
Overview of 3D Computer
Aknowledgements: to my best knowledges, these slides originally
come from University of Washington,
and subsequently are adapted by colleagues.
• Modeling of 3D objects
– Polygonal representation (geometry)
– Parametric represenation (curves and surfaces)
• Rendering:
– (lighting and illumination models)
– on-line graphics pipeline
– off-line global illumination methods: ray-tracing and
Graphics pipeline
2D and 3D Euclidean transformations
Hierarchical modeling
Introduction to projective geometry
(real) camera modeling from vision
(synthetic) camera for graphics: projective transformation
Hiden surface removal
Polygonal representation
• Hierarchical data structure
– An object is surfaces
– A surface is polygons
– A polygon is vertices
• Mannually designed
• Automatic from scanning of real objects
• Automatically generated from other descriptions (implicit)
Rendering Triangles
Developer specifies in OpenGL/DirectX
– Rendering state
(transformation matrices, texture mapping, etc…)
– Triangles and vertices
(with colors, etc…)
Graphics card processing
– Vertex processing
(model, view, projection transformation)
– Triangle scan-conversion
– Pixel processing
(value set to Gouraud-interpolated colors)
Rendering Triangles
Developer specifies in OpenGL/DirectX
– Rendering state
(transformation matrices, texture mapping, etc…)
– Triangles and vertices
(with colors, etc…)
Graphics card processing
– Vertex processing
(model, view, projection transformation)
– Triangle scan-conversion
– Pixel processing
(value set to Gouraud-interpolated colors)
Transform and Lighting
GPU Transform and Lighting of vertices – available on consumer
graphics cards circa 1999
– Also called fixed function pipeline
– Previously normally done on CPU
Forced the use of Gouraud / Phong lighting
– Other variations couldn’t be handled by the graphics
Fixed Function
Vertex Data
(Model space)
Fixed Function
Transform and
Geometry Stage
Clipping and Viewport Mapping
Texture Stages
Rasterizer Stage
Fog, Alpha, Stencil Depth Testing
Open GL
• OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a standard specification defining a cross-language
cross-platform API for writing applications that produce 3D computer graphics (and 2D
computer graphics as well).
• The interface consists of over 250 different function calls which can be used to draw
complex three-dimensional scenes from simple primitives. OpenGL was developed by
Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in 1992[1] and is popular in the video games industry where it
competes with Direct3D on Microsoft Windows platforms (see Direct3D vs. OpenGL).
• OpenGL is widely used in CAD, virtual reality, scientific visualization, information
visualization, flight simulation and video game development.
• OpenGL is a low-level, procedural API, requiring the programmer to dictate the exact steps
required to render a scene.
• the red book: http://www.rush3d.com/reference/opengl-redbook-1.1/
2D Transformations
• Hearn & Baker, 5.1-5.5
• Foley, et al., 5.1-5.5.
• David F. Rogers and J. Alan Adams, Mathematical Elements for
Computer Graphics, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990,
Chapter 2.
• Linear algebra: Gilbert Strang
Intuitive introduction
En  A n with dot prod.
Naturally everything starts from the known vector space
• add two vectors
• multiply any vector by any scalar
• zero vector – origin
• finite basis
• Vector space to affine: isomorph, one-to-one
Pts, lines, parallelism
• vector to Euclidean as an enrichment: scalar prod.
Angle, distances, circles
Points versus vectors
(geometry vs. algebra)
•Both can be represented as a list of coordinates
•The distinction enables us to check validity of
geometric operations.
(linear) algebra:
• A location in space
• Its coordinate values depend
on the choice of coordinate
• P+Q is not defined
• P is not defined, but
is defined if
 ii
i 1
• Has direction and magnitude
• Free to move anywhere (free
• v + w is defined
• v is defined
• An affine space is similar to a vector space, only viewed
• An affine space is a vector space if we fix one pt as the origin.
• A vector space is an affine space if we ‘forget’ the ‘zero’.
• Affine geometry reduces to linear algebra
Geometric transformations
Geometric transformations map points in one space to points in
another space: (x’, y’, z’) = f(x, y, z)
These transformations can be very simple, such as scaling each
coordinate, or complex, such as non-linear twists and bends.
We’ll focus on transformations that can be represented easily with
matrix operations: linear transformations.
We can represent a point in the plane as
• a column vector
• a row vector
 x
 y
 
Representation, cont.
We can represent a 2D transformation M by a matrix
a b 
M 
If p is a column vector, then M goes on the left:
p  Mp
 x   a b   x 
 y   c d   y 
  
 
If p is a row vector, then MT goes on the right:
p  pM T
y  x
We will use column vectors.
a c 
y 
2D Transformations
Here’s all you get with a 2x2 transformation matrix M:
 x a b   x 
 y   c d   y 
  
 
x  ax  by
y  cx  dy
Suppose we choose a=d=1, b=c=0:
• Gives the identity matrix:
• Doesn’t move the points at all
1 0 
0 1 
Suppose we set b=c=0, but let a and d take on any positive value:
• Gives a scaling matrix:
a 0 
0 d 
• Provides differential scaling in x and y:
x  ax
y   dy
a 0 
0 d 
x  ax
y   dy
Suppose we keep b=c=0, but let either a or d go negative:
  1 0
 0 1
1 0 
0 1
Now let’s leave a=d=1 and experiment with b ….
1 b 
The matrix
0 1 
x  x  by
y  y
Effect on unit square
Let’s see how a general 2x2 transformation M affects the unit
a b 
 c d p q r s  p q r s
 a b  0 1 1 0  0 a a  b b 
 c d  0 0 1 1   0 c c  d d 
 
Effect on unit square, cont.
• Origin invariant under M
• M can be determined just by knowing how the corners (1,0) and
(0,1) are mapped
• a and d give x- and y-scaling
• b and c give x- and y-shearing
Inverse Rotation
Limitations of the 2x2 matrix
2x2 matrix allows
Q: What important operation does that leave out?
Homogeneous coordinates,
just as a convenient tool!
Idea is to loft the problem up into 3-space, adding a third
component to every point:
 x
 x  
 y   y
  1 
 
And then transform with a 3x3 matrix:
 x  1 0 t x   x 
 y    0 1 t   y 
y  
  
 w 0 0 1   1 
Homogeneous coordinates
 x 
 x  1 0 t x   x 
 y    T ( t )  y   0 1 t   y 
y  
 
  
 w
 1  0 0 1   1 
Rotation around arbitrary point
With homogeneous
coordinates, we can specify
rotations about any point p
with a matrix
1. Translate object so that pivot
is at origin
2. Rotate object
3. Translate so that pivot is
back to original position
Order is important!
Affine transformations
• All of the transformations we have looked at so far are examples
of affine transformations
• Some properties of affine transformations:
– Lines map to lines
– Parallel lines remain parallel
– Midpoints map to midpoints (in fact, ratios are always
Affine versus Euclidean Geometry
Affine geometry
• Operations for vectors: v  w, v
• Operations for points: P – Q, P  v
• No concepts of length and angle
Eucliean geometry
• Add one operation to affine geometry: inner product
• Thus introduce angles and distances
• Concepts defined: length of vector, normalize a vector, distance
between points, angle between vectors, orthogonality,
orthogonal projection
cos1 (uˆ  vˆ) where uˆ , vˆ
• Angle between u and v =
are unit
u  v  0    90
u v  0 
u v  0 
Orthogonal projection
• Orthogonal projection of a given vector u onto
unit vector
(u  vˆ)vˆ
What you should take away from this lecture:
• The meaning of all the boldfaced terms
• How points and transformations are represented
• What all the elements of a 2x2 transformation matrix do
• What homogeneous coordinates are and how they work for
affine transformations
• How to concatenate transformations
• Properties of affine transformations
3D Transformations
• Hearn & Baker, 5.9-5.15
• Hill 5.1-5.4
Basic 3D transformations:
Some of the 3D transformations are just like 2D ones. For
example, scaling
Translation in 3D
Rotation in 3D
Rotation now has more possibilities in 3D:
Rotation in 3D
What about the inverses of 3D rotations?
Rotation around an axis by an
angle …
Shearing in 3D
Compositing multiple
• Expressed as matrix multiplications:
p’ = M1 M2 p
means apply transformation M2 first, followed by M1
Historically, the vectors in graphics were row vectors,
but columns are more popular.
Compositing multiple
3 steps
1) T(-2, -3)
2) R(30)
3) T(2, 3)
q’=T(2,3) R(30) T(-2,-3) q
Change of the coordinate
frame, Change of basis
Specify: an origin, and two vectors
Let’s first look at a 2D example
• p=(2, 1)T, what are the coordinates of p with respect to the
new basis (coordinate system)?
Linear dependence or independence
Spanning a space or a subspace, ‘generators’
Basis for a space or a subspace (a set of vectors)
Dimension of a subspace (a number)
• A basis for V is a set of vectors: linearly independent (not too
many) and span the space V (not too few)
• Basis is not unique, coordinates are, when the basis is fixed.
• New basis: O=(4,3)T, e0=(-1,0)T, e1=(0,-1)T
Let coordinates of p in new basis
be (0, 1)T
(  0,  1,1)T  B ( 0,1,1)T
New basis: O=(4,3)T, e0=(-1,0)T, e1=(0,1)T
Represent as homogeneous coordinates:
O=(4,3,1)T, e0=(-1,0,0)T,
For vectors, last component of
homogeneous coordinates is 0, for
convenience only for the time being.
p  O   0 e 0   1e 1
  0  px 
 
   ox 
 
   
 1  py    0    1    1 oy 
0  1 
 
   
 0 
 
  1 
 0 0 1  1 
 
 0  
  
 1   
1 
  
Basis change: e’_i = B e_i
Pt change, x’ = A x
x=\sum x_i e_i,
x=\sum x_i B^{-1} e’
= \sum
B^{-1} x_i e’
x’ = B^{-1} x
Change of basis in 3D
one origine, three vectors
3D case
• Given an orthonormal basis (O, e0, e1, e2)
– e0, e1, e2 are unit length vectors
– e0, e1, e2 are mutually orthogonal
• To change basis, need matrix M=(e0 e1 e2 O)
 m00 m01 m02 m03 
 m10 m11 m12 m13 
M 
m20 m21 m22 m23 
 0
• It is easy to find the inverse of such a matrix
We can write M as
M 
0 m03  m00
0 m13  m10
1 m23  m20
0 1  0
m01 m02
m11 m12
m21 m22
 TR
1 
Finding the inverse
M 1  
Transformation between two coordinate systems involves a translation,
followed by a general rotation.
Cross product
The cross product of two vectors in 3-space is
An easy way to remember this is to write it in the form
Cross product: define coordinate
• Given two vectors u and v (not parallel)
• Define a coordinate system such that
– One of the axis is in the direction of u
– Another axis is perpendicular to both u and v
• Solution:
– Direction of x-axis: e0 = u
– Direction of z-axis: e2 = u x v
– Direction of y-axis: e1 = e2 x e0 (note:  e0 x e2 )
• The Gram-Shmidt process
Cross product: normal
Find the normal of a triangle
OpenGL Transformation
• OpenGL maintains a matrix stack called Modelview
• Transformations are accumulated by postmultiplication with
the top-of-the-stack matrix M
• glLoadIdentity()
glTranslatef(tx, ty, tz)
M  MT
glRotatef(theta, x, y, z)
M  MR
glScalef(sx, sy, sz)
M  MS
• Points are multiplied to the top-of-the-stack matrix during
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
/* Subsequent matrix commands will affect the modelview matrix */
/* Initialise the modelview to identity */
glTranslatef( 0, 0, -3 );
/* Translate the modelview 3 units along the Z axis */
We issue a polygon – a green square oriented in the xy plane.
glBegin( GL_POLYGON ); /* Begin issuing a polygon */
glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ); /* Set the current color to green */
glVertex3f( -1, -1, 0 ); /* Issue a vertex */
glVertex3f( -1, 1, 0 ); /* Issue a vertex */
glVertex3f( 1, 1, 0 ); /* Issue a vertex */
glVertex3f( 1, -1, 0 ); /* Issue a vertex */
glEnd(); /* Finish issuing the polygon */
What you should take away from this lecture:
• The meaning of all the boldfaced terms
• How transformations are generalized from 2D to 3D
• How to concatenate transformations
• How to define a coordinate system from two given vectors
• How to change basis
• How to represent points and vectors in homogeneous
• How OpenGL matrix stack works