s1 PRBoA www.architectureboard.ph The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) UAP College of Fellows (CoF) Meeting Sat, Aug 06, 2011 8am. at the UAP HQ, Qiuezon City The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA) Ar Armando N. ALLÍ , apec ar Acting Chairman, PRBoA DTI CIAP CIAC Accredited Construction Arbitrator & Mediator (Resource Person) PRBoA s2 www.architectureboard.ph 1. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) R.A. No. 876 has been in effect from 1953 through 2004; and UNCITRAL Model for International Commercial Arbitration was adopted with the passage of R.A. No. 9285, otherwise known as the ADR Act of 2004, which defines ADR as any process or procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other than by adjudication of a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government agency, as defined in this Act, in which a neutral third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues, which includes arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral evaluation, mini-trial, or any combination thereof; The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s3 www.architectureboard.ph 2. Some ADR Modes Under RA No. 9285 International Commercial Arbitration; Domestic Commercial Arbitration; Construction Arbitration; Construction Mediation; and Conciliation The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s4 www.architectureboard.ph 3. What is Arbitration? Arbitration is a private process of dispute resolution whereby parties submit their dispute to a private individual/ natural person or persons i.e. the arbitrator or arbitral tribunal, chosen by the parties directly or indirectly for the conduct of a hearing or hearings and for the promulgation of a binding decision. Please note however that the Arbitrators perform a public function on behalf of the DTI CIAP CIAC and may therefore be considered agents of the Government. All official issuances (Orders, Awards, etc.) by Arbitrators are only made through the CIAC, which is a Government entity. All of the arbitration proceedings and records are confidential. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s5 www.architectureboard.ph 4. Why Arbitrate? If a party to a construction and/or consulting service contract fails to deliver on a contractual commitment despite the very best of intentions, damages to the other party inevitably arises. However, litigation on a contractual dispute (usually a civil action) via the Courts will take about 4-6 years at the trial court level alone (plus say 3-4 years at the Court of Appeals/ CA and another 3-4 years more at the Supreme Court/ SC). This is because judges usually have a caseload of 500 at a time. Arbitration guarantees a trial court level resolution within a 6.0 calendar month period (as opposed to 4-6 years). The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s6 www.architectureboard.ph 5. What are the Advantages of Arbitration? It is faster because the Arbitrator only handles a few cases at a time, no postponements allowed, marathon hearings conducted (6-8 hours for each of 1 to 2 hearing days, or as needed). Simple cases may be decided in under a week. It is cost-efficient for the State as the Parties (Claimants and Respondents) are the ones who pay the arbitrators i.e. who need not be lawyers. All domestic commercial and construction arbitration can also be held anywhere in the PH i.e. but only at CIAC Makati City for construction arbitration. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s7 www.architectureboard.ph 6. How is Arbitration Similar to Litigation? Due process of law is observed i.e. testimonial and documentary evidence required, rules of evidence are applied (although liberally construed), rights to counsel and to crossexamine witnesses, transcripts of stenographic notes (TSN), etc. The Arbitrator, who hears and decides on the claims of the Parties (and pens the Arbitral Award or Decision), actually performs the role of the “judge” in an arbitration proceeding. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s8 www.architectureboard.ph 7. How is Arbitration Different from Litigation? Procedure is more civil than adversarial. Parties face each other directly across a table and do not face the arbitrator/s. Clients can talk freely. Witness conferencing is allowed i.e. statements can be immediately rebutted. Arbitrators are deliberately chosen by the parties based on expertise i.e. Arbitrator may be a lawyer, doctor, engineer, architect, accountant, etc. Arbitration venues are usually chosen by the parties based on consensus. For construction, only at the CIAC. Arbitral Awards may be immediately carried out provided the winning party posts a bond to address future CA/ SC reversal. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s9 www.architectureboard.ph 8. What is Arbitration’s Batting Average? More than 90% of arbitral awards are affirmed by the CA and the SC (some with only minor modifications). The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s10 www.architectureboard.ph 9. Arbitration is Part of the Scope of an Architect’s Practice R.A No. 9266 SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. As used in this Act, the following terms shall be defined as follows: xxx (3) "General Practice of Architecture" means xxx (h) building programming, building administration, construction arbitration and architectural conservation and restoration; The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s11 www.architectureboard.ph 10. Construction Arbitration Process Parties Agree to Arbitrate (and Follow the Rules) Preliminary Conference (to Confine the Issues) Hearings (Marathon) Ocular Inspections (Optional) Arbitral Award Execution of Arbitral Award Petition for Review at the CA and then at the SC The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s12 www.architectureboard.ph 11. How can an Architect become a Construction Arbitrator or Mediator? To become a Construction Arbitrator, an Architect must first undergo an intensive 1 to 2 week training in construction arbitration. Upon completion, the Architect is sworn into office usually by a Justice of the Supreme Court (SC). Should the Architect-Arbitrator still desire to become a Construction Mediator, a shorter 3-5 day course is taken. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s13 www.architectureboard.ph 12. Does Construction Arbitration Pay? Yes, for the Parties concerned, a Decision is promulgated within 6.0 calendar months reckoned from the signing of the Terms of Reference (which limits the scope of the arbitration procedure). The losing party is immediately able to elevate the case to the Court of Appeals (CA). For the Court, arbitration reduces the number of pending cases docketed (backlog). For the Arbitrators, they get compensated equitably at a percentage of the costs of the consolidated claims of the Parties. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s14 www.architectureboard.ph 13. Caveats The completion of the arbitration process does not preclude the filing of administrative, criminal, civil or special legal action (including other types of arbitration) in other fora by any of the parties. The execution of an arbitral award must be attended by a bond in case of reversal at the superior courts. Unlike judges, arbitrators get sued by the dissatisfied losing parties. Depending on the nature and venue of the suit, the arbitrators may (or may not) be defended by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG). Otherwise, the arbitrators must fend for themselves out of their own pockets. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli PRBoA s15 www.architectureboard.ph 14. How Does a Party Ensure Arbitration in the Event of Contract Disputes? An arbitration clause in a construction or consulting service contract shall fully ensure that the CIAC shall automatically acquire exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from the construction and/or consulting service contract i.e. the dispute cannot be brought to a Court, only to CIAC, for dispute resolution. The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli s00 PRBoA www.architectureboard.ph Thank You and a Pleasant Morning to All The 2008 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Modes for the Construction and Consulting Industries (Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation) for the UAP CoF Sat 06 Aug 2011 by Ar Armando N. Alli