
Solving National Problems
Less yield of pulses and oil-seeds
Importing 33%
Bee-keeping & enhanced yield
of crops
India – Agrarian Society
Developed nations have 3-5% population working in
agriculture  self-sufficient
We have 70% population working in agriculture
 still we have to import 33% pulses and oilseeds
 not self-sufficient
We don’t have efficient agriculture techniques
We don’t have skilled labor
Solutions are
1. Increasing the production of pulses, oil-seeds, milk
with the help of bee keeping
 an increase in 35% to 100% in the pulses and
 reason: bees help in pollination
2. Removing chemicals from farming
 1 lakh crore is spent annually on chemical
 replace by organic khaad
 vermi-composting
Bee Keeping
In 1995, 10 kg honey per box
Today 40-50 kg honey per box
1 frame has 2000 bees = Rs. 200 cost
1 box has 10 such frames = Rs. 2000 cost
Cost of box = Rs. 500
Total cost of one full box = Rs. 2500
= Investment
 output
50-60 kg honey per year
Rs. 50 per kg
= one box gives Rs. 2500 of honey per year
 Cost recovered
Bee Keeping
 More output
Honey bee multiplies to about 3 times in 1 year
= 20 more frames of bees
= one frame = Rs. 200
20 frames = Rs. 4000 per year
Net income = Rs. 6500
Net profit = Rs. 4000 per year
Bee Keeping
If a beginner starts with 10 boxes
 investment = Rs. 25000
Does bee keeping for one year
 net profit = Rs. 40000 and 30 boxes
Second year
 net profit from 30 boxes = Rs. 120000
and 90 boxes
(If 60 boxes sold = Rs. 2500 * 60 = Rs. 150000)
Third year
 profit from 90 boxes = Rs. 360000
and 270 boxes
(One person can manage about 30 boxes – The above
profit excludes the cost of supporting extra man-power)
Fourth year
 profit from 270 boxes = Rs. 1080000
This income is Tax Free
Bee Keeping
Current Status
More than 100 bee-keepers in the country have more
than 2000 boxes each
Since these bee-keepers are experienced, they earn
about Rs. 8000 to Rs. 10000 per box
(and not just Rs. 4000 per box)
They have been working since 1995, i.e. since last 14
They are earning Rs. 1-1.5 crore per year
Perseverance, hard work and experience can lead to
good earning in this business
Bee Keeping
Current Status
More than 5000 bee-keepers in the country have more
than 250 boxes each
In 1995 the work started with 2500 boxes
In 2009 there are about 2.5 lakh boxes
Bee Keeping
1. It is a 100% full time job
2. It is migratory in nature – if the flower dries at one
place, the bee-keeper has to migrate to some other
place where there are flowers – this can be
migration of 100-500 km
Example: Bharatpur, Alwar, Jaipur have mustard crop
from November to January – many bee-keepers
migrate there with their boxes
Once the crop is over, the bee-keepers move to
Dehradun for Lichi crop
The bee-keeper has to be strong and courageous
Even MBA’s are doing bee-keeping
Bee Keeping
Man-power requirement
As of now, about 5000000 people are needed right
 Contact un-employed youth
 Contact mislead youth
Training requirement
One day introduction
One week preliminary training
One month field training
After this the person can start the business
One year training
Understand how bee behaves with season
Bee Keeping
Training Method
A large bee-keeper, who has more than 500 boxes and a
staff of about 20 people can keep a trainee with free
boarding and lodging (and some stipend like Rs. 1000
per month)
The trainee works with the trainer in the field
The trainee can save Rs. 5000 in a few months and buy
2 boxes
The bees keep multiplying, and by the end of one year,
training is complete, as well as the trainee acquires
about 10 boxes
Bee Keeping
From 1995-1997 the bee-keepers could produce enough
honey for the Indian market
The cost of this honey was Rs. 14 per kg and later Rs.
18 per kg
Therefore, in 1997 they went to the exporters
267 ton honey was exported
Total consumption of honey in the world – 10 lakh ton
3 lakh ton is produced by China
India has reached 1 lakh ton annual production
And is exporting 45000 ton per year
To Germany (6.5 kg per capita consumption) and USA
(honey is an energy food in the world)
Honey is connected to mal-nutrition also
Major application near Saharanpur