PP - Rose Avenue Church of Christ

Studies in Ephesians
Ephesians 2:4-10
Ephesians 2:1-3
• We were dead in trespasses
• Sins, walking according to the
course of this world
• Sons of disobedience
• By nature, children of wrath
Cf. Romans 7:13-25
God, Rich in mercy and love (4)
• “But God” – where our
salvation begins!
• A God of mercy – kindness
and concern, Deut. 4:31,
Psa. 116:5, 1 Peter 1:3
• God of love – John 3:16
1 John 4:7-11
Rich and great
Made us alive with Christ (5)
• “even when we were dead in
trespasses” – wrongdoing, violating
moral standards, sin.
Spiritual death.
• We are made alive in Christ – the
antithesis of the above death.
Jesus made this possible.
• HOW do we come in contact with
the death of Jesus?
Colossians 2:11-13,
Rom. 6:3-6, Gal. 3:27
Made us alive with Christ (5)
• “By grace you have been saved
” – Grace – God’s gift offered to
all mankind.
His grace relives the guilt of our
• Grace is God’s part in our
salvation! He sent Jesus, gave
us His word, prayer, the church,
Rom. 5:8-11
Raised us up together…(6-7)
• We are not just made alive…
• We are raised up together –
Not just alive, but changed!
Spiritually – we are a new
creation. 2 Cor. 5:17,
Col. 3:9-11, “together” –
Paul and us… Romans 6:5
Raised us up together…(6-7)
• Made us sit together in the
heavenly places in Him –
Our spiritual inheritance creation
(Eph. 1:11-12)
our citizenship – Phil. 3:20,
Eph. 2:19, our anchor is there
Heb. 6:19; Heb. 12:12
Colossians 3:1-2
Raised us up together…(6-7)
• “that in the ages to come”
• Possibly the “ages” has
reference to generations,
dispensation, lifetime, etc.
since Christ came.
• NOTE: Since Christ came,
spiritual law has not changed!
(Heb. 13:8)
Raised us up together…(6-7)
• “He might show the exceeding
riches of His grace in HIs
kindness toward us in Christ
• AGAIN, this is HOW God
demonstrates His love (His
part). He ads, “kindness”
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Grace – God’s part
(summarizing our context)
• Up to this point, Paul has not
dealt with anything we do to
receive the gift of God’s grace
– salvation.
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – Paul appeals to man’s
part in his salvation.
• Faith – trusting God (not
merely trusting in God) and
believing God (not merely
believing in God)
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
Faith – man’s part.
Luke 6:46
Belief means we will obey!
Matthew 7:21-23
John 3:36
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – man’s part.
John 3:36, “He who believes in
the Son has everlasting life; and
he who does not believe the Son
shall not see life, but the wrath of
God abides on him.”
“Believes” πιστεύω (pisteuo)
“Does not believe” ἀπειθέω
(apeitheo) does not obey!
• Obedience is tied to belief!
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – man’s part.
• “not of yourselves, it is the gift
of God”
• Salvation is not and cannot be
earned! It is a gift.
Luke 17:10
• But you must accept it
(by faith)
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – man’s part.
• “not of works, lest anyone
should boast”
• This is WHY we cannot earn
our salvation – lest we brag!
• That implies a certain TYPE of
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – man’s part.
• How does this apply to baptism?
Isn’t baptism a work?
• Yes, but not meritorious.
• It is a work in the same way faith
is a work – 1 Thess. 1:3,
2 Thess. 1:11,
James 2:14-18
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – man’s part.
• Belief is a work – John 6:28-29
• Jesus said, “This is the work of
God, that you believe in Him who
sent Me.”
• If Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches no
type of work is involved in our
salvation, then belief is not
necessary according to Jesus
Saved by grace through faith(8-9)
• Faith – man’s part.
• Baptism is a work of faith!
• Colossians 2:11-12, raised with
Him through faith in the working of
• 1 Peter 3:21, “not the removal of
the filth of the flesh, but the answer
of a good conscience
toward God”
• Baptism is about believing God
and His promises
We are His workmanship (10)
• Our salvation is His work!
(That is why we emphasize His
• Created in Christ Jesus for
good works – our faith is NOT
about mere mental assent!
James 2:14-24
We are His workmanship (10)
• Which God prepared before hand
that we should walk in them.
• God tells us what to do!
Titus 2:14, 3:1, 8, 14
• Condemnation awaits those who
do not obey – 1 Peter 4:17,
Romans 2:8-9, Heb. 3:18-19
ἀπειθέω (apeitheo) disobey!
God’s grace has
made us alive
Have you responded
to His grace?