
Boaz Barak
(MSR New England)
Fernando G.S.L. Brandão (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Aram W. Harrow (University of Washington)
Jonathan Kelner
David Steurer
(MSR New England)
Yuan Zhou
• Unique Games Conjecture (UGC) [Khot'02]
– For every constant ε, the following problem
is NP-Hard
– UG(ε) : given a set of linear modulo equations
in the form
xi  y j  c (mod q)
– Distinguish
• YES case: at least (1-ε) of the equations
are satisfiable
• NO case: at most ε of the equations are
Motivation (cont'd)
• Unique Games Conjecture [Khot'02]
• Implications of UGC
– For large class of problems, BASIC-SDP
(semidefinite programming relaxation) achieves
optimal approximation
Examples: Max-Cut, Vertex-Cover, any Max-CSP
[KKMO '07, MOO '10, KV '03, Rag '08]
Open question:
Is UGC true?
Previous results
• Evidences in favor of UGC
– (Certain) strong SDP relaxation hierarchies
cannot solve UG in polynomial time
[RS'09, KPS'10, BGHMRS'11]
• Evidences opposing UGC
– Subexponential time algorithms solve UG
[ABS '10]
Our results
• Evidences in favor of UGC
– (Certain) strong SDP relaxation hierarchies cannot
solve UG in polynomial time [RS'09, KPS'10, BGHMRS'11]
2.New (indirect) evidence:
natural generalization of UG
•still has ABS-type subexp-time algorithm
•cannot be solved in poly-time assuming ETH
• Evidences opposing UGC
– Subexponential time algorithms solve UG [ABS '10]
1.New evidence: a natural SDP hierarchy
solves all previous "hard instances" for UG
More about our first result
1.New evidence: a natural SDP hierarchy
solves all previous "hard instances" for UG
Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation hierarchies
r rounds SDPO (rrelaxation
in roughly n
e.g. [SA'90,LS'91]
• For certain SDP relaxation hierarchies
  (1)
– Upper bound : n
rounds suffice
– Lower bound : exp((loglog n)(1) ) rounds needed
Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation hierarchies
r rounds SDPO (rrelaxation
in roughly n
e.g. [SA'90,LS'91]
• Theorem.
– Sum-of-Squares (SoS) hierarchy (a.k.a. Lasserre
hierarchy [Par'00, Las'01]) solves all known UG
instances within 8 rounds
Proof overview
• Integrality gap instance
– SDP completeness: a good vector solution
– Integral soundness: no good integral solution
• A common method to construct gaps (e.g. [RS'09])
– Use the instance derived from a hardness
– Lift the completeness proof to vector world
– Use the soundness proof directly
Proof overview (cont'd)
• Our goal: to prove there is no good vector
– Rounding algorithms?
• Instead,
– we bound the value of the dual of the SDP
– interpret the dual of the SDP as a proof
– lift the soundness proof to the proof system
Sum-of-Squares proof system
p1 ( x)  0
p2 ( x )  0
pm ( x )  0
q ( x)  0
• Rules
– p1 ( x)  0, p2 ( x)  0  p1 ( x)  p2 ( x)  0
– p1 ( x)  0, p2 ( x)  0  p1 ( x) p2 ( x)  0
– h( x)2  0
– all intermediate polynomials have bounded
degree d ("level-d" SoS proof system)
xx 0
1 x  0
• SoS proof:
1  x  ( x  x )  (1  x)  0
Axiom squared
Formulate UG as a polynomial optimization
problem, and re-write the existing soundness
proof in a SoS fashion (as above) !
Components of the soundness proof
(of known UG instances)
• "Easy" parts
– Cauchy-Schwarz/Hölder's inequality
– Influence decoding
• "Hard" parts
– Hypercontractivity inequality
– Invariance Principle
SoS proof of hypercontractivity
• The 2->4 hypercontractivity inequality:
 S  xi
for low degree polynomial f ( x) 
S [ n ],|S |d
1/ 4
we have 
E n[ f ( x) 4 ] 
 x{1,1}
1/ 2
 3  E n[ f ( x) 2 ] 
 x{1,1}
• The goal of an SoS proof is to show
9d  E n[ f ( x) 2 ]   E n[ f ( x) 4 ]
is sum of squares
 x{1,1}
 x{1,1}
• Prove by induction (very similar to the wellknown inductive proof of the inequality itself)...
Components of the soundness proof
(of known UG instances)
• "Easy" parts
– Cauchy-Schwarz/Hölder's inequality
– Influence decoding
– Independent rounding
• "Hard" parts
– Hypercontractivity inequality
– Invariance Principle
• trickier
• "bump function" is used in the original proof
--- not a polynomial!
• but... a polynomial substitution is enough for UG
(A little) more about our second result
2.New (indirect) evidence:
natural generalization of UG
•still has ABS-type subexp-time algorithm
•cannot be solved in poly-time assuming ETH
Hypercontractive Norm Problem
• For any matrix A, q > 2 (even number), define
A 2q  max Ax q
x: x 2 1
• Problem: to approximate A
2 q
• A natural generalization of the Small Set
Expansion (SSE) problem, which is closely
related to UG [RS '09]
• Theorem. Constant approximation for 2->q norm
is as hard as SSE
Hypercontractive Norm Problem (cont'd)
• Theorem. 2->q norm can be "well approximated"
in time exp(n^(2/q)). Moreover, the algorithm
can be used to recover the subexp time
algorithm for SSE.
– Proof idea: subspace enumeration
• Theorem. Assuming the Exponential Time
Hypothesis (i.e. 3-SAT does not have subexp time
algorithm), there is no poly-time constant
approximation algorithm for 2->q norm.
– Proof idea: through quantum information
theory [BCY '10]
• SoS hierarchy refutes all known UG instances
– certain types of soundness proof does not work
for showing a gap of SoS hierarchy
• New connection between hypercontractivity,
small set expansion and... quantum separability
Open problems
• Show SoS hierarchy refutes Max-Cut instances?
• More study on 2->q norms...
– New UG hard instances from hardness of 2->q
– Stronger 2->q hardness results (NPHardness)?
– dequantumize the current 2->q hardness
Thank you!