CELLULAR CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES NORBERT JOST, PhD Electrical model of the membrane Standard intracellular microelectrode technique Voltage clamp technique Patch clamp technique G=1/R Ohm’s law Ion channel model Current clamp Voltage clamp Intracellular microelectrode technique Re << Rin Rin = 1012 Ohm Ag/AgCl 3 M KCl Re ~ 10 - 40 MOhm 0.1 - 0.2 m The setup amplifier computer ingerlő A/D e P r Organ bath d: stimulating electrode e: microelectrode r: referent electrode P: preparation Detected signal 0mV 50 mV d 100 ms 0 mV 20 mV 50% APA 100 ms Vmax 90% RP APD50 APD90 Pre-incubation 60 min drug Wash-out 20-60 min 60 min Two microelectrode voltage clamp test potential voltage command holding potential The macroscopic sodium current The voltage-clamp circuit follow up amplifier amplifier Current measure voltage measure voltage command Patch-clamp: the special case of the voltage clamp Patch-clamp: the special case of the voltage clamp (1) Suck a small piece of membrane onto the tip of a glass micropipette (~ 1 µm in diameter) Cell Patch-clamp: the special case of the voltage clamp (2) “Gigaohm-seal” R > 1 GOhm Cell Patch-clamp: the special case of the voltage clamp (3) Sense voltage here, inside the electrode, and use voltage clamp to keep it constant. Cell Patch-clamp: the special case of the voltage clamp (3) Sense voltage here, inside the electrode, and use voltage clamp to keep it constant. closed open + + Cell Patch-clamp: the special case of the voltage clamp closed (3) Turn on the aimed potential the inside part of the pipette and keep it constantly by applying the voltage clamp technique. open open Cell Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels voltage command 10 msec Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels 1. Individual channels are either open or closed (no partial openings) Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels 1. Individual channels are either open or closed (no partial openings) 2. Each channel opening is only a brief event compared to the total duration of the whole cell voltage-dependent sodium current. The macroscopic sodium current Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels 1. Individual channels are either open or closed (no partial openings) 2. Each channel opening is only a brief event compared to the total duration of the whole cell voltage-dependent sodium current. 3. Channel opening and closing is variable in duration and latency. The macroscopic sodium current Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels 1. The channels are either in open or closed state. 2. The channel openings are short events when compared with the macroscopic sodium current. 3. The time duration and latency of the channel openings are variable (case sensitive). Might happen to not open at all. 4. The open probability of the channels resembles with that of the macroscopic current. Summation of 300 recordings The macroscopic sodium current Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels 1. Individual channels are either open or closed (no partial openings) 2. Each channel opening is only a brief event compared to the total duration of the whole cell voltage-dependent sodium current. 3. Channel opening and closing is variable in duration and latency. 4. The overall probability of channel opening is similar to the total sodium current. Look at the sum of the currents from 300 trials. 5. Sometimes an individual channel doesn’t open even once. Summation of 300 recordings The macroscopic sodium current Properties of individual voltagedependent sodium channels 1. Individual channels are either open or closed (no partial openings) 2. Each channel opening is only a brief event compared to the total duration of the whole cell voltage-dependent sodium current. 3. Channel opening and closing is variable in duration and latency. 4. The overall probability of channel opening is similar to the total sodium current. Look at the sum of the currents from 300 trials. 5. Sometimes an individual channel doesn’t open even once. 6. Second openings are rare (because of inactivation) Summation of 300 recordings The macroscopic sodium current Similarly, individual potassium channels, calcium channels, and other channels can be studied by patch clamping 1. Individual channels are either open or closed (no partial openings). Sometimes more than one channel is in a patch. 2. Each channel opening is only a brief event compared to the total duration of the whole cell current. 3. Channel opening and closing is variable in duration and latency. 4. The overall probability of channel opening is similar to the whole cell current 5. Second openings can happen if there’s no inactivation. Slowly inactivating K current channel (Ram & Dagan, 1987) The configurations of the patch-clamp technique OnCell Cell-Attached The configurations of the patch-clamp technique OnCell Insideout patch The configurations of the patch-clamp technique OnCell Whole Cell The configurations of the patch-clamp technique Whole Cell The configurations of the patch-clamp technique Whole Cell outsideout patch The whole-cell configuration Rs Rc Cm Extracellular solution (mM) (for K currents) NaCl 144 NaH2PO4 0.4 KCl 4 Intracellukar solution (mM) (for K currents) K-aspartate 100 KCl 25 K2HPO4 10, K2EGTA 5 MgSO4 0.53 K2ATP 3 CaCl2 1.8 MgCl2 1 Glucose 5.5 HEPES 5 + ICa blocker HEPES 10 The whole cell configuration Intracellular solution Patch-clamp amplifier Micropipette + Extracellular solution _ _ _ + + _ _ + + + _ _ + + _ + _ _ + Cell 10 ms ... 5000 ms -20 mV ... +50 mV -40 mV IBM PC The “run-down“ effect The ATP-sensitive potassium current The “run-down“ The L-type calcium current The configurations of the patch clamp technique Whole Cell Whole Cell, perforated patch - amphotericin-B - nystatin The “run-down” The L-type calcium current Cell isolation - Ca2+ - free perfusion - enzymatic digestion (collagenase) - mechanical separation L- type calcium current (ICa) 400 ms -40 mV 200 pA 100 ms 0 mV -40 mV -35 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 Potenciál (mV) 40 60 -40 mV -30 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 Potenciál (mV) 40 60 -40 mV -25 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 Potenciál (mV) 40 60 -20 mV -40 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 Potenciál (mV) 40 60 -15 mV -40 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 Potenciál (mV) 40 60 -10 mV -40 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 Potenciál (mV) 40 60 55 mV -40 mV ICa amplítúdó (pA) L- type calcium current (ICa) Current-voltage (I-V) relationship 0 -400 -800 -1200 -40 -20 0 20 40 Potenciál (mV) Pre-incubation 5-10 min drug Wash-out 3-5 min 10-15 min 60