Air Navigation Air Navigation • การนาเครื่องบินไปถึงจุดหมายปลายทาง • ตามเวลาทีก่ าหนด • ด้ วยความปลอดภัย Word Navigation • Two Latin words: – NAVIS: ship – AGERE: to direct or move Dimensions of Navigation • • • • Position Direction Distance Time Position • The place where the aircraft stay with respect to the reference point – 25 NM Radian 360 degree from U-Tapao airport – Lat 12 °59.0’N Long 102°59.3’E Direction • Angular Distance between one point and reference point , measures clockwise start from reference point as 0°to 360° – HDG 180°= angular distance 180° from magnetic north • True Direction (TD) • Magnetic Direction (MD) • Compass Direction (CD) Direction use in Air Navigation • Track (TR) is the actual horizontal direction made by the aircraft over the earth (due to wind) or actual path • Course (C) is the intend horizontal direction or travel. There are TC, MC, CC (Gyro Compass Course) = Track Made Good • Heading (HDG) is the horizontal direction in which the A/C is pointed. There are TH, MH, CH Direction use in Air Navigation • Bearing: The direction of an object from an airplane is called the bearing of the object. • Bearing are angular measurements from 0° through 360° – True Bearing is measured clockwise from true north – Relative Bearing is measured clockwise from the heading of the airplane • TH + RB = TB Direction use in Air Navigation • The North Datum Line – 3 kinds of North used as reference lines for measuring direction 1. True North (TH) any meridian of long point to TN TN y 50 True direction = 050° measure clockwise • The North Datum Line 2. Magnetic North (MN) is measured the north magnetic poles from the observer point TN MN y 050° 045° Magnetic Direction 045° VAR=5°E True Direction 050° • The North Datum Line 3. Compass North (CN) : Electricity and magnetic field deviate the compass to CN TN MN CN y 040° Compass Direction 040° VAR=5°E Magnetic Direction 045° DEV=5°E True Direction 050° • VARIATION (VAR) – The difference in angular measurement between true north and magnetic north, use true north as reference line – Expressed as an angle east or west of true north – When the compass needle points east of true north, the variation is said to be East – When the compass needle points west of true north, the variation is said to be West – Isogonic Line: the line that equal VAR – Agonic Line: the line that VAR equal to zero Agonic Line คือ เส้นที่ลากผ่านตาบลที่มี VAR เป็ น 0 Isogonic Line คือ เส้นที่ลากผ่านตาบลที่มี VAR เท่ากัน • Deviation (DEV) – The angle between MN and CN use MN as reference line – East of MN, it is deviation east – West of MN, it is deviation west • • • • VAR WEST Magnetic Best + VAR EAST Magnetic Lest – DEV WEST Magnetic Best + DEV EAST Magnetic Lest – Direction • Cardinal Point (N, S, E, W) and intercardinal point (NE, SE, SW, NW) • Numerical system divided the horizon in to 360° starting with 000° (N) clockwise to 090°(E) , 180°(S) and 270°(W) and back to N • The circle of direction called Compass Rose Using Variation and Deviation C Compass Direction D Deviation 357 1E 093 2E M V Variation T True Direction 358 2E 360 จะต้องถือMCเท่าใดจึง จะทาให้ T เป็ น360 Error 2°east 095 5W 090 3E 185 10 E 105 Magnetic Direction 1W 090 5E 270 2W 095 D M C V T Compass Deviation Magnetic Variation True Direction Direction Direction 179 2W 173 13 E 186 152 2W 150 10 E 160 1W 11 E 340 2E 10 E 5E 5E 2W 4W 150 220 050 Dimensions of Navigation • Deviation = มุมทีต่ ่ างกันระหว่ าง Magnetic North กับ Compass North ซึ่งจะเปลีย่ นแปลงไปตามทิศหัว บ. และจะ เปลีย่ นไปตามสถานที่ • Compass Swing • DEV East, Compass Least • DEV West, Compass Best • Magnetic heading = 095º DEV 5º E Find Compass heading ? • DEV East, Compass Least • Compass heading = 090º A pilot maintain compass heading of 270O , but the deviation in aircraft compass card correction is 5O E, and the magnetic variation around here is 8OW. What is the true heading? OK a. 273O b. 267O c. 283 O d. 276 O Distance (Air Navigation) • A partial separation between two points and measured by the length of line joining them • • • • 1 NM = 1 ลิปดาของ Great circle = 6,080.20 ฟุต 1 SM = 1.6 KM 1 NM = 1.85 KM 1 SM = 0.87 KM Time • The time of the day – Zulu time – Local time • An elapsed interval Dimensions of Navigation • • • • Longitude/The Equator Meridians/Anti-Meridians Prime Meridian Time Local Time = UTC +E -W Local Conversion Factor การหา Local Conversion Factor = 1+2+3 1. Longitude(องศา)/15 = ชั่วโมง ( ไม่ คดิ เศษ) 2. นาเศษขององศามาคูณด้ วย 4 = นาที 3. นาค่ าลิปดามาคูณ 4 หารด้ วย 60 = นาที เช่ น GMT 0200 hrs, 30 June, local longitude 68 degrees 21 minutes E. 1. 68/15 = 4 เศษ 8 = 4 ชั่วโมง 2. 8*4 = 32 นาที 3. 21*4/60 = 1.4 นาที หรือ 1 นาที 24 วินาที Local Conversion Factor = 1+2+3 = 4 ชั่วโมง 33 นาที 24 วินาที Local Time = UTC +E -W Local Conversion Factor = 02:00 +04:33:24 = 06:33:24 Local time 2000 hrs, 15 February, local long 137 degrees 15 minutes W. What is UTC ( Conversion factor is +9) a. 1100 hrs, 15 February. b. 1100 hrs, 16 February. c. 0500 hrs, 15 February. OK d. 0500 hrs, 16 February. UTC = Local Time + Conversion Factor = 2000+9 =2900 = 2400 + 0500 = + 1 วัน เวลา 0500 Twilight. คือ แสงเงินแสงทองที่เกิดขึ้นก่อนดวงอาทิตย์ข้ ึนและหลังดวงอาทิตย์ตก แบ่งออกเป็ น 3 ช่วง 6O Civil Twilight. เริ่ มต้นหรื อสิ้ นสุ ดลงเมื่อศูนย์กลางของดวงอาทิตย์อยูต่ ่ากว่าขอบฟ้ า 6O 12O Nautical Twilight. เริ่ มต้นหรื อสิ้ นสุ ดลงเมื่อศูนย์กลางของดวงอาทิตย์อยูต่ ่ากว่าขอบฟ้ า 12O 18O Astronomical Twilight. เริ่ มต้นหรื อสิ้ นสุ ดลงเมื่อศูนย์กลางของดวงอาทิตย์อยูต่ ่ากว่าขอบฟ้ า 18O 10O Observational Twilight. เริ่ มต้นหรื อสิ้ นสุ ดลงเมื่อศูนย์กลางของดวงอาทิตย์อยูต่ ่ากว่าขอบฟ้ า 10O Sunrise = ขอบบนของดวงอาทิตย์สมั ผัสกับขอบฟ้ า Sunset = ขอบล่างของดวงอาทิตย์สมั ผัสกับขอบฟ้ า Unit of Speed • Rate of change of the position of the object • Speed = Distance / Time • Ft/sec • Mph • Knot (NM/hr) • Km/hr Type of Navigation • Dead reckoning navigation • Piloting navigation or Map Reading • Radio and radar navigation or electronic navigation • Celestial navigation or astro navigation Dead Reckoning (DR) • Determine where the aircraft should be or will be, based on the wind applied to its true heading and true airspeed from the last known position. • PDDT • P – Position or coordinate (Lat, Long) • D – Direction (Truth North) • D – Distance (NM) • T – Time Piloting Navigation or Map Reading • The identification of landmarks from their representation on a chart and the utilization of this information to fix the position of the aircraft or to establish lines of position. • Checking Dead Reckoning • Cannot be used when the ground is obscured by clouds or when flying over water Radio and Radar Navigation or Electronic Navigation • Determine the aircraft position by intersecting of position line which radiated by the radio compass • VOR, ADF/NDB, TACAN, LORAN Celestial Navigation • Stars move in relation to each other, but slowly that today almost the same in ancient Greece • Main propose is to provide a means of positioning the aircraft and checking the aircraft heading • Required for celestial LOP (Almanac and Sight Reduction Table) THE EARTH’S SURFACE • The primary instrument in navigation is a map of the earth’s surface The Shape of the Earth • Earth’s size and shape: Oblate Spheroid • For air navigation : Perfect Sphere • Earth Rotation as Spinning Ball • Axis of rotation as axis of the earth • The ends of the axis of the earth are pole, North pole and South pole • Midway between them lies the great circle is the equator • Polar Diameter = 6,864.57 nm • Equatorial Diameter = 6,887.91 nm The difference between Polar Diameter and Equatorial Diameter is 23.34 nm • Ellipticity (Ratio) = 23.34 / 6887.91 = 1/295 Axis of the earth is inclined gives 4 seasons 23 1/2° 6864.57nm 6887.91nm 66 1/2° Oblate Sphere Perfect Sphere Earth and Coordinates Circle on a Sphere • Great Circle – Plane can pass through the center of the sphere • Meridian of Longitude or a meridian – Half of a great circle passing through the poles is The Meridian of Longitude or meridian – Prime meridian is the great circle passing through Greenwich, England – Longitude is measured around The earth both eastward and west ward from Prime meridian, through 180° • Small Circle – Any circle formed by a plane which does not pass through the center of the sphere – Latitude or Parallel of Latitude except Equator 0° – Latitude range from 0° at the equator to 90°N and 90°S at the pole – Any of latitude other than the equator is 0° 0° a small circle parallel to it “Parallel of Latitude” “Parallel” • Segments of a circle, called arcs, are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds • Any circle is divided into 360 equal parts , each curved arc would be 1° in length • A degree is divided into 60 equal parts forms arcs of 1 minute each, and one sixtieth of minute is a second • For very fine measurement beyond a second, decimal parts are used • 8°40’7.18’’ • All meridians intersect at right angles with parallels of latitude “A small circle is formed on the surface of the earth by intersection of a plane which dose not pass through the center of the earth.” “Great circle – Pass through the center of the earth” เส้ นเกลียว(Rhumb line) คือ เส้ นที่ตัดเส้ นเมอริเดียนถัด ๆ ไป ด้ วยมุมคงที่ MAP and CHART • MAP is a small scale, flat surface representation of some portion of the earth surface such a representation design for NAV. • Term maps and charts are used interchangeably. • A map is to look at, a chart is to work on. – Enroute charts, approach charts Map Projection • A round surface cannot be flattened without some stretching, wrinkling, or tearing called “Distortion” • To minimize errors • The framework of meridians and parallels on any map is called “the Graticule” Definition of Map Terms • Statue Mile (s.m.): a distance as 5,280 ft • Nautical Mile (n.m.) : a distance as 6,080 ft or 1.15 s.m. It is the length of a minute of arc on the equator ; since the equator is a great circle, one minute of arc will be a nautical mile on any Great Circle, and hence distance can be measured along any meridian.