Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties 1. Biological systems and mechanical properties 2. Food Rheology and viscoelastic characterization 3. Texture evaluation of foods 4. Aero-hydrodynamic properties 5. Flow behavior of granular materials and powder Mechanical Properties • Those having to do with the behavior of the material under applied force stress-strain behavior under static and dynamic loading flow characteristics of the material in air/water rheology Biological Systems and Mechanical Properties • Each unit of food and feed materials is in itself a biological system. • They are alive, constantly undergoing changes in shape, size respiration,… during development and storage. • They are sensitive to external factors as humidity, temperature, oxygen, food supply, energy consumption,… So, difficult to control. Example • Biological solid elasticity age and physiological conditions • Biological fluids are mostly nonNewtonian liquids (more complications) Study of mechanical behavior in biological systems using the application of the fundamental principles of mechanics and rheology Rheology • What is Rheology? – Rheology is the study of the deformation and flow of matter – flow of salad dressing from a bottle – Rheological properties = mechanical properties when the action of forces result in deformation and flow in material • How to determine Rheological Properties? – measuring force and deformation as a function of time e.g. Time-dependent stress and strain behavior, creep, stress relaxation and viscosity. What is Rheology? Study of flow and deformation behavior of materials • Deformation usually applied to materials that are predominantly solid-like in nature. • Flow usually applied to materials that are predominantly fluid-like in nature. Examples: Liquid Foods: Flow of water, ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressings etc. Solid Foods: Creep of apples, grains, cheese etc. Examples of Rheological Properties • • • • • Viscosity Power law parameters Elasticity Stress relaxation function Creep compliance function Why we want to study rheology of Foods? • Design/select equipment such as pumps, pipelines, extruders, mixers, heat exchangers etc. • Rheological behavior relates to food texture and sensory data • To determine ingredient functionality in product development • Shelf life testing • To obtain some information about atomic and molecular scale phenomena • To obtain constitutive relations Fundamentals of Rheology • Basic assumptions – homogeneous: well-mixed material – isotropic: same response in all directions • How materials respond to applied forces and deformations? – Stress: force per area (Pascals or Pa) – Strain: deformation per length – Ideally, stress is related directly to strain Forces and Stress • Force (F) = mass × length × time-2 = Newton • Stress = Force/Area = (sigma)= Pascal = F/A • Sometimes used “Load” Applied Forces • Force applied to a body can cause: – Tension: – Extrusion: – Compression: – Penetration: – Shear: – Flow: Forces and Stress • The combination of aforementioned phenomena can result in: – Bending: • Tension + Compression – Torque: • Shear – Hydrostatic Compression: • Tension + Compression + Shear Stress (ASTM Standard Definition) • The intensity at a point in a body of the internal forces or components of force that act on a given plane through the point Stress • Normal stress – force is directly perpendicular to a surface – chewing a piece of gum – kneading of dough tension • Normal stress may be either: – Tensile stress: Normal stress due to forces directed away from the plane on which they act – Compressive stress: Normal stress due to forces directed toward the plane on which they act compression Stress • Shear stress – The stress component tangential to the plane on which the forces act (force is parallel to the sample surface) – spreading of butter over a slice of toast – brushing of barbecue sauce on chicken – stirring of a hot cup of cocoa • Torsion stress – The shear stress on a transverse cross section resulting from a twisting action. • True stress – The axial stress in a tension or compression test, calculated on the basis of the instantaneous cross sectional area instead of the original area torsion Deformation and strain All materials change in shape, volume, or both under the influence of an applied stress. Strain refers to the change in size or shape of a material when it is subjected to a stress. Strain = (epsilon) Strain and Strain (Shear) Rate • Strain – a dimensionless quantity representing the relative deformation of a material Normal Strain Shear Strain Strain • Strain: Physical change in the dimensions of a specimen that results from applying a load to the test specimen. • Strain calculated by the ratio of the change in length and the original length. (Deformation) • Strain units (Dimensionless) – When units are given they usually are in/in or mm/mm. (Change in dimension divided by original length) • % Elongation = strain x 100% l l0 l0 lF Strain Definition • Dimensional unit : Change in height = l • Simple ratio : engineering strain – For compression – For tension l 0 l l l0 l0 l l 0 l l0 l0 Strain Definition (cont) • Logarithmic ratio : Hecky or true or natural strain – Ratio of stressed/unstressed heights l ln l0 Strain • • • • • • • Permanent set is a change in form of a specimen once the stress ends. Linear (tensile or compressive strain) is the change per unit length due to force in an original linear dimension Axial strain is the linear strain in a plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen (occurs in the same direction as the applied stress). Lateral/transverse strain is the linear strain that occurs perpendicular to the direction of the applied stress. Shear/angular strain is the tangent of the angular change, due to the force, between 2 lines originally perpendicular to each other through a point in a body. Poisson’s ratio is ratio of lateral strain to axial strain. Poisson’s ratio = lateral strain axial strain – Example • Calculate the Poisson’s ratio of a material with lateral strain of 0.002 and an axial strain of 0.006 • Poisson’s ratio = 0.002/0.006 = 0.333 Note: For most materials, Poisson’s ratio is between 0.25 and 0.5 • Metals: 0.29 (304 SS) to 0.3 (1040 steel) to 0.35 (Mg) • Ceramics and Glasses: 0.19 (TiC) to 0.26 (BeO) to 0.31 (Cordierite) • Plastics: 0.35 (Acetals) to 0.41 (Nylons) Lateral Strain Axial Strain Force-Deformation Curve Force Distance Force –Deformation curve Firm Medium FORCE Soft DISTANCE Stress-Strain Diagrams • Stress-strain diagrams is a plot of stress with the corresponding strain produced. • Stress is the y-axis • Strain is the x-axis Stress Linear (Hookean) Non-Linear (non-Hookean) Strain Stress strain diagram stress hard Strong soft Weak strain Rheology Deformation Elastic In-elastic Flow Plastic Viscous • Hookean (linear) • Viscoelastic • Bingham • Newtonian • Non-Hookean (non-linear) • Viscoplastic • Non-Bingham t • Non-Newtonian t Time Aspects of Deformation • Ability to store deformational energy • Capacity to regain shape after being deformed Deformation-time relationship for an elastic body under constant stress Not depend on time Deformation Force removed Instantaneous elastic deformation Applied force Instantaneous elastic recovery Time Range of Material Behavior Solid Like Liquid Like • Stress response combines elastic and viscous behavior • Mechanical properties are time - and temperature - dependent Deformation-time relationship for an viscoelastic body under constant force Deformation Force removed Retarded deformation Instantaneous elastic recovery Retarded recovery Instantaneous elastic deformation Applied force Permanent deformation Time Fluid • Viscosity of a fluid food is a measure of the resistance to its flow. It indicates the internal friction between individual molecules in a fluid. • The attractive force acting between molecules of the same substance is called cohesion. • The attractive force acting between molecules of two different substances is called adhesion. • Non-wetting fluid vs. Wetting fluid. – Mercury vs. Oil Fluid Viscosity • Newtonian fluids – viscosity is constant (Newtonian viscosity, ) • Non-Newtonian fluids – shear-dependent viscosity (apparent viscosity, ) f ( ) Fluid Behavior • Flow behavior of a food is a physical as well as chemical property determined by rheological methods • Flow is influenced by: – The shape and arrangements of molecules – Concentration of solid in solution – Temperature – Micelle formation, and – Wetting Flow Rheograms • Rheogram: stress versus strain or shear rate • Shear-thinning/pseudoplastic – thixotropic (time dependent; thin with time) • Shear-thickening/dilatent – rheopectic (time dependent; thicken with time) • Yield stress: min. force/stress to initiate flow Stress-Strain Diagrams • Stress-strain diagrams is a plot of stress with the corresponding strain produced. • Stress is the y-axis • Strain is the x-axis Stress Linear (Hookean) Non-Linear (non-Hookean) Strain Deformation of Solids and the Modulus All materials change in shape, volume, or both under the influence of an applied stress. When a solid material is exposed to a stress, it experiences an amount of deformation or strain proportional to the magnitude of the stress Stress () Strain ( or ) Deformation of Solids and the Modulus The Modulus measures the resistance to deformation of a material when an external force is applied. Modulus = Stress/Strain We can define three kinds of Moduli for a material Young’s Modulus (Modulus of Elasticity): E Shear Modulus (Modulus of Rigidity): G Bulk Modulus: B The Three Moduli - Elastic Constants Young’s Modulus E= Where Bulk Modulus Shear Modulus G= B= hyd V/Vo Dashed lines indicate initial stressed state = uniaxial tensile or compressive stress = shear stress hyd = hydrostatic tensile or compressive stress = normal strain = shear strain V/Vo = fractional volume expansion or contraction = volumetric strain Poisson's Ratio - The Fourth Elastic Constant Poison's ratio, n, is the ratio of transverse (lateral) to axial strain z z lz - l0z = 2 2 ly - l0y y = 2 2 l y lz l0z Poisson’s Ratio y n= z l0y z Modulus • Modulus of Elasticity (E) or Young’s Modulus is the ratio of stress to corresponding strain (within specified limits). – A measure of stiffness • • • • • • • • • • • • Stainless Steel E= 28.5 million psi (196.5 GPa) Aluminum E= 10 million psi Brass E= 16 million psi Copper E= 16 million psi Molybdenum E= 50 million psi Nickel E= 30 million psi Titanium E= 15.5 million psi Tungsten E= 59 million psi Carbon fiber E= 40 million psi Glass E= 10.4 million psi Composites E= 1 to 3 million psi Plastics E= 0.2 to 0.7 million psi Young’s Modulus of some foods Food Apparent Young’ Modulus (Pa) Apple, raw Banana, Fresh Bread Carrot, raw Gelatin Peach, Fresh Pear, raw Potato, raw 60-140 8-30 0.1-0.3 200-400 2 20-200 120-300 50-140 Modulus Types • Modulus of elasticity: Slope of the stress-strain curve (the ratio of stress to corresponding strain below the proportional limit). Initial Modulus – Initial Modulus: slope of the curve drawn at the origin. Tangent Modulus – Tangent Modulus: slope of the Stress Secant Modulus curve drawn at the tangent of the curve at some point. – Secant Modulus: Ratio of stress to strain at any point on curve in a stress-strain diagram. It is the Strain slope of a line from the origin to any point on a stress-strain curve. Note: for materials where – Chord modulus: slope of the this curve is curvilinear, chord drawn between any two one of these modulus may specified points on the stressbe used. strain curve Basic Parameters and Units Stress = tensile stress, = shear stress Strain = Force /Area [Pa] = Geometric Shape Change [no units] = tensile strain, = shear strain Shear Rate = Velocity Gradient or d(strain)/dt [1/s] . = ortensile strain rate, = shear strain rate Strain Modulus = Stress / Strain [Pa] E = Youngs or Tensile, G = Shear Modulus Compliance Typically denoted by J Viscosity = Strain / Stress [1/Pa] = Stress /Strain Rate [Pa.s or Poise] Denoted by S.I. units = c.g.s. X 10 Other ASTM Standard Definitions • Elastic limit: – the greatest stress which a material is capable of sustaining without any permanent strain remaining upon complete release of the stress • Proportional Limit : Stress – the greatest stress which a material is capable of sustaining without any deviation from proportionality of stress to strain (Hooke’s Law). Proportional Limit Strain • The concept of elastic limit should not be confused with the proportional limit, which is the stress above which the relationship between stress and strain are no longer linearly proportional. Ordinarily, the elastic limit is greater than the proportional limit; however, for many materials (such as steel), the two are close enough to be identical for all practical purposes. • Breaking Factor Max. Load/Original Width (N/mm) • Shear/Tensile Strength = maximum shear or tensile stress which a material is capable of sustaining = Max. Shear or Tensile stress Cross-sectional Area (N/mm2) Max. Load Width Yield Point and Yield Strength Load • Yield Point = first stress in material, less than maximum attainable stress, at which an increase in strain occurs without an increase in stress. • Yield strength = Load or stress at Yield Point/Cross-section Area (N/mm2) • Strength = the resistance to applied force. Load at Yield Point Max. Load or Load at Break Strain Bioyield and Rupture Point Rupture point Load (N) Max load Bioyield point Firmness Deformation, mm Bioyield and Rupture Point • • • • A failure in microstructure Bioyield point were determined at the first peak of the force-displacement curve (there occurs an increase in deformation with a decrease or no change of force. Bioyield point is an indication of initial cell rupture in the cellular structure of material. This term is proposed for biological materials to differentiate this phenomenon from yield point in engineering materials. A failure in macrostructure Rupture point is a point at which the axially loaded specimen ruptures under a load. In biological materials, rupture may cause puncture of shell or skin, cracking, or fracture planes. • Bioyield strength = the stress corresponding to bioyield point. Stiffness or Rigidity or Apparent Modulus • Stiffness is a measure of the materials ability to resist deformation under load as measured in stress. – Stiffness is measures as the slope of the initial portion of the stress-strain curve – May be referred to as modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus (linear) – In the case of nonlinear stress-strain E behavior, it can be defined in terms of initial tangent, secant or tangent modulus. • Elasticity: – The capacity of a material for taking elastic or recoverable deformation. • Plasticity: Load – The capacity of a material for taking plastic or permanent deformation. LL Linear limit Strain Load LL Linear limit Non recover part Recover part Dp De Dp + De Deformation • Degree of elasticity = the ratio of elastic deformation to the sum of elastic and plastic deformation when a material is loaded to a certain load and then unloaded to zero load. • Degree of elasticity = De/(Dp+De) – De = elastic or recoverable deformation – Dp = plastic or residual deformation • Toughness = Area under of StressStrain curve (J or N.m) Stress • It is the work required to cause rupture in material Break or Rupture Point Area under curve Strain Resilience Load • It is the capacity of a material for storage of strain energy in the elastic range (energy: N.m) Energy given back Strain