Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Miguel-Angel Sevillano, Juan Trigo, Gabriel Pardo, Jose-Maria Urbano 1 Huesca, September 6th, 2011 Introduction Conyza bonariensis • Major weed problem in no-till permanent crops in Spain • Adapted to develop herbicide resistance: - Worldwide (B, C1, D, G) - In Spain (C1 (1987), G (2004)) 2 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Introduction Conyza bonariensis • Over-reliance on glyphosate increases the problem. 3 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Introduction Conyza bonariensis • Farmers want to have bare soil • At least in the line of trees • With glyphosate mixtures • Which mixtures? 4 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Introduction MOA that have been proposed to control C. bonariensis • Flazasulfuron (B) • Terbutilazine (C1) • Amitrol (F3) • Glyphosate (G) • Glufosinate (H) • Fluroxipyr (O) • MCPA (O) 5 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Introduction Since 2004, glyphosate + flazasulfuron is recommended Localidad 19 (resistente). T4: Glyphosate (1080 g/ha) + Flazasulfuron (50 g/ha) 6 T2: Glyphosate (1080 g/ha) Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Introduction In 2009, control failures are reported in Ecija (Sevilla), after glyphosate + flazasulfuron, in olive farms. 7 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Objectives Confirm glyphosate resistance in Ecija pops Check for flazasulfuron resistance in Ecija pops Evaluate the eficacy of: - Amitrol (F3) - MCPA (O) - Fluroxipyr (O) 8 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Material and Methods 5 C. bonariensis pops. - A: susceptible check (2004) - B, C, D: Ecija’s pops (2009) - E: glyphosate resistant check (2004) 9 5 pops x 10 treatments x 6 reps x 2 (twice) Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Material and Methods 10 10 treatments: Treatment Active ingredient Rate (kg ai/ha) 1 Check - 2 Glyphosate 1,08 3 Flazasulfuron 0,0375 4 Glyphosate + Flazasulfuron 1,08 + 0,0375 5 6 Amitrol Glyphosate + Amitrol 3 1,08 + 3 7 Fluroxipir 0,3 8 Glyphosate + Fluroxipir 1,08 + 0,3 9 MCPA 1,08 10 Glyphosate + MCPA 1,08 1,08 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need+for a new approach. Material and Methods Data •Chlorophyll •Fitotoxicity •Mortality •Biomass 11 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Material and Methods Dates Sowing Emergence Trasplanting 1st evaluation Spraying 2nd evaluation 3rd evaluation 4th evaluation 5th evaluation Biomass Date 05/10/2010 11/10/2010 25/10/2010 15/11/2010 15/11/2010 22/11/2010 29/11/2010 06/12/2010 13/12/2010 16/12/2010 Trial 1 DDS* 0 6 20 41 41 48 55 62 69 72 DDT** 0 7 14 21 28 31 Date 14/10/2010 20/10/2010 05/11/2010 22/11/2010 22/11/2010 29/11/2010 06/12/2010 13/12/2010 20/12/2010 20/12/2010 Trial 2 DDS* 0 6 22 39 39 46 53 60 67 67 DDT** 0 7 14 21 28 28 *DDS: Days after sowing. **DDT: Days after trasplanting. 12 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Results Glyphosate 12 GLI 28DDT Fitotoxicidad a 10 a b b 0 2 4 6 8 b A B C D E B & D pops: glyphosate resistant 13 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Results Glyphosate Mortalidad 28DDT a 1.0 GLI 0.4 0.6 0.8 a b 0.2 b 0.0 b A B C D E Resistant pops survive 14 Conyza bonariensis glyphosate-resistant: the need for a new approach. Results Flazasulfuron FLAZA 10 12 1.0 FLAZA Mortalidad 28DDT a a 0.4 6 0.6 8 0.8 Fitotoxicidad 28DDT 4 ab b 2 0.2 0 0.0 b A 15 B C D E a a a a a A B C D E Lack of eficacy, when applied in postemergence. There is diferential response, but not resistance. Results Glyphosate + flazasulfuron Mortalidad 28DDT 1.0 GLI+FLAZA 0.6 0.8 a 0.4 ab bc 0.2 bc 0.0 c A 16 B C D E Lack of eficacy against resistant pops Results MCPA & Fluroxypir Mortalidad 28DDT FLURO MCPA Testigo 0.8 10 12 1.0 Fitotoxicidad 28DDT a a a a 4 0.4 6 0.6 8 a 2 0.2 a a a 17 a 0.0 0 A a B C D E A B C Similar results: relatively good eficacy No diferential response Mortality is low D E Results Glyphosate + auxinics GLI+DICA 28DDT Fitotoxicidad Mortalidad GLI+DICA 28DDT 12 1.0 a a a a ab 8 b 0.8 10 ab 0.6 a a 0 0.0 2 0.2 4 0.4 6 a A 18 B C D E Increased eficacy Mortality is not 100% A B C D E Results AMI AMI 1.0 12 Amitrol Fitotoxicidad 28DDT a a Mortalidad 28DDT 0.8 10 a b b 0.6 8 b 0 A 19 b b b C D E 0.0 2 0.2 4 0.4 6 ab B C D E A Phytotoxic Low mortality in problematic pops B Results Glyphosate + amitrol GLI+AMI GLI+AMI 10 a 1.0 a Mortalidad 28DDT ab 0.8 12 Fitotoxicidad 28DDT abc ab c 0.4 6 0.6 8 bc 20 b D E 0.0 2 0 A b 0.2 4 b B C D E Glyphosate + amitrol = amitrol Low mortality Not very interesting A B C Conclusions None of the treatments achieved 100% control What should we do know? Estrategy A: - Increase herbicide rates - Add other products to the mixture Estrategy B: - Are we optimizing the moment ? - Are we optimizing cultural practices (cover crops) ? - Have we explored all posibilities of non-chemical control (mechanical, physical, biological) ? - Can we predict the emergence ? 21 Thanks for your attention 22