American Journal of Botany 94(4): 660–673. 2007. TRANSFER OF GLYPHOSATE RESISTANCE: EVIDENCE OF HYBRIDIZATION IN CONYZA (ASTERACEAE)1 IAN A. ZELAYA,2,4 MICHEAL D. K. OWEN,2 AND MARK J. VANGESSEL3 2Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy, 2104 Agronomy Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1011 USA; and 3University of Delaware, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Research and Education Center, 16684 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, Delaware 19947-9575 USA Transfer of herbicide resistance genes between crops and weeds is relatively well documented; however, far less information exists for weed-to-weed interactions. The hybridization between the weedy diploids Conyza canadensis (2n ¼ 18) and C. ramosissima (2n ¼ 18) was investigated by monitoring transmission of the allele conferring resistance to N-phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate). In a multivariate quantitative trait analysis, we described the phylogenic relationship of the plants, whereas we tested seed viability to assess potential postzygotic reproductive barriers (PZRB) thus affecting the potential establishment of hybrid populations in the wild. When inflorescences were allowed to interact freely, approximately 3% of C. ramosissima or C. canadensis ova were fertilized by pollen of the opposing species and produced viable seeds; .95% of the ova were fertilized under no-pollen competition conditions (emasculation). The interspecific Conyza hybrid (FH 1 ) demonstrated an intermediate phenotype between the parents but superior resistance to glyphosate compared to the resistant C. canadensis parent. Inheritance of H H glyphosate resistance in the selfed FH 1 (F2 ) followed the partially dominant nuclear, single-gene model; F1 backcrosses confirmed successful introgression of the resistance allele to either parent. Negligible PZRB were observed in the hybrid progenies, confirming fertility of the C. canadensis 3 C. ramosissima nothotaxa. The implications of introgressive hybridization for herbicide resistance management and taxonomy of Conyza are discussed. Key words: allogamy; Conyza canadensis; Conyza ramosissima; gene flow; herbicide resistance; interspecific hybridization; shikimic acid; transgressive segregation. diverse ‘‘weedy’’ traits. Current estimates of weed-to-weed herbicide resistance transfer based on four genera vary from 0.15% to 85% as predicted by the frequency of resistant individuals in the interspecific hybrid progeny (Table 1). To address this disparity in knowledge, we investigated hybridization between the weedy diploids Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. (2n ¼ 18) and C. ramosissima Cronq. (2n ¼ 18) by monitoring transmission of the allele conferring resistance to the herbicide N-phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate). Asteraceae is one of the largest and most diverse family within dicotyledonous plants, members of which are present in every global environment except for aquatic habitats (Cronquist, 1980). The genus Conyza Less., represented by approximately 60 species, is composed of annual herbaceous plants that prosper chiefly in the tropical and subtropical regions of the globe (Nesom, 1990). Species endemic to the United States include the winter or summer annual forbs C. ramosissima and C. canadensis (Cronquist, 1980). Conzya ramosissima was originally described in Illinois as Erigeron divaricatus (Michaux, 1803); the species was later annexed to the genus Conyza based on the eligulate character of its multiseriate pistillate florets (Cronquist, 1980). Both C. ramosissima and C. canadensis are ubiquitous in disturbed habitats and play important roles in primary ecological successions; however, only C. canadensis is reported to reduce yields in row crops, serve as an alternate host for diverse pests, and limit grazing by reducing the palatability of pasture forages (Steyermark, 1963; Cronquist, 1980). Importantly, C. canadensis has evolved resistance to amide, bipyridilium, glycine, imidazolinone, sulfonylurea, and triazine herbicides in more than 10 countries worldwide and thus is considered one of the 10 most important herbicide-resistant weeds (Heap, 2006). Conzya ramosissima is found from North Dakota to Pennsylvania and south from New Mexico to Alabama in the United Interspecific hybridization refers to the cross-fertilization between two species that produces a fertile or infertile progeny with phenotypic traits of both parents; this process of interspecific gene transfer promotes genetic diversity and genome evolution (Abbott, 1992; Barton, 2001). This natural process has been utilized in breeding efforts to improve crop traits (Anamthawat–Jónsson, 2001). This process, however, may also facilitate the rapid evolution and adaptation of introduced plant pathogens and contribute to the genetic diversity of crop pests, and thus it may increase production difficulties in current agroecosystems (Teal and Oostendorp, 1995; Schardl and Craven, 2003). Furthermore, interspecific hybridization may adversely affect crop production and weed management, as interspecific transfer of herbicide resistance and genetically engineered genes has been documented (Owen and Zelaya, 2005). Much information exists regarding the transgene flow and transfer of herbicide resistance genes between crops and their wild relatives (Kwon and Kim, 2001; Ellstrand, 2003; Légère, 2005; Guadagnuolo et al., 2006; Reichman et al., 2006). However, far less attention has been focused on gene flow between weed species and the impact on dissemination of herbicide resistance alleles or the evolution of novel taxa with 1 Manuscript received 14 May 2006; revision accepted 11 February 2007. The authors thank J. Wendel for his valuable discussions on evolutionary biology; M. Graham, P. Tranel, J. Gressel, and R. Hartzler for their critical review of earlier versions of this manuscript; D. Lewis at the Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC) for mounting the specimens submitted to ISC, the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), and the New York Botanical Garden (NY); and P. Knosby, J. Ruhland, and R. van der Laat for assistance with greenhouse endeavors. 4 Author for correspondence (e-mail:; current address: Syngenta Ltd., Weed Control Research, Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6EY, UK 660 April 2007] TABLE 1. Z ELAYA ET AL .—H YBRIDIZATION IN C ONYZA 661 Cases of confirmed transfer of herbicide resistance gene(s) through introgressive hybridization in weeds. Pollen donor species Resistant to Pollen receptor species Transfer frequency (%)a Reference Avena sterilis Amaranthus palmeri Amaranthus hybridus Ambrosia trifida Helianthus annuus fenoxaprop–P–ethyl imazethapyr imazethapyr cloransulam and primisulfuron imazethapyr and chlorimuron Avena fatua Amaranthus rudis Amaranthus tuberculatus Ambrosia artemisiifolia Helianthus tuberosus 70 0.15–1 33–85b 40–60 30–50 Cavan et al., 1998 Wetzel et al., 1999; Franssen et al., 2001 Tranel et al., 2002; Trucco et al., 2005 Vincent and Cappadocia, 1987; Zelaya and Owen, 2006 Natali et al., 1998; Zelaya and Owen, 2006 a b Proportion of F1 interspecific hybrids with a confirmed herbicide-resistant phenotype. Range includes estimates under control environments and field conditions. States, in southern Canada, and northern Mexico, while the more cosmopolitan C. canadensis is distributed throughout the Americas, West Indies, Europe, and Africa (Steyermark, 1963). Interestingly, the Conyza taxon represents the most successful case of intercontinental colonization of the Americas to the Old World, to the extent that C. canadensis and C. floribunda H.B.K. are probably the most widely distributed species throughout the world (Thébaud and Abbott, 1995; Pruski and Sancho, 2006). Glyphosate is one of the world’s most important herbicides; glyphosate-resistant crops provide farmers with a simple, economical, and effective tool to manage a diverse weed flora, hence favoring the rapid adoption of this technology in many United States crop production systems (Owen and Zelaya, 2005). The mechanism of glyphosate action is the competitive inhibition with respect to the phosphate moiety of phosphoenolpyruvate in the reaction mediated by 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase (EPSPS; EC (Steinrücken and Amrhein, 1980; Holländer-Czytko and Amrhein, 1983). The unique mode of action and limited metabolism in plants are purported reasons for the low frequency of evolved glyphosate resistance compared to other herbicide chemistries (Jasieniuk, 1985; Bradshaw et al., 1997). Since the commercial introduction of glyphosate-resistant crops in 1996 and the accompanying ubiquitous glyphosate use in these production systems, 12 weed species resistant to glyphosate have been identified worldwide, including confirmation in 15 independent C. canadensis populations within the United States and populations in Brazil and China (Heap, 2006). Transmission of glyphosate resistance via gene flow has been documented between several crop and weed systems (Watrud et al., 2004; Légère, 2005; Guadagnuolo et al., 2006; Reichman et al., 2006). Presently, however, limited information exists regarding the level of within-species glyphosate resistance transfer in self-incompatible, wind-pollinated weed species as Plantago lanceolata, Amaranthus palmeri, and A. tuberculatus or the between-species transfer in the interfertile Ambrosia artemisiifolia and A. trifida or Lolium rigidum and L. perenne (Vincent and Cappadocia, 1987; Tonsor, 1990; Balfourier et al., 1998; Wetzel et al., 1999). We previously reported that the within-species glyphosate resistance transfer, based on the proportion of resistant individuals in the progeny of C. canadensis plants, ranged from 0% to 14% and 92% to 100% under pollen competition and no-pollen competition studies, respectively (Zelaya et al., 2004). Introgressive hybridization (introgression) in Conyza is well documented in the European species; however, the existence of Conyza hybrid zones in the Americas is unknown (Knobloch, 1972; Stace, 1975; McClintock and Marshall, 1988; Thébaud and Abbott, 1995). Considering the importance of glyphosate as a global herbicide and the pervasive nature of Conyza worldwide, an investigation was undertaken to assess the potential for glyphosate resistance transfer from C. canadensis to C. ramosissima through hybridization. Postzygotic reproductive barriers and phenotypic characterization of the interspecific Conyza hybrid (FH 1 ) were also determined because these factors may affect the fitness and potential of hybrids to establish as important agricultural weeds. A naturally occurring Conyza hybrid with introgressed resistance to glyphosate would likely have immediate and considerable economic implications to United States agriculture. The potential implications of hybridization on management of glyphosate resistance and taxonomy of Conyza are discussed. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant materials—The glyphosate-susceptible C. ramosissima population (PS0 ) was collected from the Ontario Cemetery, in Ames, Iowa, in June 2003. According to city records, no glyphosate was used on the cemetery premises. The original C. canadensis glyphosate-resistant population (PR0 ) was that collected by Mark VanGessel in Delaware (VanGessel, 2001). We previously reported that glyphosate resistance in this population was governed by an incompletely dominant, single nuclear gene (R allele) (Zelaya et al., 2004). A stable, near-homozygous glyphosate-resistant C. canadensis population (RS2) was isolated in the greenhouse through two cycles of recurrent selection on PR0 at the rate of 2.0 kg acid equivalent (AE) glyphosate/ha (Zelaya et al., 2004). Complete specimen sets of PS0 , RS2, and the interspecific hybrid progenies (explained later) were placed in the Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC; accession nos. 435636–435644) (Appendices S3–S9, see Supplemental Data accompanying online version of this article). Duplicate specimen sets were also deposited at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) and the New York Botanical Garden (NY). Growth conditions—Twenty PS0 plants were transplanted from the field into 12-cm diameter pots with a peat : perlite : loam (1 : 2 : 1) soil mix media. In contrast, 20 RS2 individuals originated from seeds that were germinated in flats containing the soil mix media and later transplanted to 12 cm diameter pots. All crosses were performed in growth cabinets set at a 16-h photoperiod, 358: 258C day : night, 70–90% relative humidity (RH), and 600 lmolm2s1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) conditions. The RS2, PS0 , and hybrid progenies (explained next) were grown in a greenhouse set to 258–358C and 50–80% RH diurnal conditions and 208–258C and 50% RH nocturnal conditions; natural light was supplemented with 600–1000 lmolm2s1 PPFD artificial illumination and photoperiod set to 16 h. Pots were irrigated as needed and fertilized (Miracle Gro Excel, Scott-Sierra Horticultural Products, Marysville, Ohio, USA) 1 mo after establishment. Achene production per capitula and plant, in addition to the germination rate of seeds, were estimated after crosses and in subsequent generations (explained later). Conyza interspecific hybridization studies—The gynomonoecious C. canadensis and C. ramosissima possess white pistillate ray florets in the capitulum periphery and yellow perfect disk florets in the capitulum core. Pollen release may occur prior to capitula opening; therefore, both pollen competition and no-pollen competition studies were conducted pre-anthesis. Response of parents to glyphosate—Prior to conducting crosses, the phenotype of parents was assessed to verify that RS2 and PS0 were resistant and 662 A MERICAN J OURNAL susceptible to glyphosate, respectively. The RS2 parents were treated with 2.0 kg AE of glyphosate/ha (2.3 times the recommended rate), and survival was assessed 20 d after treatment (AT); resistant parents had no phytotoxicity symptoms. While the phenotype of susceptible parents was not confirmed prior to conducting crosses, Ames city records indicated that the PS0 population had never been exposed to glyphosate. Furthermore, treatment of the progeny of selfed PS0 plants with 0.85 kg AE of glyphosate/ha resulted in uniform plant death (data not shown). Pollen competition studies—Reciprocal crosses were performed between C. canadensis and C. ramosissima plants (PS0 3 RS2, RS2 3 PS0 ) by placing the intact inflorescences of both species inside a PQ218 DelNet bag (DelStar Technologies, Middletown, Delaware, USA) and fastening bags at the inflorescence base with a wire. The mesh size in DelNet bags allowed for airflow while preventing the entry of foreign pollen. Under these conditions, the receptive stigmas of each species could only be fertilized by pollen of either species, thus the term ‘‘pollen competition’’. Fertilized florets were permitted to mature on the mother plant, capitula were harvested, seeds germinated on flats, and the emerged seedlings transplanted to 12-cm pots. Pollen competition tests assessed the level of allogamy between the evaluated Conyza species under controlled conditions. Under field conditions, however, the allogamy levels estimated by this test may increase or decrease depending on factors such as plant vicinity, insect pollinators, or wind speed and direction. No-pollen competition studies—Disk florets of PS0 parent plants were manually removed with forceps (emasculation). Upon stigma protrusion of the remaining PS0 pistillate florets, fertilization was accomplished by gently rubbing the intact capitula of the pollen donor RS2 parent plants. Crosses were performed in one direction with PS0 and RS2 serving as the pollen receptor and pollen donor parent, respectively. Non-emasculated capitula in PS0 plants were removed to prevent autogamy. Approximately 50 capitula per PS0 parent plant were emasculated and fertilized daily for 1 wk. When the pappus became visible, capitula were harvested from plants, seeds germinated in flats, and the resultant seedlings were transplanted to 12-cm pots. This test assessed the level of compatibility between the studied Conyza species in the absence of pollen competition. Assessment of emasculation efficiency—Ten capitula per PS0 parent were emasculated and permitted to develop on inflorescences covered with DelNet bags, thus preventing fertilization from external pollen. Once the emasculated capitula reached maturity, capitula were harvested, seeds were planted on flats, and the germination was monitored. If emasculation was completely effective in preventing autogamy in Conyza, no viable seeds would be produced. Crossing scheme—Ten RS2 and PS0 plant pairs (families) were crossed in isolation for the reciprocal pollen competition studies, and an identical arrangement was used for the unidirectional no-pollen competition studies. Estimates of hybridization were based on characterization of the first filial generation (F1) and quantification of interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ) frequencies. One FH 1 plant per family was then permitted to self-pollinate in isolation, and segregation of the R allele was monitored in the resultant generation (FH 2 ); 297 individual FH 2 plants were evaluated in the segregation analysis to develop a genetic model. Finally, introgression of the R allele was confirmed by H H S backcrossing one FH 1 plant per family to the original RS2 (BCR ) and P0 (BCS ) parents. The parents used in backcrosses originated from florets of the original PS0 or RS2 parents that were allowed to self-pollinate and produce seeds. The phenotype of RS2 parents used in backcrosses was confirmed as indicated previously. The PS0 parents were confirmed susceptible by treating plants with the sublethal glyphosate rate of 0.4 kg AE/ha; this caused 60% visual injuries but did not kill PS0 plants, thus allowing for nondestructive verification of the susceptible phenotype. Postzygotic reproductive barriers—Seed viability was tested according to the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) standard germination procedure recommended for Asteraceae (AOSA, 2003). One hundred seeds per H H H each of the 10 parents (RS2 and PS0 ) or families (FH 1 , F2 , BCR , and BCS ) were germinated (n ¼ 1000) on deionized-water-moistened blue blotter circles (Anchor Paper, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) inside plastic petri dishes in the aforementioned growth cabinet conditions. Dishes were monitored daily for 2 wk, and germinated seeds were counted and removed; the remnant seeds were then classified as dormant or nonviable based on tetrazolium test results OF B OTANY [Vol. 94 (Moore, 1985). Seed viability experiments were repeated in time 1 wk after the initial assessment (n ¼ 2000). For postzygotic reproductive barriers, hybrid inviability was tested by assessing viability of FH 1 seeds, hybrid sterility tested H H on the FH 2 seed, and hybrid breakdown on the viability of BCR and BCS seeds. Characterization of interspecific hybrids—Ten randomly selected RS2 and PS0 plants or one randomly selected FH 1 plant per each of the 10 families generated through no-pollen competition crosses were sampled to determine quantitative traits. Five measurements (samples) were determined per plant, and measurements were repeated in time (n ¼ 100). Rosette measurements were taken 5–6 wk after emergence. These measurements included rosette diameter, rosette leaf number, leaf length, leaf width, leaf shape (leaf length 4 leaf width), leaf dentation, adaxial leaf trichomes, leaf area, leaf mass, and the specific leaf area (SLA; leaf area 4 leaf mass). Two weeks after stem differentiation but prior to anthesis, cauline measurements included leaf length, leaf width, leaf shape, leaf dentation, adaxial leaf trichomes, leaf area, leaf mass, and SLA, branch number per plant, and stem diameter at 2 cm from the soil or at the axis of the rosette. Quantitative traits were also recorded postanthesis but prior to seed physiological maturity and included capitula length, capitula width, capitula shape (capitula length 4 capitula width), the number of pistillate and perfect florets, and total florets per capitulum. Only the achene length parameter was measured at maturity. All dimensional measurements were recorded with a digital caliper; leaf area was estimated by outlining leaves on millimetric paper (2-mm divisions) and calculating the area therein. Trichome numbers were determined using a stereoscope by counting the pubescence of leaf disks (30 mm2) excised with a hole punch. Response of interspecific Conyza hybrids to glyphosate—The recommended glyphosate rate for Conyza at the 10-cm diameter rosette stage is 0.85 kg AE/ha (Roundup UltraMAX, Monsanto, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) (Anonymous, 2004). The resistant (R) and intermediate-resistant (IR) phenotypes comprised those rosettes that developed 30% and 31–69% visual injury 20 d AT, respectively, when treated with 2.0 kg AE of glyphosate/ha (Zelaya et al., 2004). After treatment with glyphosate, both R and IR phenotypes reached reproductive stage; however, only the R phenotype had visual growth rates equivalent to those observed in untreated Conyza plants. The susceptible (S) phenotype had 70% visual injury and was killed at the 2.0 kg AE/ha glyphosate rate. Whole-plant rate response—Plants were treated with deionized water (dH2O; control) or 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 times the recommended glyphosate rate of 0.85 kg AE/ha. Treatments were applied 30 cm above the plant canopy through an 80015-E nozzle (TeeJet Spraying Systems, Wheaton, Illinois, USA) in a CO2-powered spray chamber (SB5–66, DeVries Manufacturing, Hollandale, Minnesota, USA) delivering 187 L/ha at a pressure of 2.8 kg/ cm2. Treatments had four replications per rate and were repeated once in time (n ¼ 8). Glyphosate phytotoxicity symptoms included plant stunting, leaf chlorosis, and necrosis that developed from the meristems and leaf tips to the rest of the plant. At 20 d AT, glyphosate efficacy was visually estimated by comparing glyphosate-treated Conyza plants with the dH2O-treated control plants (0% ¼ non-injured; 100% ¼ completely necrotic). Plants were then cut at the soil surface, placed in paper bags, and dried at 808C for 48 h. Biomass was estimated by weighing the individual Conyza sample per 12 cm diameter pot and used to determine the glyphosate rate that inhibited plant growth by 50% (GR50); meristems subsamples were also taken for shikimic acid determination based on a method previously reported for Conyza (Zelaya et al., 2004). Statistical analysis—Statistical Analysis Software (SAS, 2000) was utilized to conduct data analyses. Seed viability tests, arranged in a complete randomized design (CRD), were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA; PROC GLM) as well as mean separation by Fisher’s least significant difference (LSDa¼0.05) when ANOVA identified significant taxon effects. Glyphosate rate response tests were analyzed as a randomized complete block (RCB). GR50, I50 (glyphosate rate resulting in 50% accumulation of the maximum estimable shikimic acid), LD50 (glyphosate rate inflicting 50% mortality within the population), jk50j (the absolute difference between two estimated GR50 values), and v2 goodness-of-fit estimates were done as previously reported (Zelaya et al., 2004). Quantitative trait data were tested for normality based on the univariate Shapiro-Wilk test and accepted if the P value for W100 was 0.05; otherwise, the variance (r2) of the data were normalized by natural-log transformation (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965). ANOVA was done on individual quantitative traits April 2007] Z ELAYA ET AL .—H YBRIDIZATION IN Fig. 1. Main plot: N-phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate) wholeplant rate response of Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. ramosissima (PS0 ), the H interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ), and the hybrid progeny (F2 ) 20 d after herbicide treatment. Insert: Endogenous shikimic acid accumulation in the tissue of treated plants. For either graph, data points represent the mean of four replications and two experiments (n ¼ 8). Three randomly selected plants H per each of the 10 families (n ¼ 30) were used in FH 1 and F2 determinations. Extensions on symbols designate the standard error associated with individual means (rM). considering taxon and family nested within taxon as fixed and random effects, respectively. Fisher’s LSDa¼0.05 tested for differences between taxa means. When the normality assumption was not met, Kruskal-Wallis analyses (PROC NPAR1WAY) were conducted, and post hoc non-parametric mean separation was performed by Dunn’s test (Bonferroni’s method) (Conover, 1999). In addition, PROC VARCOMP was used to partition the total phenotypic r2 into the different ANOVA components for traits that converged to Shapiro-Wilk’s normality assumption; these r2 components were then used to calculate the intraclass correlation coefficient (t): t¼ r2b r2b þ r2w ð1Þ where r2b and r2w corresponded to the r2 between and within taxon, respectively. S Phenotypic intermediacy of the FH 1 , as it related to the RS2 and P0 parents, was tested by a character count procedure using trait means based on an intermediate vs. non-intermediate one-tailed sign test (Wilson, 1992). Multivariate normality was tested by Mardia’s kurtosis (c2) analysis (Mardia, 1970). PROC PRINCOMP was invoked to test whether the data covariance matrix was singular. If rejected, squared Mahalanobis distances (d2t ) from the centroid were computed for chi-square (v2) quantile–quantile (Q–Q) comparisons of multivariate normal data; 75% confidence intervals were constructed from standard deviation (r) estimates of g(z), as indicated by Chambers et al. (1983). Quantitative traits that converged to Mardia’s assumption were then subjected to canonical discriminant function (CDF) analysis utilizing PROC CANDISC (Thompson, 1984). Taxon clustering of group averages used Mahalanobis’ distance matrix based on the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) (PROC CLUSTER); concomitantly, PROC TREE was used to display the phylogenic relationship between taxon. RESULTS The Conyza parental populations differed in their response to glyphosate—Nonsignificant lack-of-fit (LOF) tests and coefficients of determination estimates for biomass (F ¼ 0.33; P ¼ 0.98; R2ðpseudoÞ ¼ 0.82) and shikimic acid (F ¼ 1.36; P ¼ 0.15; R2ðpseudoÞ ¼ 0.92) confirmed suitability of the log-logistic C ONYZA 663 Fig. 2. Main plot: Mortality observed 20 d after application of Nphosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate) on Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. ramosissima (PS0 ), the interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ), and the hybrid progeny (FH 2 ). Each symbol represents the mean of four replications and two H experiments (n ¼ 8); the FH 1 and F2 mortality was estimated from three randomly selected plants per each of the 10 generated families (n ¼ 30). Solid and broken lines represent the mortality estimated by PROBIT and that expected considering partially dominant monofactorial inheritance in S the FH 2 (Tabashnik, 1991), respectively. Insert: Biomass of untreated P0 (white bar), FH 1 (gray bar), and RS2 (black bar) rosettes at the 10–12-cm diameter stage. Bars represent the mean of 10 randomly selected rosettes and determination repeated in time (n ¼ 20). Letters above bars represent minimum statistical differences according to Fisher’s LSD for comparisons between Conyza taxa means (LSDa¼0.05 ¼ 0.24 g); extensions on bars or symbols represent the standard error associated with individual means (rM). model for describing plant response as a function of increasing glyphosate rates. PS0 was killed at 0.85 kg AE of glyphosate/ha (Figs. 1 and 2). Compared to PS0 , RS2 had a three fold and seven fold increase in estimated GR50 and LD50 values, respectively (Table 2). In addition, when comparing GR50 estimates for PS0 and RS2, a statistically significant jk50j value of 1.60 (Fobs ¼ 1.77; P , 0.01) was observed, reaffirming that the parental populations differed in their response to glyphosate. Shikimic acid determinations, which indirectly estimate the level of EPSPS inhibition by glyphosate (Harring et al., 1998), suggested that twice the rate of glyphosate was required to inhibit 50% of EPSPS in RS2 plants compared to PS0 (Table 2). Untreated Conyza plants contained 7–14 lmol of shikimic acid/g dry mass, which increased sigmoidally to a maximum of 150 lmol at the two highest glyphosate rates (Fig. 1). Concurrently, endogenous shikimic acid levels correlated negatively with plant biomass and positively with visual injury, thus further supporting the differential response to glyphosate observed between the parental populations (Table 2). Levels of interspecific hybridization—Pistillate florets in emasculated PS0 capitula contained ,1% viable seeds in the absence of pollen (Table 3). Previously, we proposed that fertilization of pistillate florets under these conditions probably originated from pollen of perfect florets released prior to anthesis or from pollen of perfect florets incompletely excised during emasculation (Zelaya et al., 2004). Under greenhouse 664 A MERICAN J OURNAL OF B OTANY [Vol. 94 H TABLE 2. Response of Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. ramosissima (PS0 ), the interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ), and the hybrid progeny (F2 ) to glyphosate. Numbers in parentheses designate the 95% lower and upper confidence intervals (GR50; I50) or fiducial limits (LD50) for the preceding estimated parameter. The extent of association between shikimic acid levels and biomass or visual injury is reported according to Spearman’s correlation (r2) analysis. GR50a Taxon PS0 RS2 e FH 1 e FH 2 0.69 2.29 3.58 3.93 LD50b (0.38–0.99) (1.51–3.07) (2.42–4.74) (2.27–5.59) 0.68 4.79 6.23 3.16 I50c (0.35–1.04) (3.29–7.02) (4.21–9.20) (1.86–5.68) 1.84 3.80 4.08 3.27 (1.59–2.10) (3.44–4.16) (3.63–4.53) (2.93–3.61) r2 (biomass)d r2 (injury)d 0.75 0.81 0.80 0.61 0.83 0.88 0.87 0.65 a Glyphosate rate in kg acid equivalents (AE)/ha that reduced biomass accumulation by 50%. Glyphosate rate in kg AE/ha that inflicted 50% mortality in the population. c Glyphosate rate in kg AE/ha that resulted in 50% accumulation of the maximum estimable shikimic acid. d Spearman’s statistics test the H that r ¼ 0. Since the probability of a value greater than jrj was 0.001 for all estimates, the H was rejected. 0 0 e Six randomly selected rosettes per each of the 10 generated families were used to assess the rate response of the FH and FH populations to glyphosate. 1 2 b environments, approximately 60% of the total achenes on PS0 plants produced viable seeds (Fig. 3). Therefore, we estimated that the emasculation method was 98% effective at preventing self-fertilization in PS0 . Interspecific hybridization under pollen competition conditions ranged from 0% to 7% in the RS2 to PS0 crosses and from 0% to 9% in the reciprocal PS0 to RS2 crosses, although five in 10 PS0 and two in 10 RS2 families contained no identifiable Conyza hybrids (data not shown). In contrast, high hybridization levels (98.2%) were observed under no-pollen competition TABLE 3. Frequencies of hybridization in the Conyza canadensis 3 C. ramosissima cross. Emasculation efficiency was tested by evaluating the germination of seeds that developed in the absence of pollen in 10 emasculated capitula per each of 10 C. ramosissima (PS0 ) parents evaluated. Crosses between C. canadensis (RS2) and PS0 were conducted under pollen and no-pollen competition conditions. Hybridization was estimated from the frequency of Conyza plants with a susceptible (S), resistant (R), or hybrid (H) phenotype within the first filial generation (FH 1 ); data represent the sum of the 10 generated families (see Materials and Methods). conditions when RS2 served as pollen donor to PS0 (Table 3). The observed levels of glyphosate-susceptible individuals (,2%) in the no-pollen competition studies mirrored those of emasculation efficiency estimates (2%), suggesting that some level of self-fertilization occurred prior to the observed anthesis. Collectively, these data suggested that while the levels of hybridization were relatively low (2.6% to 4.1%) under pollen competition conditions, C. canadensis and C. ramosissima are genetically compatible (.95%), and thus the potential for interspecific hybridization in the field exists. Anecdotal herbaria records of ‘‘off-type’’ Conyza sp. suggest that hybridization does occur, albeit infrequently, in natural plant communities. Phenotypic variance of parents and hybrid progenies— Differences among families within taxa were significant for Assessment of emasculation efficiency in C. ramosissimaa Cross type Total no. of planted achenes Not crossed 1030 Emerged C. ramosissima plants 4 Efficiency of emasculation (%) 99.6 Estimate of hybridization in Conyza under no-pollen competitionb Progeny with an S phenotype Cross type RS2 donor PS0 receptor 5 Progeny with an H phenotypec Estimate of hybridization (%) 267 98.2 Estimate of hybridization in Conyza under pollen competitiond Progeny with an S phenotype Cross type RS2 donor PS0 receptor 257 Progeny with an R phenotype PS0 donor RS2 receptor 280 Progeny with an H phenotype 7 Progeny with an H phenotype 12 Estimate of hybridization (%) 2.6 Estimate of hybridization (%) 4.1 a Capitula were emasculated pre-anthesis and covered with a DelNet bag; ova therefore matured in the absence of pollen. b PS capitula were emasculated pre-anthesis and fertilized with RS 2 0 pollen. c Plants with a hybrid (H) phenotype demonstrated an intermediate phenotype between both the C. canadensis and C. ramosissima parents; the H phenotype was also resistant to glyphosate. d RS and PS inflorescences were covered with a DelNet bag at anthesis 2 0 and permitted to cross freely (see Materials and Methods). Fig. 3. Proportion of germinated (gray bars), dormant (dark gray bars), and nonviable (white bars) seeds among the Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. H ramosissima (PS0 ), interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ), hybrid progeny (F2 ), and the H H S FH backcross to RS (BC ) or P (BC ). Bars represent the mean of two 2 1 0 R S experiments comprised of 100 seeds per each of the 10 parents (RS2 and H H H PS0 ) or 10 families (FH 1 , F2 , BCR , and BCS ) generated in the no-pollen competition studies (n ¼ 2000); extensions above bars designate the standard error associated with individual means (rM). Letters above bars represent minimum statistical differences according to Fisher’s LSD for comparisons within germinated (LSDa¼0.05 ¼ 12%), dormant (LSDa¼0.05 ¼ 7%), and nonviable (LSDa¼0.05 ¼ 14%) seeds. April 2007] Z ELAYA ET AL .—H YBRIDIZATION IN C ONYZA 665 TABLE 4. Partitioning of the total phenotypic variance (r2) into taxon and family effects for the evaluated quantitative traits. Numbers represent F values and probability (in parentheses) estimates for the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The total r2 between and within the Conyza taxon was utilized to calculate the intraclass correlation coefficients (t) for each trait; underlined coefficients correspond to traits with a significant family effect (P , 0.05) in the ANOVA for the individual taxa. Nomenclature: Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. ramosissima (PS0 ), and the interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ). Source of varianceb Stagea Rosette Cauline Anthesis Senescence Quantitative trait Diameter (mm) Leaf number Leaf length (mm) Leaf width (mm) Leaf shape Leaf dentationd Leaf trichomes (cm2) Leaf area (mm2) Leaf mass (mg) SLAf (mm2/mg) Stem diameter (mm) Branch numberd Leaf length (mm) Leaf width (mm) Leaf shape Leaf dentationd Leaf trichomes (cm2) Leaf area (mm2) Leaf mass (mg) SLAf (mm2/mg) Capitula length (mm) Capitula width (mm) Capitulum shape Pistillate florets Perfect florets Total florets Achene length (mm) Between taxa 85.26 365.34 40.15 142.91 30.64 314.24 56.14 106.13 132.37 302.88 508.08 769.94 197.69 231.86 13.19 367.94 294.88 189.96 202.89 19.85 43.42 210.59 196.55 494.67 13.74 252.9 89.01 (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0003) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) (,0.0002) (,0.0001) (,0.0001) Intraclass correlation coefficient (t)c Family within taxa 2.33 0.4 2.45 2.34 3.8 1.35 3.5 1.56 1.75 1.85 2.01 1.21 3.79 2.09 2.7 0.65 8.13 2.92 1.82 1.55 1.56 3.16 2.17 1.46 0.5 0.84 5.27 (0.0151) (0.9364) (0.0109) (0.015) (0.0002) (0.2128) (0.0004) (0.1282) (0.077) (0.0591) (0.0386) (0.291) (0.0002) (0.0306) (0.0051) (0.7537) (,0.0001) (0.0026) (0.0645) (0.129) (0.1279) (0.0012) (0.0246) (0.1612) (0.8734) (0.5814) (,0.0001) RS2 FH 1 PS0 0.98 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 NPe 0.93 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 NP 1.00 0.65 1.00 NP 1.00 0.72 0.29 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 NP 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 NP 1.00 1.00 1.00 NP 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.99 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.71 0.99 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 NP 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.91 NP 0.94 1.00 0.00 NP 1.00 0.86 0.79 0.19 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 a Phenological stages: rosette, determined 5–6 wk after seedling emergence; cauline, 2 wk post-stem elongation but prior to anthesis; anthesis, postanthesis but prior to maturation; senescence, post-physiological maturity of seeds but prior to the anemochorous stage. b Mean squares were derived from type I sums of squares. F values for the random family effect were calculated by dividing mean squares by the residual error; per contra, the fixed taxon effect used the family within taxon mean squares. c r2 components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) and were then used to estimate the intraclass correlation coefficient (t) according to Eq. 1. d Data neglected to converge to Shapiro-Wilk’s test of normality; thus r2 was normalized through natural-log transformation prior to ANOVA. e Nonparametric (NP); normality H was rejected; thus ANOVA was restricted to elucidating differences among taxa. 0 f Specific leaf area (SLA) calculated the proportion of the total leaf area per unit fresh mass. approximately half of the quantitative traits evaluated (Table 4). Maternal family effects were significant (P , 0.05) in nine of 27 and 10 of 27 quantitative traits within the PS0 and FH 1 populations, respectively, and in approximately half of the RS2 traits evaluated. Only the characters rosette leaf length, cauline leaf trichomes, and achene length had significant maternal family effects across RS2, PS0 , and FH 1 (Table 4). Intraclass correlation coefficients (t) were generally (85%) different from zero and most (72%) were greater than 0.90 (Table 4). Combined with the ANOVA, data suggested that most of the observed phenotypic variance (r2) was accounted for differences between the studied Conyza taxa. Furthermore, we assumed that this r2 was primarily attributable to genetic differences between the studied taxa rather than to the interaction with the environment because the Conyza populations developed under controlled greenhouse conditions (Appendix S1, see Supplemental Data accompanying online version of this article). Phenotype of FH 1 —Statistical differences (P , 0.05) between the studied Conyza taxa were obtained for all 27 quantitative traits evaluated (Table 5). RS2 produced wider rosettes with fewer leaves than PS0 . Furthermore, both RS2 leaf dimorphisms were longer and wider and possessed more dentations than PS0 (Table 5). In contrast, PS0 was profusely branched, had narrower stems, and developed more pubescent leaves with greater density (SLA) than RS2. Capitula dimensions and the number of individual and total florets were greater in RS2; however, PS0 produced longer achenes (Table 5). To investigate whether the phenotype of FH 1 plants was intermediate to both parents, a character count one-tailed sign test was conducted. Rosette leaf number, cauline branch number, cauline SLA, and capitula length FH 1 measurements tended to exceed those of either parent; however, only capitulum shape was significantly different (Table 5). Hence, five of the 27 evaluated quantitative traits did not meet the character count assumption that FH 1 was intermediate to both parents (D ¼ 22). Because conditions for the DeMoivre– Laplace theorem were met (np and nq 5), normal approximation was used for probability estimation rather than a binomial distribution. The calculated one-tailed sign test value for phenotypic intermediacy was significant (zþ ¼ 3.27; P 666 A MERICAN J OURNAL OF B OTANY [Vol. 94 TABLE 5. Comparison of quantitative traits among Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. ramosissima (PS0 ), and the interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ). Values represent the mean of five observations per each of 10 sampled plants and assessments repeated in time (n ¼ 100); numbers in parentheses designate the standard error associated with means (rM). A one-tailed sign test of intermediate vs. non-intermediate was used to test the hypothesis of phenotypic FH 1 intermediacy. Stagea Rosette Cauline Anthesis Senescence Quantitative trait Diameter (mm) Leaf number Leaf length (mm) Leaf width (mm) Leaf shape Leaf dentationc Leaf trichomes (cm2) Leaf area (mm2) Leaf mass (mg) SLAd (mm2/mg) Stem diameter (mm) Branch numberc Leaf length (mm) Leaf width (mm) Leaf shape Leaf dentationc Leaf trichomes (cm2) Leaf area (mm2) Leaf mass (mg) SLAd (mm2/mg) Capitula length (mm) Capitula width (mm) Capitulum shape Pistillate florets Perfect florets Total florets Achene length (mm) FH 1 RS2 107.09 25.53 35.51 9.85 3.66 3.93 1410 157.11 71.08 2.22 9.01 2.07 74.71 7.81 9.89 3.9 444 265.84 50.58 5.53 4.90 2.01 2.45 36.90 15.68 52.58 0.87 (2.00) (0.67) (1.03) (0.27) (0.09) (0.14) (55.56) (7.89) (3.61) (0.01) (0.23) (0.24) (1.76) (0.24) (0.17) (0.16) (17.50) (11.10) (2.73) (0.07) (0.03) (0.02) (0.02) (0.54) (0.33) (0.77) (0.01) 76.79 87.57 29.48 4.96 6.59 1.39 2754 67.17 21.57 3.14 2.66 21.34 42.41 3.30 13.30 0.61 874 83.34 13.53 6.27 4.95 1.60 3.09 17.62 14.44 32.06 1.13 (1.98) (2.44) (0.57) (0.17) (0.25) (0.12) (89.86) (2.26) (0.73) (0.03) (0.04) (1.01) (1.18) (0.08) (0.37) (0.07) (29.06) (3.57) (0.64) (0.08) (0.03) (0.01) (0.01) (0.26) (0.18) (0.38) (0.02) PS0 40.18 83.42 17.82 2.88 6.50 0.35 3491 26.88 7.76 3.52 0.99 18.79 31.63 2.38 14.01 0.51 3237 40.19 6.73 6.12 4.50 1.58 2.87 12.49 12.84 25.33 1.26 (0.72) (2.51) (0.35) (0.07) (0.18) (0.06) (69.82) (0.83) (0.27) (0.03) (0.02) (1.00) (0.65) (0.05) (0.43) (0.06) (58.80) (1.28) (0.25) (0.07) (0.04) (0.02) (0.03) (0.27) (0.26) (0.41) (0.01) MSDb FH 1 different from parent Phenotypic intermediacy 10.78 5.39 4.22 0.89 0.89 0.43 418 19.23 8.60 0.11 0.59 2.40 4.74 0.57 1.80 0.38 260 25.82 4.92 0.26 0.11 0.05 0.07 1.72 1.14 2.65 0.06 both RS2 both both RS2 both both both both both both RS2 both both RS2 RS2 both both both RS2 PS0 RS2 both both both both both þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ 27 : 22 a Phenological stages: rosette, determined 5–6 wk after seedling emergence; cauline, 2-wk post-stem elongation but prior to anthesis; anthesis, postanthesis but prior to maturation; senescence, post-physiological maturity of seeds but prior to the anemochorous stage. b The minimum significant difference (MSD) was estimated when ANOVA identified significant taxon effects. Mean separation was conducted by Fisher’s least significant difference (LSDa¼0.05) when data converged to Shapiro-Wilk’s assumption of normality. Otherwise, significance was estimated by Kruskal-Wallis’ analysis, and post hoc mean separation was conducted by Dunn’s test (Bonferroni’s method). c The r2 of nonparametric traits was normalized by natural-log transformation prior to ANOVA. d Specific leaf area (SLA) calculated the proportion of the total leaf area per unit fresh mass. ¼ 0.001) and thus prompted rejection of the null hypothesis (H0) for equal sign proportions of the evaluated quantitative traits. The collective phenotypic data therefore suggested that FH 1 represented an intermediate between both parents. Intermediacy of FH 1 —Multivariate normality analysis determined that only 17 of the 27 evaluated morphometric traits converged to Mardia’s statistics (c2 ¼ 328.2; P ¼ 0.08) and thus were combined for multivariate discriminant analysis; the pistillate florets trait was eliminated from the analysis as inclusion instigated a singular covariance matrix. The H0 that data arose from populations with a common distribution was tested by Q–Q plots; linearity of data points along the expected mean vectors and allocation within the estimated 75% confidence intervals suggested nondeparture from normality (Fig. 4). Most (81%) of intraclass correlation coefficients (t) in the multivariate normally distributed morphometric traits possessed values greater than 0.70, hence suggesting negligible interference of correlations among families that could potentially distort interpretation of the canonical discriminant function (CDF) analysis (Table 4). Univariate statistics for differences among taxa means were significant (P , 0.0001) for all traits, as were Wilks’ exact multivariate statistics for comparison among taxa (k ¼ 0.004; F ¼ 229.9; P , 0.0001). The CDF analysis estimated that the first (Can1) and second (Can2) canonical variates accounted for 97% and 82% of the total quantitative trait r2, respectively. Taxa clustered in discrete sections within the canonical graph; PS0 (6.8) and the FH 1 (1.3) were positive along the Can1 axis, while RS2 was diametrically negative (8.2). Fewer taxa divergence was obtained along the Can2 axis (Fig. 4; Appendix S2, see Supplemental Data accompanying online version of this article). Taxa separation was also discernable by group averages based on the UPGMA. Divergence in Mahalanobis distances was greatest among the RS2 and PS0 parents (d2t ¼ 226.5; F ¼ 630.2; P , 0.0001), and approximately half and one-fourth that square distance was estimated for comparisons between 2 H the FH 1 and RS2 (dt ¼ 107.5; F ¼ 299.1; P , 0.0001) and F1 2 S and P0 (dt ¼ 53.7; F ¼ 149.4; P , 0.0001), respectively. Hierarchical clustering formed a dendrogram with a common root node for the taxon (Fig. 4). The PS0 and FH 1 leaves clustered within a single branch, whereas RS2 clustered to the common parent node. While the character count procedure lent credence to the thesis of an intermediate hybrid FH 1 phenotype, CDF analysis and UPGMA strongly emphasized that the FH 1 was more similar to PS0 than to RS2. April 2007] Z ELAYA ET AL .—H YBRIDIZATION IN C ONYZA 667 Fig. 4. (A) Multivariate discriminant function analysis of canonical (CDF) variates 1 and 2 for 17 morphometric traits that converged to Mardia’s multivariate normality assumption. Data points represent the score of individuals (n ¼ 100) within the Conyza canadensis (RS2), C. ramosissima (PS0 ), and 2 interspecific hybrid (FH 1 ) populations. Inserts: Chi-square (v ) quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plots of taxon observations. The continuous and dashed lines represent expected mean vectors and 75% confidence intervals for the data, respectively. (B) Clustering analysis of Mahalanobis’ distance matrix based on taxon averages by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). 668 A MERICAN J OURNAL Postzygotic reproductive barriers—Partial correlation estimates (r2 ¼ 0.76; P ¼ 0.001) associated with the sums of squares and crossproducts (SSCP) matrix suggested a strong relationship between the seed viability experiments repeated in time. Univariate (F ¼ 0.14; P ¼ 0.71) and multivariate (Wilks’ k ¼ 0.99; P ¼ 0.71) tests for the between-time effects were not significant, therefore no difference in experiments repeated in time was inferred and data for the seed viability experiments were combined in further analyzes. Previous research reported near 100% C. canadensis germination under light and constant 288C conditions (Shontz and Oosting, 1970). Viability of RS2 seeds under our conditions ranged from 17% to 71% within families with a mean of 46%, which was not statistically different (LSDa¼0.05 ¼ 12%) from the 57% mean viability estimated for PS0 seeds (Fig. 3). Evidence for hybrid inviability was apparent in the 23% increase in nonviable FH 1 seeds (Fig. 3). No-pollen competition tests estimated hybridization levels of 98% in the viable hybrid zygotes within families (Table 3). Viability tests nonetheless confirmed that approximately half of the available ova in PS0 were not fertilized by RS2 pollen or ova were fertilized but aborted prematurely, an argument that some level of genetic incompatibility existed among the Conyza parents (Fig. 3). While physical damage of PS0 capitula during emasculation could have contributed to the inviability of hybrid zygotes, epistatic, homeotic transformations, or interactions of complementary genes may have also resulted in embryo abortion of FH 1 zygotes. The presence of a hybrid sterility reproductive barrier was disregarded because the FH 2 had embryos with approximately twice the level of viability of their progenitor (FH 1 ) (Fig. viability were significantly less than for 3). Estimates of FH 2 either RS2 or PS0 , an indication that some level of self-infertility remained within hybrids and evidence that the inviable FH 1 zygotes probably arose from genetic incompatibilities rather than the physical stress of emasculation (Fig. 3). Backcrosses of S FH 1 to RS2 or P0 produced a viable progeny, 21% and 25%, respectively, confirming successful introgression of the R allele to either of the evaluated Conyza taxa through the intermediate hybrid (FH 1 ). Establishment of hybrid interspecific populations in the environment is often limited by postzygotic reproductive barriers (Barton, 2001). While the S germination of FH 1 seeds was less than that of the RS2 or P0 parents, the collective viability data established that the Conyza hybrid was fertile and probably capable of establishment in natural environments. Transgressive segregation in FH 2 —Most hybrid progenies demonstrate marked traits of transgression (Rieseberg et al., 1999). The majority of FH 2 plants appeared similar to either the canadensis or ramosissima epithets. However, specific characteristics attributable to transgression were observed, ranging from glabrous to pubescent leaves and stems, oblanceolate to subulate leaves with dentated to strait margins, green to purplish midribs, irregular arrangements of lateral leaf nervures, and profusely branched single-stem plants. Generally, flower morphology was a preserved trait among FH 2 individuals. Transgressive segregation was also discernable in whole-plant rate responses to glyphosate. Compared to the biomass accumulated by RS2 (r2 ¼ 0.67), PS0 (r2 ¼ 0.42), or H 2 the FH 1 (r ¼ 0.87), F2 rosettes demonstrated greater variance (r2 ¼ 1.17) in response to glyphosate. Similarly, greater variations in the level of endogenous shikimic acid accumulation and visual injury were observed in the FH 2 (data not OF B OTANY [Vol. 94 shown). The FH 2 also was characterized by the unexpected death of plants (,5%) at the early rosette stages. We theorize that these low lethal frequencies reflect possible deleterious homeotic transformations or epistatic interactions in FH 2 plants. Phenotype of backcrosses—Visual observations confirmed H H that the progeny of FH 1 backcrosses to parents (BCR and BCS ) were phenotypically similar to either C. canadensis or C. ramosissima. For example, BCH R resembled RS2 at the rosette and cauline stages, except that the plant developed lateral branches below the center-main stem. In addition, BCH R produced serrated and nonserrated leaves, while RS2 produced only the serrated dimorphism. BCH S possessed a well-defined axis that was absent in PS0 and generated slightly larger leaves and thicker stems than PS0 . BCH S was also precocious compared to BCH R , completing the reproductive cycle in 2–3 mo. Inheritance of glyphosate resistance—Application of 0.40 kg AE of glyphosate/ha to PS0 resulted in visual injury levels of 30–60% and effectively delayed plant development compared to the dH2O-treated Conyza plants, although treated plants recovered from glyphosate injuries within 2–4 wk and reached reproductive stage. Rates of 0.85 kg AE of glyphosate/ha resulted in uniform kill of PS0 or the selfed progeny of PS0 , suggesting that the population was near-homozygous susceptible to glyphosate. We previously confirmed that RS2 represented a near-homozygous glyphosate-resistant population (Zelaya et al., 2004). H Overdominance of FH 1 —The F1 produced larger rosettes S compared to P0 and more and denser (SLA) leaves than RS2 (Table 5). The difference in these two leaf parameters resulted in an apparent heterotic response of FH 1 recorded at the 10–12cm diameter rosettes stage (Fig. 2). Compared to PS0 and RS2, greater glyphosate rates were required to reduce biomass accumulation or cause mortality in FH 1 (Table 2; Figs. 1 and 2). This divergence in response to glyphosate was confirmed by jk50j values for comparisons of FH 1 and RS2 (Fobs ¼ 1.74; P , S and P (F ¼ 1.76; P , 0.01). Not only did FH 0.01) or FH obs 1 0 1 rosettes demonstrate a vigorous growth that probably required greater glyphosate rates to inhibit, but leaves produced more trichomes than RS2, which could have hindered glyphosate H absorption into FH 1 plants (Table 5). The response of F1 to glyphosate therefore failed to obey the additive, dominant, or hybrid susceptibility models that describe resistance in hybrid populations; rather, the response was best explained by the hybrid resistance hypothesis, which predicts greater resistance in hybrid populations compared to their progenitors (Fritz et al., 1994). Segregation of the R allele—Glyphosate resistance in RS2 is conferred by the incompletely dominant, nuclear R allele (Zelaya et al., 2004). This model for glyphosate resistance in the Conyza hybrid was tested by monitoring the segregation H H ratios of FH 2 , BCR , and BCS to glyphosate. Efficacy tests at 20 d AT with 2.0 kg AE of glyphosate/ha, a rate that differentiated R and S phenotypes in the parental populations, identified three distinct segregates in FH 2 families—R, IR, and S phenotypes. Exact goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests based on the H0 that the observed segregation ratios followed a 1 : 2 : 1 Mendelian distribution provided nonsignificant v2 values for all FH 2 families, substantiating appropriateness of the partially dominant monogenic model (Table 6). Concomitantly, homogeneity April 2007] Z ELAYA ET AL .—H YBRIDIZATION IN C ONYZA 669 H TABLE 6. Segregation for glyphosate resistance of the R allele in the progeny (FH 2 ) of one interspecific hybrid plant (F1 ) per family allowed to selfH H pollinate in isolation. The 10 F2 families evaluated arose from a single F1 plant isolated from the Conzya canadensis (RS2) to C. ramosissima (PS0 ) noH H S pollen competition cross. For back-crosses, FH 1 served as pollen donor to RS2 (BCR ) or P0 (BCS ). Observed phenotypea Cross type Selfed FH 1 Selfed FH 1 BCH R BCH S Expectedb Family no. R IR S Total R : IR : S v2 P . v2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Combinedc Combinedc Combinedc 4 12 10 11 6 3 8 5 7 10 76 88 — 16 15 17 15 18 13 23 14 17 16 164 70 83 7 7 5 5 2 5 4 8 9 5 57 — 110 27 34 32 31 26 21 35 27 33 31 297 158 193 6.75 : 13.5 : 6.75 8.5 : 17 : 8.5 8 : 16 : 8 7.75 : 15.5 : 7.75 6.5 : 13 : 6.5 5.25 : 10.5 : 5.25 8.75 : 17.5 : 8.75 6.75 : 13.5 : 6.75 8.25 : 16.5 : 8.25 7.75 : 15.5 : 7.75 74.25 : 148.5 : 74.25 79 : 79 : 0 0 : 96.5 : 96.5 1.59 1.94 1.69 2.35 5.08 1.57 4.37 0.70 0.27 1.64 5.67 2.05 3.78 0.45 0.38 0.43 0.31 0.08 0.46 0.11 0.70 0.87 0.44 0.06 0.15 0.05 a Susceptible (S) comprised individuals that developed 70% visual injury 20 d after treatment of 2.0 kg acid equivalents of glyphosate/ha; in contrast, resistant (R) and intermediate-resistant (IR) developed 30% and 31–69% visual injury at this same rate, respectively. Both R and IR phenotypes reached reproductive stage after treatment with glyphosate. b Expected Mendelian ratios (1 : 2 : 1) for the single allele, incompletely dominant model. c Homogeneity v2 test was nonsignificant, thus data among families were combined for the v2 goodness-of-fit test. Combined FH families, v2 ¼ 5.72, P 2 H 2 2 ¼ 0.77; combined BCH R families, v ¼ 4.40, P ¼ 0.88; combined BCS families, v ¼ 5.81, P ¼ 0.76. analysis (v2 ¼ 5.72; P ¼ 0.77) confirmed that the combined FH 2 data converged to the 1 : 2 : 1 genetic model. H H Backcrossing of F1 to RS2 (BCR ) and subsequent progeny treatment with 2.0 kg AE of glyphosate/ha identified only R and IR phenotypes (Table 6). The observed segregation ratios 2 among BCH R families were homogenous (v ¼ 4.40; P ¼ 0.88), and the collective data were consistent with the expected 1 : 1 H S (R : IR) ratio. Similarly, analysis of FH 1 backcrosses to P0 (BCS ) 2 resulted in homogenous IR and S segregation ratios (v ¼ 5.81; P ¼ 0.76) that obeyed the partially dominant model (Table 6). Because the backcross data followed the monofactorial model of inheritance, results corroborated our previous assertion that RS2 and PS0 represented near-homozygous lineages with regard to their response to glyphosate. Further substantiation of the incompletely dominant, monogenic model was obtained graphically from the pattern of observed FH 2 mortality by comparing to that mortality expected as suggested by Tabashnik (1991): Yv ¼ WR (0.25) þ WIR (0.50) þ WS (0.25). Three distinct response phases were predicted based on partially dominant, monofactorial inheritance (Fig. 2). No mortality was recorded from 0.0 to 0.42 kg AE/ha, suggesting that both homozygous (RR and rr) and the heterozygous (Rr) genotypes were present at these glyphosate rates. A second segment was discernable at glyphosate rates of 0.85–3.38 kg AE/ha, which corresponded to approximately one-fourth (23–37%) mortality of the putative homozygous susceptible genotype (Fig. 2). The heterozygous (71%) and homozygous (100%) resistant genotypes were controlled at glyphosate rates of 6.77 and 13.54 kg AE/ha, respectively. DISCUSSION Hybridization of Conyza in nature—The phylogenic boundaries in Conyza are not clearly understood and considerable phenotypic variation has been reported, particularly in response to adverse environmental stimuli (Nesom, 1990). We initiated a project to assess potential hybridization of Conyza species and better understand the phylogenic relationship between C. canadensis and C. ramosissima, two weedy species in United States agroecosystems despite nothing described in the literature. Our work herein suggests that the studied taxa are genetically compatible, capable of transferring the R allele, and producing interspecific hybrid progenies that are vigorous and fertile. Given that C. canadensis has become a major economic weed problem in the Midwestern United States and the apparent vigor of the hybrid identified in this research, the ramifications of an interspecific Conyza hybrid that has resistance to glyphosate are potentially significant. Glyphosate-resistant crop systems are suggested to be simple and without great environmental consequences. However, we have demonstrated that there are major ecological and economic consequences from these presumed simple systems. New weeds typically evolve over a long period of time, and existing weeds tend to adapt to new agroecosystems slowly. We propose that if hybridization of new taxa with glyphosate resistance as a semi-dominant trait can occur with relative ease, the current agroecosystem is at considerable jeopardy. While the hybrid demonstrated in this research has not been specifically identified in the field, we have illustrated the potential for the occurrence. We speculate that the relatively high genetic compatibility among the studied taxa is associated with the common diploidy structure (2n ¼ 18) that allows for successful chromosome pairing during meiosis. Both C. canadensis and C. ramosissima represent sibling species as ascertained by nrDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) analysis, which clustered both taxa in a single branch within group VI of the Erigeron and allied Asteraceae cladogram (Noyes, 2000). This phylogenic analysis estimated a recent speciation event between the ramosissima and canadensis epithets and provides further support to our thesis of genetic compatibility between the species. The likelihood of native hybridization in Conyza is probably low given the enclosed involucre arrangement in Conyza and the autogamous nature of the genus. Entomophily was reported in C. canadensis, although the relative importance to 670 A MERICAN J OURNAL interspecific gene transfer remains unknown (Weaver, 2001). To our knowledge, there is no prior documentation of hybridization between C. canadensis and C. ramosissima. However, since early descriptions, plants with common traits between both species have been cited (Michaux, 1803). Voss (1996) reported depauperate C. canadensis biotypes in the upper peninsula of Michigan with glabrous to pubescent patterns and ramification near or below the main stem, characteristics that we observed in the FH 2 . In Canada, Darbyshire (1990) described profusely branched C. canadensis biotypes that resembled our FH 1 , but attributed those abnormalities to the loss of apical dominance. Because environmental factors can impact phenotype, some argue that C. canadensis and C. ramosissima are conspecific and that C. ramosissima represents a depauperate extreme of the highly plastic canadensis epithet (S. Darbyshire, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, personal communication). However, because C. canadensis and C. ramosissima plants grown in the greenhouse preserved their distinctive phenotypes, we suggest that these extreme phenotypes possibly represent transgressive hybrids. Interspecific gene transfer and the interactions of genetic and environmental stimuli affecting the phenotypic expression of Conyza deserve further investigation (Voss, 1996). Documentation of hybridization in Conyzinae is at present restricted to Europe. For example, in the British Isles hybridization between C. canadensis and Erigeron acer L. was reported to produce weak and apparently sterile plants with few capitula; the nothotaxa was classified as Conyzigeron 3 huelsenii (Vatke) Rauschert (Stace, 1975). Furthermore, hybrids of unknown fecundity, namely Conyza 3 flahaultiana (Thell.) Sennen and Conyza 3 daveauiana Sennen in Spain and France, originated from crosses between C. canadensis and C. bonariensis (L.) Cronq. and between C. bonariensis and C. sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker, respectively (McClintock and Marshall, 1988). In the Iberian Peninsula, Conyza 3 rouyana Sennen arose from the hybridization between C. albida Willd. ex Spreng. and C. canadensis (J. L. Carretero, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, personal communication). Additionally, Thébaud and Abbott (1995) stated that in France, C. sumatrensis and C. blakei Cabr. cross under natural environments and produce hybrid progenies with moderate (30%) fertility. Importantly, significant phenotypic variability exists in C. blakei (Laı́nz, 2001). In Belgium, Verloove and Boullet (2001) reported that some xenophyte Conyza populations identified as C. floribunda were in fact C. canadensis 3 C. sumatrensis hybrids. Furthermore, Conyza 3 mixta Fouc. & Neyr. reportedly arose from crosses between C. canadensis and C. bonariensis in Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Portugal (F. Verloove, National Botanic Garden of Belgium, personal communication). More recently, Šı́da (2003) reported a putative hybrid between C. bonariensis and C. triloba Decne. in the Czech Republic. Loss of vigor is apparently a common trait to European Conyza hybrids. We speculate that ploidy differences may be a significant barrier determining successful hybridization in Conyzinae. For example, more compatible and vigorous hybrids would be expected from crosses between the allopolyploids (2n ¼ 54) C. sumatrensis, C. floribunda, and C. bonariensis compared to crosses with the diploid (2n ¼ 18) C. canadensis. Just as geography delimits the major groups in Asteraceae, spatial isolation is probably the principal species barrier within Asteraceae (Nesom, 1990). Therefore, disturbances of these barriers will likely stimulate interactions OF B OTANY [Vol. 94 between phylogenetically related taxa separated by geography (allopatry) and allow for the exchange of genetic material between unstructured random-mating (panmictic) Asteraceae populations. Ploidy of the Conyza hybrid—Hybridization represents an important mechanism for plant speciation whereby fertile and stable taxa can arise by either chromosome number doubling (allopolyploidy) or recombinational speciation without polyploidization (homoploidy) (Rieseberg et al., 2000). In the absence of karyological studies, the ploidy of the C. canadensis 3 C. ramosissima hybrid remains unknown. Nonetheless, we propose that the segregation and compatibility data allude to the formation of an interspecific hybrid without an increase in ploidy. Man-made allopolyploids often display homeotic transformations and aberrant chromosomal rearrangements that result in gene silencing, hybrid instability, and lethality (Comai, 2000). These phenomena were absent from the Conyza hybrid, as the interspecific hybrids demonstrated a vigorous growth and marginal (,5%) FH 2 mortality (Figs. 2 and 3). Additionally, homeologous recombination in neo-allopolyploids typically destabilizes genomes by chromosomal deletions or expansions, and homeologous pairing often hinders meiosis through the formation of univalent or trivalent chromosomes (Comai, 2000). The genome of FH 1 was apparently stable as hybrids demonstrated moderate to no postzygotic reproductive barriers and were genetically compatible, with capacity for introgression with either the C. canadensis or C. ramosissima parent (Table 6; Fig. 3). Finally, allopolyploids often preserve homeologous integrity by hindering intergenomic recombination, whereas in homoploids, numerous chromosome combinations form through chiasmata, thus allowing recombination of the parental genomes (Comai, 2000). Given that RS2 and PS0 represented near-homozygous lineages and that FH 2 families segregated for glyphosate resistance, the C. canadensis and C. ramosissima genomes may have coalesced in the FH 1 . This characteristic of segregation is typically associated with homeologous recombination in homoploids. Establishment of the Conyza hybrid in the environment— The low hybridization levels (0% to 12%) in the pollen competition studies and the estimated high genetic compatibility between C. canadensis and C. ramosissima (98%) suggest that the resultant hybrid will probably evolve in nature as a contiguous population in a common geographic range (parapatry) (Table 3). Under natural environments, hybridization may occur at different frequencies than those observed in the greenhouse, depending on insect- and wind-pollination levels and other environmental factors such as competition and resource availability, which can affect flowering time in Conyza (Thébaud et al., 1996). Regardless, the fact that FH 1 was fertile implied that fitness and habitat divergence may be two essential factors determining the adaptation of Conyza hybrids to the environment. Certainly, the overdominance for resistance to glyphosate provides the proposed Conyza hybrid considerable ecological fitness, given the widespread use of glyphosate in current agroecosystems. Models for homoploid speciation suggest that superior hybrid competitiveness results in the rapid displacement of the parental taxa, while under a fitness disadvantage, either the hybrid taxa becomes extinct or it coexists with the parents, provided adequate niche differentiation in the environment April 2007] Z ELAYA ET AL .—H YBRIDIZATION IN (Rieseberg, 1997). Hybrids are rarely better fit than their welladapted congeners. Low initial frequencies, reduced fertility and viability, and competitive disadvantage with respect to parents typically lead to hybrid extinction (Wolf et al., 2001). Ascertaining fitness of the Conyza hybrid and the potential ecological displacement of other taxa in different environments (vicariation) would require further experimentation and is not within the scope of this study. The supposition that FH 1 hybrids are highly fit compared to the Conyza parents is provisional, pending proper field assessments of fitness. Nevertheless, we believe that several hybrid traits would serve as ecological advantages, at least under current agroecosystems. The FH 1 rosettes may be competitive by generating more and denser leaves than RS2 and by producing wider rosettes than PS0 (Table 5), thus accumulating greater biomass than either parent (Fig. 2). In addition, FH 1 plants possessed leaves with higher trichome densities than RS2, a trait that may reduce herbicide uptake and hinder herbicide efficacy. This could be significant because the mechanism of glyphosate resistance in C. canadensis was attributed to an altered cellular distribution, resulting in reduced herbicide translocation (Feng et al., 2004; Koger and Reddy, 2005; Dinelli et al., 2006). Furthermore, FH 1 plants produced multiple branches, which may facilitate recovery from herbicide applications through meristematic regrowth (Table 5). We therefore suggest that the Conyza hybrid may be well fitted to agroecosystems, because evaluation of the FH 1 evidenced heterosis and overdominance for glyphosate resistance compared to RS2 and PS0 (Table 2; Fig. 2). The FH 1 developed an equal number, if not more, achenes than either parent (Table 5); this reproductive behavior could compensate for the estimated depression in FH 1 seed viability (Fig. 3). Achene adaptation for dispersion by wind (anemochory), the capacity to overwinter (therophyte), and a prolific achene production make C. canadensis extremely competitive under no-tillage agroecosystems. However, the species is poorly adapted to crop production systems where tillage is used as a management strategy (Brown and Whitwell, 1988). Hence, the larger FH 1 achenes may provide an ecological advantage over C. canadensis by allowing Conyza hybrid seeds to emerge from deeper soil profiles in tilled agroecosystems (Table 5). According to Barton (2001), reasons for higher hybrid fitness include the (1) occurrence of diverse phenotypes through transgression that may have ecological advantages under particular environments, (2) reconstruction of an ‘‘ancestral linkage’’ that was competitive in the past and is probably adapted to present environments, and (3) coalescence of previously disjunct gene sets that may have a positive impact on fitness. Hybridization may therefore explain some cases of niche differentiation and provide the raw materials for the adaptation of novel weeds to the environment (Rieseberg et al., 1999). It is important to acknowledge that the transgressive fitness with respect to glyphosate resistance resulted from the combination of phenotypes of the two Conyza populations herein studied; a different fitness may be observed in hybrids originating from crosses between other Conyza species. Implication of hybridization on herbicide resistance management—The impact of hybridization on glyphosate resistance management would depend on the native introgression levels of the R allele and the stability, fertility, and fitness of the Conyza hybrid with respect to RS2 and PS0 . Herein, we demonstrated that the Conyza hybrid is fertile and competitive C ONYZA 671 (Figs. 2 and 3). In addition, successful R allele transfer occurred from C. canadensis to C. ramosissima through the FH 1 in backcrosses (Table 6). Furthermore, the FH 2 demonstrated many phenotypic traits that may facilitate the adaptation to different agroecological niches. These circumstances could potentially complicate the management of glyphosate resistant weed populations in glyphosate resistant crops and the containment of glyphosate resistance genes within these agroecosystems. Absent from this hypothesis, however, are the natural hybridization frequencies in Conyza. Native hybridization frequencies in the European Conyza approximate 50 plants in thousands of individuals, although 60% of the resultant hybrids were infertile (Thébaud and Abbott, 1995). These hybridization frequencies are completely dependent on the ecological circumstances under which plants developed. However, we would expect higher hybridization frequencies than those reported in Europe since the parents evaluated in this study are compatible and the resultant Conyza hybrid demonstrated negligible postzygotic reproduction barriers. Even low initial hybrid frequencies within the population could increase in time because Conyza plants can produce more than 240 000 achenes per growing season, mostly viable, which are capable of dissemination to 30 m in 16 km/h wind (Muenscher, 1935; Dauer et al., 2006; Nandula et al., 2006). 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