
Your Guides on This Journey…
Matt Striebel
"I play lacrosse because I love it—the speed, the intensity, the
teamwork, the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes
when success is achieved over and through adversity. At Trilogy
Lacrosse, we approach the teaching and coaching of lacrosse with
the same passion and commitment to excellence that we bring to
our play. Nowhere else can you find a community of lacrosse
players and coaches so dedicated to the singular values of the
* MLL Rochester Rattlers 2009-Present
* MLL Philadelphia Barrage 2001-2008
* MLL Champion Philadelphia Barrage 2004, 2006 & 2007
* MLL All Pro 2007 & 2008
* Record 9X MLL All-Star
* MVP MLL Championship Game 2007
* 3X Team USA 2010
-- Gold Medalist Team USA 2010
-- Silver Medalist Team USA 2006
-- Gold Medalist Team USA 2002
* NCAA Champion Princeton University 2001
* NCAA 2X All American Princeton University 2000 & 2001
* 3X All Ivy League
* Academic All American
* Assistant Coach Princeton University 2005
* Color Analyst ESPN Lacrosse
Mitch Belisle
"Lacrosse has given me so much; an opportunity
to obtain an excellent education, lifelong friends
and a chance to see the world. My passion is to
grow the sport by teaching young players both on
and off the field. Trilogy Lacrosse allows me to give
back to the sport that I love in a professional
organization that is committed to getting the most
out of each and every player."
*NLL Minnesota Swarm 2011-present
*NLL Boston Blazers 2009 -2011
*MLL Boston Cannons 2009 - present
*NLL New York Titans 2008
*MLL LA Riptide 2007 – 2008
*2011 MLL All Pro
*2011 MLL Champion Boston Cannons
*NCAA Division I Defenseman of the Year 2007
*2X All-American at Cornell University 2006 & 2007
*2X Academic All-American
*2X All-Ivy League
*Lowe's Senior CLASS finalist 2007
*Mario St. George Boiardi Leadership Award 2007
2013 MBYLL Coaches’ Clinics: Building
the Perfect Player
First Questions, First
1. What is the perfect player? What are the components that
go into making the perfect player?
1) Athleticism – No explanation necessary…
1) Lacrosse specific skill – Includes (but is not limited to): the ability to
throw and catch with both hands, the ability to shoot and pass
accurately with both hands, the ability to pick up groundballs, the
ability to play on-ball and off-ball defense, the ability to play on-ball
and off-ball defense…
2) Lacrosse Specific IQ – Includes (but is not limited to): having an
intellectual and strategic understanding of the above mentioned skills
on both a “micro” and “macro” level…
1) General Sports IQ – Includes (but is not limited to): having a basic
intellectual and strategic understanding of how sports—in general—
work and function on a strategic basis. I.e. possessing the ability to
understand that a 2v1 is a 2v1 is a 2v1…
1) Character/Intangibles – See athleticism…
2. What the heck do you mean “micro” and “macro”?
The sports brain should be composed to two intertwined and equally
important “sensibilities” the “micro” and the “macro”.
Micro – For simplicities sake we will define micro as an individual, player
based awareness. A player’s micro sensibility refers to their ability to
understand and grasp the nuances and functionalities of their own
behavior… “As a player I am aware of my own dodges, my own passes, my
own shots, and why (how) I do any one of these things…” More simply
understood as a player’s unique and individual skill-set.
Macro – Given our understand of a “micro” sensibility, we will thus define
a “macro” sensibility as a players ability to understand how their micro
sensibility interacts with greater lacrosse context of a team, a game, and a
given play… “As a player I am aware of how my own dodges, passes and
shots, function within the greater context of the team concept or whole…”
More simply understood as a players ability to be understand why a team
does what it does and how the individual’s
decisions on any given play participate with and
affect the team’s.
3. The perfect player…what does he look like? Does he exist?
Yes…and no…
4. Lacrosse, as in any sports, offers a wide variety of
definitions for what “perfect” is and can be…
A player can be a “perfect” asset to a team for any number of reasons, be
them positional—i.e. as a fogo, or LSM—or purely skill based—i.e. as a
feeder, a shooter, a dodger…
No one skill is that much more important—in the grand scheme of
things—than any other, in that they all function together in order to
succeed. Shooters need feeders, feeders need dodgers, dodgers need…face
off guys...
Part of being a good youth lacrosse coach is helping your players to
develop as many of these skills sets as possible, while also—and at the
same time—determining what skill set or role represents them best.
Putting players in a position to succeed requires both.
1. The Perfect “Offensive” Lacrosse
*At the youth lacrosse level (and even at the college to a certain
extent), players simply play offense. Versatility is far and away the
most valuable asset in a lacrosse player.
1. The skills of the “perfect” offensive lacrosse player
1) Athleticism – Speed, agility, balance, strength, coordination
1) Lacrosse specific skill – Passing, Catching, Shooting, Scooping, Dodging
2) Lacrosse Specific IQ – Understanding off-ball movement as it relates to
on-ball movement, understanding balance and spacing as it relates to
a team offense, understanding how the “micro” and “macro” interact
(a.k.a.: why we do what we do when we do it.)
1) Character/Intangibles – Intelligence, unselfishness, patience,
composure, all-round dedication to being a PHD player (poor, hungry,
That’s it.
• Make sure that you’re keeping your players and practices as active and
up-tempo as possible. The more running the better.
• Don’t be afraid to take your practices and your players outside of the
traditional lacrosse concepts with your games and drills.
• Foster competition. Every drill has a winner and a loser (that’s
ultimately why we play).
• Demand, yes, DEMAND, that your player play other sports. Don’t be a
sports-specific tyrant.
• The rest is out of your control.
The most important skill we teach (no joke)…
The fundamentals:
The feet (this is where it all starts): The feet should be perpendicular to the intended
passing target. The front, or lead, shoulder should be pointed at the intended target. No
hips. No “dudism”!
The hands: Top hand controls at all times. Stick sits in the finger tips of the top hand.
Bottom hand on the butt. Top hand ten inches above (encourage players to use tape).
The “laser” pointer: The butt-end of a lacrosse stick serves as a laser pointer. Wherever
that thing is pointed, that’s where a pass is going.
The 180 Degrees of Kevin Bacon: The stick must be flat and parallel to the ground at the
start of a lacrosse throw. Too many younger players start between 180 and 90 and “push”
their passes. At the end, the stick must cover then entire 180 degrees until it is pointed at
its target.
The “Paul Pierce” Wrist: The wrist snap, much as in throwing a baseball, is where the last
“snap” of power on a lacrosse pass or shot is achieved. Lacrosse sticks are designed with
this “snap” in mind.
Self-diagnosing skill: Teach your players to self-correct.
Target practice: DEMAND that players hit the target.
The second most important skill…
The fundamentals:
The hands (this is where it all starts): The top hand should slide up to the plastic
whenever a player is learning to catch. As they progress with the skill they can learn to
slide that hand down. (Note: players should always relocate the top hand before
No snapping or cradle catching: The most frequently seen mistake players make.
Snapping leads to missed passes and the extension of hands out of the triple threat
Give with passes: Obviously. It’s an egg. A water balloon. Pick your analogy, metaphor,
Triple-threat/Box: Whatever you want to call it, teach your players the value of keeping
their stick in the optimal position. Elite level players do things quickly—more quickly than
everyone else—keeping the stick at the ear helps eliminate valuable seconds and wasted
*Yeah, shooting is essential as important as these and it is ALSO
nothing more than passing at a higher rate of speed.
The most fun skill we teach (obviously)…
The fundamentals:
The feet (this is where it all starts): The feet should be perpendicular to the intended
passing target (at the start). The front, or lead, shoulder should be pointed at the
intended target.
The hands: Top hand controls at all times. Stick sits in the finger tips of the top hand.
Bottom hand on the butt. Top hand below where it would be for shooting.
The “laser” pointer: The butt-end of a lacrosse stick serves as a laser pointer. Wherever
that thing is pointed, that’s where a pass is going.
The 180 (or more) Degrees of Kevin Bacon: Just as with passing he stick must be flat and
parallel to the ground at the start of a lacrosse shot. Unlike with passing, it can go beyond
that depending on how strong a player’s wrists are (or how capable he is with using, and
taking advantage of, his stick’s technology)
The “Paul Pierce” Wrist: This is where it all comes into play, the stronger a player’s wrist
the better a shooter he’s going to be.
Overhand (at the start): Teach your players the fundamentals of an overhand shot, but
expect (know) they’re going to want more. So train it!
Don’t over coach: Some players (lefties) just get it.
Some Drills to Work On This:
1. Partner Passing
Set Up
Partner Passing: Set Up
Partner Passing: Set Up
Key Points/Things to Remember
Make this fun: Keep a stop watch. Do this in short segments (two minutes).
Do something else, come back to it.
Don’t let the kids make it boring: Kids want to make this drill boring. It’s
not. And shouldn’t be.
Count passes: Get players in the habit of counting passes, setting goals for
themselves, breaking records. This will help build those intangibles.
Keep track of the victors: Reward the players who excel, but every once in
a while…
Force people to switch partners: You don’t want the same kids dominating
each time, but you don’t want them to get bored or frustrated throwing
with lesser talented kids (or vice versa for the weaker players). But every so
often, doseydo (slide everyone one partner to their right.
Focus on the pass: This is (still) most important.
2. Moves From X
The biggest hurdle we have as coaches are…
1) Teaching kids to properly handle their stick without losing our minds:
We are trying to develop “two-handed” players, but we’re frustrated by
their lack of facility with their weak hand. They can’t switch hands. They
can’t execute dodges. They don’t know how to move.
2) Developing “good” muscle memory: The key to building perfect lacrosse
players is reps, reps and more reps. Too many drills require us to stand
around in lines while not getting repeated reps that will effectively develop
our skills.
3) Keeping kids active busy: Idle hands are the devils…yeah, you get the
idea, a kid standing around yawning is a kid not doing anything productive.
So how do we deal with these problems…
1) Put kids in drills where they are repeating the same rep over and
over and over
2) Keep lines short
3) Develop drills where players repeated multiple skills in every rep
Set Up
Attack Moves From X
Attack Moves From X
This drill is set up for a right to
left split (at the first cone),
into a roll-dodge (at the
second), into a right-handed
attack-dodge. At the island,
coaches can determine what
sort of move they want
attackers to use: hard topside,
inside roll, ? Dodge, rocker,
3. “5 on a Die” Shooting
5 on a Die Shooting: Set Up
This is a great drill for teaching middies how to shoot on the run. There are
a number of variations that can be used in the same drill set up (with slight
adjustments). We will use 2 of them here. A split shooting drill and a
split/roll-back (Sproll) shooting drill.
1) Set up five cones in the shape of 5 on your basic set of dice. Two up
top, two low, one in the middle.
2) A line of players starts at each top cone.
3) A set of balls is placed at each cone.
“5 on a Die” Set Up #1: Alley Shooting
5 on a Die Shooting: Set Up #1
5 on a Die Shooting: Execution
1) This drill is designed to get two players two shots simultaneously. A player from the
front of each line picks up a ball and places his stick to his inside hand. He then
dodges at the cone in the center and splits (switching to his outside hand).
2) At the next cone the player should shoot using the proper overhand technique.
Hands and arms back, overhand, hips swiveling through the shot, finishing in the hip
3) After the player has shot he returns to the back of the next line. Players should
switch lines.
4) The goal is to get as many reps as possible, so as soon as the first two shooters are
splitting, the next shooters should be starting their dodge.
**If you have a goalie in the cage only one shooter can shoot at a time.
Again, this drill is about
reps. Don’t have too
much space, don’t lag.
Go, go, go. Stay on them.
Switch lines after every
shot. Middies must be
threats righty and lefty.
5 on a Die Shooting: Set Up #1
4. Midfield R&R Drill
(Rollback & Re-Dodge)
Set Up
Midfield R&R Drill: (Rollback & Re-dodge)
Midfield R&R Drill: (Rollback & Re-dodge)
You can easily turn this into a shooting
Midfield R&R Drill: (With a Shot)
Some thoughts on shooting on the run…
3 Steps More: The best way to teach shooting on the run is to insist kids
take at least 3 steps after every shot. Don’t let them stop their feet.
No shuffle, shuffle, shot, shot: Kids have a tendency to want to get their
feet into a crow-hop, or shuffle step, much as in shooting time and room—
don’t let them!
ALL SHOTS MUST BE OVERHAND: On the run HAS to be taken overhand.
Think about the upper and lower body doing two different things: Lower
body runs, upper body, turns, twists, shoots…
It’s actually more of a bend than just a twist: A good shooter on the run
gets exceptional torque on their shot from both twisting at the waist,
bending (or arching back) on the shot, and snapping the through with the
aid of the driving leg.
Plant the outside leg first: The next stride is key.
2. The Perfect “Defensive” Lacrosse
*At the youth lacrosse level (and even at the college to a certain
extent), players should probably play both offense and defense.
Versatility is far and away the most valuable asset in a lacrosse player.
On Ball Basics
Approaching the ball: Come in at an angle, take away “the most dangerous area of the field”.
Break down: into good body positioning. Butt down, chest up, stick in front.
Footwork: First three steps are always back. Think of yourself as a DB in football, drop step, give ground,
then engage!
Limit Stick Checks: A 1v1 match-up is, in many ways, a staring contest, don’t blink first. In other words,
don’t be the one who makes the mistake. T
If you are going to throw checks: Keep your feet moving at all times.
Be physical: Initiate contact with your dodger before he can get up to full speed.
Close ground: If you’re guarding an especially quick offensive player, engage them before they can take a
run at you.
Dictate Where the Offense Can Go/ Protect the middle of the field: : A good defender plays an aggressive
positional style. Dictating where an offensive player can and cannot go will make slides and defensive
packages more efficient and predictable. Breakdowns occur when the offense dictates play.
How Do We Practice This On
Our Own?
Approach/Breakdown Drill
Running Drop-Step Drill
On Ball Defense When Engaged
Half Step Behind: Take away the roll-back, don’t over pursue or over-commit to the dodgers attacking hand
or lane.
Drive to the least dangerous area of the field: (More on this next)
Stick on back shoulder: Waiting for trail or lift
Never stop your feet: As soon as you stop your feet (whether throwing a check or while engaged with an
offensive player), you’re effectively beaten. You are no longer in a fair fight—the offense has the advantage!
Drive with your legs: No leaning over your stick with your arms extended.
Your job is never done: Once your offensive player moves the ball on, your job is never done. Your roll just
The Most Dangerous Place on
The Field!%?!#
The Most
Dangerous Place
on the field: “Stay
Top Side, my
Preventing Topside Dodges
How Do We Practice This On
Our Own? Or with a Partner?
Topside Drill
Why Take Away The Top Side?
Attackmen an’t get a high quality shot: Unless they’re able to get far enough above the cage (5&5, which is
really 3&3) attackmen won’t have sufficient angle to be efficient and effective shooters.
Attackmen can’t look to feed: If a defender engages with his offensive player before allowing him to get
top-side feeding becomes more difficult, because no slides are necessary.
Pinch between crease and slider: By reducing the amount of room a midfielder has to attack the goal
(shrinking dodging lanes) a defender is able to use the crease as an additional defender.
Force him into the slide: We already know the slide is coming from the crease (we’re a crease sliding team),
staying top-side brings the defender directly into the slide.
Making defense predictable: Defense is played by individuals who are part of a team. By taking away the
top-side you’ve eliminated the number of options an offensive player has.
Your job is never done: Once your offensive player moves the ball on, your job is never done. Your role just
Getting Beat to the Right Spot:
Fire That Slide!
Sliding Fundamentals: Meatheads Become Defensemen,
Ninjas become all Americans…
Slide to where he’s gonna be: Not where he is.
Slide to meet him at the edge of the most dangerous area of the field: Take away the roll back, stick on
back shoulder ready for trail or lift
Slide under control to stop the ball: Breaking down like you would to any dodger
Stick then body then stick: (unless they don’t see you and then it’s body, then body, then body.
Double until dodger is no longer a threat: No leaning over your stick with your arms extended.
Release original defender: (almost always)
And remember: Your job is
never done…once you’ve
successfully eliminated the
threat your job is NOT done.
Your role just shifts.
How do we practice this?
Getting by with a little help
from your friends
Sliding Drill: YOUR
job is never done!
3. 1v1s: Developing Individual
Offensive and Defensive Player
(The Battle Within The Battle)
On Ball Basics (The Offensive Approach)
Approaching Your Man: Last week, defenders were taught to “come in at an angle, take away the most
dangerous area of the field…” (usually the middle). Part of being a good dodger is recognize how our
approach to our defender is going to “open-up” the parts of the field we want to attack (more on this later).
The North/South Attack: Every dodge should start with a split or bull-dodge! Too often players begin their
dodges by going east west, or side-to side. This concedes the offensive advantage from the start. Every
player wants to attack his defender directly, by going right at him.
Recognize the Tendencies of Your Defender (Scout): Within your first one or two runs at a defender, you
should get a feel for his tendencies. Does he poke then drop? Does he throw a lot of heavy slaps (lumber)?
Does he play with his hands behind him (like Ken Clausen)? Does he throw overheads at goal-line
extended? The more you know, the better prepared you’re going to be to attack him.
Recognize What Kind of Dodger You Are: At Trilogy we have three different types of dodgers on staff. Ryan
is a slow, smart, reactive dodger (he lets the defenders make mistakes), Matt is an aggressive attacking
dodger, and I (Ned) am a combination of both. Players should understand their strengths and weaknesses.
If you’re not fast, you’re going to have to be smart. If you’re not smart, you’re going to have to be fast.
Understand Your Counter Moves: Every 1v1 is like a prize-fight. For every punch, there is a counter punch.
As an offensive player, you want to be able to read your defender and react accordingly. If you’re playing
against a guy who likes to throw overheads, maybe you’re going to drag your stick and bait him, then when
he bites, you tuck and go. Be as smart as you are aggressive.
The Approach: Attacking on
As an offensive player we want to establish and dictate where
we are going. In order to do this we must understand how our
angle of attack will open things up for us.
As an Attackman:
5&5 is the Goal: As attackmen we’re trying to get to the islands in order to shoot and/or feed. How we get
there depends on what type of player we are. If we’re faster and quicker, we can try to beat our defenders
behind the goal, if we’re bigger, we’re probably going to want to attack our defender at 5&5 using an inside
roll, a ? Dodge, or maybe a rocker step.
Pick Your Spots: A lot of attackmen like to dodge from X; others like Mark Million, like to dodge from the
corners of the field. There are benefits to both.
Use the goal and crease to your advantage: Run defenders off the tangents of X in order to trip them up.
Understand how your initial move is going to open up something different: Most good defenders can stop
your initial move. With this in mind, our desired goal is often going to come of our second, or counter
Remember: Punch, counterpunch. For every move there is a complimentary move. Topside, inside roll,
inside-roll, rocker. Know your weapons.
Good Dodging Locations: Corners and X
Option 1: Going Up To Get
Attacking from X: Going Up to Get Under
Using The Back of the Cage:
AKA…The Finalizer*
*Using a defender’s momentum against him…
Again, this second move, or
counter-move, can be
achieved using a roll-dodge
(safest), a split-dodge
(harder), or the patented
Powell dip-under (hardest
but coolest!). The goal here
is to change direction as
soon as the defender
“hops” over the back of the
Using the Back of the Cage: Ryan Powell Does The FInalizer
Option 2: Going Under To Get
As an Midfielder:
The goals differ depending on what you want: A good alley dodger and shooter, might be content to get
into the alley and shoot. A player looking to create and feed, will probably be trying to attack the middle of
the field. Know what you want before you go after it.
Pick Your Spots: A lot of middies (and a lot of offenses) call for middies to dodge off the high corners. Get
as high as possible, and to the middle of the field if that’s what you want.
Understand how your initial move is going to open up something different: Most good defenders can stop
your initial move. With this in mind, our desired goal is often going to come of our second, or counter
Remember: Punch, counterpunch. For every move there is a complimentary move. Topside, inside roll,
inside-roll, rocker. Know your weapons.
Dodge the man, not the grass: Don’t just run into the
alley because that’s what the defender is giving to you.
Don’t settle for bad shots: The defender wants you
shooting low percentage shots from the alley. Fight to
get the BEST shot, not the first shot.
Making “The Most Dangerous
Place on The Field!%?!#” your
living room!
You dodged the
grass and not the
man, and you
settled for a bad
shot. This is a loss!
Attacking the Most Dangers Spot on the Field
Remember: Angles Open Doors
Option 1: Attack the Middle to
Get the “Good” Alley
Attack the Middle To Get the Alley
Option 2: Attack Grass to Get
the Gold (AKA the Middle)!*
*This is were all those Hopkins
wannabes get to use their swimdodges!
On this secondary
countermove, players
can either roll-dodge
(safest), split-dodge
(harder, but quicker),
or use the “swimdodge”.
Attack the Alley to Get to The Middle
1. The 1v1+2 Drill
Attack/Set Up
1v1 + 2 Dodging Drill
1v1 + 2 Dodging Drill
*With the midfielders
we can start the dodge
out with a V-cut.
Middie/Set Up
1v1 + 2 Dodging Drill (Midfield)
1v1 + 2 Dodging Drill (Midfield)
2. The 1v1 Box Drill
Set Up
Box 1v1s: Thinking Outside the Box
Box 1v1s: Thinking Outside the Box
8. Sideline 2v1 GBs (To Goal)
This is a small field (full-field) 3v3 drill that is designed to get kids playing in
a scrimmage type atmosphere while in smaller numbers.
The 2v1 ground ball will turn into a 3v3 with six players on the field going
to goal. The 3v3—the bedrock of any 6v6 offense—is highlighted in this
drill. For younger players this allows them to create better spacing while at
the same time running up and down the field.
For older more advanced players the triangle concepts begin to come into
play. As always in any offensive scenario the keys are balance and spacing.
This is also a good way to begin to teach players the concept of positions
and jobs. By encouraging players to make sure someone defends the
“heart” or their own goal, you will begin to cut down on the “pack”, “ballfollowing” mentality that is common to young players.
Set Up
Sideline 2v1 GBS (To Goal)
Sideline 2v1 GBS (To Goal)
Perfect Player Final Thoughts
•Time to get serious…
The middle school level is where fun and strategic development coincide.
It is imperative to continue developing skills and an appreciation/love of
the game, while simultaneously increasing the functional knowledge of
the middle school lacrosse player.
At this age players begin to play “official” positions. A lot of the drills here
are designed to put players in different situations, but the goal for this is
to develop stick skills and “all around” knowledge from lacrosse players.
Everyone plays D, everyone plays O—regardless of position.
Higher level concepts such as the “two-man” game and general offensive
positioning and slides should also be further explored at this age level.
Additional Information…
The Locker Room: This is a portion of our Trilogy website that is loaded with additional coaching
resources, including a full slate of webinars, man up plays, nutritional information, and other
lacrosse based concepts.
Summer Camps: Trilogy Lacrosse runs the best Overnight Summer Camps by utilizing Curriculum like
this to build out a week full of learning and fun for players in grades 1-11.
Mass Day Camp: July 22-25
Mass Overnight Camp: June 24-28