Photo-realistic Rendering and Global Illumination in Computer Graphics Spring 2012 Color Representation K. H. Ko School of Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Overview The growth of raster graphics has made color and gray scale an integral part of contemporary computer graphics. Color is an immensely complex subject. The color of an object depends The color of the object itself The light source illuminating it The color of the surrounding area The human visual system. Some objects reflect light, whereas others also transmit light. When a surface that reflects only pure blue light is illuminated with pure red light, it appears black. A pure green light viewed through glass that transmits only pure red will also appear black. 2 Color? Computer Graphics? For realism in Computer Graphics Appropriate user interface design Use of color makes the big difference. Color models for easy color selection Color conversion between different media Useful for image processing and anti-aliasing 3 Achromatic Light Achromatic light is what we see on a black-andwhite television set or display monitor. None of the sensations we associate with red, blue, yellow, etc. Quantity of light is the only attribute of achromatic light. Amount of energy, brightness, or intensity and luminance It is useful to associate a scalar with different intensity levels 0 as black and 1 as white Gray levels for values between 0 and 1. 4 Selecting Intensities – Gamma Correction We want to display 256 different intensities. Which 256 intensity levels should we use??? Evenly distributed levels: They do not consider an important characteristic of the eye. Humans are actually tuned to the ratio of intensities, not their absolute difference. So going from a 50 to 100 watt light bulb looks the same as going from 100 to 200. So if we only have 4 intensities between 0 and 1, we should choose to use 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0. For a uniformly distributed intensities, such as 0, 0.333, 0.666, 1.0 Poor resolution at low light levels, good resolution at high light level. The intensity levels should be spaced logarithmically to achieve equal steps in brightness. 5 Selecting Intensities – Gamma Correction I j +1 = I j = r Ij I j -1 Equal steps in brightness : I0 =I0, I1 =rI0, I2 =rI1 =r2I0, I3 =rI2 =r3I0,K, I 255 = r 255 I 0 = 1 Therefore - r = (1/ I0)1/ 255, I j = r j I0 = (1/ I0) j / 255I0 = I0(255 j)/ 255 for 0 j 255 In general for n+1 intensities: - j)/ n r = (1/ I0 )1/ n, I j = I0(n for 0 j n 6 Selecting Intensities – Gamma Correction Example for 4 intensities n = 3 (4 intensitie s) and I 0 = 1 / 8, r = 2, intensity values of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1 Dynamic range: ratio of maximum to minimum intensities, i.e., 1/I0 Typical on CRT anywhere from 40:1 to 200:1 => I0 between .005 and .025: Pixel values are NOT intensities: need correction to compensate for nonlinearities 7 Selecting Intensities – Gamma Correction Nonlinearity in CRT Therefore, for some other constant k: g I = kN N = number of electrons in beam, proportional to grid voltage, which is proportional to pixel value V k and g are constants g is typicallyin the range of 2.2 to 2.5 I = KV g , g or V = ( I / K ) 1 / 8 Selecting Intensities – Gamma Correction To display intensity I, find nearest Ij from a table or: j = ROUND(logr(I/I0)) Ij = rj I0, Vj = ROUND((Ij / K)1/γ) Number of intensities needed for appearance of continuous intensity depends on ratio: need r = 1.01 for Ij and Ij+1 to be indistinguishable: 1/ n r = (1 / I 0 ) or 1/ n 1 . 01 = (1 / I 0 ) 9 Selecting Intensities – Gamma Correction How many intensities are enough?? r ≤ 1.01 (below this ratio, the eye cannot distinguish between intensities Ij and Ij+1) The number of intensities n: r = (1/I0)1/n, 1.01 = (1/I0)1/n, n = log1.01(1/I0) 1/I0 : dynamic range of the device Display Media CRT Photographic prints Photographic slides Coated paper printed in B/W Coated paper printed in color Newsprint printed in B/W Typical Dynamic Range 50-200 100 1000 100 50 10 No. of Intensities, n 400-530 465 700 465 400 234 10 Halftone Approximation Many hardcopy devices are bilevel: they produce just two intensity levels. How can we expand the range of available intensities? -> Halftoning or clustered-dot ordered dither Make the most use of the spatial integration that our eyes perform If we view a very small area from a sufficiently large viewing distance, our eyes average fine detail within the small area and record only the overall intensity of the area. In printing B/W photographs in newspapers, magazines and books, use a circle of black ink whose area is proportional to the blackness 1-I (I = intensity). 11 Halftone Approximation In halftoning approximation, we have two different cases. When the image array being shown is smaller than the display device’s pixel array. Multiple display pixels can be used for one image pixel. When the image array has the same size of display device arrays. 12 Halftone Approximation Example of a 2×2 dither pattern For a n× n group of bilevel pixels: n2+1 intensity levels For a 3× 3 case 6 8 4 1 0 3 5 2 7 To display an intensity I, we turn on all pixels whose values are less than I. 13 Halftone Approximation The n × n pixel pattern must be designed not to introduce visual artifacts in a n area of identical intensity values. No artifacts Growth sequence Growing outward from the center Clustering of dots (dot adjacency) 14 Halftone Approximation Dither matrix for a CRT display: Ability to display individual dots. For 4 x 4 case 15 Halftone Approximation In halftoning approximation, we have two different cases. When the image array being shown is smaller than the display device’s pixel array. Multiple display pixels can be used for one image pixel. When the image array has the same size of display device arrays. 16 Halftone Approximation Whether or not to intensify the pixel at point (x,y) depends on the desired intensity S(x,y) at that point and on the dither matrix. i = x modulo n, j = y modulo n. If S(x,y) > D(n)ij, then the point at (x,y) is intensified. Another way to handle this case: Error diffusion The error is added to the values of the four image array pixels to the right of and below the pixel in question. 17 Chromatic Color The visual sensations caused by colored light are much richer than those caused by achromatic light. Color perception involves three quantities. Hue distinguishes among colors such as red, green, purple, and yellow Saturation refers to how pure the color is, how much white/gray is mixed with it red saturated; pink unsaturated royal blue saturated; sky blue unsaturated pastels are less vivid, less intense Lightness: perceived achromatic intensity of reflecting object (reflection) Brightness: perceived intensity of a self-luminous object, such as a light bulb, the sun, or a CRT (emission) 18 Chromatic Color It is necessary to specify and measure colors if we are to use them precisely in computer graphics. Compare colors against a set of standard colors under a standard light source. The perceived color of a surface depends both on the surface and on the light under which the surface is viewed. Munsell color system is widely used. It is organized in a 3D space of hue, value (lightness) and chroma (saturation). 19 Chromatic Color Artists specify color as different tints, shades and tones of strongly saturated, or pure, pigments. Tint : results from adding white White pigment to a pure pigment, decreasing saturation. Grays Shade : comes from adding a black pigment to a pure pigment, Black decreasing lightness Tone : is the consequence of adding both black and white pigments to a pure pigment. Decrease saturation Tints “Pure” color Decrease lightness Tones Shades 20 Color Mixture Subtractive vs. Additive Mixture Subtractive Mixture Additive Mixture 21 Color Mixture Subtractive Mixture Subtractive mixture starts with the presence of all colors of light, usually as white light reflected from a white surface, such as a piece of paper. Then dyes, inks, or filters are used to subtract some of the reflected light. Subtraction occurs when a color is absorbed and the others are reflected. If we put yellow paint or ink on a white piece of paper, it seems like we're adding color to the paper. But the color is already there; the white paper reflects all colors of light, approximately equally. The yellow ink, however, reflects only red and green light. It absorbs blue light, thereby subtracting it from the white light. 22 Color Mixture Subtractive Mixture First color reflects 420 - 520 nanometers (broad-band blue filter), while second reflects 480 - 660 nanometers (broadband yellow filter). Light that can be reflected through both is in 480 - 520 nanometers, which appears green. 23 Color Mixture Additive Mixture Additive color mixture begins with the absence of light (black), and adds colors of light together to form new colors. Additive mixture is used to mix R, G, B guns of CRT. When all three of the additive primary colors are added together, in approximately equal intensities, they produce white light. 24 Color Mixture Additive Mixture The red color we use for additive color mixture is comprised of the light from one-third of the spectrum. The green color is another third of the spectrum. And the blue color is the remaining third. Where two colors overlap, or are added together, their combined light accounts for two-thirds of the spectrum. (1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3) Those combinations always produce the colors cyan, magenta, and yellow. Where all three colors overlap, the entire spectrum is present, so we see white light. Blue and yellow generates gray. 25 Color Mixture Example of Additive Mixture Technique Pointillists Technique Color daubs (left detail) mix additively at a distance. Creates bright colors where mixing pigments darkens (subtractive) Seurat’s color use and theories about light. 26 Psychophysics The Munsell and artists’ pigment-mixing methods are subjective. They depend on human observers’ judgments, the lighting, the size of the sample, the surrounding color, etc. An objective, quantitative way of specifying colors is needed. : Colorimetry, the branch of science about color. Dominant wavelength, excitation purity and luminance. 27 Colorimetry Dominant wavelength The wavelength of the color we see when viewing the light Excitation purity The proportion of pure light of the dominant wavelength and of white light needed to define the color. A completely pure color is 100 percent saturated and thus contains no white light. 28 Colorimetry Dominant Wavelength e2 Energy Density e1 400 700 Dominant wavelength → hue we see Excitation purity = ratio of monochromatic light of dominant wavelength, white light to produce color wavelength, nm e1 = e2, excitation purity is 0% (unsaturated) e1 = 0, excitation purity is 100% (fully saturated) Luminance relates to total energy, proportional to integral of luminous efficiency function. It depends on both e1 and e2 29 Colorimetry Colorimetry: quantitative; measurement via spectroradiometer (measures reflected/radiated light), colorimeter (measures primary colors), etc. Perceptual term Hue Saturation Lightness (reflecting objects) Brightness (self-luminous objects) Colorimetry term Dominant wavelength Excitation purity Luminance Luminance 30 Colorimetry Spectral color: single wavelength (e.g., from laser); “ROY G. BIV” spectrum Non-spectral color: combination of spectral colors. It can be shown as continuous spectral distribution. Most colors are non-spectral mixtures White light spectrum where height of curve is spectral energy distribution Metamers are spectral energy distributions that are perceived as same “color” The relationship between spectral distributions and colors is many-toone. 31 Tristimulus Theory The hypothesis that the retina has three kinds of color sensors (called cones), with peak sensitivity to red, green or blue light. The curves suggests that the eye’s response to blue light is much less strong than is its response to red or green. 32 Tristimulus Theory Luminous-efficiency function The eye’s response to light of constant luminance has a peak sensitivity to yellow-green light of wavelength around 550nm. 33 Color Matching (Tristimulus Theory) The theory explains loosely the notion that colors can be specified by positively weighted sums of red, green and blue (the primary colors). The Color-matching functions shows the amounts of red, green, and blue light needed by an average observer to match a color of constant luminance, for all values of dominant wavelength in the visible spectrum. Mixing positive amounts of arbitrary R, G, B primaries provides large color gamut, e.g., display devices r b g r Wavelength λ (nm) Some colors cannot be produced by RGB mixes 34 Color Matching (Tristimulus Theory) The coordinates B, G, and R are called the tristimulus values with respect to that set of primaries. r b g r Wavelength λ (nm) 35 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Matching and defining a colored light with a mixture of three fixed primaries is a desirable approach to specifying color. The need for negative weights is awkward. The Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE) defined three standard primaries. X, Y and Z to replace red, green and blue in the matching process. xλ, yλ, and zλ, color matching functions for these primaries Y chosen so that yλ matches luminous efficiency function xλ, yλ, and zλ are linear combinations of rλ, gλ, and bλ => RGBi XYZi via a matrix 36 CIE Chromaticity Diagram The mathematical color matching functions xλ yλ, and zλ for the 1931 CIE X, Y, and Z primaries. They are defined tabularly at 1 nm intervals for color samples that subtend 2° field of view on retina 37 CIE Chromaticity Diagram The amount of X, Y, Z primaries needed to match a color with a spectral energy distribution P(λ) are k value Self-luminous object, i.e. CRT k = 680 Reflecting objects P ( ) x d k P ( ) y d k P ( ) z d X = k Y = Z = k= 100 P w ( ) y d Pw(λ) is the spectral energy distribution for whatever light source is chosen as the standard for white. 38 CIE Chromaticity Diagram For a given color C: C = XX + YY + ZZ X + Y + Z = 1 plane 39 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Chromaticity values Depend only on dominant wavelength and saturation and are independent of the amount of luminous energy Is normalized against X + Y + Z, which can be thought of as the total amount of light energy x = y = z = X X + Y + Z Y X +Y + Z Z X + Y + Z x + y + z = 1; (x,y,z) lies on X + Y + Z = 1 plane (x, y) determines z but cannot recover X, Y, Z from only x and y. Need one more piece of data, Y, which carries luminance data ( x, y, Y ), X = x 1- x - y Y, Y = Y, Z = Y y y 40 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Chromaticity values CIE chromaticity diagram is projection onto (X, Y) plane of (X + Y + Z ) = 1 plane The interior and boundary of the horseshoeshaped region represent all visible chromaticity values All perceivable colors with the same chromaticity but different luminance map into the same point within this region The 100 percent spectrally pure colors of the spectrum are on the curved part of the boundary. A standard white light, meant to approximate sunlight, is formally defined by a light source illuminant C, marked by the center dot. 41 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Color Matching/Naming It allows us to measure the dominant wavelength and excitation purity of any color by matching the color with a mixture of the three CIE primaries. Colorimeters measure tristimulus X, Y, and Z values, from which chromaticity coordinates are computed. Spectroradiometers measure both the spectral energy distribution and the tristimulus values. 42 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Color Matching/Naming When two colors are added together, the new color lies somewhere on the straight line in the chomaticity diagram connecting the two colors being added. The matched color is at point A. Color A can be thought of as a mixture of standard white light (illuminant C) and the pure spectral light at point B. B defines the dominant wavelength. The ratio of length AC to length BC, expressed as a percentage, is the excitation purity of A. The closer A is to C, the more white light A includes and the less pure it is. 43 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Color Matching/Naming The chomaticity diagram factors out luminance. Color sensations that are luminance-related are excluded. Brown, which is an orange-red chromaticity at very low luminance relative to its surrounding are, does not appear. The chromaticity diagram is not a full color palette. 44 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Color Matching/Naming Complementary Colors Those that can be mixed to produce white light. D and E in the right figure. Colors that cannot be defined by a dominant wavelength are called nonspectral. The dominant wave length is said to be the complement of the wavelength at which the line through F and C intersects the horseshoe part of the curve at point B. Example : purples and magentas which occur in the lower part of the CIE diagram. 45 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Define Color Gamuts or Color Ranges Show the effect of adding colors together. Any two colors, I and J, can be added to produce any color along their connecting line by varying the relative amounts of the two colors being added. A third color K can be used with various mixtures of I and J to produce the gamut of all colors in triangle IJK by varying relative amounts. 46 CIE Chromaticity Diagram Color Gamut Comparison The smallness of the print gamut with respect to the color-monitor gamut suggests that If images originally seen on a monitor must be faithfully reproduced by printing, a reduced gamut of colors should be used with the monitor. Otherwise, accurate reproduction will not be possible. The x, circle and square indicate the white points for the print, color monitor and film gamuts, respectively. 47