Design And Analysis of an improved version of triangle-to-sine wave conversion CHAPTER 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Shaping Techniques 1.3 Trigonometric Functions Synthesis CHAPTER 2 Bipolar Technique 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Analysis of the General Sine-Shaping Network CHAPTER 3 Mosfet Technique 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Synthesis Principle and Analysis CHAPTER 4 4.1 Transistor shape Current source circuit 4.2 Circuit Analysis CHAPTER 5 Improvement: 1-Triangle to Sine wave converter by using transistor - Simulation for the old circuit Triangle-to-Sine wave conversion by using spice technique (Microcap V6) . •The old technique used the amplitude in mV. • The result of this simulation has shown good agreement with the provided lab-result. Simulation circuit 2-Two different approach in developing triangle-toSine converter have been adopted as :a-Diode Shape technique -The Simulation for this technique is carried out by using computer program (Microcap V6) . -In this technique the diode shape has been utilized(it is easy to built). -The advantage of this approach is to eliminate the two transistor which lead to the elimination two current source in old circuit . -This technique doesn’t required DC source . Simulation circuit ·By added mixer in diode shape technique Triangle-to-Sine wave converter we can obtain Triangle AM modulator-to-Sine wave AM modulator as shown Simulation circuit b -Seven-Segment Using 12 Transistor ·The Seven Segment Triangle-to-Sine wave converter has been simulated by using spice technique Simulation circuit · The advantage of this proposed Triangle-to-Sine wave that its ability to increase the operating voltage from 1.8-15v · by added mixer in Seven Segment Triangle-to-Sine wave converter we can obtain Triangle AM modulator-to-Sine wave AM modulator as shown Simulation circuit Conclusion The importance of triangle to sine wave converters stem from the fact that triangular waveforms are easier to generate. Triangular waveforms are generated from pulse (square wave) generator by integrating the square wave. The BJT, which has the smallest error than any other technique. Also, the angular range could be increased by one π for each addition of the transistor. The MOSFET, which has the advantage that it can be applied to synthesize any odd function. The nonlinear technique as a whole has the advantage that we could get an offset output voltage which appears as a phase shift associated with the output signal. For high frequency the techniques are not work good . In old Bipolar technique the amplitude should be small. The advantage of Seven Segment technique Triangle-to-Sine wave that its ability to increase the operating voltage from1.8-15v. Thank you for cooperation