Post-hoc Tests for ANOVA Explaining significant differences in 1-way ANOVA Multiple comparisons • Post hoc procedures vs. a priori comparisons (we look at only post hoc) • Comparisonwise error rate - alpha for each comparison • Experimentwise error rate - the probability of making a Type I error for the set of all possible comparisons alphae = 1 - (1-alpha)c Multiple comparisons • If you are comparing 3 groups (A, B, C), than you can do 3 total comparisons A – B A – C B – C • The experimentwise error rate without any adjustments would be: alphae = 1 - (1-alpha)c = 1 – (1-.05)3 = 1 - .953 = 1 - .86 = .14 • Using SPSS, LSD post hoc comparison does not control experimentwise error rate (e.g. comparisonwise error rate = 0.05 per comparison). – This is considered a liberal post hoc analysis • Tukey method for making comparisons maintains an experimentwise error rate – based on the distribution called the Q distribution – makes comparisons without inflating the experimentwise error rate Post-hoc analysis on SPSS – Compare Means – Click “post-hoc” button –Select method of analysis Dependent Variable: distance Tukey HSD Results from tire data Tukey test (I) brand firestone goodyear michelin uniroyal bridg estone (J) brand goodyear michelin uniroyal bridg estone firestone michelin uniroyal bridg estone firestone goodyear uniroyal bridg estone firestone goodyear michelin bridg estone firestone goodyear michelin uniroyal Mean Difference (I-J) -7.00000 .80000 -3.00000 -12.30000* 7.00000 7.80000* 4.00000 -5.30000 -.80000 -7.80000* -3.80000 -13.10000* 3.00000 -4.00000 3.80000 -9.30000* 12.30000* 5.30000 13.10000* 9.30000* *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Results from Tire data brand bridgestone goodyear uniroyal firestone michelin Total Mean 200.50 195.20 191.20 188.20 187.40 192.50 N 10 10 10 10 10 50 SD 5.44 9.02 5.55 3.88 5.27 7.61 Bridgestone Goodyear Uniroyal Firestone Michelin In words • Bridgestone is different than firestone, Michelin, and Uniroyal • Goodyear is different than Michelin • Uniroyal is different than Bridgestone • Firestone is different than Bridgestone • Michelin is different than Goodyear and Bridgestone