Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space Dr. Ching I Chen 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (1) Space Curve When a particle moves through space during a time interval , one thinks of the particle's coordinates as functions defined on : x f (t ), y g (t ), z h (t ) t P (f (t ), g (t ), h (t )) z parametric vector : r(t) y O x curve P : position r (t ) : position vector r (t ) OP f (t )i g (t ) j h (t )k 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (2) Space Curve (Example 1) Example 1 GRAPHING A HELIX Graph the function r (t ) cos t i sin t j t k 40 30 20 10 0 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (3) Space Curve Figure 12.4 GRAPHING A HELIX Graph the function r (t ) 2 cos 3t i e t j 2 sin3t k 2 0 -2 5 10 15 20 -2 0 2 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (4) Space Curve (Exploration 1-1~4) Exploration 1 How Vector - Valued Function in Space Ought to Work 1. If r (t ) (t 2 3)i cos t j sin t / t r(t )? k, What is lim t 0 2. Is g t e 3t 1 i t j tan2 t k continuous at t 0? Is it differentiable there? 3. Find dr/dt if r t t 3 i ln t 3 j tan t k. 4. Find 4 0 r t dt if r t t 2 i sin t j t k. 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (5) Space Curve (Exploration 1-5~7) Exploration 1 How Vector - Valued Function in Space Ought to Work 5. A particle moves through space with position vector at time t given by r (t ) (2t 3 )i sint j e 2t k, Find the velocity vector? 6. Find the acceleration vector for the partical in part 5 . 7. Find the speed and direction of motion of the partical in 5 at time t 0. 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (6) Space Curve (Exploration 1-8~10) Exploration 1 How Vector - Valued Function in Space Ought to Work 8. If u and v are vectors in three dimensional space, what is the rule for finding (d / dt )(u v )? 9. If r is a differentiable function of t and t is a differentiable function of s, what would the Chain Rule say about dr/ds? 10.We did not consider the cross product of two-dimensional vectors, so we have no two dimensional formula for d/dt u v . Nonetheless, what do you suppose the three-dimentional formula for the derivative of a cross product would be? 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (7) Limit and Continuity Definition Limit Let r t f t i g t j h t k be a vector function and L a vector. We say that r has limit L as t approaches t 0 and write lim r t L t t 0 if for every number 0there exists a corresponding 0 such that for all t 0 t - t 0 r t L . 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (8) Limit and Continuity (Example 2) Example 2 FINDING LIMITS OF VECTOR FUNCTIONS If r (t ) cos t i sint j t k, then lim r (t ) lim cos t t / 4 t / 4 i lim sint j lim t k t / 4 2 2 i j k 4 2 2 t / 4 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (9) Limit and Continuity Definition continuity at a point A vector function r t is continuity at a poi nt t t 0 in its domain if lim r t r t 0 . t →t 0 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (10) Limit and Continuity Component Test for continuity at a point The vector function r t f t i g t j h t k is continuous at t t 0 if and only if f g and h are continuous at t 0 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (11) Limit and Continuity (Example 3) Example 3 FINDING POINTS OF CONTINUITY AND DISCONTINUITY (a) The function r (t ) cos t i sint j t k is continuous because cos t ,sin t ,and t are continuity. (b) The function g(t ) cos t i sint j int t k is discontinuous at every integer. 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (12) Derivatives and Motion on Smooth Curves Suppose that r(t) = f(t) i + g(t) j + h(t) k is the position of a particle moving along a curve in the plane and that f(t), g(t) and h(t) are differentiable functions of t. Then the difference between the particle’s positions at time t+Dt and the time t is Dr (t ) r (t Dt ) r (t ) f (t Dt ) i g (t Dt ) j h (t Dt ) k f (t ) i g (t ) j h (t ) k f (t Dt ) f (t ) i g (t Dt ) g (t ) j h (t Dt ) h (t ) k z y r(t+Dt) r(t) x Q Drt) P 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (13) Derivatives and Motion on Smooth Curves Definition Derivative at a point The vector function r t f t i g t j h t k is differentiable at t t 0 if f , g ,and h are differentiable at t 0 . The derivative is the vector r t Dt r t df dr dg dh lim i j k dt Dt 0 Dt dt dt dt 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (14) Derivatives and Motion on Smooth Curves Definitions Velocity, Speed, Acceleration, Direction of Motion If r is the position vector of a particle moving along a smooth curve in space, then at any time t . 1. v t = dr the derivative of position is the particles velocity vector dt and is tangent to the curve. 2. v t the magnitude of v is the particles speed. dv d 2r 3. a t 2 the derivative of velocity and the second derivative. dt dt of positionis the particles acceleration vector. v 4. a unit vector is the direction of motion. v 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (15) Derivatives and Motion on Smooth Curves v Velocity v speed direction v 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (16) Derivatives and Motion on Smooth Curves (Example 4) Example 4 STUDYING MOTION The vector r (t ) cos t i sin t j t 2 k gives the position of a moving body at time t . Find (a) the velocity and acceleration vectors. (b) the body's speed and direction at t 2. (c) at what times the body's velocity and acceleration are orthogonal. 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (17) Derivatives and Motion on Smooth Curves Differention Rules for Vector Function Let u(t ) and v(t ) be differentiable vector functions of t , C any constant vector, c any scalar, and f any differentiable scalar function of t . d 1. Constant Function Rule : C0 dt 2. Scalar Multiple Rule : d d c u c u dt dt d df d f u u f u dt dt dt 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (18) Differentiation Rules Differention Rules for Vector Function Let u(t ) and v(t ) be differentiable vector functions of t , C any constant vector, c any scalar, and f any differentiable scalar function of t . d d d 3. Sum Rule : u v u v dt dt dt d d d 4. Difference Rule : u v u v dt dt dt d d u d v 5. Dot Product Rule : v u u v dt dt dt d d u d v 6. Cross Product Rule : u v v u dt dt dt 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (19) Differentiation Rules Differention Rules for Vector Function Let u(t ) and v(t ) be differentiable vector functions of t , C any constant vector, c any scalar, and f any differentiable scalar function of t . 7. Chain Rule : If r is a differentiable function of t and t is a differentiable function of s . then d u d u dt ds dt ds 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (20) Vector Functions of Constant Length If u is a differentiable vector function of t of constant length then du u 0 dt 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (21) Vector Functions of Constant Length (Example 5) Example 5 SUPPORTING EQUATION (3) Show that u(t ) cos t i sint j 3 k has constant length and is orthogonal to its derivative. 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (22) Integrals of Vector Functions Definition Indefinite Integral The indefinite integral of r with respect to t is the set of all antiderivatives or r denoted by r t dt. If R is any antiderivative of r then r t dt R t C . 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (23) Integrals of Vector Functions (Example 6) Example 6 FINDING ANTIDERIVATI VES cos t i j 2t k dt cos t dt j 2t dt k dt i sint C1 i t C 2 j t 2 C 3 k sint i t j t 2k C C C1i C 2 j C 3k 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (20) Integrals of Vector Functions Definition Indefinite Integral If the components of r t f t i g t j h t k are integrable over a ,b then so is r and the definite integral of r from a to b is a r t dt a f t dt i a g t dt j a h t dt k b b b b 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (24) Integrals of Vector Functions (Example 7) Example 7 EVALUATING DEFINITE INTEGRALS (cost )i j 2t k dt 0 0 dt j 2t dt k cos t dt i 0 0 sint 0 i t 0 j t 2 0 k 0 0 i 0 j 2 0 2 k j 2k 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions and Space Curves (25) Integrals of Vector Functions (Example 8) Example 8 FINDING A PARTICLE'S POSITION FUNCTION The velocity of a partical moving in space is d r cos t i sint j k dt Find the particle's position function as a function of t if r 2i k when t 0 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(1) Arc length Definition Arc Length : Length of a Smooth Curve The length of a smooth curve r t f t i g t j h t k a t b that is traced exactly once as t increases form t a to t b is L b b a a b 2 2 2 2 2 df dg dh dt dt dt dt dx dy dz dt dt dt dt v dt a 2 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(2) Arc length (Example 1) Example 1 APPLYING THE DEFINITION OF LENGTH Find the length of one turn of the helix r (t ) cos t i sint j t k Solution The length of this portion of the curve is b L v dt 2 a 0 2 0 sint 2 cos t 2 1 dt 2 dt 2 2 units 8 6 4 2 0 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(3) Arc length Arc Length Parameter with Base Point P t 0 on a Smooth curve s t t t0 2 2 2 t x y z d v d t0 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(4) Arc length (Example 2) Example 2 FINDING AN ARC LENGTH PARAMETE R If t 0 0, the arc length parameter along the helix r (t ) cos t i sint j t k from t 0 to t is s t t t0 v d t 0 2 d 2t . Thus, s 2 2 2, s 2 2 2, and so on. 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(5) The Unit Tangent Vector T Definition Unit Tangent Vector The unit tangent vector of a smooth curve r t is dr dr / dt v T ds ds / dt v 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(6) The Unit Tangent Vector T (Example 4) Example 4 FINDING THE UNIT TANGENT VECTOR Find the unit vector of the helix r(t ) cos t i sint j t k Solution v(t ) sint i cos t j k v(t ) sint 2 cos t 2 1 2 v (t ) sint cos t 1 T i j k v (t ) 2 2 2 T dr dr / dt v ds ds / dt v 12.2 Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector T(7) The Unit Tangent Vector T (Example 5) Example 5 FINDING THE UNIT TANGENT VECTOR T For the countclockwise motion r(t ) cos t i sint j around the unit circle v(t ) ( sin t ) i (cos t ) j is already a unit vector, so Tv y Tv r t O P(x,y) x T dr dr / dt v ds ds / dt v 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (1) Curvature, Torsion, and TNB Frame As a partical moves along a smooth curve in the plane,T dr/ds turns as the curve bends. Since T is a unit vector, its lengh remains constant and only its direction changes per unit of lengh along the curve. The rate at which the direction changes per unit of lengh along the curve is the curveature. The traditional symbol for the curvature is the Greek letter "kappa" . y P P0 O T x 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (2) Curvature, Torsion, and TNB Frame Definition Curvature If T is the unit tangent vector of a smooth curve, the curvature dT function of the curve is ds The curvature measures how sharply a curve bends at a point. If dT/ds is large, T turns sharply as the particle passes through P and the curvature at P is large. If dT/ ds is close to zero, T turns more slowly and the curvature at P is smaller. 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (3) Curvature, Torsion, and TNB Frame (Example 1) Example 1 FINDING THE CURVATURE OF A STRAIGHT LINE Show that the curvature of a straight line is zero. Solution On a straignt line, the unit tangent vector T always points in the same direction, so its components are constants.Therefore, dT/ds 0 0. T 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (4) Curvature, Torsion, and TNB Frame (Example 2) Example 2 FINDING THE CURVATURE OF A CIRCLE Show that the curvature of a circle of radius a is 1/ a . 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (5) The Principal Unit Normal Vector for Plane Curves Since T has constant length, the vector dT / ds is orthogonal to T. Therefore, if at a point where dT / ds 0, we divide dT / ds by its length , we obtain a unit vector orthogonal to T. Unlike the curvature , which is never negative, the torsion 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (6) may be positive, negative,or zero. Thethree Principal Unit Normal forBPlane Curves The planedetermined byVector T, N and are shown in Figure 12.25. The curvature dT / ds can be thought of as the rate at which the normal plane turns as the point P moves along the curve.Similarly, the torsion dB / ds N is the rate at which the osculating plane The vector dT/ds points in the direction in which T turns as the turns about T Therefore, as P moves curve bends. if wealong face inthe thecurve. directionTo ofrsion increasing measure how the curve twists. arc length,the vector dT / ds points to the right if T turns clockwise and toward the left it T turns counterclockwise. In other words,the principle normal vector N will point toward the concave side of the curve. 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (7) The Principal Unit Normal Vector for Plane Curves Because the arc length parameter for a smooth curve r (t ) f (t ) i g (t ) j is defined with ds / dt positive, ds / dt ds / dt , and the Chain rule gives dT / ds N dT / ds (dT / dt )(dt / ds ) dT / dt ds / ds (dT / dt ) dT / dt 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (8) The Principal Unit Normal Vector for Plane Curves (EX.3) Example 3 FINDING T AND N Find T and N for the circlular motion r (t ) cos 2t i sin2t j Solution v 2 sin2t i 2 cos 2t j v 4 sin2 2t 4 cos 2 2t 2 T v / v sin2t i cos 2t j from this we find dT / dt 2 cos 2t i 2 sin2t j dT / dt 4 cos 2 2t 4 sin2 2t 2 and N dT / dt / dT / dt cos 2t i sin2t j 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (9) Circle of Curvature and Radius of Curvature The circle of curvature or osculating circle at a point P on a plane curve where 0 is the circle in the plane of the curve that 1. is tangent to the curve at P , 2. has the same curvature the curve has at P , 3. lies toward the concave or inner side of the curve. 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (10) Circle of Curvature and Radius of Curvature The radius of curvature of the curve at P is the radius of the radius of the circle of curvature, which is Radius of curvature 1/ The center of curvature of the curva at P is the center of the circle of curvature. 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (11) Curvature and Normal Vectors for Space Curves (Ex. 4-1) Example 4 FINDING CURVATURE ON A HELIX Find the curvature of the helix r (t ) a cos t i a sint j bt k, Solution v a sint i a cos t j b k a ,b 0, a 2 b 2 0 v a 2 sin2 t a 2 cos2 t b 2 a 2 b 2 v a sint i a cos t j b k T v a2 b2 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (12) Curvature and Normal Vectors for Space Curves (Ex. 4-2) Solution then we find dT/ds as dT dT dt dT 1 ds dt ds dt v a cos t i a sint j a2 b2 a cos t i sint j a2 b2 1 a2 b2 dT a cos 2 t + sin2 t a 2 2 2 ds a b a b2 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (13) Curvature and Normal Vectors for Space Curves (Example 5) Example 5 FINDING THE PRINCIPAL UNIT NORMAL VECTOR N Find N for the helix r (t ) a cos t i a sint j bt k, a , b 0, a2 b2 0 Solution then we find dT/ds as dT a cos t i a sint j , 2 2 dt a b dT a cos2 t + sin2 t a 2 2 2 2 dt a b a b a cos t i a sint j a 2 b 2 dT / dt N dT / dt a a2 b2 cos t i sin t j 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (14) Torsion and the Binormal Vector The binormal vector of a curve in space is B = T N, a unit vector orthogonal to both T and N. Together define a moving right-handed vector frame that always travel with a body moving along a curve in space. It is the Frenet (“fre-nay”) frame, or the TNB frame. This vector frame plays a significant role in calculating the flight paths of space vehicles. B N T 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (15) Torsion and the Binormal Vector How does dB / ds behavior in relation to T, N and B? dB dT dN N T B ds ds ds dN (since N is the direction of dT / ds ) ds T we know dB / ds is orthogonal to T. T N since dB / ds is also orthogonal to B (due to constant vector), it follows that dB / ds is orthogonal to the plane B and T. In other word, dB / ds is parallel to N, so dB / ds is a scalar multiple of N. In symbols, dB N ds 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (16) Torsion and the Binormal Vector dB N ds The minus sign is traditional. The scalar is the torsion along the curve. Notice that so that dB N N N ds dB N ds B N T 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (17) Torsion and the Binormal Vector Definition Torsion Let B Τ Ν. The torsion function of a smooth curve is dB N ds 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (18) Torsion and the Binormal Vector Unlike the curvature , which is never negative, the torsion may be positive, negative,or zero. The three plane determined by T,N and B are shown in Figure 12.25. The curvature dT / ds can be thought of as the rate at which the normal plane turns as the point P moves along the curve. Similarly, the torsion dB / ds N is the rate at which the osculating plane turns about T as P moves along the cu rve. Torsion measure how the curve twists. 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (19) Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration When a body move in a path, the velovity is d r d r ds ds v T (in the dirction of T) ds ds dt dt the acceleration is d v d a dt dt 2 ds d T ds d s T 2 T dt dt dt dt 2 d s ds 2 T N dt dt 2 ds aN dt s a 2 N T d 2s aT 2 dt 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (20) Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration Definition Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration a aT T aN N where d 2s d v aT 2 dt dt 2 ds and aN v 2 dt are the tangential and normal scalar components of acceleration. 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (21) Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration 1. If a body moves in a circle at a d 2s T 2 dt a constant speed d2s / dt 2 is zero P 2 v N C v 2 N and all the acceleration points along N toward the circle's center. 2. If the body is speeding up or slowing down, a has a nonzero tangential component. aN 2 a a T2 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (22) Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration (Ex. 6-1) Example 6 FINDING AN ACCELERATION VECTOR Without finding T and N, write the acceleration of the motion r (t ) (cos 2t t sint )i (sint t cos t ) j, t 0, in the form of a a T T aNN. T P (x , y ) 0 1 v (t cos t )2 (t sint )2 t d aT v 1 dt r -1 v d r / dt (t cos t )i (t sint ) j 2 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (23) Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration (Ex. 6-2) Example 6 FINDING AN ACCELERATION VECTOR Without finding T and N, write the acceleration of the motion r (t ) (cos 2t t sint )i (sint t cos t ) j, t 0, in the form of a a T T aNN. a d 2r / dt 2 T (cos t t sint )i (sint t cos t ) j t N P (x , y ) aN r 0 2 a a T2 t 2 1 1 t a a T T aNN T t N t -1 2 a t 2 1 1 2 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (24) Formulas for Computing Curvature and Torsion 2 2 ds d s ds va T 2 T N dt dt dt 3 3 ds ds T N B dt dt 3 va v B v 3 A Vector Formula for Curvature va v 3 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (24) Formulas for Computing Curvature and Torsion Formula for curves in Space Unit tangent vector v T v dT / dt Principal unit normal vector N dT / dt Binormal vector B T N dT v a Curvature 3 ds v 12.3 Curvature, Torsion, and the TNB Frame (24) Formulas for Computing Curvature and Torsion Formula for curves in Space dB Torsion T N ds Tangential and normal scalar components of acceleration x x x y y y va a a T T aNN d aT v dt aN k v 2 a a T 2 z z z 2 12.4 Planetary Motion and Satellites omitted