Aero Engineering 315 Lesson 37 Longitudinal Static Stability Lesson 37 Objectives Draw a stability curve (Cm vs a) for tail and wing Draw a curve for positive, negative and neutral stability Understand tail and wing contributions to stability List factors that contribute to longitudinal static stability State criteria for positive long-stat stability Identify trim AoA and velocity Predict changes in stability with changes in tail area, moment arm, incidence angle, camber, CG, etc. Define neutral point and static margin Know criteria for positive long-stat stability WRT CG and static margin Moment Contribution from the Wing Lw xw +Macwing Recall: Mac,wing < 0 (for + camber) and Lw = CL q S = CLa,wa q S V a C Zero Lift Line M cg (from wing) Positive slope(+) Summing the moments and dividing by qSc: C M = (CLa,w xw/c )a cg + CMac,wing Form of: y = mx + b Negative (-) Intercept for symmetrical wing a Moment Contribution from the Tail at = a - it xt Lt it at Symmetric airfoil St = tail area V Zero Lift Line Summing the moments and dividing by qSc: CMcg Lt = CLat a q St (CLat St xt ) = a Positive (+) Sc intercept (CLat St xt ) (depending on it) + i t Sc Form of: y = mx +b C M cg (from tail) a Negative slope (-) Contributions to Stability Summary Wing Only Contribution Result – Wing and Tail Required Tail Contribution Total Airplane Moment Lw xw xt +Macwing Lt V a V it at Wing CMcg Zero Lift Line Tail xw x t St = (CLaw c - CLat )a + c S CM a Wing Tail xt St CMacw+ CLat c S it CM 0 Effects of configuration changes Lw xw xt Lt c.g. CMcg xw x t St = (CLaw c - CLat )a + c S CM a • • • • • Move CG Aft Larger tail (St) Increased camber Larger distance to tail Tail incidence xt St CMacw+ CLat c S it CM 0 Less Stable More Stable Decrease CMo More Stable Shifts CMo C. G. Effect on Stability CM Center of Gravity moving aft cg aa Bottom Line for stable, trimmed aircraft: Stable if CMa < 0 Trimmed if sum of moments about CG = 0 Trimmed at usable lift if CM0 >0 Longitudinal Stability—Wing Effects ) CMcg CLa ,w xw / c a CMa c,w Locating wing a.c. farther forward of c.g. is more destabilizing To improve stability (lower CMa): ↓ (xcg – xac) ↓ SW ↓ CLaW Shorter moment arm (wing back or c.g. forward) Smaller wing area (hard) Less efficient wing (do we really want to?) Longitudinal Stability—Tail Effects CM cg (CLa,t St xt ) = a Sc (CLa,t St xt ) + it Sc Tail aft of cg is stabilizing Canards are destabilizing To improve stability (more negative CMa): o o o xt Longer moment arm St Larger tail CLa,t ARt or eot (tail Oswald factor) or move tail out of downwash Longitudinal Stability—Tail Effects it = 0 it > 0 it < 0 Tail incidence angle, it , is the angle between Chord Line of the tail and Aircraft Zero-Lift-Line Tail leading edge down is positive Longitudinal Static Stability Total Aircraft Most parameters are fixed once the aircraft is built C.G. can be moved Cargo location Fuel location Weapons, stores, etc. it changes the trim angle of attack, ae Variable geometry wings—change cg, CLaW and moment arm (xcg-xac) Conventional Tail - Stabilizing F-22 F-16 Canards - Destabilizing Su-35 Long-Eze More Canards - Eurofighter Neutral Point The Neutral Point (Xn) represents the c.g. location such that CMa = 0. It is the center of pressure for the entire aircraft. X n X cg W Xcg is the distance from the leading edge of the wing to the CG Xn is the distance from the leading edge of the wing to the Neutral Point Static Margin: Stability Criteria Non-dimensional difference between Neutral Point (n.p.) and Center of Gravity (c.g.) where: xn xn / c and xcg xcg / c - CM a = n cg CL SM x x a If S.M. > 0 (c.g. ahead of the neutral point) - aircraft is stable If S.M. = 0 (c.g. at the neutral point) - aircraft is neutrally stable If S.M. < 0 (c.g. behind the neutral point) - aircraft is unstable Typical Static Margin Values Transports & Consumer AC: 0.05 to 0.20 Fighters: 0 to 0.05 Fighters - FBW Cessna 172 Learjet 35 Boeing 747 0.19 0.13 More Stable 0.27 P-51 Mustang F-106 0.05 More 0.09 Maneuverable F-16A (early) F-16C X-29 -0.02 Much More 0.01 Maneuverable -0.33 Stabilized by AFCS F-117 Longitudinal Stability NEUTRAL PITCH STABILITY IS EXHIBITED BY THE AIRCRAFT AT SMALL POSITIVE ANGLES OF ATTACK THE AIRCRAFT BECOMES INCREASINGLY UNSTABLE IN PITCH ABOVE 7° AOA EXCEEDING 14° AOA CAUSES A VIOLENT AND UNCONTROLLABLE PITCH-UP 7° AOA VORTEX VORTEX FORMS AT WING ROOT ABOVE 14° AOA VORTEX VORTEX SHIFTS OUTBOARD AND WING BEGINS TO STALL AT WING TIPS STALL PROGRESSES TOWARDS WING ROOT AC cp SHIFTS FORWARD RESULTING IN SIGNIFICANT NEGATIVE STATIC MARGIN STATICALLY UNSTABLE -- OUT OF CONTROL Longitudinal Static Stability Summary Axes, Moments, Velocities – Definitions Static vs. Dynamic Stability Absolute Angle of Attack Moments and Forces Static Longitudinal Stability Wing Effects Tail Effects Static Margin Next Lesson (38)… Prior to class Review sections 6.1 - 6.4 and long-stat stability handout Complete all homework problems Read lateral/directional stability handout In class Discuss lateral/directional (roll/yaw) static stability Glider Design Project