Week 13—11/29/11) Understanding components


Chapter 13—


Swing Components

ISQS 6337 – Jim Burns

Using the JFrame Class

 There are lots of other UI components, such as buttons, check boxes, and menus that are included in the JFrame Class

 In this chapter you will learn how to add these UI components to applets and applications

 Such Swing components as JButton,

JLabel are easy to use

To use these JFrame UI Components…

 You insert the import statement import javax.swing.*; at the beginning of your Java program files

About Swing components

 Most Swing components are said to be lightweight because they do not rely upon methods that are part of the operating system

 An exception is the JFrame component because it does require interaction with the local operating system, so it is a heavyweight component

More about Swing components…

 You usually place them in containers

 A container is a type of component that holds other components so you can treat a group of them as a single entity

 You usually create a JFrame so that you can place other objects within it for display.

JFrame Inheritance Hierarchy

 Java.lang.Object

 Java.awt.Component


 Java.awt.Window

 Java.awt.Frame

 javax.swing.JFrame

JFrame Constructors

 JFrame() constructs a new frame that initially is invisible and has no title

 JFrame(String title) creates a new, initially invisible JFrame with the specified title

 JFrame(GraphicsConfiguration gc) creates a JFrame in the specified

GraphicsConfiguration of a screen device with a blank title

 JFrame(String title, GraphicsConfiguration gc) creates a JFrame with the specified title and the specified GraphicsConfiguration of a screen

Constructing a JFrame

You do this just as you would any other other object instantiated from a conventional class

JFrame firstFrame = new JFrame(“Hello”);

 JFrame secondFrame = new JFrame();

 After you create a JFrame object, you can use the now-familiar object-dot-method format you have used with other objects to call methods that maniuplate a JFrame ’s features

Methods in the JFrame class

 void setTitle(String)

 void setSize(int, int)

 void setSize(Dimension)

 string getTitle()

 void setResizable(boolean)

 boolean isResizable()

 void setvisible(boolean)

 void setBounds(int, int, int, int)

Examples of method usage…

firstFrame.setSize(200, 100); firstFrame.setTitle(“My frame”);

The JFrame1 application


{ import javax.swing.*; public class JFrame1

{ public static void main(String[] args)

JFrame aFrame = new JFrame("First frame"); aFrame.setSize(200,100); aFrame.setVisible(true);


The code in the slide above…

 Creates a small empy JFrame

 This window has all the behaviros of any conventionial window —can change the frame’s size by dragging its border, can reposition the frame by dragging the title bar, can Minimize, Maximize or Restore, and Close with buttons in the title bar of the frame’s upper-right corner and a menu under the icon in the upper-left corner

The JFrame2 class

import javax.swing.*;


{ import java.awt.*; public class JFrame2

{ public static void main(String[] args) final int FRAME_WIDTH = 200; final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 100;

JFrame aFrame = new JFrame("Second frame"); aFrame.setSize(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); aFrame.setVisible(true); aFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello");

Container con = aFrame.getContentPane(); con.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); con.add(label);


Customizing a JFrame’s Appearance

 Items like an icon in the upper-left title bar and the minimize, maximize and close buttons are known as window decorations

 Window decorations are supplied by the operating system

However, you can request that Java’s look and feel provide the decorations

A JFrame’s Look and Feel

Optionally, you can set a JFrame’s look and feel using the

 setDefaultLookandFeelDecorated() method

 Use of this is shown in the next program

} import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*;

{ public class JFrame3

{ public static void main(String[] args) final int FRAME_WIDTH = 200; final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 100;


JFrame aFrame = new JFrame("Third frame"); aFrame.setSize(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); aFrame.setVisible(true); aFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello");

Container con = aFrame.getContentPane(); con.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); con.add(label);


Java’s Look and Feel

 With the exception of the pink line, this program is identical to the previous one

 It generates a JFrame that looks as shown below

 This window avoids possible law suits involving copyright infringement of the look and feel of another firm

Extending the JFrame Class

 You can instantiate a JFrame object in any method you choose, including main() and

Init() methods

 Alternatively, you can create your own class that descends from a JFrame class

 The advantage of creating a child class of a

JFrame class is that you set the JFrame’s properties within your object’s constructor method; then, when you create your

JFrame child object, it is automatically endowed with the features, such as size, that you have specified

Using a child class of the JFrame class…

 Enables you to set properties such as the size of the JFrame, whether the JFrame is visible, and its look and feel

 You do this all in the constructor of the child class

The JMyFrame class


{ import javax.swing.*; public class JMyFrame extends JFrame

} final int WIDTH = 400; final int HEIGHT = 120;

{ public JMyFrame() super("This is my frame"); setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

Look at the JMyFrame class above

 The first statement in the constructor is the super(“This is my frame”);

This statement calls the parent class’ constructor and sets the title in the title bar to show This is my frame

The CreateTwoJMyFrameObjects App


{ public class CreateTwoJMyFrameObjects public static void main(String[] args)


JMyFrame myFrame = new JMyFrame();


JMyFrame mySecondFrame = new


The above code…

 Creates two JMyFrame windows, both identical, as each has the same set of attributes

Using the JPanel Class

 The simplest Swing container is the JPanel

 It is a plain, borderless surface that can hold lightweight UI components


{ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class JFrameWithPanels extends JFrame final int SIZE = 150;

JButton button1 = new JButton("One");

JButton button2 = new JButton("Two");

JButton button3 = new JButton("Three");


{ public JFrameWithPanels() super("JFrame with Panels"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

JPanel pane = new JPanel();

JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();

Container con = getContentPane(); con.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); con.add(pane); con.add(pane2); pane.add(button1); pane.setBackground(Color.BLUE); pane2.add(button2); pane2.add(button3); pane2.setBackground(Color.BLUE); setSize(SIZE, SIZE); setVisible(true);

JPanel Inheritance Hierarchy

 Java.lang.Object

 Java.awt.Component


 Java.swing.JComponent

 Java.awt.JPanel

Create JFrame with Panels

 { public class CreateJFrameWithPanels

{ public static void main(String[] args)

JFrameWithPanels panel = new



 }

Understanding Swing Event Listeners

 Classes that respond to user-initiated events, such as button clicks, must implement an interface that deals with, or handles, the events.

 These interfaces are called event listeners .

 You first used these in chapter 9 when you used the ActionListener interface with

JButton objects.

 A class can implement as many listeners as it needs.

User-initiated events

 An event occurs every time a user clicks a mouse or types a character

 Listed below are some event listeners



Type of Events

Action events


Button clicks

AdjustmentListener Adjustment event Scroll bar moves

ChangeListener Change events Slider is repositioned

FocusListener Keyboard focus events Text field gains or loses focus

ItemListener Item events Check box changes status

KeyListener Keyboard events Text is entered

MouseListener Mouse events

MouseMotionListener Mouse movement events

Mouse clicks

Mouse rolls

WindowListener Window events Window closes

Event Listeners

 Any object can be notified of an event as long as it implements the appropriate interface and is registered as an event listener on the appropriate event source


JButton, JCheckBox, JComboBox,

JTextField, and JRadioButton


Associated Listener-Registering

Methods addActionListener() addAdjustmentListener()

All Swing components addFocusListener(), addKeyListener(), addMouseListener(), addMouseMotionListener() addItemListener() JButton, JCheckbox, JComboBox, &


All JWindow and JFrame components Add WindowListener()

JSlider and JCheckbox addChangeListener()

The format for a listener statement is…



 Note that you name the class that should respond to the event as the only argument within ()

 The class of the object that responds to an event must contain a method that accepts the event object created by the user’s action

In other words,…

 When you register a component (such as a

JFrame) to be a listener for events generated by another component (such as a JCheckBox), you must write a method that reacts to any generated event.

 You cannot choose just any name for the reacting methods —specific methods react to specific events types, as listed below



Method actionPerformed(ActionEvent)

AdjustmentListener adjustmentValueChanged(adjustm entEvent)

FocusListener focusGained(FocusEvent) and focusLost(FocusEvent)

ItemListener itemStateChanged(ItemEvent)

Remember these three points….

 When you declare a class that handles an event, you create the class to either implement a listener interface or extend a class that implements a listener interface..


Public class MYFrame extends JFrame implements ItemListener

And remember to ….

 Register an instance of the event handler class as a listener for one or more components. For example,… myCheckBox.addItemListener(this);



 Write a method that accepts the generated event and reacts to it. For example:


Public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)

// code that executes when ever the event occurs


 If you fail to include an actionPerformed() method in a program that implements

ActionListener , the program does not compile

Still more notes…

 If more than one component generates an event, you usually want to figure out which component generated the specific event, so you decide which action to take

You can use the getSource() method to determine the component that sent the event

 The following actionPerformed() method gets the source of the event and then compares it to a JButton named oneButton , which takes one action if the JButton is the source of the event and a different action if some other component is the source of the event

The method described above follows


Public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

Object source = event.getSource();

If(Source == oneButton)

// take some action



// take some other action

Using the JCheckBox Class

 A JCheckBox consists of a label postioned beside a square

 You click the square to display or remove a check mark

 This turns an option on or off

 The code for an application that uses four

JCheckBoxes is shown below

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

{ import java.awt.event.*; public class CheckBoxDemonstration extends JFrame implements


FlowLayout flow = new FlowLayout();

JLabel label = new JLabel("What would you like to drink?");

JCheckBox coffee = new JCheckBox("Coffee", false);

JCheckBox cola = new JCheckBox("Cola", false);

JCheckBox milk = new JCheckBox("Milk", false);

JCheckBox water = new JCheckBox("Water", false);

String output, insChosen;


JPanel panel = new JPanel();

Container con; public CheckBoxDemonstration() super("CheckBox Demonstration"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); con = getContentPane(); con.add(panel); panel.setLayout(flow); label.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.ITALIC, 22)); coffee.addItemListener(this);

cola.addItemListener(this); milk.addItemListener(this); water.addItemListener(this); panel.add(label); panel.add(coffee); panel.add(cola); panel.add(milk); panel.add(water);


{ public static void main(String[] arguments)

} final int FRAME_WIDTH = 350; final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 120;

CheckBoxDemonstration frame = new CheckBoxDemonstration(); frame.setSize(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); frame.setVisible(true);



{ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent check)

// Actions based on choice go here

 In the code above, the JLabel and

JCheckBox objects are added to a JPanel and the JPanel is added to the Container that serves as the content pane

Constructors for CheckBoxes

JCheckBox box 1 = new JCheckBox();

//No label, unchecked

JCheckBox box 1 = new JCheckBox(“Check here”);

//label, unchecked

JCheckBox box 1 = new JCheckBox(“Check here”, false);

//label, unchecked

JCheckBox box 1 = new JCheckBox(“Check here”, true);

//label, checked

Using the ButtonGroup Class

 You use this when you want options to be mutually exclusive

 When you create aButtonGroup, you can group several components, such as

JCheckBoxes are automatically turned off when the user selects any one check box

Inheritance hierarchy for ButtonGroup

 Java.lang.Object

 Java.swing.ButtonGroup

To create a ButtonGroup and then add a JCheckBox, you perform these steps:

 Create a ButtonGroup:

ButtonGroup aGroup = new ButtonGroup();

 Create a JCheckBox:

JCheckBox aBox = new JCheckBox();

 Add aBox to aGroup: aGroup.add(aBox);

 Clearly, you have to add all of the individual check boxes to the ButtonGroup with the add() method

It doesn’t make any difference which you create first

Using the JComboBox Class

 A JComboBox is a component that combines two features —a display area showing an option and a dropdown list box containing additional options.

You can build a JComboBox …

 By using a constructor with no arguments and then adding items to the list with the addItem() method

JComboBox majorChoice = new JComboBox(); majorChoice.addItem(“English”); majorChoice.addItem(“Math”); majorChoice.addItem(“Sociology”);

Creating JScrollPanes

 Allows a pane to be scrolled when it is too small to hold all of the content

 Provides scroll bars along the side or bottom of a pane, or both, so that the user can scroll initially invisible parts of the pane into view

Inheritance hierarchy of the

JScrollPane class

 Java.lang.Object

 Java.awt.Component


 Javax.swing.JComponent

 Javax.swing.JScrollPane

There are four JScrollPane constructors

JScrollPane() creates an empty JScrollPane with scroll bars when needed

JScrollPane(Component) creates a JScrollPane that displays the contents of the specified component

JScrollPane(Component, int, int) creates a

JScrollPane that displays the contents of the specified component

JScrollPane(int, int) creates a JScrollPane with both vertical and horizontal scroll bar specifications


{ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class JScrollDemo extends JFrame

JPanel panel = new JPanel();

JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(panel,




JLabel label = new JLabel("Event Handlers Incorporated");

Font bigFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 20);

Container con; public JScrollDemo() super("JScrollDemo"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

} con = getContentPane(); label.setFont(bigFont); con.add(scroll); panel.add(label);


{ public static void main(String[] args) final int WIDTH = 180; final int HEIGHT = 100;

JScrollDemo aFrame = new JScrollDemo(); aFrame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); aFrame.setVisible(true);

Understanding When to Use getContentPane()

 When you use JAVA 5 or later, you are allowed to add Components directly to

JFrames and JApplets without explicitly calling getContentPane()

 You can also use the remove() and setLayout() methods without an explicit call to getContentPane()

} import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

{ public class JFrameWithContentCall extends JFrame

{ final int SIZE = 180;

Container con = getContentPane();

JButton button = new JButton("Press Me"); public JFrameWithContentCall() super("Frame"); setSize(SIZE, SIZE); setVisible(true); con .setLayout(new FlowLayout()); con .add(button);


JFrameWithContentCall Class

} import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

{ public class JFrameWith out ContentCall extends JFrame final int SIZE = 180;



JButton button = new JButton("Press Me"); public JFrameWith out ContentCall() super("Frame"); setSize(SIZE, SIZE); setVisible(true); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); add(button);

JFrameWithoutContentCall class

The main class..calling the above



Public class TestFramesWithAndWithout

Public static void main(String[] args)


JFrameWithContentCall f1 = new



JFrameWithoutContentCall f2 = new


 It is convenient that when you call add(button) from within the JFrameWithoutContentCall class, you do not have to create the container object con

 In the newer versions of Java, in effect, you are calling this.getContentPane().add(button), but you are allowed to write the statement more simply.

 The same is true for any calls to the setLayout() and remove() methods


 When you want to do something other than add(), setLayout(), or remove(), the

JFrameWithoutContentCall CLASS does not work —it will compile and execute but it will not do the thing you request, like change the color of the background
