alcohol advertising - Jackson Walker LLP

William D. Ellerman
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
901 Main Street, Suite 6000
Dallas, Texas 75202
The Three-Tier System
• Manufacturers or “producers”
• Distributors
• Retailers
– On Premise
– Off Premise
– Beer, Wine and/or Liquor
The Three-Tier System (cont’d)
• Each tier is subject to different regulations,
but there is overlap
• There are different advertising rules for each
• The “tiers” are designed to prevent vertical
and horizontal monopolies
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code
• Creates the Texas Alcoholic Beverage
Commission (“TABC”)
• Regulates all aspects of the alcoholic beverage
industry in Texas
• Generally coextensive with Federal laws
• Has NO enforcement authority over the
broadcast media
• Broadcasters can help customers by knowing
the general rules
General Categories of Rules
• Rules that apply to certain types of
• Rules that apply to certain types of
alcoholic beverages
• Rules that apply regardless of the
type of permit or beverage
• Miscellaneous rules
Types of Permits
• There are 50 different types of permits and
licenses in the TABC
• “On-premise” and “off-premise” permits
• Typical on-premise permit holders:
– Restaurants and bars
– Private clubs
• Typical off-premise permit holders:
– Package stores
– Other retail stores
Types of Permits (cont’d)
• Typical categories of permits include:
– Off-premise permits for beer, beer & wine, liquor
– On-premise permits for beer, beer & wine, liquor
– Package stores
– Private clubs
• Unusual categories of permits include:
– Hotel minibar permits
– Medicinal alcohol permits
The General Rule
• A permit holder may advertise what he or she
may legally sell
• Examples:
– A package store may not advertise liquor by the
– A bar may not advertise drinks “to go”
Outdoor Signage
• Allowed signage depends on type of permit
• A beer retailer may have ONE sign reading
“Beer” or “Beer To Go”
• A wine and beer retailer may have one sign
reading “Beer,” “Beer and Wine,” or “Beer,
Wine, and Ale.”
• Only an off-premise permit holder may
advertise “to go”
Outdoor Signage (cont’d)
• A licensed package store may have one sign
that reads:
– “Package Store”
– “Liquors”; or
– “Wines and Liquors”
– The words “to go” may be added as long as there
is no on-premise license
Private Clubs
• Many “bars” are actually permitted private
• Private clubs may sell alcoholic beverages
even in dry areas
• Any advertisements must state that alcoholic
beverages are only available to club members
Price Advertising
• Generally, businesses that do not sell to the
public cannot advertise prices
• Manufacturers and distributors may not
advertise prices
• Prohibitions on vertical monopolies
• Are price advertising restrictions
Price Advertising (cont’d)
• On-premise retailers may not advertise prices
if the advertisement includes a brand name
(i.e., “Coors Longnecks for $1.00”)
• On-premise retailers may advertise prices if
the advertisement does not include a brand
name (i.e., “Longnecks for $1.00”)
• Off-premise retailers must advertise brand
names if prices are advertised
General Rules
• An advertisement may include any item that is
not specifically prohibited from being
• An advertisement must contain certain items
• Any item that must be contained in an
advertisement must be conspicuous
Ads for Distilled Spirits Must Contain
The name and city of the permittee
The class and type of beverage
The alcohol content by proof or percentage
For any permittee other than a retailer, the
percentage of “neutral spirits” and the
commodity from which they were distilled
Ads for Distilled Spirits Must Not Contain
• A false, deceptive, misleading, indecent, or
obscene statement
• A statement disparaging of a competitor
• A statement that the spirit complies with any
governmental authorization
• A statement implying a higher alcoholic
content than normal
Ads for Distilled Spirits Must Not Contain
• A statement that the spirit is “pure,” unless
that word is part of the permittee’s name
• A statement that the product has therapeutic
or curative effects
• Flags, seals, insignias, coats of arms, etc.,
suggesting government affiliation
• Anything contrary to information required to
be on the product’s label
Ads for Wine Must Contain
• The name and city of the permittee
• If the ad includes price, it must also include
the brand name and class and type of product
• If the class and type are included, a complete
description must be provided
Ads for Wine Must Not Contain
• A false, deceptive, misleading, indecent, or
obscene statement
• A statement that disparages a competitor
• A statement that the wine complies with any
government authorization
• A statement that indicates that the
intoxicating quality has been increased
• The alcoholic content (Is this constitutional?)
Ads for Beer Must Not Contain
• A false, deceptive, misleading, indecent, or
obscene statement
• A statement that disparages a competitor
• A statement that the beer complies with any
government authorization
• A statement that the beer has therapeutic or
curative effects
• Indicia of government affiliation
Advertising Alcohol Content for Beer
• Cannot be called “beer” if contains less than
0.5% alcohol
• Cannot be called “malt liquor” if it contains
less than 4.0% alcohol
• Cannot state alcohol content, “strong,” or
“high proof” (Is this constitutional?)
• May be called “low alcohol” or “reduced
alcohol” if less than 2.5% alcohol
Advertisements for Mixed Drinks
• No specific rules
• Ads should not include a statement of alcohol
• Ads should not indicate the intoxicating
quality of the drink
Stamps and Coupons
• No stamps or other inducements allowed
• No coupons or rebates for purchase or
discounts, except:
– Coupons for purchase of non-alcoholic products if
not tied to purchase of alcohol
– Discount or single complimentary drink tied to a
meal, hotel package, or airline program
– One free drink to customers for special events
Happy Hours and Drink Specials
• Permissible, but subject to strict regulations
• Advertising is permissible, but should follow
the regulations
• TABC prohibits advertising practices that are
“reasonably calculated to result in excessive
consumption of alcohol”
Prohibited Drink Specials
“Two for the price of one”
Increased alcohol without increased price
More than one free drink per day
“All you can drink”
Reduced price tied to a fixed “buy-in” price
Price based on the amount consumed
No reduced prices after 11:00 p.m.
Prohibited Drink Specials (cont’d)
• More than two drinks to a customer at a time
• An entry fee or cover charge in exchange for
reduced drink prices
• Contests that are determined by the amount
• Contests where alcohol is given as a prize
Permitted Drink Specials
• Free or reduced-price food, if not tied to the
purchase of alcohol
• Free or reduced-price alcohol if part of a meal
or hotel package
• Sale of a bottle of wine during a meal
• Reduced price pitchers or buckets to two or
more consumers at a time
Gifts, Contests, and Promotions
• Severely restricted and generally prohibited
• Some exceptions:
– Sweepstakes
– Gifts
– Lottery
– Co-sponsorship of events
– Tastings
• The only contests that are permitted for the
manufacturing tier
• Must be random, with no purchase necessary
• Must not favor one retailer over another
• Prizes may not be awarded at retail locations
• Entry forms may be advertised as available at
retail locations
Sweepstakes (cont’d)
• A member of the retail tier may offer a contest
based on skill or creativity
– Logo or slogan contests
– Very fact-specific inquiry
– Obtain pre-approval from the TABC
Promotional Gifts
• Manufacturers and distributors may give
consumers items worth less than $1.00 each
• Promotional items bearing a manufacturer’s
logo may be sold to retailers
• Manufacturers and distributors of wine and
liquor may give items of low value to
consumers to promote specific brands
• Manufacturers and distributors may give
advertising specials to retailers no more than
$101 per brand, per year
State Lottery
• On-premise retailers can only sell lottery
tickets if they only sell beer
• Private clubs cannot sell lottery tickets
• Off-premise retailers can sell lottery tickets
regardless of their inventory
Implications for Broadcasters
• The above rules would apply to promotions
co-sponsored by broadcasters and permittees
• A giveaway of alcoholic beverages is not
allowed unless the broadcaster purchases the
• If the promotion is advertised, a brand name
may not be mentioned if the permittee pays
for the ad.
• A tasting permit is required
• Wineries can only advertise tastings in on-site
communication or by direct mail
• Package stores can advertise tastings on-site,
by direct mail, by e-mail, and on the store’s
Broadcast Remotes
• A broadcaster can do a remote from a permit
holder’s place of business
• The permit holder may not pay for the remote
• Ensure that the remote does not give the
impression of encouraging intoxication
Events and Concerts
• Manufacturers and distributors may sponsor
and advertise events, but beverages must be
sold by independent concessionaire
• Advertising materials may be placed in service
• TABC specifically defines “public
entertainment facilities”
Events and Concerts (cont’d)
• Public entertainment facilities does not
include facilities at which the primary purpose
is the sale of food or alcoholic beverages
• A manufacturer or distributor may not
sponsor an event or concert at a retailer’s
• Only a manufacturer may advertise in
association with horse racing
• No advertising permitted for Bingo
Events and Concerts (cont’d)
• Sponsorship of unlicensed civic, religious, or
charitable events
– Manufacturers and distributors may donate
money, services, or other items of value
– May not donate alcoholic beverages
– Alcohol may be sold by an independent retailer
– The charitable organization must receive equal or
greater billing
– Avoidance of “hidden sales”
Cooperative Advertising
• Raises vertical and horizontal monopoly issues
– Permit holders, regardless of tier, cannot share
– There is a small exception for promotions held on
a retailer’s premises
• Permit holders may share advertising with
broadcasters or other non-permittees
Signs and Billboards
• A distributor may give a retailer one sign per
brand to display inside the retailer’s premises
• Different products from the same
manufacturer may be different “brands”
• Billboards must be at least 200 feet from
where product is sold
Dry Areas
• No public use of alcoholic beverages is
allowed in dry areas
• Broadcast advertising is permissible
• Outdoor advertising is impermissible
Age Limits
• Disclosure of legal age limits in advertising is
not required
• TABC appreciates ads encouraging responsible
• “BYOB” events sponsored by non-permittees
need not be restricted by age
Depictions of Alcohol Use
• TABC does not prohibit depictions of use in
• Federal law restricts use of athletes
– Should not be shown drinking
– Should not suggest that drinking enhances athletic
• TABC only governs permit holders, not
members of the broadcast media
• In general, permit holders may advertise what
they can legally sell
• Promotions, giveaways, and specials are
severely restricted
• When in doubt, contact the TABC for preapproval