Computer Graphics 2 Lecture 8: Visibility Pr. Min Chen Dr. Benjamin Mora Benjamin Mora 1 University of Wales Swansea Main techniques for visibility • Historical Techniques. • Z-buffer techniques. – Used Much. – Basis for current hardware-accelerated Technologies. • Ray-Tracing. – See Next Lecture! Benjamin Mora 2 University of Wales Swansea Content • Painter & Priority Lists Algorithms. • Cells and Portals. • Area subdivision algorithms. – Warnock and Weiler Atherton algorithms. • Scan line algorithms. • The z-buffer algorithm. • Extensions. – Culling. – Hidden Surface Removal • Hierarchical Occlusion maps. • Hierarchical z. – Depth peeling. – Soft Shadows. – Shadow mapping. Benjamin Mora 3 University of Wales Swansea Old Techniques Benjamin Mora 4 University of Wales Swansea Painter’s Algorithm • Painter’s Algorithm: – Only if graphics primitives can be separated by planes. • Primitive can be projected from the farthest one to the closest (Back-to-Front) without any need to find the closest intersection. • All the primitives being on the same side of the viewpoint (A) will be intersected first, so a Front-to-back analysis is more efficient. (A) (B) Benjamin Mora 5 University of Wales Swansea Priority List/BSP Trees (Fuch) 1 2 1 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 Benjamin Mora 6 University of Wales Swansea Priority List/BSP Trees (Fuch) • Proposed by Henry Fuch (1980). • By preprocessing the scene and creating a binary space subdivision, primitives can then be projected in a visibility order. • Handles Transparency correctly. • In practice, constructing a Binary Space Partitioning tree is difficult! Benjamin Mora 7 University of Wales Swansea Cells and Portals • In architectural scenes, rooms are usually not visible from other rooms. • Used in 3D games (with Z-buffering). • A visibility graph is usually associated to the scene. A A B F C E C F E B D D Benjamin Mora 8 University of Wales Swansea Cells and Portals • However: – Do not work with scenes like forest, clouds,… – Needs to pre-compute the graph. • Dynamic scenes are an issue. – Sorting out visibility inside the cells is still required. • Sometime a method that can compute visibility in real-time (on-the-fly) is needed. – Z-Buffer/Hierarchical Z-buffer. – Hierarchical Occlusions Maps. – Occlusion queries. Benjamin Mora 9 University of Wales Swansea Area Subdivision Algorithms • Warnock Algorithm (1969). – Not really used anymore. – Hierarchical method. – Quadtree structure. – Assumes no overlapping – Visibility is computed on a per-block basis. Benjamin Mora 10 University of Wales Swansea Area Subdivision Algorithms • Weiler-Atherton algorithm – Kevin Weiler, Peter Atherton, “Hidden surface removal using polygon area sorting”, Siggraph 1977. – Works on 3D primitives instead of using screen space subdivisions. – Maintains a list of clipped (visible) polygons. • Every time a new polygon is processed, clipping with all the (visible) polygons is performed and a new list of polygons is generated. • Once all the polygons processed, the clipped parts can be used for the final image. Benjamin Mora 11 University of Wales Swansea Area Subdivision Algorithms • Weiler Atherton algorithm. – Provides a general clipping algorithm for concave polygons. Subject Polygon Clip Polygon – Other algorithm for clipping: SutherlandHodgman algorithm. Benjamin Mora 12 University of Wales Swansea Scanline (Watkins 70) • Watkins, G.S. A real-time visible surface algorithm. UTEC-CSc-70-101, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Utah, June 1970. • Principles similar to Weiler Atherton algorithm, but uses 1D clipping (line) only. – Maintains a list of clipped lines for every row. • Scan-line term used for rasterization algorithms. Benjamin Mora 13 University of Wales Swansea Scanline (Watkins 70) Image Triangle #2 Scan Line y Primitive list p1 p32 Row y p1 p2 p3 p3 p4 p4 p2 p4 Triangle #1 Benjamin Mora 14 University of Wales Swansea Possible Issues with these algorithms • Could be too complex (e.g., 2D clipping). – Lead to several cases and bugs in implementations. • Not fast enough. – E.g. clipping. • Hardly parallelizable. – Not suitable to hardware acceleration. Benjamin Mora 15 University of Wales Swansea The Z-Buffer Benjamin Mora 16 University of Wales Swansea Z-Buffer test • Example: Final image Benjamin Mora Final z-buffer 17 University of Wales Swansea Z-Buffer test • Used by current hardware technology. • Primitives can be sent to the graphics hardware in any order, thanks to the z-buffer test that will keep the closest fragments. • A z value is stored for every pixel (z-buffer). • Algorithm for a given pixel: If the rasterized z-value is less than the current z-value Then replace the previous color and z-value by the new ones Benjamin Mora 18 University of Wales Swansea Z-Buffer test • A scan line algorithm can be used to find all the pixels on the projection of a single triangle. • Lines are filled with colors if the pixels pass the ztest. Row y Row y+1 Row y+2 Benjamin Mora 19 University of Wales Swansea Extensions to these techniques Benjamin Mora 20 University of Wales Swansea Culling • Why ? – To avoid processing geometry that does not need to be processed. – Useful when having millions (or billions) of triangles. – Can be done at the triangle or pixel level. • View Frustum Culling. • Back Face Culling. • Occlusion Culling. Benjamin Mora 21 University of Wales Swansea Culling • View Frustum Culling. – Primitives outside of the view frustum discarded. – Implemented on graphics cards. Viewing pyramid Viewpoint Visible Triangle Culled triangles Benjamin Mora 22 University of Wales Swansea Culling • Can be accelerated (software) by grouping triangle and computing the frustum intersection only for the bounding box. Frustum Don’t need to process these triangles. Bounding Box Benjamin Mora 23 University of Wales Swansea Culling #1 • Back Face Culling. – If the viewpoint is fronting the backface, then the triangle is not processed. #3 #2 Projected Triangle (Visible) #1 – Hardware accelerated – Can be enabled/disabled. #2 #3 Wrong vertex order – Orientation given by the order of projected vertices. Benjamin Mora 24 (Triangle is culled) University of Wales Swansea Occlusion Culling • A set of algorithms to avoid processing hidden geometry/surfaces – Hierarchical Occlusion Maps. – Hierarchical z-buffer. – Occlusion queries. Benjamin Mora 25 University of Wales Swansea Hierarchical Occlusion Maps • Proposed by Zhang et al. Hansong Zhang, Dinesh Manocha, Tom Hudson Kenneth E. Hoff III. Visibility Culling using Hierarchical Occlusion Maps. Siggraph 1997. • Similar to Hierarchical z. • Only occlusion is stored here. Benjamin Mora 26 University of Wales Swansea Hierarchical Occlusion Maps • Triangles are initially grouped into separate regions of space such as bounding boxes, grids or trees. • This data structure is traversed in a front to back order. – The visibility of the region is given by the HOM. – If region is visible, then its content (i.e., triangles) must be projected. – During projection, the content of the different maps is updated every time a pixel becomes opaque. • Not used by current hardware. – Hierarchical-z instead Benjamin Mora 27 University of Wales Swansea Hierarchical Z-buffer • Proposed by Greene et al. Ned Greene, Michael Kass and Gavin Miller. Hierarchical Z-Buffer Visibility. Siggraph 1993. • A hierarchical z-max pyramid is constructed above the z-buffer. • Every time a z value is updated, the hierarchy is updated. 8 6 5 4 2 Benjamin Mora 3 5 7 6 2 5 4 2 9 1 3 2 8 6 9 7 4 28 8 9 University of Wales Swansea Hierarchical Z-buffer • Current ATI and NVidia graphics card implement a limited z-hierarchy. • Efficient when objects are projected in a front-to-back way. • ATI Hyper-Z III: Benjamin Mora 29 University of Wales Swansea Occlusion Queries • New Graphics Hardware allows counting the number of fragments that pass the z-test. • 3 steps: – Lock the z-buffer and frame buffer (impossible to modify the content of these buffers). – Render a bounding box. • If no pixel has passed the z-test, then the region inside the BB is not visible. – Unlock the Z-buffer and Frame-Buffer. Benjamin Mora 30 University of Wales Swansea Occlusion Queries • Can take advantage of fast z tests. • Efficient only if the BB contains many primitives. • Must wait for the answer. – The program should do something before testing the answer. – Occlusions should be chained in order to avoid an empty graphics pipeline. Benjamin Mora 31 University of Wales Swansea Depth Peeling From Interactive Order-Independent Transparency Cass Everitt NVIDIA OpenGL Applications Engineering Benjamin Mora 32 University of Wales Swansea Depth Peeling From Interactive Order-Independent Transparency Cass Everitt NVIDIA OpenGL Applications Engineering Benjamin Mora 33 University of Wales Swansea Depth Peeling • Z-buffer based visibility only allows finding the nearest elements of the scene. – Transparency cannot correctly be handled. • Solution: use a multipass algorithm to find the second nearest surface, third nearest surface, and etc… for every pixel – At the end, combine the different images in a front-to-back-order. Benjamin Mora 34 University of Wales Swansea