Crash Course of Relativistic Astrometry Four Dimensional Spacetime Poincare Transformation Time Dilatation Wavelength Shift Gravitational Deflection of Light Gravitational Delay of Light Post-Newtonian Equation of Motion Dragging of Inertial Frame Theories Special Theory of Relativity (STR) Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (GTR) General Relativistic Theories Brans-Dicke,Nordvegt,… Scalar-Vector, Scalar-Tensor, … Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) Formalism Principles Special Relativity Principle of Special Relativity Principle of Constant Speed of Light Principle of Coincidence for STR Einstein’s GTR Principle of General Relativity Principle of Equivalence Principle of Coincidence for GTR Four Dimensional Spacetime 3+1 dimension x 0,1,2,3 x ct 0 Metric tensor ds 2 3 g dx dx , 0 Proper Time Definition c d ds 2 2 Four Velocity 2 dx u d Minkowskian (Galilean) Approx. g 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 G H I 0 T 0 0 0 1 Lorentz Transformation 1-dimension Formula ctˆ cosh xˆ sinh sinh ct v c cosh x 3-dimension Formula cosh L sinh n sinh n v n cosh n n v T Poincare Transformation A kind of Affine Transformation ˆ ˆ x x x O ˆ P x Parallel Shift + Lorentz Tr. + Rotation P LR 1 0 R 0 R Newtonian Approximation Newtonian (Negative) Gravitational Potential: > 0 2 1 2 G c 0 0 I T Time Dilatation Newtonian Approximation d 1 v 1 2 dt c 2 2 Lorentzian Dilatation Gravitational Dilatation eff 1 2 c Wavelength Shift Phase: Gauge Invariant f 0 f 2-nd Order Lorentzian Shift Gravitational (Red) Shift Post-Galilean Approximation 2 1 2 c G 0 0 2 1 2 I c T PPN Formalism C.F. Will (1981) Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) PPN Parameters: (=1, , , …) =1 Principle of Equivalence Principle of Coincidence for GTR Einstein’s GTR: ==1, others=0 : Non-linearlity : Space Curvature Geodesic Extension of “Straight” Line Force-free path Time-like: Path of Mass Particle Baryon, Lepton, … Null: Path of Massless Particle Photon, Graviton, … Space-like: Space Coordinate Grid Path of Virtual Particle (Tachyon) Acceleration and Force Four Acceleration Du du a Γ u u d d Absolute Derivative: D Proper Mass: m Four Force f ma Geodesic Equation Principle of Equivalence “Gravitation is not Force” Path of Freely-Falling Bodies = Geodesic Timelike Geodesic Equation f du a Γ u u 0 d 0 Christoffel’s Symbol Γ 1 g g g g 2 x x x Inverse Metric: g g Not a Tensor = Coordinate Dependent Can be zero at a single point Analog of Gravitational Acceleration Eq. of Motion of Photon Photon Path = Null Geodesic Dk dk Γ k k 0 d d Rewriting in 3D form dv 1 0 2 dt c a v v a 2 c Newtonian Gravitational Acceleration: a Easy Solution: Successive Approximation P Gravitational Deflection Grav. Field = Convex Lens Deflection Angle 1 tan 2 c rSE 2 S E Up to 4 Images: Einstein-Ring, -Cross Brightening = Microlensing MACHO detection Gravitational Delay P Shapiro Effect (I.I.Shapiro 1964) rSE rSP rPE 1 2 log c rSE rSP rPE S Planetary Radar Bombing Pulsar Timing Observation Solar System: Sun, Jupiter, Earth, ... Binary Pulsar: Companion Intermediate Stars/Galaxies: MACHO, ... E Post-Newtonian Approx. 2 2Φ 1 2 4 c c G g 3 c g 3 c 2 1 2 I c T Non-linear Scalar Potential: F … Vector (=Gravito-Magnetic) Potential: g Post-Newtonian Eq. of Motion dv K 1 aK 2 dt c J AJK rJK BJK v JK 3 4 a J 2 rJK J K rJK J rJK a K 3 , rJK rJ rK , v JK v J v K , J K rJK L L AJK 2 2 1 v 2K L K rKL L J rJL 3 rJK v J 1 v 21 v J v K 2 rJK 2 J BJK rJK 2 2 v K 1 2 v J 2 rJK a J , 2 Dragging of Inertial Frame v a Fermi Transportation c 3 Extension of “Parallel” Transportation Locally Parallel Globally Non-Rotating No Coriolis Force Rest to Quasars STR: Thomas Precession GTR: Geodesic Precession: ~2”/cy Lense-Thirring Effect: rot g