï 0 î þ 2 Transformation from geocentric equatorial to perifocal frame Transformation between Geocentric Equatorial and Perifocal Frame Transformation from perifocal to geocentric equatorial frame is then Therefore Perturbation to Orbits Oblateness • Planets are not perfect spheres Req - Rpole oblateness = Req Perturbation to Orbits Oblateness ˙r˙ = - m3 r + p r p = pr uˆ r + pt uˆ t + ph hˆ æ R ö2 pr = -1.5 2 J 2 ç ÷ 1 - 3sin 2 (i) sin 2 (w + q ) r èrø m [ æ R ö2 2 pt = -1.5 2 J 2 ç ÷ sin (i) sin 2 (2(w + q )) r èrø m æ R ö2 ph = -1.5 2 J 2 ç ÷ sin(2i) sin 2 (w + q ) r èrø m ] Perturbation to Orbits Oblateness Perturbation to Orbits Oblateness Perturbation to Orbits Oblateness Sun-Synchronous Orbits Orbits where the orbit plane is at a fix angle α from the Sun-planet line Thus the orbit plane must rotate 360° per year (365.25 days) or 0.9856°/day Finding State of S/C w/Oblateness • Given: Initial State Vector • Find: State after Δt assuming oblateness (J2) • Steps finding updated state at a future Δt assuming perturbation 1. 2. 3. 4. Compute the orbital elements of the state Find the orbit period, T, and mean motion, n Find the eccentric anomaly Calculate time since periapsis passage, t, using Kepler’s equation Me = nt = E - esin E Finding State of S/C w/Oblateness 5. 6. Calculate new time as tf = t + Δt Find the number of orbit periods elapsed since original periapsis passage n p = t f /T 7. Find the time since periapsis passage for the final orbit [ ( )] T torbit _ n = n p - floor n p 8. Find the new mean anomaly for orbit n M e ) orbit _ n = n t orbit _ n 9. Use Newton’s method and Kepler’s equation to find the Eccentric anomaly (See slide 57) Finding State of S/C w/Oblateness 10. Find the new true anomaly tan q orbit _ n 2 E orbit _ n 1+ e = tan 1- e 2 11. Find position and velocity in the perifocal frame {r} pqw {v} pqw ìcosq ü ï h /m ï í sin q ý = 1+ ecosq ï ï 0 î þ ì -sin q ü ï mï = íe + cos q ý hï ï î 0 þ 2 Finding State of S/C w/Oblateness 12. Compute the rate of the ascending node 13. Compute the new ascending node for orbit n 14. Find the argument of periapsis rate 15. Find the new argument of periapsis Finding State of S/C w/Oblateness 16. Compute the transformation matrix [Q] using the inclination, the UPDATED argument of periapsis, and the UPDATED longitude of ascending node 17. Find the r and v in the geocentric frame Ground Tracks Projection of a satellite’s orbit on the planet’s surface Ground Tracks Projection of a satellite’s orbit on the planet’s surface w E »15.04 deg/hr Ground Tracks Projection of a satellite’s orbit on the planet’s surface Ground Tracks reveal the orbit period Ground Tracks reveal the orbit inclination i = LATmax or min If the argument of perispais, ω, is zero, then the shape below and above the equator are the same.