Welcome to the ECEN 325 LAB! TA: Younghoon Song (john) Office Hours: T & R 10-11am Office : WBRC 114 Important! • To run PSPICE simulations in the ECE Department computers you have to temporarily save your files (Eg. schematics) in the computer desktop. ECEN 325 Lab 1: Network Analysis and Bode plots By: Joselyn Torres Part A Build the following circuit: CH2+ (Red) CH1+(Red) CH2-(Black) CH1-(Black) R = 1026 1K C = 47nF f-3dB 3.3KHz High Z Option: • • • • • First, press “Shift” then “Enter” ( You should see “A: MOD MENU”) Then, press “>” three times until you find “D: SYS MENU” Next, press “v” twice until you find “50 Ohm” Then, press “>” once until you see “High Z” Finally, press “Enter” Measurements Approach 1: Measure t with the cursors Phase = 360 * t * Frequency (Function generator) Approach 2: Measure the Phase Frequency Amplitude Phase 330Hz ? ? 500Hz ? ? 1K ? ? 2K ? ? 3KHz ? ? 3.3KHz ? ? 4KHz ? ? 10KHz ? ? 20KHz ? ? 33KHz ? ? Part B (Instructions) • Go to : Program => HP BenchLink Suite => HP BenchLink Arb • Go to: =>Options => Configure Interface =>Interface: National Instruments AT-GPIB or GPIB-PC2 => Instruments: HP33120A Waveform Generator Address 10 => press Ok • Then just follow the instructions in the manual Part C Build the following circuit: CH2+ (Red) CH1+ (Red) R1 = 967.5 1K R2 = 96.75K 100K C = 47nF CH1- (Black) CH2- (Black) Instructions: 1. Apply a 6Vpp sinusoid from the function generator to the input 2. Find the -3dB signal attenuation frequency f-3dB (this the point where the output amplitude is 0.707 times the input amplitude, e.g. if the input is 6Vpp the output voltage should be 4.24V) 3. Find the -40dB signal attenuation frequency f-40dB (this the point where the output amplitude is 0.01 times the input amplitude, e.g. if the input is 6Vpp the output voltage should be 60mV)