for Chapter 16 - OnCourse Publishing

©2011 Cengage Learning
Chapter 16
©2011 Cengage Learning
Basic Investment Principles
Investing is defined as giving up present
consumption in exchange for future benefits.
Investing is opposite of consumption
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Key Investment Factors
 Return
 Management
 Taxability
 Liquidity
 Risk
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Major Economic Characteristics of an Investment
Return can be in the form of money or amenities.
It may also vary over time & include reversion at transfer
A series of payments over a period of time.
A series of payments plus a large single payment.
A large single payment.
Management of the investment over the holding period.
Investors are interested in the after tax return.
Liquidity - real estate is considered illiquid.
Property may be sold or borrowed against.
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Investment Risks
a) Financial
b) Interest Rate
c) Purchasing Power
d) Social Change
e) Legal Change
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Real Estate as an Investment
 Normally produces slow recovery of profit &
initial investment over a period of years.
 The process of forecasting money received
annually, including resale, is called cash flow
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Cash Flow
 The income received from an investment over a period
of time.
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Before-Tax Cash Flow—Economic Cash Flow
Gross Scheduled Income
Less Vacancy & Rent Cost
Equals Gross Operating Income
Less Operating Expenses
Equals Net Operating Income (NOI)
Less Debt Service
Equals Before-Tax Cash Flow
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Net Spendable Income =
Before Tax Cash Flow - Taxes
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Annual Cash Flow Analysis
1. Gross Scheduled Income ($800 X 20 units X
12 mos.)
2. Plus: Other Income ($300 X 12 mos.)
3. Equals: Total Gross Income
4. Less: Vacancy/Credit Loss (5%)
5. Equals: Gross Operating Income
6. Less: Annual Operating Expenses
7. Equals: Net Operating Expenses
8. Less: Annual Debt Service
9. Equals: Before-Tax Cash Flow
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Tax Benefit Analysis
Net Operating Income (Line 7)
Less: Interest (Loan 1) -119,700
Less: Interest (Loan 2) 0
Less: Cost Recovery (Depreciation) - 38,760
Equals: Real Estate Taxable Income or
Equals: Estimated Allowable Loss (If Loss)
Times: Tax Bracket (times Line 14 or 15)
Equals: Taxes Saved or Paid
$ 5,981
Net Spendable Income
18. Before- Tax Cash Flow (Line 9)
$ 16,350
19. Plus/Less Taxes Saved or Paid (Line 17)
+ 5,981
20. Equals: Net Spendable Income (After- Tax Cash Flow) $ 22,331
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Rental Real Estate
 Taxable income can represent an income or
 Passive income and loss rules
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After Tax Cash Flow
 Net spendable income
 Plus or minus the taxes saved or paid
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Ownership Period Analysis
 Investment in large properties means a higher degree
of analysis.
 Multiyear analysis is used with the cash flow projected
for each year of the estimated holding period.
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Net Spendable Income
 Includes the Net Sale Proceeds
 Called reversion by appraisers
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Estimated Net Sales Proceeds
 Resale price
 Minus seller closing costs
 Minus loan balances
 Minus capital gain taxes
 Equals Net Sale Proceeds
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Cash Flow Analysis
 Estimate the first year’s Net Spendable Income (After-
Tax Cash Flow).
 Estimate each subsequent year’s Net Spendable
Income for the holding period
 Estimate the net sale proceeds.
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Key Economic Issues
 Offering price
 Amount of the cash investment
 Rate of return on the cash investment
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Techniques of Investors to Determine Purchase
 Gross Rent Multiplier
 Asking Price / Gross Scheduled Income =Gross Rent Multiplier
 Capitalization Rate
 Net Operating Income (NOI) / Asking Price = Capitalization Rate
 Price Per Square Foot
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Rate of Return on cash invested
Rate of Return for the first year cash flow
Rate of Return for the holding period
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Financial Management Rate of Return (FMMR)
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First-year before-tax cash on cash rate
First-Year Before-Tax Cash Flow First-Year Before-Tax
Cash Invested
Cash-on-Cash Rate
Refer to the 20-Unit apartment case study shown as figure
16.1; the Before-Tax Cash Flow is $16,350, and the cash
invested is $500,000; thus:
$16,350 Before-Tax Cash Flow
$500,000 Cash Invested
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3.27% Before-Tax
Cash-on-Cash Rate
After-tax cash rate
First-Year Net Spendable Income First-Year After-Tax
Cash Invested
Cash-on-Cash Rate
Refer to the 20-Unit apartment case study; the Net
Spendable Income is $22,331, and the cash invested is still
$500,000; therefore, the After-Tax Cash-on-Cash Rate is:
Net Spendable Income $22,331
Cash Invested $500,000
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4.47% After- Tax
Cash on Cash Rate
Investing is defined as giving
up present consumption in
exchange for future benefits.
Give it a try. You might like it or
better explain it to others!
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