Chapter 2 Different Modes of Data Transmission 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Bandwidth Serial and Parallel Transmissions Simplex and Duplex Multiplexing Concept of Packets Access Methods Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.1 Bandwidth Bandwidth of a channel is the maximum data transmitted per second indicate the capacity of the channel has unit bps (bits per second). Kbps, Mbps, or Gbps Note: bandwidth is not the physical speed of signal movement it does not measure how long it takes for data to travel from one point to the other. Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.2 Serial and Parallel Transmissions Two modes of transmission: parallel several lines for several bits to move simultaneously serial a single line only bits move one after the other Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.2 Serial and Parallel Transmissions Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.2.1 Comparing Serial and Parallel Under identical conditions, parallel transmission is faster, because more channels are used (This explains why multiple parallel lines are found on printed circuit boards) Disadvantages of parallel transmission: very thick cables high cost difficult to install Therefore, data transmission in networking media is mainly serial. Note: modern technology has increased the rate of transmission over serial cable. Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.2.2 Serial and Parallel Conversion Why conversion is needed? Transmission inside the computer is parallel, but is serial outside. How? Done by Network Interface Card (NIC) which converts between • parallel data streams from the CPU, and • serial data along the cables Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.2.2 Serial and Parallel Conversion Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.2.2 Serial and Parallel Conversion Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.3 Simplex and Duplex Simplex one way data flow e.g. TV broadcast. Duplex bi-directional data transmission half-duplex transmission in one direction at a time When A is sending data, B has to wait until the transmission is over. e.g. walkie-talkies, hubs full-duplex two-way transmission at the same time e.g. telephone, switches Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.4 Multiplexing (1/2) Multiplexing means using a single line to carry signals from several devices e.g. You may surf the Web, while speaking over the phone – both use the same phone line (DSL broadband). by interleaving the signals Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.4 Multiplexing (2/2) Multiplexing (cont’) allows better use of the bandwidth of a channel Typical examples mobile phone systems, cable TV and DSL broadband requires the bandwidth of the shared channel several times higher than the transmission rate of individual device De-multiplexing interleaved signals are sent to the corresponding receivers Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5 Concept of Packets Almost all networks break messages into smaller pieces of data before transmission takes place. Packets (or frames) are fundamental units of information carriage in a computer network. Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5.1 Reasons for Using Packets 1. Avoid monopolisation Packets from different nodes can be interleaved 2. Even load distribution between lines Packets may use different paths 3. Avoiding complete failure Packets may be routed round the problem 4. Easier error recovery Only packets with errors need re-transmission Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5.2 Packet-switching Packet-switching involves packets may use different paths involves routers which directs the packets is designed to make full use of bandwidth is adopted by WANs and the Internet Circuit-switching a path is established between the sender and receiver until communication is over is used in traditional phone connection the available bandwidth is not fully utilised Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5.3 Packet Structure (1/2) Each packet must carry data content addresses sender address • for acknowledge receipt of data • for re-transmission receiver address • for delivery Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5.3 Packet Structure (2/2) Each packet must carry (cont’) control information sequencing • for re-assembling – because packets may arrive out of order error-control • for detecting or correcting errors time-to-live (TTL) • for avoiding undelivered packets to move forever. Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5.4 Packets Creation and Receive The NIC creates outgoing packets adds MAC addresses • of its own and the receiver sends the packet onto the networking medium. examines incoming packets accepting those targeting for it, and ignoring those not targeting for it. The receiver computer reassembles the packets to re-construct the original message by making use of the sequencing information Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.5.4 Packets Creation and Receive Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6 Access Methods Data collision occurs in shared networking medium when two computers send data at the same time Both data will be destroyed Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6 Access Methods Access methods ensure that data can be sent successfully over shared medium including CSMA/CD CSMA/CA Token passing Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6.1 CSMA/CD CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) Computer ready send data 1. listens to the channel 2. If the channel is free, 2.1 2.2 2.3 • sends the data. listens to see whether collision occurs or not. If there is a collision, waits a random period of time before re-send A random period is necessary, otherwise, the cycle “wait-send-collide” would occur repeatedly. the most popular access method used by Ethernet networks Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6.2 CSMA/CA CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) The computer ready to send data 1. listens to the channel 2. If the channel is free, 2.1 2.2 2.3 • sends an “intend-to-send” signal listens to see if there is another “intend-to-send” signal If there is another “intend-to-send” signal wait a random period of time, and repeat the above process – until the channel is absolutely free. 3. sends the data. CSMA/CA is commonly used by wireless LAN because collisions cannot be detected. Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6.3 Token Passing (1/2) Token is a small piece of code created when the network is turned on moving around continuously reaching each computer in turn Token passing can only work in ring networks e.g. Token Ring Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6.3 Token Passing (1/2) Chapter 2 Data Transmission 2.6.3 Token Passing (2/2) Token Passing Computer ready to send data 1. grabs the token 2. adds data to the token • including addresses and data content to it 3. sends the token out as a packet If the packet is delivered successfully, 4.1.1 The receiver returns a message to acknowledge arrival 4.1.2 The sender sends out a new token If no receiver is found, 4.2.1 The packets returns to the sender computer 4.2.2 The sender either • re-try or sends out a new token