Chapter 4 Model Reference Adaptive Control 1 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Simple MRAC Schemes 3. MRC for SISO Plants 4. Direct MRAC 5. Direct MRAC 6. Indirect MRAC 7. Robust MRAC 8. Case Study 2 Introduction In this chapter, we design and analyze a wide class of adaptive control schemes based on model reference control (MRC) referred to as model reference adaptive control (MRAC). In MRC, the desired plant behavior is described by a reference model and is driven by a reference input. The control law is then developed so that the closed-loop plant has a transfer function equal to .This transfer function matching guarantees that the plant will behave like the reference model for any reference input signal. 3 Introduction Model reference control 4 Introduction Goal: This goal, implies that to satisfy certain assumptions. These assumptions enable the calculation of the controller parameter vector as The above goal guarantees that the tracking error converges to zero for any given reference input signal r. If is known, then and the controller can be calculated using can be implemented. 5 Introduction When is unknown the use of certainty equivalence (CE) approach, where the unknown parameters are replaced with their estimates, leads to the adaptive control scheme referred to as indirect MRAC. 6 Introduction Another way of designing MRAC schemes is to parameterize the plant transfer function in terms of the desired controller parameter vector . The structure of the MRC law is such that we can write In this case, the controller parameter is updated directly without any intermediate calculations, and for this reason the scheme is called direct MRAC. 7 Introduction Direct MRAC 8 Introduction Various classes of MRAC 9 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Adaptive Regulation Consider the scalar plant The control objective is to determine a bounded function such that the state is bounded and converges to zero for any . A possible procedure to follow in the unknown parameter case is to use the same control law but with k* replaced by its estimate k(t) i.e., we use and search for an adaptive law to update k(t). 10 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Adaptive Regulation 11 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Adaptive Regulation Barbalat's lemma 12 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Adaptive Regulation We have shown that the combination of the control law with the adaptive law meets the control objective in the sense that it guarantees boundedness for all signals and forces the plant state to converge to zero. It is worth mentioning that, as in the parameter identification problems, we cannot establish that k(t) converges to k*. The lack of parameter convergence is less crucial in adaptive control than in PI, because in most cases the control objective can be achieved without requiring the parameters to converge to their true values. 13 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC without Normalization Consider the following first-order plant: where a, b are unknown parameters but the sign of b is known. The control objective is to choose an appropriate control law u such that all signals in the closed-loop plant are bounded and x tracks the state of the reference model given by or We propose the control law: 14 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC without Normalization are calculated so that the closed-loop transfer function from r to x is equal to that of the reference model, i.e., plant is controllable parameters a, b are unknown control law 15 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC without Normalization where are the estimates of , respectively, and search for an adaptive law to generate . 16 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC without Normalization where adaptive laws are the parameter errors. k 1ex sgn(b ) l 2er sgn(b ) 17 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC without Normalization 18 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC without Normalization Consider the same problem in last example where are generated by an adaptive law that we design. SSPM 19 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC without Normalization 20 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC without Normalization The boundedness of depend on and then . The requirement that be bounded away from zero is a controllability condition for the estimated plant. One method for preventing from going through zero is to modify the adaptive law as below. Such a modification is achieved using the following a priori knowledge: 21 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC without Normalization Using the same arguments If the reference input signal is sufficiently rich of order 2, then and therefore converge to zero exponentially fast. 22 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC with Normalization Consider the same first-order plant: Control law: or as before or :Reference model B-SPM 23 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC with Normalization Using the PI techniques, the adaptive law is given by normalizing signal: Independent of the boundedness of adaptive law guarantees that: , the above 24 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Direct MRAC with Normalization We can use properties (i)-(ii) of the adaptive law to first establish signal boundedness and then convergence of the tracking error e to zero. It can be follow in ref. 25 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC with Normalization Consider the same first-order plant: SPM the gradient algorithm As last, the above adaptive law guarantees that 26 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC with Normalization Due to division by , the gradient algorithm has to guarantee that does not become equal to zero. Therefore, instead of above adaptive law we use 27 Simple MRAC Schemes Scalar Example: Indirect MRAC with Normalization As shown in last chapter, the above adaptive law guarantees that By applying some lemma and theorem, it can be conclude that: 28 Simple MRAC Schemes Vector Case: Full-State Measurement Consider the nth-order plant where and is controllable. are unknown matrices The control objective is to choose the input vector such that all signals in the closed-loop plant are bounded and the plant state follows the state of a reference model: where is a stable matrix, , and is a bounded reference input vector. The reference model and input r are chosen so that represents a desired trajectory that has to follow. 29 Simple MRAC Schemes Vector Case: Full-State Measurement Control Law: If the matrices A, B were known, we could apply the control law Comparison with closed-loop plant (*) Matching condition 30 Simple MRAC Schemes Vector Case: Full-State Measurement In general, no may exist to satisfy the matching condition (*), indicating that the above control law may not have enough structural flexibility to meet the control objective. In some cases, if the structure of is known, , may be designed so that (*) has a solution for . Let us assume that in (*) exist, and propose the following control law to be generated by an appropriate adaptive law. 31 Simple MRAC Schemes Vector Case: Full-State Measurement ± 32 Simple MRAC Schemes Vector Case: Full-State Measurement It depends on the unknown matrix B. In the scalar case we manage to get away with the unknown B by assuming that its sign is known. An extension of the scalar assumption to the vector case is as follows: Let us assume that L* is either positive definite or negative definite and where if L* is positive definite and if L* is negative definite. Then and above error dynamic becomes 33 Simple MRAC Schemes Vector Case: Full-State Measurement We propose the following Lyapunov function candidate: where satisfies the Lyapunov equation Then are bounded and Note that The assumption may not be realistic. 34 MRC for SISO Plants In the general case, the design of the control law is not as straightforward as it appears in last examples. At firs we formulate the MRC problem for a general class of LTI SISO plants and solve it for the case where the plant parameters are known exactly. The significance of the existence of a control law that solves the MRC problem is twofold: 1) It demonstrates that given a set of assumptions about the plant and reference model, there is enough structural flexibility to meet the control objective 2) It provides the form of the control law that is to be combined with an adaptive law to form MRAC 35 schemes in the case of unknown plant parameters. MRC for SISO Plants Problem Statement Consider the SISO LTI plant where are monic polynomials and is a constant referred to as the high-frequency gain. The reference model, selected by the designer to describe the desired characteristics of the plant, is described by: where constant. are monic polynomials and is a 36 MRC for SISO Plants Problem Statement The MRC objective is to determine the plant input so that all signals are bounded and the plant output, , tracks the reference model output as close as possible for any given reference input . We refer to the problem of finding the desired , to meet the control objective as the MRC problem. In order to meet the MRC objective with a control law that is free of differentiators and uses only measurable signals, we assume that the plant and reference models satisfy the following assumptions. 37 MRC for SISO Plants Plant assumptions: Reference model assumptions: 38 MRC for SISO Plants Remark: Assumption P1 requires that the plant be minimum phase and no assumptions about the location of the poles of plant; i.e., the plant is allowed to have unstable poles. Note that we allow the plant to be uncontrollable or unobservable, since, by assumption P1, all the plant zeros are in LHP, any zero-pole cancellation can occur only in LHP, which implies that the plant is both stabilizable and detectable. Assumption P1 is a consequence of the control objective which is met by designing an MRC control law that cancels the zeros of the plant and replaces them with those of the reference model. For stability, such cancellations should occur in LHP, which implies the 39 assumption P1. MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters Let us consider the feedback control law as: Structure of the MRC scheme 40 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters control law 41 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters The closed-loop plant should be equal with reference: Choosing and using or matching equation 42 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters Equating the coefficients of the powers of s on both sides, we can express it in terms of the algebraic equation 43 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters A state-space realization of the above control law: 44 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters 45 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters We obtain the state-space representation of the overall closed-loop plant by augmenting the state of the plant with the states of the controller, i.e., 46 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters reference model realization 47 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters state error: output tracking error: 48 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters Example: Let us consider the second-order plant and the reference model choosing and the control input 49 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters Computing the closed-loop transfer function and the matching equation 50 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters Computing the closed-loop transfer function and the matching equation 51 MRC for SISO Plants MRC Schemes: Known Plant Parameters and can be implemented as 52 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws In this section, we extend the last scalar example to the general class of plants where only the output is available for measurement. The complexity of the schemes increases with the relative degree n* of the plant. The simplest cases are the ones where n* = 1 and 2. Because of their simplicity, they are still quite popular in the literature of continuous-time MRAC and are presented in separate sections. 53 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 1 Plant: Model: is chosen to have the same relative degree, and both and satisfy assumptions P1-P4 and M1 and M2, respectively. In addition is designed to be SPR. We have shown that the control law meets the MRC objective 54 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 1 estimate of composite state-space of the plant and controller: 55 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 1 Add and subtract the desired input where Ac is as before. 56 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 1 B-SSPM form where , which is in the form of the bilinear parametric model 57 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 1 The MRAC scheme is summarized by the equations Theorem: The above MRAC scheme has the following properties: (i) All signals in the closed-loop plant are bounded, and the tracking error converges to zero asymptotically with time for any reference input . (ii) If is sufficiently rich of order 2n, relatively coprime, then the parameter error tracking error converge to zero exponentially fast. are and the 58 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Example: Let us consider the second-order plant reference model: The control law is designed as 59 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws The adaptive law is given by For parameter convergence, we choose r to be sufficiently rich of order 4. As an example, we select We may not always choosing r to be sufficiently rich. For example, if r = constant in order to follow a constant set point at steady state, then the use of a sufficiently rich input r of order 4 will destroy the 60 desired tracking properties of the closed-loop plant. Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 2 Let us again consider the parameterization of the plant in terms of , developed in the previous section, i.e., With n* = 2, can no longer be designed to be SPR, and therefore the last procedure fails to apply. Instead, let us use the identity 61 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 2 62 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 2 using the transformation 63 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 2 As before Adaptive law 64 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 2 The overall MRAC scheme is summarized as 65 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Relative Degree n* = 2 Theorem: The above MRAC scheme guarantees that: (i) All signals in the closed-loop plant are bounded, and the tracking error converges to zero asymptotically. (ii) If are coprime and r is sufficiently rich of order 2n, then the parameter error and the tracking error , converge to zero exponentially fast. 66 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Example: Let us consider the second-order plant reference model: The control law is designed as 67 Direct MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws where The adaptive law is given by For parameter convergence, the reference input r is chosen as 68 Direct MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Laws Let us use the MRC law 69 Direct MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Laws whose state-space realization is given by and search for an adaptive law to generate DPM 70 Direct MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Laws B-SPM Using the results of PI 71 Direct MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Laws Theorem: The above MRAC scheme guarantees that: (i) All signals are uniformly bounded. (ii) The tracking error converges to zero. (iii) If the reference input signal r is sufficiently rich of order 2n, are coprime, the tracking error parameter error and , converge to zero exponentially fast. 72 Indirect MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws As in the direct MRAC case with unnormalized adaptive laws, the complexity of the control law increases with the value of the relative degree n* of the plant. In this section we demonstrate the case for n* = 1. The same methodology is applicable to the case of n*>2 at the expense of additional algebraic manipulations. We propose the same control law as in the direct MRAC case, 73 Indirect MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws where plant parameters: Controller parameters: matching equations: 74 Indirect MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws 75 Indirect MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws Considering the parametric model where As in the direct case, since n* = 1 we can choose to be SPR. 76 Indirect MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws state-space 77 Indirect MRAC with Unnormalized Adaptive Laws All signals are bounded and 78 Indirect MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Law Starting with the plant equation where is the high-frequency gain, we obtain the following plant parametric model: is a Hurwitz polynomial 79 Indirect MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Law control law: The controller parameter vectors is calculated using the mapping . The mapping is obtained by using the matching equations where is the quotient of and 80 Indirect MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Law If are the estimated values of the polynomials , respectively, at each time t, then are obtained as solutions to the polynomial equations are evaluated from the estimate of 81 Indirect MRAC with Normalized Adaptive Law Summary: Plant: Model: Plant Parameter Estimation Controller: Control Parameter Calculation: 82 Robust MRAC In this section we consider MRAC schemes that are designed for a simplified model of the plant but are applied to a higher-order plant. We assume that the plant is of the form where, is the modeled part of the plant is an unknown multiplicative perturbation with stable poles is a bounded input disturbance We assume that the overall plant and modeled part are strictly proper. We design the MRAC scheme assuming that the plant 83 model satisfies assumptions P1-P4. Robust Direct MRAC We first use an example to illustrate the design and stability analysis of a robust MRAC scheme with a normalized adaptive law. Then extend the results to a general SISO plant with unmodeled dynamics and bounded disturbances. Example Consider the SISO plant with a strictly proper transfer function, where is unknown and is a multiplicative plant uncertainty. Let us consider the nonrobust adaptive control law 84 Robust Direct MRAC where is the desired closed-loop pole and is the estimate of designed for the plant model and applied to the actual plant. The plant uncertainty introduces a disturbance term in the adaptive law that may easily cause to drift to infinity and certain signals to become unbounded. The above adaptive control law is, therefore, not robust with respect to the 85 plant uncertainty . Robust Direct MRAC This adaptive control scheme, however, can be made robust if we it with a robust one developed by following the procedure of last Chapter as: then we can verify that the signal guarantees that generated as 86 Robust Direct MRAC Hence, we can combine normalization with any modification, such as leakage, dead zone, or projection, to form a robust adaptive law. Let us consider the switching σ-modification, i.e., where is as defined in last chapter. According to the results in last chapter, the above robust adaptive law guarantees that 87 Robust Direct MRAC Using the properties of the norm, we have For analyzing the stability properties follow the ref, which implies that That is, the regulation error is of the order of the modeling error in m.s.s. where, 88 Robust Direct MRAC The conditions of summarized as follows: to satisfy robust stability are The constant is arbitrary and chosen to satisfy the above inequalities for small 89 Robust Direct MRAC Simulation results of the MRAC scheme of Example for different values of mu. 90 Robust Direct MRAC General case Let us now consider the SISO plant given by Satisfying assumptions P1-P4, and the overall transfer function of the plant is strictly proper. The multiplicative uncertainty satisfies the following assumptions: 91 Robust Direct MRAC Assumptions SI and S2 imply that defined as are finite constants which for robustness purposes will be required to satisfy certain upper bounds. We should note that the strict properness of the overall plant transfer function and of imply that is a strictly proper transfer function. The control objective is to choose so that all signals in the closed-loop plant are bounded and the output tracks, as closely as possible, the output of the reference model given by 92 Robust Direct MRAC The transfer function of the reference model satisfies assumptions Ml and M2. We start with the control law It can be shown that the parametric model for * is given by 93 Robust Direct MRAC We can use a wide class of robust adaptive laws. For example gradient algorithm as: The constant are analytic in is chosen so that This implies that 94 Robust Direct MRAC The above adaptive law guarantees that where is the upper bound of The control law together with the mentioned robust adaptive law form the robust direct MRAC scheme whose properties are described by the following theorem. 95 Robust Direct MRAC Theorem Consider the MRAC scheme designed for the plant model the plant With plant uncertainties disturbance . If but applied to and bounded input where 96 Robust Direct MRAC is such that is analytic in is an arbitrary constant, and denotes finite constants, then all the signals in the closed-loop plant are bounded and the tracking error satisfies for any T > 0, where is an upper bound for and If, in addition, the reference signal r is dominantly rich of order 2n and Zp, Rp are coprime, then the parameter error and tracking error converge exponentially to the residual set 97 Robust Direct MRAC Remark1: it was shown that the projection modification or switching σ-modification alone is sufficient to obtain the same qualitative results as those of Theorem. In simulations, adaptive laws using dynamic normalization often lead to better transient behavior than those using static normalization. Remark2: The calculation of the constants is tedious but possible. Because the constants, depend on unknown transfer functions and parameters, the conditions for robust stability are quite difficult to check for a given plant. The importance of the robustness bounds is therefore more qualitative than quantitative. 98 Case Study: Adaptive Attitude Control of a Spacecraft We consider the control problem associated with the descending of a spacecraft onto a landing site such as Mars. The attitude of the spacecraft needs to be controlled in order to avoid tipping or crash. Due to the consumption of fuel during the terminal landing, the moments of inertia Ix, Iy, and Iz are changing with time in an uncertain manner. In order to handle this parametric uncertainty we consider an adaptive control design. In next figure, are the body frame axes of the spacecraft; X, Y, and Z are the inertial reference frame axes of Mars; and O and C are the centers of mass of the spacecraft and Mars, respectively. 99 Case Study: Body frames of spacecraft and Mars. 100 Case Study: The dynamics of the spacecraft are described by the following equations: where are the input torques; are the moments of inertia; and are the angular velocities with respect to the inertial frame Axes. Define the coordinates where are the unit vectors along the axis of rotation and φ is the angle of rotation with are the quaternion angles of rotation. 101 Case Study: By assuming a small angle of rotation, i.e., we will have , and the attitude spacecraft dynamics will be described as 102 Case Study: Let the performance requirements are to have settling time less than 0.6 s. and overshoot less than 5%. These performance requirements are used to choose the reference model as a second-order system with two complex poles corresponding to a damping ratio and natural frequency rad/sec, i.e., 103 Case Study: The control objective is to choose the input torques so that each follows the output of the reference model for any unknown moment of inertia The form of the MRC law is 104 Case Study: where the controller parameters are such that the closed loop transfer function in each axis is equal to that of the reference model. It can be shown that this matching is achieved if Substituting these desired controller parameters into the MRC law, we can express the overall MRC law in the compact form where, 105 Case Study: I is the identity 3x3 matrix, and the design constant λ is taken to be equal to 1. The relationship between the desired controller parameters and unknown plant parameters shows that if we use the direct MRAC approach, we will have to estimate 12 parameters, which is the number of the unknown controller parameters, whereas if we use the indirect MRAC approach, we estimate only 3 parameters, namely the unknown inertias. For this reason the indirect MRAC approach is more desirable. Using the CE approach, the control law is given as where is the estimate of to be generated by an 106 online adaptive law as follows. Case Study: We consider the plant equations Filtering by Define: 107 Case Study: we obtain the SPMs Using the a priori information that we design the following adaptive laws: 108 Case Study: where adaptive gains: The adaptive laws together with the control law form the indirect MRAC scheme 109 Case Study: Next figure shows the tracking of the output qm of the reference model by the three coordinates q1,q2,q3, as well as the way the inertias change due to fuel reduction and the corresponding estimates generated by the adaptive law. It is clear that the control objective is met despite the fact that the estimated parameters converge to the wrong values due to lack of persistence of excitation. 110 Case Study: Simulation results of indirect MRAC. 111 THE END 112