Surveying I. Lecture 9. Plane surveying. Fundamental tasks of surveying. Intersections. Orientation. The coordinate system Northing N Easting E Northing axis is the projection of the starting meridian of the projection system, while the Easting axis is defined as the northing axis rotated by 90° clockwise. The whole circle bearing How could the direction of a target from the station be defined? N ||N WC B AB B A E Whole circle bearing: the local north is rotated clockwise to the direction of the target. The angle which is swept is called the whole circle bearing. 0 WCB AB 360 Transferring Whole Circle Bearings WCB of reverse direction: WCB BA WCB AB 180 Transferring WCBs: WCBAB is known, is measured, how much is WCBAC? N ||N WC B B AB A A WCBAC C E WCB AC WCB AB WCB AB or WCB AC 1st fundamental task of surveying N ||N N E WC B B AB d AB A E A(EA, NA), WCBAB and dAB is known, B(EB,NB)=? E AB E B E A d AB sin WCB AB N AB N B N A d AB cosWCB AB E B E A d AB sin WCB AB , N B N A d AB cosWCB AB . 2nd fundamental task of surveying N ||N NB-NA E-E B A WC B AB B d AB A E A(EA, NA), B(EB,NB) is known, WCBAB=? and dAB=? d AB EB E A 2 N B N A 2 arctan EB E A , NB N A WCB AB c 2nd fundamental task of surveying ||N B B 0 WCBA B WCBA B A > 0 A d AB EB E A 2 N B N A 2 arctan WCB AB c WCBAB WCBA B EB E A , NB N A A A 0 B B Quadrant EB-EA NB-NA c I. + + 0 II. + - +180° III. - - +180° IV. - + +360° Intersections Aim: the coordinates of an unknown point should be computed. Measurements are taken from two different stations to the unknown point, and the so formed triangle should be solved. P A d AB B Foresection with inner angles AP d WCBAP A A (EA,NA) B (EB,NB) are known , are observed =? d BP =? P WCBAB d AB B WCBBA WCBBP 1. 2. Compute WCBAB, dAB using the 2nd fundamental task of surveying. Using the sine theorem compute dAP and dBP! d AP d AB sin sin d BP d AB sin sin 3. Compute WCBAP and WCBBP: WCB AP WCB AB WCB BP WCB BA Foresection with inner angles d AP =? d BP =? P WCBAP WCBAB A d AB 4. Compute the coordinates of P: B WCBBA WCBBP From A : EPA E A d AP sin WCB AP N PA N A d AP cosWCB AP , From B : EPB EB d BP sin WCB BP N PB N B d BP cosWCB BP , EPA EPB EP 2 N PA N PB NP 2 Foresection with WCBs What happens, when B is not observable from A? P C d WCB’AP AP = =? d BP ? D WCBAB A d AB B WCBBA WCB’BP A,B,C and D are known points, and are measured. Foresection with WCBs P C d WCB’AP AP = =? d BP ? D WC BAP WCB AC WCB BD WC BBP WCBAB A d AB B WCBBA WCB’BP The equations of the lines AP and BP: N1 N A E E A cotWCB AP N 2 N B E EB cotWCB BP Foresection with WCBs P C d WCB’AP AP = =? d BP ? D WCBAB A d AB B WCBBA WCB’BP Let’s compute the intersection of the lines AP and BP: N1 N 2 E cotWCB AP cotWCB BP N B N A E A cotWCB AP EB cotWCB BP EP N B N A E A cotWCB AP EB cotWCB BP cotWCB AP cotWCB BP N P N A EP E A cotWCB AP Different types of intersections How can we use intersections, when A or B is not suitable for setting up the instrument: P AP d WCB’AP =? d BP =? WCBAB A d AB B WCBBA WCB’BP can be computed by =180°--. => Foresection. Resection E-E B A B C NB-NA A O2 O1 NA-NT1 T2 P T1 ET1-EA A,B,C are known control points and are observed angles Aim: compute the coordinates of P (the station) Resection E-E B A B C NB-NA A O2 O1 NA-NT1 T2 P T1 ET1-EA Compute the coordinates of T1 and T2! EB E A N B N A cot N A N T1 ET1 E A E E A N A cot N T1 B , cot N N A E A cot ET1 B . cot Resection WCBBP B C A O2 O1 WCBT1P T2 P T1 Since T1, P and T2 are on a straight line: WCBT1P WCBT1T2 WCBBP WCBT1T2 90 Foresection with WCBs Resection – the dangerous circle What happens, if all the four points are on one circumscribed circle? B B A P C A P C P Arcsection A, B are known control points, DAP and DBP are measured. P P DB D AP Aim: compute the coordinates of P! A B d AB Using the cosine theorem, compute the angle : 2 2 2 DBP DAP d AB 2 DAP d AB cos 2 2 2 DAP d AB DBP arccos . 2 DAP d AB Arcsection P P D AP DB WCBAP WCBAB A B d AB Compute WCBAB from the coordinates of A and B, WCBAP = WCBAB- 1st fundamental task of surveying Orientation How can the WCB be determined from observations? Recall the definition of mean direction: All the angular observations refer to the index of the horizontal circle, but they should refer to the Northing instead! 0 P MDAP A ZA 0 P Orientation zA – orientation angle MDAP A Orientation How to find the orientation angle? A,B are known points, MDAP and MDAB are observed. 0 ZA WCB’AP P MDAP Aim: Compute WCB’AP MDAB WCBAP B A Compute the orientation angle: zA=WCBAB-MDAB Computing the WCB’AP: WCBAB=zA+MDAB Computing the mean orientation angle In case of more orientations, as many orientation angles can be computed as many control points are sighted: zAB=WCBAB-MDAB zAC=WCBAC-MDAC zAD=WCBAD-MDAD zAB, zAC and zAD are usually slightly different due observation and coordinate error. However, the orientation angle is constant for a station and a set of observations. Mean orientation angle: z AB d AB z CA d AC z AD d AD zA d AB d AC d AD WCB vs provisional WCB N ||N WC B AB B A E Whole circle bearing (WCBAB): computed from coordinates, between two points, which coordinates are known. Provisional whole circle bearing (WCB’AB): an angular quantity, which is similar to the whole circle bearing. However it is computed from observations, by summing up the (mean) orientation angle and the mean direction. Thank You for Your Attention!