Class Notes

BME506 Pro/E Applications For BME
Instructor: Xiangying Chen, Ph.D
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
University of Miami
Time: TR 6:25 PM – 7:40 PM (Section U)
Class Room: MEB 237
Text Book: Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0
Instructor, by David S. Kelley
Instructor: Xiangying Chen, PhD
Office: MEB 144B
Office Hours: TBA
Objective: To familiarize students with Pro/E
Wildfire 5.0 as a 3D drawing and design aid.
User Interface
Creating a Sketch
Extruding/Modifying/Redefining Features
Revolved Features
Swept and Blended Features
Assembly Modeling
Grading Policy: Homework 50%, class
participation and quizzes 10%, 2 exams
20% each.
An Overview of Pro/ENGINEER
Pro/ENGINEER is a computer graphics system for modeling
various mechanical designs and for performing related design
and manufacturing operations.
The system is a feature-based, parametric solid modeling
system with many design and manufacturing applications.
Feature-Based Design
Create sketched features including protrusions, cuts, and slots made
by either extruding, revolving, or sweeping along a 2D sketched
trajectory, or blending between parallel sections
Create pick and place features, such as holes, shafts, chamfers,
rounds, shells, flanges, ribs, etc.
Reference datum planes, axes, points, curves, coordinate system,
Two dimensional closed
objects can be extruded
to give solid objects
The direction of the
extrusion is typically
normal to the 2-D cross
sectional sketch
The height of extrusion
can be specified
The path of the
extrusion must be
defined (trajectory)
The extruded
cross section must
be defined
The cross section
stays normal to
the path
Two dimensional closed
objects can be revolved
to give solid objects
The axis of rotation
must be defined
The angle of revolution
must be specified
Smooth transition can
be made between two
closed shapes with
similar geometry (i.e.
equal number of
The distance between
sections must be
The angle of twist
between sections must
be specified
Manipulating Geometry and Parametric
Basic Modes
Sketcher: Define the 2D cross-section (or
section) of an object model for sweeping.
Part: Create the solid model of a part.
Assembly: Form the solid model of an
assembly of multiple components.
Drawing: Produce engineering drawings of
parts and assemblies created in Pro/E.
Pro/E Modeling Procedure
User Interface
The window on the left is the navigator window.
The large window in the middle is web browser window.
The pull-down menu is on the top.
Below the pull-down menu, there is a series of shortcut
Below the pull-down menu, there is a command or
message window.
There are some sketch toolbar on the right hand side.
On line help is available when click on “?” button.
Set Working Directory
Set temporary working directory:
File -> Set Working Directory, select working
Set permanent working directory:
Click on the shortcut icon of Pro/E -> Properties,
set the Start in field to the directory that you want
Pro/E to start up in the Properties dialog box.
The temporary working directory needs to be set
again whenever you start Pro/E while the
permanent one dose not.
Display a Model
Set working directory.
File -> Open, select a *.prt file.
Spin the object by pressing and holding down
the middle mouse button.
Spin center on: object spins about the spin
center. Spin center off: object spins about the
position of the cursor.
Zoom in/out by simultaneously holding down Ctrl
and middle mouse button, or using zoom in/out
Move the object by simultaneously holding down
shift and middle mouse button.
Display a Model
Turn View/Orient mode on -> right mouse
button -> velocity: the object spins as long as
the middle mouse button is pressed down.
Click on the saved view list icon: shows the
engineering drawings.
Display modes: Wireframe, Hidden Line, No
Hidden, and Shading icons.
Tools -> Model Player: to see the step forward
through the model one feature at-a-time.
Remove Current Model
File -> Erase -> Current: remove current model for
Set temporary & permanent working directories.
Download example .prt files from following URL:
Open one of downloaded files.
Move, spin, and zoom in & out the object.
Change the display mode to see the difference.
Check your working directory after you save or
delete file/files.