Business Planning & Simulation and BW Monitoring UNWBW1 – Business Information Warehouse NetWeaver Support Consultant Training Content Introduction Reporting Business content Data loading InfoCube Design Aggregates BW-BPS Business Planning & Simulation Monitoring & Technical Risks SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 2 General Concepts of Planning Business Planning & Simulation (BPS) enables you to produce planning applications. Actual data is available in InfoCubes, Planning data is to be determined in planning sessions. There are two main directions: Top Down Manager Top Down · per business unit Regional Manager · per quarter Regional Sales Manager · per region · per month · per customer Bottom Up · per article · per month Bottom Up Aggregation SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 3 Allocation Objects in Planning (I) Planning Area Planning Level Planning Package Planning Package Planning area: A standard planning area is assigned 1:1 to an InfoCube (not necessarily transactional), either local or in a remote system. It provides all characteristics and key figures contained in the InfoCube. Data can also be restricted by using characteristic relationships. A Multi planning area is a view over several standard planning areas. Planning level: A planning area can be divided into planning levels via restriction to a subset of characteristics and key figures and by selecting certain characteristic values. ... Planning Level Planning Package Planning Package ... ... SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 4 Planning package: A planning package is actually used for planning functions or manual planning. It is again a subdivision or subset of a planning level using further restrictions on characteristic values provided by the planning level. A planning level always contains the planning package 0-ADHOC, with selections identical to the planning level. Objects in Planning (II) - Methods Manual planning: A layout that is used to display data and for manual data entry. Each layout is assigned to a planning level and can be executed for each contained planning package. It can be displayed as ALV Grid or as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Planning function: Definition of an automatic function that can be used to manipulate data. There are three main types: Functionality Complexity · Predefined planning functions (such as copy, revaluation, distribution,…) · Fox-formulas (self defined, e.g. quantity x price) · Exits (self-defined, e.g. calculate revenue depending on number of workdays in company calendar) SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 5 The Planning Workbench – BPS0 Hierarchy of Planning Areas, Levels and Packages Detail area for selected object Hierarchy of Planning functions, sequences, parameter groups and layouts (manual planning) assigned to selected planning level SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 6 Planning Layout – Manual planning Planning Layouts are used for display and manual entry of planning data. Excel Interface ALV Interface SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 7 Appearance of characteristics in header, lead or data column can be customized. Totals can be switched on/off and displayed as hierarchy. Planning Functions and Parameter Groups Each planning function requires in its definition the fields to be changed or the fields for condition, respectively. It is possible to gather planning functions with their parameter groups in a local or global The parameter group determines planning sequence. The the values of the parameters of functions are then executed the planning function. collectively in dialog or in background. SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 8 Planning Frontends Web Interface Web interfaces can easily be customized in the Web Interface Builder using web enhancements like style sheets. Also, the Excel Web component can be used (not shown here). Planning Folder Interface SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 9 Planning folders can be configured quite similar to web interfaces via drag&drop. The Excel interface can be used here, too. Performance Analysis – Tools Tools for the performance analysis of Planning Functions: • BPS_TRACE: Trace the execution of a planning function BPS related • BPS_STAT0: Analysis of single execution of a planning function • BPS_STAT1: Statistical analysis of manual planning, planning functions etc. • STAD • ST03 System related • ST05 • SM04 • SM50 • ... BPS_STAT0 SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 10 Content Introduction Reporting Business content Data loading InfoCube Design Aggregates BW-BPS Business Planning & Simulation Monitoring & Technical Risks SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 11 Monitoring Tools • RSA1 • ST03 BW related • RSMO • RSPC • RSRT • RSRV • RSRTRACE • STAD • ST05 System related • SM04 • SM50 ST03 • ... RSRT SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 12 Monitor for Data Extraction and Load (RSMO) Green: successful data extraction / load Yellow: extraction / load not finished Red: extraction / load failed Drill down on failed InfoPackage for details SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 13 RSMO Monitor Details Tab Details provides more information about points of failure during extraction and load Select node and right-click for context menu showing options including Help and IDoc details (where appropriate) When a step is highlighted, its status information is shown below SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 14 Sizing Project Risks (I) Question Answer Example: Did you create a quicksizing project in SAPNet ? There is a quicksizing project existing. Does this project take future increases in data volume into account ? It is valid for the first step of the project only. Background There should be a sizing roadmap for all future project steps (for example the GoLive of additional functionality or an increase in data volume). SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 15 Sizing Project Risks (II) Question Answer Example: Do you need to upload more than 1 million rows per hour? Have you performed an upload volume test? Yes, we only have an 1 hour time window to get 2 million sales data into BW at night. No, not yet. Background Uploading less than 1 million rows per hour is usually no critical issue. Higher Volumes than 1 million rows per hour can be achieved but this needs to be carefully tested and tuned SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 16 BW Sizing Strategy: T-Shirt Model For a detailed sizing use the quicksizer (alias /quicksizer) SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 17 High Availability Risks Question Answer Discuss / describe in detail: What happens when the business processes are not available for 3 hours during the day or for 12 hours during the night? Example: As we need the sales data reporting every morning, we need to be able to recover in 4 hours to get the upload done in another 3 hours during the night. Discuss and describe in detail: What is the financial impact when the business processes are not available? Example: We will not be able to create new sales orders. We would lose about 1 Million Euros per hour. Discuss the maximum affordable downtime, e.g. For offline backups Example: Our maximum affordable downtime is 1h/week. We can‘t perform offline backups Background Not all components are really critical for the customer‘s business. Try to find out. Identify where the customer needs a sophisticated HA concept. For general information see SAP Service Marketplace, alias /ha SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 18 Landscape Risks Question Answer Do you plan to connect several components in a complex landscape? Example: We will connect 2 APO Systems with 10 R/3, 1 CRM and 1 BW System Does BW share the hardware and/or database with another (productive) system Example: BW shares the resources with our CRM system Background Several R/3 Systems connected to one BW System: Since more than one R/3 source system is used it’s necessary that all R/3 source systems do have a current and valid plug-in installed. Since more than one source system are connect it’s necessary to organize an upload scenario from the different source system into the BW system that takes care of the workload situation in the source system as well as in the BW system. Additionally, it needs to be organized that time windows for upload are available to minimize the influence of upload during the reporting time windows. SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 19 Landscape Country Great Britain SAP BW SAP EBP EGP SAP R/3 BEP PGP AEP Master data USA AMP SAP R/3 SAP BW AAP BAP SAP EBP AGP Country Country 1 1 Europe SAP EBP BPP SAP BW APP SAP R/3 N APA Country SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 20 Upload from several source systems Connected systems in different time zones Country USA Complex Landscape X N Country Country 1 1 System Management Risks Question Answer Do the different project teams set up an overall upload schedule? Example: No, right now every project teams runs upload/roll up/change runs independently of each other. Does BW Basis coordinates the upload/roll up/change run jobs of the different project teams? Background Since the data maintenance jobs do have a large impact on the system workload, all kind of these activities need to be coordinated, even though the different application areas are independent from each other. SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 21 Data Modeling Risk Answer How detailed will the data be stored? (Aggregation over time) hourly daily weekly monthly How detailed will the data be stored? (Aggregation over detail of data) item How many InfoProviders are used for operational reports <1 1-9 10-49 50-99 >=100 How long will the operational data remain in the BW system? (Years) <1 1-2 3-5 6 -9 >=10 How often is the data archived? When do you delete the PSA tables? We don‘t archive the data, the PSA tables are not deleted. Are the InfoCubes compressed regularly? We don‘t compress our Cubes. order plant company Background Operational reporting is typically time critical and the involved objects may become very large over time. It’s very important that customers have a clearly defined retention time for that data. Tactical reporting and or strategy reporting which normally report over a longer period than operational reporting should not use the operational data for reporting, otherwise the detailed data would have to remain for too long in the system. SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 22 Reporting Risks Question Answer Do you plan to report on stock data? YES NO Do you plan to report on daily level data ? YES NO Are there end-users connected over WAN? YES NO Do you monitor the performance closely? Our basis team is monitoring the database. Do you build appropriate aggregates? We don‘t need aggregates, BW has to be fast without them. Background The more features and data a query uses and or processes the longer the processing time gets. Additionally large graphics and WAN connection slow down the performance of the queries as well. Performance problems can be avoided if a close monitoring is in place and if the right aggregates are built. SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 23 EarlyWatch Alerts EarlyWatch Alert: red rating for BW KPIs Report is red SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 24 EarlyWatch Alerts BW KPIs – Aggregates •NrDelAggr (Number of Aggregates recommended to delete) •Number of aggregates not used during query execution/aggregates that are almost as large as the InfoCube Attention: don’t delete them without a careful review! •NrAggr0Call (Number of aggregates with no calls) •Number of aggregates not used at all during query execution •NrBuildAggrCube (Number of aggregates recommended to build - cube level) •Stastistics on Cube level indicate missing aggregates •NrBuildAggrQuery (Number of aggregates recommended to build - query level) •Stastistics on query level indicate missing aggregates SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 25 EarlyWatch Alerts BW KPIs – Runtime •Runtime>20sec •Percentage of queries running more than 20 sec •AvgRuntime •Average runtime of all queries •Avg.OLAPINIT time •Avg.OLAP time •Avg.DB time •Avg.FRONTEND time •FE/DB time •Relation between FRONTEND and DB time *See Note 130696 for further details* SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 26 EarlyWatch Alerts BW KPIs •DB Size > 10 TB •Nav.Steps •Total number of navigation steps •Indication for the workload •Avg.Cells •Average number of Excel Cells send to Frontend SAP AG 2004, Business Information Warehouse / 27