Chapter 8 Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply 利润最大化与竞争性供给 Topics to be Discussed Perfectly Competitive Markets 完全竞争市场 Profit Maximization 利润最大化 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization 边际收益、边际成本和利润最大化 Choosing Output in the Short-Run 选择短期产量 Chapter 1 2 Topics to be Discussed The Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve 竞 争性厂商短期供给曲线 Short-Run Market Supply 短期市场供给曲线 Choosing Output in the Long-Run 选择长期产量 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve 厂商的长期供给曲线 Chapter 1 3 Perfectly Competitive Markets Characteristics of Perfectly Competitive Markets 完全竞争市场的特征 1) Price taking 既定价格承担 2) Product homogeneity 产品同质 3) Free entry and exit 自由进入和退出 市场 Chapter 1 4 Price Taking 既定价格承担 The individual firm sells a very small share of the total market output and, therefore, cannot influence market price. 每个厂商出售的产量占行业产量的比重足够小以 至于个别厂商的决策对市场价格不产生影响 The individual consumer buys too small a share of industry output to have any impact on market price. 每个消费者的购买量占行业产量的比重业足够小 以至于个别消费者对市场价格没有影响 Chapter 1 5 Product Homogeneity 产品同质 The products of all firms are perfect substitutes. 不同厂家生产的产品是完全替代品 Examples Agricultural products, oil, copper, iron, lumber 农产品;原油;铜;铁;木材 Chapter 1 6 Perfectly Competitive Markets Free Entry and Exit 自由进入和退出 市场 Buyers can easily switch from one supplier to another. 购买者可以自如地从一个供应商转向另 外一个供应商 Suppliers can easily enter or exit a market. 供应商可以自如地进入或者退出市场 Chapter 1 7 Perfectly Competitive Markets Discussion Questions What are some barriers to entry and exit? 阻碍企业自由进出市场的障碍是什么? Are all markets competitive? 所有的市场都是竞争性市场吗? When is a market highly competitive? 什么情况下市场是高度竞争的? Chapter 1 8 Profit Maximization Do firms maximize profits? 利润最大化? Possibility of other objectives 其他目标 Revenue maximization 收入最大化 Dividend maximization 红利最大化 Short-run profit maximization 短期利润最大化 Chapter 1 9 Profit Maximization Do firms maximize profits? Implications of non-profit objective 非利润最大化目标的意义 Over the long-run investors would not support the company 长期而言,投资者不会支持其行为 Without profits, survival unlikely 没有利润,公司本身也无法生存 Chapter 1 10 Profit Maximization Do firms maximize profits? Long-run profit maximization is valid and does not exclude the possibility of altruistic behavior. 长期利润最大化是合理的假说;当然不能 排斥利它行为存在的可能性 Chapter 1 11 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Determining the profit maximizing level of output 决定利润最大化的产出水平 Profit ( ) = Total Revenue - Total Cost 利润=总收入-总成本 Total Revenue (R) = Pq Total Cost (C) = Cq Therefore: (q) R(q) C (q) Chapter 1 12 Profit Maximization in the Short Run Total Revenue 总收入 Cost, Revenue, Profit ($s per year) R(q) Slope of R(q) = MR 斜率=边际收益 边际收益递减 0 Output (units per year) Chapter 1 13 Profit Maximization in the Short Run C(q) Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) Total Cost 总成本 Slope of C(q) = MC 边际成本 Why is cost positive when q is zero? 短期内存在固定成本,因此产量为零,成本不为零 0 Output (units per year) Chapter 1 14 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Marginal revenue is the additional revenue from producing one more unit of output. 边际收益是产量增加一个单位时收入的增加量 Marginal cost is the additional cost from producing one more unit of output. 边际成本时产量增加一个单位时成本的增加量 Chapter 1 15 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Comparing R(q) and C(q) Cost, Revenue, Profit ($s per year) C(q) Output levels: 0- q0: A R(q) C(q)> R(q) FC + VC > R(q) MR < MC B Negative profit Indicates higher profit at higher output 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 16 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Comparing R(q) and C(q) Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) C(q) Question: Why is profit negative when output is zero? A R(q) B 收入不足以抵消固 定成本和可变成本 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 17 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Comparing R(q) and C(q) Output levels: q0 - q* R(q)> C(q) MR > MC Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) C(q) A Indicates higher profit at higher output Profit is increasing R(q) B 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 18 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Comparing R(q) and C(q) Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) C(q) Output level: q* A R(q) R(q)= C(q) MR = MC Profit is maximized B 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 19 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Question Why is profit reduced when producing more or less than q*? Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) C(q) A R(q) B 此处边际收益等于边际 成本,之前边际收益大 于边际成本;之后边际 收益小于边际成本 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 20 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Comparing R(q) and C(q) Output levels beyond q*: R(q)> C(q) MC > MR Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) C(q) A R(q) B Profit is decreasing 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 21 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Therefore, it can be said: Cost, Revenue, Profit $ (per year) C(q) A Profits are maximized when MC = MR. R(q) B 0 q0 q* (q) Output (units per year) Chapter 1 22 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization R-C R MR q C MC q Chapter 1 23 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Profits are maximized w hen: R C 0 or q q q MR MC 0 so that MR(q) MC(q) Chapter 1 24 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization The Competitive Firm 竞争性厂商 Price taker 价格接受者 Market output (Q) and firm output (q) Market demand (D) and firm demand (d) R(q) is a straight line 收益曲线是一条直线 Chapter 1 25 Demand and Marginal Revenue Faced by a Competitive Firm Price $ per bushel Price $ per bushel Firm 厂商 $4 d Industry 行业 $4 D 100 200 Output (bushels) 100 Output (millions of bushels) Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization The Competitive Firm The competitive firm’s demand 竞争性厂商的需求 Individual producer sells all units for $4 regardless of the producer’s level of output. 个别生产者只能在固定价格销售产品,与自身的产出水 平无关 If the producer tries to raise price, sales are zero. 如果生产者试图抬高价格,则销售量为零 Chapter 1 27 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization The Competitive Firm The competitive firm’s demand If the producers tries to lower price he cannot increase sales 生产者降价无助于提高销售产量 P = MR = AR 产品价格=边际收益=平均收益 Chapter 1 28 Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization The Competitive Firm Profit Maximization 利润最大化的条件-所选择的产量水平需满足: MC(q) = MR = P 边际成本=边际收益=产品价格 Chapter 1 29 Choosing Output in the Short Run 选择短期产出 We will combine production and cost analysis with demand to determine output and profitability. 我们必须把生产分析与成本分析结合,以 确定产出水平和利润水平 Chapter 1 30 A Competitive Firm Making a Positive Profit 竞争性厂商的短期利润最大化 MC Price 60 ($ per unit) 50 40 Lost profit for q q < q* A D Lost profit for q2 > q* ATC C B AVC 30 At q*: MR = MC and P > ATC q1 : MR > MC and q2: MC > MR20 and q0: MC = MR but MC falling 10 0 AR=MR=P (P - AC) x q* or ABCD 1 q0 2 3 4 5 6 7 q1 Chapter 1 8 q* 9 q2 10 11 Output 31 A Competitive Firm Incurring Losses 竞争性厂商短期内面临亏损 MC Price ($ per unit) ATC B C D A At q*: MR = MC and P < ATC Losses = P- AC) x q* or ABCD P = MR AVC F E q* Chapter 1 Would this producer continue to produce with a loss? Output 32 Choosing Output in the Short Run Summary of Production Decisions Profit is maximized when MC = MR 当边际成本等于边际收益(价格)时,利润 最大化 If P > ATC the firm is making profits. 当价格高于平均总成本时,厂商可以盈利 Chapter 1 33 Choosing Output in the Short Run If AVC < P < ATC the firm should produce at a loss. 当价格高于平均可变成本但低于平均总成本时, 厂商应该在亏损情况下继续生产 If P < AVC < ATC the firm should shut-down. 当价格低于平均可变成本和平均固定成本时,厂 商应停止生产 Chapter 1 34 A Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve 竞争性厂商的短期供给曲线 Price ($ per unit) 厂商选择的产出水平是边际收益与边际成本相等之处 前提是价格需高于平均可变成本 MC P2 ATC P1 AVC What happens if P < AVC? P = AVC q1 Chapter 1 q2 Output 35 A Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve Observations: P = MR MR = MC P = MC Supply is the amount of output for every possible price. Therefore: If P = P1, then q = q1 If P = P2, then q = q2 Chapter 1 36 A Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve Price ($ per unit) S = MC above AVC 厂商供给曲线是位于平均可变 成本最低点以上的边际成本曲线 MC P2 ATC P1 AVC P = AVC Shut-down q1 Chapter 1 q2 Output 37 A Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve 竞争性厂商的短期供给曲线 Observations: Supply is upward sloping 供给曲线向右上倾斜 Higher price compensates the firm for higher cost of additional output and increases total profit because it applies to all units. 市场价格上升,企业增加产量,提高价格使扩 大生产有利可图;同样增加厂商的总利润,因 为这一价格适用于厂商生产的全部产量 Chapter 1 38 A Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve Firm’s Response to an Input Price Change 厂商对投入品价格变化的应对 When the price of a firm’s product changes, the firm changes its output level, so that the marginal cost of production remains equal to the price. 当投入品价格变化,厂商会改变其产出水平 直到产出的边际成本与价格相等 Chapter 1 39 The Response of a Firm to a Change in Input Price Price ($ per unit) MC2 Input cost increases and MC shifts to MC2 and q falls to q2. Savings to the firm from reducing output MC1 $5 q2 Chapter 1 q1 Output 40 The Short-Run Production of Petroleum Products Cost ($ per barrel) 27 The MC of producing a mix of petroleum products from crude oil increases sharply at several levels of output as the refinery shifts from one processing unit to another. SMC 26 How much would be produced if P = $23? P = $24-$25? 25 24 23 8,000 9,000 10,000 Chapter 1 11,000 Output (barrels/day) 41 The Short-Run Production of Petroleum Products Stepped SMC indicates a different production (cost) process at various capacity levels. 逐步上升的短期边际成本曲线说明在不同的产量 阶段,成本构成不同 Observation: With a stepped MC function, small changes in price may not trigger a change in output. 对于阶段性上升的边际成本,价格的小幅度变 化不一定会引发产出的变化 Chapter 1 42 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve 短期市场供给曲线 The short-run market supply curve shows the amount of output that the industry will produce in the short-run for every possible price. 短期市场供给曲线表示在每一可能的价 格下行业在短期中生产的产量 Consider, for simplicity, a competitive market with three firms: Chapter 1 43 Industry Supply in the Short Run MC1 MC2 $ per unit The short-run industry supply curve is the horizontal summation of the supply curves of the firms. MC3 S P3 P2 P1 0 Question: If increasing output raises input costs, what impact would it have on market supply? 2 4 5 7 8 10 Chapter 1 15 Quantity 21 44 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve Elasticity of Market Supply Es (Q / Q) /(P / P) Chapter 1 45 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve Perfectly inelastic short-run supply arises when the industry’s plant and equipment are so fully utilized that new plants must be built to achieve greater output. 供给完全无弹性: 行业的厂房设备完全被利用; 必须建立新厂房提高产量(耗时较长) Perfectly elastic short-run supply arises when marginal costs are constant. 供给完全弹性:边际成本为常数 Chapter 1 46 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve Producer Surplus in the Short Run 短期生产者剩余 Firms earn a surplus on all but the last unit of output. 厂商能够获得除最后一单位外所有产量对应的剩余 The producer surplus is the sum over all units produced of the difference between the market price of the good and the marginal cost of production. 生产者剩余是所有生产单位边际生产成本和商品市 场价格之间差额的总和 Chapter 1 47 Producer Surplus for a Firm Price ($ per unit of output) At q* MC = MR. Between 0 and q , MR > MC for all units. Producer Surplus MC AVC B A D 0 P C q* Alternatively, VC is the sum of MC or ODCq* . R is P x q* or OABq*. Producer surplus = R - VC or ABCD. Output Chapter 1 48 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve Producer Surplus in the Short-Run 生产者剩余=PS=R-VC Profit R - VC - FC Chapter 1 49 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve Observation Short-run with positive fixed cost 短期内固 定成本为正时 PS Chapter 1 50 Producer Surplus for a Market Price ($ per unit of output) S Market producer surplus is the difference between P* and S from 0 to Q*. P* Producer Surplus D Q* Chapter 1 Output 51 Choosing Output in the Long Run 长期产量选择 In the long run, a firm can alter all its inputs, including the size of the plant. 长期,厂商可以改变所有投入品,包括 调整工厂规模 We assume free entry and free exit. 假定自由进入和退出市场 Chapter 1 52 Output Choice in the Long Run Price ($ per unit of output) In the long run, the plant size will be increased and output increased to q3. Long-run profit, EFGD > short run profit ABCD. LMC LAC SMC D SAC A E $40 C G P = MR B F $30 In the short run, the firm is faced with fixed inputs. P = $40 > ATC. Profit is equal to ABCD. q1 q2 Chapter 1 q3 Output 53 Output Choice in the Long Run Price ($ per unit of output) Question: Is the producer making a profit after increased output lowers the price to $30? LMC LAC SMC D SAC A E $40 C G P = MR B F $30 q1 q2 Chapter 1 q3 Output 54 Choosing Output in the Long Run Accounting Profit & Economic Profit 会计利润和经济利润 ( ) Accounting profit Economic profit wl ( ) = R - wL = R = wL - rK = labor cost rk = opportunity cost of capital Chapter 1 55 Choosing Output in the Long Run Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium Zero-Profit If R > wL + rk, economic profits are positive If R = wL + rk, zero economic profits, but the firms is earning a normal rate of return; indicating the industry is competitive 零经济利润说明厂商的经营依然有一定的收益,只 是所在市场为竞争性市场。竞争性市场的长期经济 利润为零 If R < wl + rk, consider going out of business Chapter 1 56 Choosing Output in the Long Run Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium Entry and Exit The long-run response to short-run profits is to increase output and profits. 对于短期利润,长期反映是增加产出和利润 Profits will attract other producers. 利润会吸引其他生产者进入该行业 More producers increase industry supply which lowers the market price. 更多的生产者提高了行业供给从而使市场均衡价格下降 Chapter 1 57 Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium •Profit attracts firms •Supply increases until profit = 0 $ per unit of output $ per unit of output Firm Industry S1 LMC $40 LAC $30 P1 S2 P2 D q2 Output Q1 Q2 Output Choosing Output in the Long Run Long-Run Competitive Equilibrium 长期竞争性均衡 1) MC = MR 边际成本等于边际收益 2) P = LAC 价格等于长期平均成本 No incentive to leave or enter Profit = 0 没有哪个厂商有动力进入或退出该 行业 Chapter 1 3) Equilibrium Market Price 59 Choosing Output in the Long Run Questions 1) Explain the market adjustment when P < LAC and firms have identical costs. 2) Explain the market adjustment when firms have different costs. 3) What is the opportunity cost of land? Chapter 1 60 Choosing Output in the Long Run Economic Rent Economic rent is the difference between what firms are willing to pay for an input less the minimum amount necessary to obtain it. 经济租是厂商对某生产要素的支付超出该生 产要素目前所得报酬的部分 Chapter 1 61 Choosing Output in the Long Run An Example Two firms A & B,Both own their land A is located on a river which lowers A’s shipping cost by $10,000 compared to B. A位于河边,从而使它的运输费用比位于内陆 的工厂B低10,000美元 The demand for A’s river location will increase the price of A’s land to $10,000 对于A位置的需求会使A位置的土地上涨到10, Chapter 1 000美元 62 Choosing Output in the Long Run An Example Economic rent = $10,000 $10,000 - zero cost for the land Economic rent increases Economic profit of A = 0 Chapter 1 63 Firms Earn Zero Profit in Long-Run Equilibrium Ticket Price LMC LAC A baseball team in a moderate-sized city sells enough tickets so that price is equal to marginal and average cost (profit = 0). $7 1.0 Chapter 1 Season Tickets Sales (millions) 64 Firms Earn Zero Profit in Long-Run Equilibrium Ticket Price Economic Rent LMC LAC $10 $7 A team with the same cost in a larger city sells tickets for $10. 1.3 Chapter 1 Season Tickets Sales (millions) 65 Firms Earn Zero Profit in Long-Run Equilibrium With a fixed input such as a unique location, the difference between the cost of production (LAC = 7) and price ($10) is the value or opportunity cost of the input (location) and represents the economic rent from the input. 对于某种固定投入如独特的地理位置,成本与 价格之间的差异是投入品的机会成本代表了投 入品的经济租 Chapter 1 66 Firms Earn Zero Profit in Long-Run Equilibrium If the opportunity cost of the input (rent) is not taken into consideration it may appear that economic profits exist in the long-run. 不考虑经济租,经济利润表现为正,如 考虑,则为零 Chapter 1 67 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve 行业的长期供给曲线 The shape of the long-run supply curve depends on the extent to which changes in industry output affect the prices the firms must pay for inputs. 行业的长期供给曲线取决于行业产量的 增加与减少在多大程度上影响厂商的投 入品的价格 Chapter 1 68 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve To determine long-run supply, we assume: 重要假定 All firms have access to the available production technology. 所有厂商都可得到现有的生产技术 Output is increased by using more inputs, not by invention. 产量的增加是由于更多的投入而不是由于发明而 Chapter 1 69 增加 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve To determine long-run supply, we assume: The market for inputs does not change with expansions and contractions of the industry. 生产要素投入品的市场不会随着行业的扩张 和收缩而改变 Chapter 1 70 Long-Run Supply in a Constant-Cost Industry 成本不变行业的长期供给 $ per unit of output Economic profits attract new firms. Supply increases to S2 and the market returns to long-run equilibrium. MC $ per unit of output Q1 increase to Q2. Long-run supply = SL = LRAC. Change in output has no impact on input cost. S1 AC P2 S2 C P2 A P1 B SL P1 D1 q1 q2 Output Q1 Q2 D2 Output Long-Run Supply in a Constant-Cost Industry In a constant-cost industry, long-run supply is a horizontal line at a price that is equal to the minimum average cost of production. 在成本不变的行业,长期供给曲线是一 条水平线,其所在价格水平为该行业最 低平均生产成本 Chapter 1 72 Long-Run Supply in an Increasing-Cost Industry成本递增行业 $ per unit of output SMC2 LAC2 $ per unit of output Due to the increase in input prices, long-run equilibrium occurs at a higher price. S1 S2 LAC1 P2 P2 P3 P3 P1 P1 B A D1 q1 SL SMC1 q2 Output Q1 Q2 Q3 D1 Output Long-Run Supply in a Increasing-Cost Industry In a increasing-cost industry, long-run supply curve is upward sloping. 成本增加的行业,其行业长期供给曲线 向上倾斜 Chapter 1 74 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve Questions 1) Explain how decreasing-cost is possible. 2) Illustrate a decreasing cost industry. 3) What is the slope of the SL in a decreasing-cost industry? Chapter 1 75 Long-Run Supply in an Decreasing-Cost Industry $ per unit of output Due to the decrease in input prices, long-run equilibrium occurs at a lower price. $ per unit of output S1 S2 SMC1 SMC2 LAC1 P2 P2 LAC2 P1 P1 P3 P3 A B SL D1 q1 q2 Output Q1 Q2 Q3 D2 Output Long-Run Supply in a Increasing-Cost Industry In a decreasing-cost industry, long-run supply curve is downward sloping. Chapter 1 77 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve The Effects of a Tax In an earlier chapter we studied how firms respond to taxes on an input. Now, we will consider how a firm responds to a tax on its output. Chapter 1 78 Effect of an Output Tax on a Competitive Firm’s Output Price ($ per unit of output) MC2 = MC1 + tax An output tax raises the firm’s marginal cost by the amount of the tax. MC1 The firm will reduce output to the point at which the marginal cost plus the tax equals the price. t P1 AVC2 AVC1 q2 Chapter 1 q1 Output 79 Effect of an Output Tax on Industry Output Price ($ per unit of output) S2 = S1 + t S1 t P2 Tax shifts S1 to S2 and output falls to Q2. Price increases to P2. P1 D Q2 Q1 Chapter 1 Output 80 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve Long-Run Elasticity of Supply 1) Constant-cost industry Long-run supply is horizontal Small increase in price will induce an extremely large output increase Chapter 1 81 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve Long-Run Elasticity of Supply 1) Constant-cost industry Long-run supply elasticity is infinitely large Inputs would be readily available Chapter 1 82 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve Long-Run Elasticity of Supply 2) Increasing-cost industry Long-run supply is upward-sloping and elasticity is positive The slope (elasticity) will depend on the rate of increase in input cost Long-run elasticity will generally be greater than short-run elasticity of supply Chapter 1 83 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve Question: Describe the long-run elasticity of supply in a decreasing -cost industry. Chapter 1 84 The Long-Run Supply of Housing Scenario 1: Owner-occupied housing Suburban or rural areas National market for inputs Chapter 1 85 The Long-Run Supply of Housing Questions Is this an increasing or a constant-cost industry? What would you predict about the elasticity of supply? Chapter 1 86 The Long-Run Supply of Housing Scenario 2: Rental property Zoning restrictions apply Urban location High-rise construction cost Chapter 1 87 The Long-Run Supply of Housing Questions Is this an increasing or a constant-cost industry? What would you predict about the elasticity of supply? Chapter 1 88 Summary The managers of firms can operate in accordance with a complex set of objectives and under various constraints. A competitive market makes its output choice under the assumption that the demand for its own output is horizontal. Chapter 1 89 Summary In the short run, a competitive firm maximizes its profit by choosing an output at which price is equal to (shortrun) marginal cost. The short-run market supply curve is the horizontal summation of the supply curves of the firms in an industry. Chapter 1 90 Summary The producer surplus for a firm is the difference between revenue of a firm and the minimum cost that would be necessary to produce the profitmaximizing output. Economic rent is the payment for a scarce resource of production less the minimum amount necessary to hire that factor. Chapter 1 91 Summary In the long-run, profit-maximizing competitive firms choose the output at which price is equal to long-run marginal cost. The long-run supply curve for a firm can be horizontal, upward sloping, or downward sloping. Chapter 1 92 End of Chapter 8 Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply