HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Hydrograph Hydrographs are graphical representations of “flow parameters against time”. When a storm falls in a catchment, after initial losses and loss due infiltration, rainfall excess eventually flows to the main stream. “If the discharge ‘Q’, average velocity ’V’ and depth or stage ‘Y’ at outlet point of the stream is measured from beginning of the storm to the end of storm in the catchment and if they are plotted against time, they may be called Hydrograph”. i) If ‘Q’ is plotted against time ‘t’, it is called flow or “flood Hydrograph” ii) If ‘V’ is plotted against ‘t’, it is known as “Velocity Hydrograph” iii) If depth ‘Y’ or stage ‘H’ is plotted against time ‘t’, it is called depth or “Stage Hydrograph”. “But most commonly in Hydrology, Hydrograph means the 1 graph of flow rate ‘Q’ against time ‘t’” HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Hydrograph of Single and Complex Storms (Picture-I) 2 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Hydrograph of Single and Complex Storms (Picture-II) 3 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Components of Hydrograph of Isolated Storm i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. AB is approach segment BC is rising limp or concentration curve CPD is crest segment or peak limb DE is falling limb Lower portion DE is called “Ground Water Depletion” curve P is the point of crest or peak tB is time of rise Tp is the time of peak Area under ABE is the volume of base flow (shown by shaded line). This volume is assumed to have no contribution of storm. x. Area between BPE and BE is the volume of direct surface runoff (DSR) shown by dots. xi. OA is the value of discharge at initial time t=0 and this OA may be assumed to be the base flow. xii. ‘C’ is the first point of inflexion and ‘D’ is the second point of inflexion. 4 xiii. OE1 is the base period ‘T’ of the hydrograph HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Hydrograph Components 5 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Hydrograph Segment 6 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Segments of Hydrograph of an Isolated Storm Hydrograph is broadly divided into following three segments; Rising Limb/ Segment In the initial time of rainfall, losses cause the discharge to rise slowly. Building up of storage is evidently gradual. However, if the storm is continuous, a accumulative discharge from upstream reaches the outlet (as infiltration and absorption loss decreases with time). “Of course, shape of basin and storm characteristics affect the rising limp”. Peak Limb/ Crest Segment It is the most important part of Hydrograph. Peak outflow is essential for design of Hydraulic Structures. When runoffs from all sources reach the outlet, peak flow occurs. In large catchment, peak flow may even occur after the storm. “Estimation of peak flow and its time of occurrence are very 7 important in Hydrology”. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Segments of Hydrograph of an Isolated Storm Recession Limb/ Depletion Curve The recession limb represents the “withdrawal of water from storage after all inflows to the channel have ceased. “Therefore, it is time independent of rainfall or infiltration and is essentially dependent on channel features alone”. 8 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Factors Affecting Flood Hydrograph i. “Climatic factors” are movement, infiltration, intensity and duration of rainfall. ii. “Physiographic factors depend on”; a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Shape of Basin Size of Basin Slope of Basin Nature of Basin Drainage Density Elevation of Catchment Land use and Cover Soil type and Geological Condition Lakes, Storages, Swamps Channel Characteristics 9 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Base Flow Separation Base flow is the initial flow of the stream before the rain comes. “It is the sustained or dry weather flow of the stream resulting from the outflow of perennial or almost permanent ground water flow that reaches the channel”. This base flow of such channel is more or less assumed to be constant. Following are the methods of separating this base flow from the total recorded flows of the Hydrograph; i) Straight Line Method ii) Fixed Base Method iii) Variable Slop Method 10 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Separation of Base Flow 11 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS i) Straight Line Method In this method, base flow separation is achieved by a straight line joining from a point ‘A’ figure below to a point ‘B’ on the recession limb representing the end of surface runoff. “This method is approximate, but very easy to separate. Error is not much”. 12 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS ii) Fixed Base Method Time base of Direct Surface Hydrograph (DSR) should remain relatively constant for storm to storm. In using method of separation, this point should be kept in mind. “This is usually provided by terminating the direct runoff at a fixed time after the peak of the Hydrograph. As a rule of thumb, time in days ‘N’ may be approximated by” N = 0.8A0.2 Where ‘A’ is area of catchment (km2) and ‘N’ is the time in days the figure below shows the reasonable and un-reasonable value of ‘N’. 13 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Fixed Base Method 14 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Variable Slope Method Here base flow curve existing prior to the commencement of surface runoff is extended till it intersects the ordinate drawn at point ‘D’. This point ‘D’ is joined with a straight line DB. The volume below ADB is volume of base flow (figure-’a’ & ‘b’ enclosed). In figure-’b’, base flow recession curve after depletion of the floodwater at ‘B’ is extended backward till it intersects the ordinate DB at point of inflection. The points ‘A’ and ‘D’ are joined by straight line. “The volume under ADB represents the volume of base flow”. 15 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Variable Slope Method 16 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Computation of Direct Surface Runoff (DSR) from a Storm Enclosed figure shows the flood hydrograph of a storm with flood ordinates at different time interval Δt. “From the flood hydrograph, separate the base flow by any one of the methods described earlier”. Let the “Base Flow” is separated by simple straight line method and Direct Surface Runoff (DSR) Hydrograph is drawn (figure enclosed). Let Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, …., Qn-2, Qn-1, Qn are the ordinates of Direct Surface Runoff (DSR) Hydrograph at different time interval Δt. Find the area under the (DSR) Hydrograph, which will represent the volume of (DSR); Area under the curve APB = Volume of DSR = A1+A2+A3+A4+….. + An-2 + An-1 + An = 1Q1Δt + [Q1+Q2]Δt + [Q2+Q3]Δt + [Q3+Q4] Δt+ … + [Qn+2+ Qn+1]Δt 2 2 2 2 2 + [Qn-1+ Qn]Δt + 1 Δt 2 2 17 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS = [1Q Δt+Q1 Δt]+[Q2Δt+Q2 Δt]+[Q3Δt] + [Q4Δt+Q4 Δt] +…+ [Qn-2Δt+Qn-2 Δt] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 + [Qn-1Δt+Q1Δt] + [QnΔt+Qn Δt] 2 2 2 2 = [(Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + …. Qn-2 + Qn-1 + Qn)] Δt = ∑QΔt Q = Total volume of Direct Surface Runoff. If ‘Q’ in m3/sec, & Δt in hr. Volume of DSR = ∑QΔt m3 x (60 x 60) sec sec = ∑QΔt m3 x (60 x 60) m3 If ‘A’ is the area of the catchment in km2, A = A x 106 m3 DSR in cm = {[(60 x 60) ∑QΔt] x 100} cm A x 106 DSR = 0.36 ∑Q x t (cms) A Thus, DSR volume (depth in cm) = Rainfall excess or net rainfall 18 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Flood Hydrograph of a Single Storm 19 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Calculation of Direct Surface Runoff (DSR) Hydrograph (Depth) 20 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example:Calculate Direct Surface Run-off for Rainfall excess from a Storm Hydrograph from the following data. Assume Area of Catchment as 30 km2 Date and Time Ordinate of Hydrograph Total Q (Cumecs) Base Flow (Cumecs) Direct Runoff (Cms) 1 2 3 4 0500 14 14 0 0800 25 12 13 1100 51 11 40 1400 65 10 55 1700 54 11 43 2000 28 13 15 2300 14 14 0 14.08.2012 ∑Q = 166 21 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Solution Find the “ordinates of storm Hydrograph”, representing total discharge Q at a given time interval, say ‘t’ hours. Separate the “Base Flow” by any of the methods. Find the ordinates of the base flow at the same time interval. Find the ordinates of “Direct Run-off” by subtracting the ordinates of base flow from total discharge ordinates. The Direct Surface Run-off (depth in cm) is found from the expression. 22 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS 23 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Unit Hydrograph Unit Hydrograph (UH) is “defined as the Hydrograph of surface runoff of a catchment area resulting from unit depth (usually 1 cm) of rainfall excess or net rainfall occurring uniformly over the basin and at uniform rate for a specified duration”. Unit Hydrograph is a linear model of the catchment which is used to find out the volume of DSR due to 1 cm of direct surface runoff or 1 cm of rainfall excess. This is always constant for the catchment since area of the catchment is constant. If rainfall comes to the catchment producing 2 cm of rainfall excess, “the ordinates of the DSR will be twice as great of the Unit Hydrograph (UH) ordinates and volume of DSR will be two time the volume of DSR of unit hydrograph”. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Assumptions in Derivation of UH Theory i. The rainfall is of “uniform intensity” within its specified duration. ii. The effective rainfall is “uniformly distributed” throughout the whole area of drainage basin. iii. “The base of time duration of Hydrograph of direct runoff due to effective rainfalls of unit duration is constant”. Base period of Hydrograph of different rainfall intensities remain approximately same. As represented in enclosed figure. iv. The ordinates of DSR Hydrograph “due to net rains of different intensities but same duration are proportional”. v. A Unit Hydrograph reflects characteristics of the basin. all the combined physical HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Derivation of UH from a simple Flood Hydrograph – (Isolated Storm) Step 1 From the given flood Hydrograph, “separate the base flow” by any one of the methods. Most commonly used method to draw a straight line without much error for simplicity (Figure enclosed) Step 2 Determine the volume of DSR Hydrograph by the formula; “Volume of DSR = ∑QΔt” Step 3 Divide this volume by “known Area of Catchment” to get DSR volume (depth in cm) i.e., “net rainfall or rainfall excess”. Step 4 Divide the ordinates of DSR by the depth of DSR Hydrograph to obtain ordinates of UH. Step 5 Plot the ordinates of UH of the catchment as per enclosed figure. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Unit Hydrograph Derivation HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example-I Calculate and Draw a “Unit Hydrograph” from a Storm Hydrograph, resulting from a Catchment Area of 25 km2. The data is shown in the following table: HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Direct Runoff = 0.36 (∑Q x t) = 0.36 x 822 x 2 A 25 = 23.7 cm HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Unit Hydrograph from a Single Flood Hydrograph HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example-II:-(UH) from a Single Flood Hydrograph (Isolated) HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Limitations and Uses of UH Theory Limitations i. Similar rainfall distribution from storm over a large area is rare. Hence UH theory is suited to catchment area under about 500 km3 (=2000 sq. miles) ii. Odd shaped basins particularly those which are long and narrow, commonly have very uneven rainfall distribution and hence UH theory for such basins is not much suitable. iii. In mountainous regions, subject to orographic rainfall, aerial distribution is very uneven, but the pattern tends to remain the same from storm to storm, and UH theory may not be successfully applied. iv. The unit hydrograph method cannot be applied when an appreciable portion of the storm precipitation falls as snow. v. The catchment having large storage like reservoir, lake, low areas, etc. affect the linear relationship and hence theory cannot be applied. vi. If the variation of base period and peak flow vary more than +/10%, theory applied is not generally accepted. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Limitations and Uses of UH Theory Uses i. As the UH is a “linear model of the catchment”, it is used to determine runoff Hydrograph of the Catchment even for extreme magnitude for “the calculation of peak discharge to design the Hydraulic Structures”. ii. It can also be used for flood forecasting and warning. iii. Based on rainfall records, “it is used for extension of flood records”. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF STORM HYDROGRAPH FROM THE GIVEN UNIT HYDROGRAPHS OF VARIOUS RAINFALL INTENSITIES HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Case-I Application of the (UH) Theory for the “Construction of a Flood Hydrograph Resulting from Rainfall of Single Duration” The Unit Hydrograph can be used to construct a “Flood Hydrograph“ resulting from rainfall of the “same unit duration for which the Unit Hydrograph is available”. The number of Unit Hydrographs for a given drainage basin is theoretically infinite since there may be one for every possible duration of rainfall and every possible distribution pattern in a basin. Practically only a limited number of Unit Hydrographs can be used for a given basin. “The Unit Hydrograph selected for computing the flood Hydrograph should be corresponding to the storm of like duration and pattern”. However, a tolerance of as much as 25% of the Unit Hydrograph duration can ordinarily be accepted without much serious error. Thus a 6-hours Unit Hydrograph must be applied for storms of 4.5 to 7.5 hours duration. Alternatively, Unit Hydrograph having a similar range in duration may be averaged to obtain an average Unit Hydrograph. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Procedure The calculations for the storm Hydrograph corresponding to ‘n’ cm of rainfall-excess are done in the tabular form as per enclosed table; Direct runoff ordinates=(ordinates of Unit Hydrograph) x‘n’ cm Step-I : Write down the “given hourly ordinates” (Discharge) of Unit Hydrograph. Step-II : Multiply the ordinates of Unit Hydrograph with ‘n’ cm of Rainfall. Step-III : List out the given hourly “base flow (m3/sec)” Step-IV : Find out the total storm ordinates i.e. = Step-II + Step-III The above procedure is elaborated by the enclosed table. Through an example (Calculation of Storm Hydrograph Resulting from 8 cm Rainfall. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example:- Calculate Storm Hydrograph of 8 cm Rainfall 4 5 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Case-II Application of Unit Hydrograph Theory “for the Construction of a Flood Hydrograph Resulting from two or more Periods of Rainfall (Multi Duration Rainfall)” from a Single UH A Unit Hydrograph of some specific unit duration can also be utilized for construction of flood Hydrograph resulting from the “rainfall lasting for a longer duration”. The essential condition, however, is that the storm pattern should be the same as that for the Unit Hydrograph. As an example, let a 3-hours Unit Hydrograph is available, and it is required “to compute the flood Hydrograph resulting from a rainfall lasting for 9-hours with variable intensities of rainfall”. The intensity rates having “n1 cm/3-hours” for the first period of 3-hours, “n2 cm/3-hours” for the second 3-hours, and that of “n3 cm/3-hours” for the last 3-hours. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Procedure Step-I The storm is divided into 3 parts, and the flood Hydrograph of each part is computed separately and added. Step-II The Hydrographs for the second part of the storm starts 3 hours later than that for the first part. Step-III Similarly, the Hydrograph for the third part of the storm starts 6 hours later than that for the first, or 3 hours later than that for the second part. The above procedure is illustrated through the enclosed example. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example:Find the ordinates of a “storm Hydrograph resulting from a 3 hours storm with rainfall of 2.0, 6.75 and 3.75 cms during subsequent 3 hours intervals”. The ordinates of Unit Hydrograph are given in the following table. Assume an initial loss of 5 mm, infiltration index of 2.5 mm/hour and base flow of 10 cumecs. Ordinates of given Unit Hydrograph Hours 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 24 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 24 Ordinate of UH 0 110 365 500 390 310 250 235 175 130 95 65 40 22 10 0 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Solution:i) Rainfall excess during the first three hours = 20 – (2.5 x 3) – 5 = 7.5 mm = 0.75 cm ii) Rainfall excess during the second three hours = 67.5 – (3 x 2.5) = 60 mm = 6 cm. iii) Rainfall excess during the last three hours. = 37.5 – (3 x 2.5) = 30 mm = 3 cm The Rainfall excess as ratio of the unit Rainfall of 1 cm during the subsequent 3 hours intervals are 0.75, 6 and 3. The computations of Runoff due to 0.75 cm rainfall excess will start from 03 hours. The computations of runoff due to 6 cm rainfall excess will start from 6 hours. Lastly, the computations of runoff due to 3 cm rainfall excess will start from 9 hours. “The above procedure is illustrated in the enclosed table”. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Table:- HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Flood Hydrograph Resulting from a Storm of Longer Duration HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example:Calculation of Storm Hydrograph Resulting from Single Unit Hydrograph of Various Rainfall Intensities Contd….. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Case-III S-Hydrograph (S-Curve) S-Hydrograph or S-Curve is a Hydrograph which is produced by a “continuous effective rainfall at a constant rate for indefinite period”. It is a “continuous rising curve”, in the form of letter ‘S’, till equilibrium is reached. At the time of equilibrium, “it will represent a constant rate of continuous effective rainfall, say Ro cm per hour”. At the time of equilibrium, “the S-Curve will represent a runoff discharge as under”; Qo = (A x 100 x 100) Ro 100 x 3600 = A Ro cumec 36 (Where A is the catchment area in hectares) Contd… HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS If the catchment area ‘A’ is in “square kilometers”, the discharge represented by S-Curve, at the time of equilibrium is given by; Qo = (A x 1000 x 1000) Ro 100 x 3600 =(AR0) x 100 (cms) 36 = 2.778 A Ro (cms) (‘A’ = Area of catchment in km2 and Ro = Constant rate of continues effective Rainfall.) The S-Hydrograph or S-Curve is constructed by “adding together number of Unit Hydrographs of unit time duration (T0) spaced at a unit time duration (T0) (i.e., duration of effective rainfall). “This is illustrated in the enclosed example were in S-Curve has been drawn for 6 hours Unit Hydrograph. Area of basin is 311 km2”. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Computation of S-Hydrograph from Successive Unit Hydrograph Contd… HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS This discharge of 144 cumecs will be achieved in the above table at 36 hours (which is equal to base period – T0 hours.) HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Derivation of S-Hydrograph from Series of Unit Hydrograph HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS CALCULATION OF UNIT HYDROGRAPH FROM THE GIVEN UNIT HYDROGRAPHS OF VARIOUS INTENSITIES HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Case-I Construction of Unit Hydrograph of Different Unit Duration from the a Unit Hydrograph of given Unit Duration Unit Hydrograph may be of different duration ‘D’. If a unit hydrograph of 2 hrs. duration available, unit hydrograph of 4 hrs. duration, 6 hrs. duration, 8 hrs. duration, etc. may be obtained i.e., the unit hydrograph to be derived is an integral multiple. In such cases, durations from 2 hrs. to 4 hrs., 6 hrs. etc. can be done by method of superposition. However, if the Duration of Unit Hydrograph to be derived is less than duration of known Unit Hydrograph, “this method of superposition will not hold good”. Thus, Unit Hydrograph of different duration may be derived by the following two methods. i) Method of superposition when duration of UH to be derived is 2 times, 3 times or 4 times of the duration of known UH. ii) S-Curve method (Summation hydrograph method) when duration of UH to be derived is less than the duration of the known UH. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations Phase-A:Construction of Longer period Unit Hydrograph from a given Unit Hydrograph of Shorter Unit Period/ Duration. Method of Superposition i) As shown (figure enclosed) D-hr UH is plotted (Curve-1) ii) Also plot the UH lagged by D hrs. (Curve-2) iii) Add the two Unit Hydrographs and plot it (Curve-3) iv) Divide Curve-III, i.e. DSR Hydrograph by 2D duration to get the curve shown by dotted line, i.e. (Curve-4) It is noted that base period of 2-D-hr UH shown by dotted line increases by D-hrs from the given UH of T hrs base period. Therefore, the peak of 2-D-hrs UH will decrease as the base period is increased from T to (T + D hrs) HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example – Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations A 4-hr UH of different durations is shown in the following table. Derive the 8 hr Unit Hydrograph. Column (5) gives the ordinates of 8-hr unit Hydrograph derived from column (4) and unit UH in column (2). The peak of the 8-hr UH is reduced to 16m3/sec from 20m3/sec as the base period is increased from 20 to 24 hrs. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Method of Superposition HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example-II:- Method of Superposition HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Case-II Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations - S- Curve Method S-Curve (Summation Curve), also known as S-Hydrograph is a Hydrograph produced by a “continuous effective rainfall of unit depth at a constant rate for indefinite period”. It is a curve obtained by summation of an infinite series of Unit Hydrographs each lagged by D-hrs with respect to preceding one. It is shown that when a UH of ‘n’ ‘D’ duration is required where ‘n’ is whole number like 2,3,4 etc., method of superposition serves the purpose. If ‘n’ is in-fraction, then S-Curve method is required. As an example, from UH of 4 hrs. duration, to develop UH of 2 hrs. duration cannot be developed by the pervious method of superposition. In such situation, “S-Hydrograph is constructed. Which is used to find the UH of desired duration”. As shown (figure enclosed), S-Hydrograph is continuously a rising curve which ultimately attains a constant value when equilibrium discharge is reached. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations Unit Hydrograph can be derived as under; Step 1 “Construct the S-Curve” from the given Unit Hydrograph of known time duration D-hrs. Step 2 “Then advance or offset” the position of all the ordinates of “S-Hydrograph” for a period equal to the desired duration of D0 hrs. of unknown UH. “Name this S-Hydrograph as offset Hydrograph”. Step 3 Find the “Difference” of the ordinates of Original S-Curve and “Offset Hydrograph”. Step 4 “Divide this each difference” by (D0/D) to get the ordinates of new UH of D0 hrs. duration. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS S-Hydrograph or S-Curve HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Phase-B: Construction of Shorter or from a given Unit Hydrograph Longer Period Unit Hydrograph Let it be required to obtain a “Unit Hydrograph” of unit period t0 from a given Unit Hydrograph of unit period. T0, “where t0 can be either greater or smaller than T0”. For this, the S-Hydrograph method will be used. From the given Unit Hydrograph of unit period T0, “S-Curve is derived”. This S-Curve will represent a constant effective rainfall of R0 = 1/ T0 cm/hour. “An offset curve is then drawn by advancing or offsetting the position of original S-Curve” for a period equal to the desired unit period to hours. “The difference between the ordinates of original S-Curve and the offset S-Curve divide by the R0 t0“ will give the ordinate of the desired Unit Hydrograph. Thus, for any time period t, if the difference ordinates of the two SCurves is Δy, then the ordinate of the desired Unit Hydrograph of t0 unit period. Δy R 0t 0 = Δy (1/T0)t0 = Δy. T0 t0 HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example-I Derivation of Unit Hydrograph of t0 (= 3 hours) unit duration from the given Unit Hydrograph of duration T0 (= 6 hours) HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Construction of Shorter or Longer Period of Unit Hydrograph from a given Unit Hydrograph HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example-II:- of S-Curve Method Given below are the ordinates of 4 hrs UH of a basin. Derive 2 hrs UH from it using S-Curve Method. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Case-III Derivation of UH from Complex Storm Practically, “it is not always possible “to have such isolated storms”. Storms having different rainfall excess like R1, R2 and R3 may occur. “Such storms of different rainfall excess are called complex storm”. Assume 3 storms which can produce rainfall excess R1, R2 and R3. The Hydrograph of these 3 storms (after deducting base flow) is shown in figure enclosed. Let Q1, Q2, Q3,….. Qn are the known ordinates of complex storm as per figure enclosed and U1, U2, U3, ….. Un are ordinates of Unit Hydrograph which are to be determined. R1, R2 and R3 are known rainfall excesses due to complex storm, which are also known. Then; HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Derivation of UH from Complex Storm Qn = RnU1 + Rn-1U2 + Rn-2U3 + …., When n = 1, Q1 = R1U1 (i.e. Q1 and R1 are known, U1 is determined) n = 2, Q2 = R 2 U 1 + R 1 U 2 (i.e. Q2,R2,U1,R1 are known, U2 is determined) n=3, Q3=R3U1+R2U2+R1U3 (i.e. Q3,R3,U1,U2,R1,R2 are known, U3 is determined) n=4, Q4=R4U1+R3U2+R2U3+R1U4, R4U1 is zero, since no 4th rainfall is considered Since Q4, R3, R2, R1, U2, U3 are known, U4 can be determined Thus, all ordinate of Unit Hydrograph U1, U2, U3, U4, …… Un can be determined and resulting Unit Hydrograph (UH) can be obtained. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Derivation of UH from Complex Storm HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Derivation (UH) from Complex Storm Example Draw the Unit Hydrograph from the complex storm having the data given below; Time (Hrs) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 UH Ordinates m3/sec 0 58 110 96 53 26 14 8 5 4 3 1.5 1 0 Compute the storm Hydrograph resulting from three hour storm rainfall as under:Time 1st hr 2nd hr 3rd hr Rainfall depth (cm) 4 3 2.5 Take Φ-index as 2 cm/hr and assume a base flow of 2 m3/sec. Solution Net Rainfall are DSR in depth 1st hr = 4 – 5 Φ Index = 4 – 2 x 1 = 2 cm 2nd hr = 3 – 2 x 1 = 1 cm 3rd hr = 2.5 – 2 x 1 = 0.5 cm HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS Example of Derivation (UH) from Complex Storm