
What is the coordinates of the x- and y-intercepts for the graph of this equation?
y = 2x + 6
A. x-intercept: (0, 6)
y-intercept: (-3, 0)
B. x-intercept: (2, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 6)
x-intercept: (-2, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 6)
D. x-intercept: (-3, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 6)
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.
The graph below shows the rate at which a cross-country runner
burns calories. What is the slope of the line?
B. 15
D. 1
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.
Carla is one year older than James. The relationship between their ages can be
represented by the equation:
If Carla's age is graphed as a function of James's age, what will be the coordinates
of the x- and y-intercepts for the graph of this function?
A. x-intercept: (0, 1)
y-intercept: (-1, 0)
B. x-intercept: (James)
y-intercept: (Carla)
C. x-intercept: (1, 0)
y-intercept: (1, 0)
D. x-intercept: (-1, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 1)
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.
The diagram below shows the dimensions of Lopez family's house. What is
the slope of the portion of the roof that is represented by the solid red line?
Gridded Response: 1/3
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.
The equation 3x − 2y = −16 can be used to determine the size of a recommended
refrigerator, where y represents the volume of the refrigerator in cubic feet, and x
represents the number of people (greater than 2) living in the residence. When this
equation is graphed on a coordinate plane, where does the line intercept the y-axis?
Gridded Response: 8
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.
Armando is two years younger than Rosa. The relationship between their
ages can be represented by the equation:
If Armando's age is graphed as a function of Rosa's age, what will be the
coordinates of the x- and y-intercepts for the graph of this function?
A. x-intercept: (2, 0)
y-intercept: (0, -2)
C. x-intercept: (Rosa)
y-intercept: (Armando)
B. x-intercept: (-2, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 2)
D. x-intercept: (2, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 2)
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.
On a coordinate graph, Celeste places a red marble at the point (2, 2)
and a green marble at the point (4, 1). If she draws a line that passes
through both of these points, which set of coordinates represents
the x- and y-intercepts of the line?
A. x-intercept: (0, 6)
y-intercept: (3, 0)
B. x-intercept: (6, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 3)
C. x-intercept: (0, 3)
y-intercept: (6, 0)
D. x-intercept: (3, 0)
y-intercept: (0, 6)
MA.912.A.3.9: Determine the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a line given its graph,
its equation, or two points on the line.