BCS/CVS 504 Fall 2003 Motion perception and its neural mechanisms Tatiana Pasternak Departments of Neurobiology & Anatomy, Brain & Cognitive Science, and Center for Visual Science Motion perception and its neural mechanisms I • What is motion? • Functions of motion • Psychophysics of motion • Early cortical processing What is motion? Change in position over time 90o 45o 135o Direction 0o 180o 225o 315o 270o Speed degrees/second Functions of Motion Perceiving real moving objects Image segmentation Motion plays a role in pattern vision Cue to depth Time to collision from expanding optic flow A stimulus to drive eye movements Functions of Motion Kinetic depth Biological motion Form from motion Note: to see the QuickTime files that normally appear here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Functions of Motion Optic flow Time to collision from expanding optic flow Stimuli Commonly Used for Measuring Motion Perception Sinusoidal Gratings QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. •Spatial frequency •Temporal Frequency (speed) •Contrast •Noise masking Random dots Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. •∆x, spatial displacement •∆t, temporal interval between displacements •dot density •% correlation •local directions Examining Spatiotemporal Properties of Directional Mechanisms Detection Direction Discrimination vs vs Measure contrast threshold Direction Discrimination Is Optimal with Coarse Stimuli, Moving at Higher Speeds Sensitivity Ratio (direction/detection) 1 2 c/deg Coarse gratings Fine gratings 0.9 0.8 8 c/deg 0.7 0.6 slow 0 fast 5 10 15 Temporal Frequency (cycles/sec) From Watson et al 1980 Discrimination of Stimulus Speeds base speed vs faster or slower Measure minimal discriminable difference in speed Speed Discrimination Is Most Accurate at Higher Speeds Speed Discrimination (∆V/ V) x 100 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Speed (deg/sec) 25 30 Properties of Motion Mechanisms Motion perception is best at: low spatial frequencies (coarse) high temporal frequencies (higher speeds) Measuring Motion Perception With Random Dots Amplitude Spectrum of Random Dots Random-dot stimulus Normalized Amplitude 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Spatial Frequency (c/deg) Most of the energy in a random-dot stimulus is at lower spatial frequencies Apparent (Sampled) Motion Continuous Motion Apparent Motion ∆x ∆x spatial displacement of elements in a display Dmax maximal displacement seen as coherent motion ∆t temporal interval between spatial displacements Spatial limit of motion perception Small displacement of elements Large (x 6) displacement of elements Qui ckTi me™ and a Animation decompr essor are needed to see thi s picture. What is the direction of displacement? Apparent Motion Identify orientation of a bar formed by correlated displacement Spatial limit for motion increases with eccentricity From Baker and Braddick (1985) Temporal limit for apparent motion: 100-150 msec 10o ecc Dmax 5o ecc 1o ecc interstimulus interval ∆t (msec) From Baker and Braddick (1985) Apparent Motion Spatial limit for motion depends on: Eccentricity Spatial composition of the stimulus Temporal limit for motion 100 - 150 msec Measuring Complex Motion Perception Coherence 100% Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. 50% 25% Measuring perception of motion coherence Coherence 100% 50% Percent Correct (%) 100 Monkey 240 90 80 70 Threshold 60 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 25% Motion Coherence (%) Extracting coherent motion from random-dot stimuli no correlation 50% correlation Monkey From Newsome and Pare 1988 100 % correlation Human From Baker et al 1999 Stimuli Used to Measure Motion Integration Direction Range: 0 deg Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Stimuli Used to Measure Motion Integration Direction Range: 240 deg Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Stimuli Used to Measure Motion Integration Direction Range: 360 deg Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Motion integration threshold 100 Percent Correct 90 80 70 Range Threshold 60 50 0 90 180 270 330 Direction Range (deg) 360 Recording Neural Activity of a Single Cortical Neuron Visual Field microelectrode Fixation spot Visual Cortex Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Recording Neural Activity of a Single Cortical Neuron Visual Field microelectrode Fixation spot Visual Cortex Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Recording Neural Activity of a Single Cortical Neuron Visual Field microelectrode Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Fixation spot Visual Cortex Recording Neural Activity of a Single Cortical Neuron Visual Field microelectrode Receptive field Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Fixation spot Visual Cortex Direction Selective Responses Visual Field Preferred direction Fixation spot 400 Firing rate (spikes/sec) Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. 200 0 0 Time (ms) 500 Direction Selective Responses Visual Field Anti-preferred direction Fixation spot 400 Firing rate (spikes/sec) Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. 200 0 0 Time (ms) 500 Directionally Selective Neuron Preferred Direction Anti-Preferred Direction Firing rate (spikes/sec) 400 200 0 0 Time (ms) 500 0 Time (ms) 500 Visually Responsive Areas in the Monkey Brain LIP VP Percent Selective Neurons (%) Incidence of Directionally Selective Neurons in Monkey Cortex 100 MT 75 50 V3 25 V1 V2 0 V4 Directionally selective neurons are present in several regions of visual cortex but are most numerous in area MT adapted from Felleman & Van Essen (1987) and Levitt et al 1997 Visual Pathways in Monkey Cortex Parietal Cortex 7a STP VIP LIP MT V1 V2 MST V3 V4 TEO TE Temporal Cortex Widespread Loss of Cortical Directional Selectivity in Strobe-Reared Cats 100 Percent Cells 80 V1 LS cortex normal 60 normal 40 20 strobe-reared strobe-reared 0 Very few cortical neurons in cats reared in the environment illuminated by an 8 Hz strobe flash are selective for stimulus direction. from Spear et al (1985) from Pasternak et al (1985) Testing Sensitivity of Directional Mechanisms Detection Direction Discrimination vs vs Measure contrast threshold Widespread Loss of Cortical Directional Selectivity Affects Sensitivity for Direction Discrimination Contrast Sensitivity Detection 100 10 1 Direction Discrimination Normal Normal Reduced DS Reduced DS Loss of Directional Selectivity Affects Motion Coherence Thresholds Direction Range (deg) 360 270 Normal Reduced DS Normal 180 90 0 Reduced DS 100% 25% Coherence (%) Cortical Directional Selectivity and Motion Perception Effects of strobe-rearing Cats reared in 8 Hz stroboscopic illumination show selective loss of over 90% of neurons selective for motion direction. Such animals detect moving targets at near normal contrasts but require 10 times higher contrasts to identify their direction of motion. Such animals show severe deficits in discriminating directions of coherent motion masked by noise. The residual direction sensitivity is likely to be determined by the activity of a small number of remaining directionally selective neurons. A small number of directionally selective cells can support normal direction discrimination with highly visible targets (high contrast and no noise) This result demonstrates the involvement of directionally selective neurons in direction discrimination. Directionally Selective Neuron in Area V1 245 90 60 135 250 255 260 70 240 45 60 75 235 55 80 230 50 180 0 315 225 265 65 215 35 270 Hawken et al 1988 Non-Directional Neuron in Area V1 270 90 90 275 95 265 280 100 260 285 105 255 290 110 250 305 125 235 85 45 135 80 75 0 180 70 55 315 225 270 This neurons is selective for stimulus orientation but is not selective for stimulus direction Hawken et al 1988 Direction Selectivity of V1 Neurons projecting to MT Neurons Projecting to MT are localized to layers 4B and 6 and show directional selectivity similar to that of area MT. Movshon & Newsome, 1998 Spatiotemporal Properties of a Directionally Selective V1 Neuron Projecting to MT Prefer lower spatial frequencies Low-pass temporal frequency response High contrast sensitivity 4.8 Hz 0.9 c/deg 0.9 c/deg 4.8 Hz Movshon & Newsome, 1998 Physiological Basis of Motion Perception II Processing of motion beyond striate cortex Direction selective neuron Reichardt (1961) detector Responds most strongly to one preferred direction but little to motion in the opposite direction Stimulus Receptive field Response Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Response Responds to luminance variations over space and time. DS neurons collects inputs from neighboring regions. A delay (∆t) assures that the two signals will arrive simultaneously at the DS neuron. Cortical Area MT Parietal Cortex 7a STP VIP LIP MT V1 V2 A small area (~60 mm2) MST Receives direct inputs from layer 4B of V1, from the thick stripes of V2 and from V3. V3 Projects to MST and other components of parietal cortex V4 TEO TE Temporal Cortex Receptive Fields in Area MT MT neurons have medium-sized receptive fields (5-10 fold larger than in V1) which increase with eccentricity. Contains a coarse retinotopic map of the contralateral visual field. fovea Most MT neurons are not selective for form but are tuned to: direction of motion speed of motion binocular disparity (depth) from Tanaka, 1998 Receptive Fields in MT Are Larger Than in V1 MT V1 MT Neurons Are Selective for the Direction of Motion but not Color and Orientation Preferred direction From Tanaka, 1998 Direction and speed selectivity in MT Direction selectivity MT contains neurons tuned to all directions and a wide variety of speeds Speed selectivity from de Angelis Over 90% of MT neurons are tuned for direction and speed of motion http://thalamus.wustl.edu/Neural_Systems_03/ Direction selectivity in MT Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. From Maunsell et al, 1983 J.A. Movshon Anatomical Organization of Direction Selectivity in MT Cortical layers Electrode penetration MT neurons are clustered according to their directional Axis of motion (degrees) preferences. Track distance (µm) from Albright et al 1984 Directional Columns in MT There is a topographic map across the surface of MT A region 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm contains columns tuned to directions covering 360o from Albright et al 1984 Speed Tuning of an MT Neuron From Maunsell et al 1983 Speed Tuning of four MT Neurons From Maunsell et al 1983 Can MT neurons tuned for speed explain psychophysical performance? Speed Discrimination (∆V/ V) x 100 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Speed (deg/sec) We discriminate differences in speed that are much smaller than differences in speed leading to a change in firing rate. It is unlikely that a single neuron can signal speed differences at threshold Responses of MT neurons to relative motion Background movement Slit movement When the surround moves in the same direction as the central bar, many MT neurons decrease their firing. Selectivity of MT Neurons for Relative Motion center dots move background dots inhinition (%) Normalized response (%) stationary Maximal inhibition occurs when background & center dots move in the same direction (no relative motion) Faciliation %) Maximal response occurs when the center dots move (no relative motion) center dots move in optimum direction Background direction varies Direction of movement of background dots Direction of movement of center dots From Allman et al, 1985 Selectivity of MT Neurons for Relative Motion Bar moves at optimum speed background velocity varies Inhibition (%) Normalized response (%) Bar moves dots stationary Bar velocity (deg/sec) Background velocity (deg/sec) Maximal inhibition occurs when background dots and the center bar move at the same speed (no relative motion) MT neurons signal relative motion Neurons fire most when the motions of stimuli in the receptive field center and surround do not match Spatiotemporal properties of MT receptive fields Psychophysics Spatial limit for apparent motion Temporal limit for apparent motion 10o ecc Dmax 5o ecc 1o ecc interstimulus interval ∆t (msec) Do spatiotemporal properties of MT neurons match psychophysics? Spatial Limit for Directional Selectivity in MT Stimulus Receptive field stroboscopic slit ∆x preferred null Direction selectivity At large spatial displacements, MT neurons are no longer direction selective From Mikami et al, 1986 Temporal Limit for Directional Selectivity in MT Stimulus stroboscopic slit Receptive field At temporal intervals > 100msec, MT neurons stop showing direction selectivity From Mikami et al, 1986 Spatial Limit for Directional Selectivity in MT Increases with Eccentricity Stimulus MT stroboscopic slit Psychophysical data V1 Spatial limits (Dmax) for direction selectivity in MT are larger than in V1 Dmax for single MT neurons and measured psychophysically is similar From Mikami et al, 1986 Temporal Limit for Direction Selectivity Does Not Change with Eccentricity Stimulus stroboscopic slit V1 MT Temporal limits for direction selectivity in MT and V1 are similar From Mikami et al, 1986 Psychophysical thresholds match spatial properties of MT neurons MT Motion threshold V1 From Newsome et al 1986 Spatial & Temporal Limits for Direction Selectivity in MT • Spatial limit (Dmax) for MT neurons increases with eccentricity • Temporal limit is constant (~100msec) and independent of eccentricity • These properties of MT neurons are consistent with spatiotemporal limits for apparent motion measured psychophysically Motion integration in MT 240o Average Activity (spikes/sec) 0o 360o 100 Preferred 80 MT neurons compute global direction of motion 60 40 Anti-Preferred 20 baseline activity N=127 0 0 90 180 270 Direction Range (deg) 360 Aperture Problem and Motion Integration Small receptive fields face aperture problem Aperture problem True direction of motion is not perceived through a small aperture Proposed solution edge 1 edge 2 True direction of motion can be extracted with two apertures Solution of the aperture problem requires integration of local directional signals Plaid stimuli are often used to study motion integration component pattern + component = Perceiving pattern motion Component gratings must match in: Contrast Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Spatial frequency Speed How do MT neurons respond to plaid stimuli? V1 Neurons Projecting to MT Respond Only to the Components of the Plaid pattern component From Movshon & Newsome, 1996) Responses to Plaids in MT pattern Some MT neurons respond to pattern motion. These neurons integrate local motion signals Some MT neurons show the same coherence thresholds as the monkey no correlation behavior 50% correlation 100 % correlation neuron neuron behavior Some MT neurons show lower coherence thresholds and some higher than the monkey Sensitivity of Many MT Neurons is Equal to Psychophysically Measured Sensitivity of the Monkey Neuron more sensitive Neuron less sensitive from Britten et al, 1992 Psychophysical decisions may be based on a relatively small number of neurons This view has since been modified by Britten & Newsome (1998): psychophysical decisions near threshold are based on activity of the population of MT neurons Properties of MT neurons • MT contains representation of the contralateral receptive field receptive fields are localized and increase with eccentricity • Most MT neurons are selective for direction & speed of stimulus motion • Directionally selective neurons are organized in columns • Responses of MT neurons are strongly modulated by stimuli placed in the surround (relative motion) • MT neurons respond to relatively low spatial frequency, have high contrast sensitivity and are broadly tuned to temporal frequency • Spatial limits of MT receptive fields increase with eccentricity • Maximal temporal interval for direction selectivity is about 100ms • MT neurons are capable of integrating local motion vectors • Many properties of MT neurons parallel perceptual phenomena • Signals provided by MT neurons are used in the performance of motion tasks Processing of Visual Motion in Area MST MST MST receives extensive inputs from MT and has two main subdivisions MSTd (dorsal) Most neurons have very large receptive fields that cross the midline. Respond to complex patterns of motion including translation, rotation, expansion/contraction, and various combinations of these. MSTv (ventral) Neurons have medium to large receptive fields Respond to motion of objects much like MT neurons Receptive Fields in Area MST Receptive fields in MST are larger than those in MT and include the fovea Responses of a Typical MSTd Neuron MSTd neurons prefer movement over a wide visual field MSTd Neurons Prefer Complex Patterns of Motion MST neurons are thought to encode patterns of motion, or optic flow, that are created by self-motion. Optic flow stimuli Focus of expansion stimuli Note: to see the QuickTime file that normally appears here, download the full compressed version of the presentation from the same page from which this file was originally linked. Some uses of optic flow information Heading estimation When you translate through your environment, the focus of expansion can give information about where you are headed. Postural adjustment optic flow gives powerful visual feedback that can be used to adjust posture and complements vestibular information Responses of MSTv Neurons Stationary center MT cell These neurons respond to relative motion and occlusion ventral MST cell MSTv respond to relative movement of small objects Separate subsystems for processing of object motion and field motion?