SEKE2012, Redwood City, CA, USA 2012.7.1 -- 2012.7.3 Feature modeling and Verification based on Description Logics Guohua Shen1, Zhiqiu Huang1 , Wei Zhang2 1 Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China 2 Peking Univ., China Contents 1 Introduction 2 Semantic feature modeling 3 Case study 4 Conclusions 1 Introduction The feature model has been widely adopted by most of the current domain engineering methods FODA [1] (Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis), FORM [2] (Feature-Oriented Reuse Method), FeatuRSEB [3] (Feature and Reuse-driven Software Engineering Business), PuLSE [4] (Product Line Software Engineering) and SPL [5] (Software Product Line) Feature modeling base on DLs DLs(Description logics) are a family of languages for representing knowledge & reasoning about it Some existing research work used DL to analyze feature models, such as [6,7,8]. However, these methods do not differentiate between the feature meta-model and feature models, which causes additional efforts : New concepts, roles and constraints are created for every domain feature model Feature What is a feature: a distinctive characteristic of a software product, and it may refer to a requirement, a component or even to pieces of code of a SPL. The features define both common aspects of the domain as well as differences among all products of a SPL. graph-manipulate graph-compose graph-add graph-select graph-delete graph-move graph-dim moving-constraint entity-add connector-add moving-mode 3D 2D select-mode hori-constraint increment-select nonincrement-select verti-constraint outline-move content-move alternative feature dimension-value require or optional whole-part relation mutex Fig. 1 Feature model of graph editor Feature model binding&tailoring Selecting some variant of the feature model is called binding the variant. three types of binding time: reuse-time, compile-time and run-time. Feature model binding&tailoring binding states: bound, removed and undecided. We customize a specific S.P. specification through binding and tailoring. Tailoring: undecided removed Binding: undecided bound reuse dev. dev. for reuse dev. with reuse bind time reuse-time compile-time, load-time feature model tailor run-time feature model run-time 1 of sys.A of sys.A domain feature model feature model run-time 2 of sys.A of sys.B bound feature Fig.2 Feature model in lifecycle of S.P. 2 Semantic Feature modeling DLs DLs-based feature modeling Constraints of the feature model Reasoning for verification 2.1 description logics, DLs DL: decidable fragment of FOL (first order logic) Basic elements: Concepts: e.g., Person、Father Roles, also called Properties: e.g., hasChild C::=A|⊥| ⊤ |¬C|C⊓D | C⊔D|R.C | R.C |nR.C |nR |{a1,…,an} R::=P|¬R|R⊓S |R⊔S| R◦S| R+| Rfor example: Father ::= Person ⊓ hasChild.Person hasParent ::=¬hasChild Language family:AL, ALC, ALCN, ALCQ, SHIQ… expressive power vs decidability DL knowledge base: K = (T, A), T (Terminology), i.e., TBox : concepts, axioms A (Assertion), i.e., ABox :assertions TBox Person, Parent= Person ⊓ hasChild hasChild, Parent ⊑ Person, hasSon ⊑ hasChild … TBox Description Language Reasoning ABox Person(mike), Father(ben) hasChild(ben,mike) … KB Application Programs ABox Rules Fig. 3 Architecture of DL knowledge base 2.2 Semantic Feature modeling Feature class Relations between features Feature class Feature def. in DL: Feature ::= ⊤ ⊓ hasBindTime.BindTime ⊓ hasState.BindState BindTime ::= {reuseTime, compileTime, runTime} BindState ::= {bound, removed, undecided, conflict } A dimension feature (DimFeature): is the subclass of concept Feature DimFeature::=Feature ⊓ hasValue.DimValue concept DimValue is the sub-class of Feature BindTime BindState DimValue ⊑ Feature hasState Feature hasBindingTime hasPart DimFeature hasValue DimValue property concept sub-concept/property Fig. 4a Feature meta-model (concepts) Relations between features Whole-part relation: hasPart Its domain, range : Feature Two sub-relation: hasOptionalPart, hasMandatoryPart Express as inclusion axioms : hasOptionalPart ⊑ hasPart, hasMandatoryPart ⊑ hasPart require hasPart mutex hasValue Feature hasOptionalPart hasMandatoryPart hasPart hasAlternativeValue property concept sub-concept/property Fig. 4b Feature meta-model (roles and constraints) 2.3 Constraints of the feature model Constraints Mutex (also called exclude) the mutual exclusion constraints between two feature instances require the dependency constraints between two feature instances We define a set of rules to describe constraints: Alternative-Rule Mutex-Rule: Require-Rules Conflict-Rule Mutex rule two instances of Feature are mutually exclusive, i.e., they cannot be bound at the same time. Feature mutex Mutex-Rule: f1f2 Feature(f1)Feature(f2)hasState(f1,bound) mutex(f1,f2) hasState(f2, removed) Alternative rule Alternative: only one instantce of DimValue can be bound. (alternative constraint implies mutex) Alternative-Rule: f1f2f3 DimFeature(f1)DimValue(f2)DimValue(f3)hasAlternativeValue(f1,f2) hasAlternativeValue(f1,f3) mutex(f2,f3) Require rules Feature Require describes the dependency constraints Three rules, for two instances of feature f1 and f2require : 1: f1 has a mandatory child f2 means that f2 depends on f1 Require-Rule1: f1f2 Feature(f1) Feature(f2) hasMandatoryPart (f1, f2) require(f2, f1) 2: If f1 is bound, then f2 must be bound Require-Rule2: f1f2 Feature(f1) Feature(f2) hasState(f2,bound) require(f2, f1) hasState(f1,bound) 3: If f1 is removed, then f2 must be removed Require-Rule3: f1f2 Feature(f1) Feature(f2) hasState(f1,removed) require(f2, f1) hasState(f2,removed) Conflict rule we define the state conflict by using the following conflict rule, It indicated that a feature instance f1 has the two states: bound and removed at the same time, then f1 has the state conflict. Conflict-Rule: f1 Feature(f1) hasState(f1,bound) hasState(f1,removed) hasState(f1,conflict) Reasoning for its verification Before reasoning, establish the TBox and ABox: TBox TBox: Define concepts and roles for feature model Feature ::= ⊤ ⊓ hasBindTime.BindTime ⊓ hasState.BindState DimFeature ⊑ Feature, define include axiomsDimValue ⊑ Feature … hasPart, hasOptionalPart ⊑ hasPart, hasMandatoryPart ⊑ hasPart Define rules for constraints Alternative-Rule, Mutex-Rule , Require-Rule1 , Require-Rule2 , Require-Rule3 ABox: Define the assertions for domain-specific features instances ABox Feature(f1), hasMandatoryPart(f1, f2), requre(f2, f3) Verify by reasoning consistency the feature model is consistent, if there is no state conflict. ; For example A={Feature(f1), mutex(f1, f2), Feature(f2) , hasState(f1, bound), hasState(f2, bound) } => A’={Feature(f1), mutex(f1, f2), Feature(f2) , hasState(f1, bound), hasState(f2, bound) , hasState(f2, removed), hasState(f1, removed) } conflict completeness feature model is complete, if all the assertions necessary are included For example: A={ Feature(f1), Feature(f2), hasMandatoryPart(f1, f2), hasState(f1, bound) } => A’={Feature(f1), Feature(f2), hasMandatoryPart(f1, f2), hasState(f1, bound) , require(f1, f2), hasState(f2,bound)} 3 Case study Feature modeling : graph editor Its verification 3.1Semantic model of graph editor The graph editor is typical, easy to understand. variation point feature Run time bind Feature model of graph editor graph-manipulate graph-compose graph-add graph-select graph-delete graph-move graph-dim moving-constraint entity-add connector-add moving-mode 3D 2D select-mode optional, reuse/compile bind hori-constraint increment-select nonincrement-select verti-constraint outline-move content-move alternative feature dimension-value require or optional whole-part relation mutex DL knowledge base TBox (meta-model) concepts / roles Inclusion axioms rules ABox (model instance) assersions 3.2 Reasoning about feature model of graph editor Ontology editor:Protégé1 Ontology language:OWL reasonor:Jena/ Pellet2 / RacerPro3 Rule language: e.g., [Require-Rule1: (?f1 hasMandatoryPart ?f2) (?f2 require ?f1)] Query language: SPARQL4 e.g., "SELECT ?x WHERE {?x hasState conflict}" [1] [2] [3] [4] Case : feature ”graphDelete” requires “graphSelect”. A={Feature(graphManipulate), Feature(graphDelete), Feature(graphSelect), hasState(graphDelete,bound), hasState(graphSelect,removed), require(graphDelete,graphSelect) } == using Require-Rule2, 3 ==> A’={……, hasState(graphDelete,removed), hasState(graphSelect,bound) } == using Conflict-Rule ==> A’’={……, hasState(graphDelete, conflict), hasState(graphSelect, conflict) } conflict conflict graph-manipulate graph-select graph-delete ...... isBound 4 Conclusions We propose a DLs-based method to model feature: describing feature meta-model with concepts, roles, axioms and rules in TBox, while describing feature model with assertions in ABox. We can reason about the semantic feature model to verify the consistency and completeness by using DLs reasoner. strengths Our feature model is compatible with the common feature models (such as FODA, FORM, PLA and FODM). The explicit semantic clarifies the similarity and differences among these methods. This model differentiates the meta-model and model. Concrete feature models are instantiated in ABox, so it is convenient to perform running-time verification. weakness Some non-functional features are not taken into considerations; How to elicit feature in a domain depends on expertise experience. Thank you! Guohua Shen College of Computer Science and Technology Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing, China