Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial By: Zain-ul-Abdin Outline • Occam-pi basics – – – – – Networks and communication Types, channels, processes ... Primitive Processes Structured Processes Examples: Integration, Matrix Multiplication • Mobility – – – – – Mobile Semantics Mobile Assignment Mobile Communication FORKing Processes Example: Dynamic Process Creation "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 2 CSP • CSP deals with processes, networks of processes and various forms of synchronisation / communication between processes. • A network of processes is also a process - so CSP naturally accommodates layered network structures (networks of networks). "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 3 Occam-pi Introduction • Named after Occam Razor ”If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest” • Combines the concepts of CSP with pi-calculus • Parallel processing language that simplifies the description of systems • Allows composing simple components to build complex systems Semantics [A+B] = Semantics [A] + Semantics [B] • Built in semantics for concurrency – Processes – Channels (Unbuffered message passing) "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 4 Processes myProcess • A process is a component that encapsulates some data structures and algorithms for manipulating that data. • Both its data and algorithms are private. The outside world can neither see that data nor execute those algorithms! [It is not an object.] • The algorithms are executed by the process in its own thread (or threads) of control. • So, how does one process interact with another? "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 5 Processes myProcess • The simplest form of interaction is synchronised message-passing along channels. • The simplest forms of channel are zero-buffered and point-to-point (i.e. wires). "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 6 Synchronized Communication • Output value down the channel out • This operation does not complete until the process at the other end of the channel inputs the information • Until that happens, the outputting process waits out ! value "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 7 Synchronized Communicationcont’d • Input the next piece of information from channel in into the variable x • This operation does not complete until the process at the other end of the channel outputs the information • Until that happens, the inputting process waits in ? x "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 8 Synchronized Communicationcont’d • A may write on c at any time, but has to wait for a read. • B may read from c at any time, but has to wait for a write. y x A c!x c B c?y "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 9 Types • Primitive types – INT, BYTE, BOOL – INT16, INT32, INT64 – REAL32, REAL64 • Arrays types (indexed from 0) – [100]INT – [32][32][8]BYTE – [50]REAL64 "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 10 Operators • +, -, *, /, \ PLUS, MINUS, TIMES INTxx, INTxx → INTxx BYTE, BYTE → BYTE • +, -, *, /, \ • <, <=, >=, > REALxx, REALxx → REALxx INTxx, INTxx → BOOL BYTE, BYTE → BOOL REALxx, REALxx → BOOL • =, <> *, * → BOOL • /\(and), \/(or), >< (xor), >>(rshift), <<(lshift) INTxx, INTxx → INTxx BYTE, BYTE → BYTE INTxx → INTxx BYTE → BYTE • ~ (not) "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin Precision must be matched Types must match 11 Expressions • No auto-coercion happens between types: if x is a REAL32 and i is an INT, then x + i is illegal ... • Where necessary, explicit casting between types must be programmed: e.g. x + (REAL32 i) ... • No precedence is defined between operators, we must use brackets: e.g. a + (b*c) ... • The operators +, -, * and / trigger run-time errors if their results overflow. "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 12 Declarations • All declarations end in a colon • A declaration cannot be used before it is made ... • Declarations are aligned at the same level of indentation ... • Variable declarations INT a, b: [max]INT c: [max]BYTE d: • Channel declarations CHAN BYTE p: [max<<2]CHAN INT q: "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 13 An Occam-pi Process • Syntactically, an occam-pi process consists of: – an optional sequence of declarations (e.g. values, variables, channels) – a single executable process • All the declarations – and the executable – are aligned at the same level of indentation. • The executable process is either primitive or structured. "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 14 Process Abstractions in PROC foo (VAL []BYTE s, VAL BOOL mode, INT result, CHAN INT in?, out!, CHAN BYTE pause?) ... : foo(s, mode, result) pause "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin out 15 Primitive Processes • Assignment a := c[2] + b • Input (synchronising) in ? a • Output (synchronising) out ! a + (2*b) • Null (do nothing) SKIP • Timer (increments every millisec.) TIMER tim "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 16 Structured ProcessesSEQ and PAR SEQ in ? sum in ? x sum := sum + x out ! Sum Processes can run in any order, No data race hazards PAR in0 ? a in1 ? b out ! a + b c := a + (2*b) "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 17 Structured ProcessesIF and WHILE IF x > 0 screen ! 'p‘ x < 0 screen ! 'n' TRUE screen ! 'z' WHILE TRUE INT x: SEQ in ? x out ! 2*x "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 18 Structured ProcessesPROC instance PROC octople (CHAN INT in?, out!) CHAN INT a, b: PAR double (in?, a!) double (a?, b!) double (b?, out!) : "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 19 Example - Integrate • Sequential implementation PROC integrate (CHAN INT in?, out!) INT total: SEQ total := 0 WHILE TRUE INT x: SEQ in ? x total := total + x out ! total : "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 20 Example - Integrate • Parallel implementation PROC integrate (CHAN INT in?, out!) CHAN INT a, b, c: PAR delta (a?, out!, b!) prefix (0, b?, c!) plus (in?, c?, a!) : "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 21 Example – Matrix Multiplication "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 22 Tool Set • KROC- Kent Retargetable Occam Compiler "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 23 Mobility in occam-pi Copy Semantics • Classical occam: data is copied from the workspace of A into the workspace of B. Subsequent work by A on its x variable and B on its y variable causes no mutual interference. y x A c c!x B c?y SAFE but SLOW "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 25 Copy Assignment • As assignment changes the state of its environment, which we can represent by a set of ordered pairs mapping variables into data values. • In occam, because of its zero-tolerance of aliasing, assignment semantics is what we expect: { <x 0 , v0 >, <x 1 , v1 >, … } x0 := x1 { <x 0, v 1 >, <x 1, v 1 >, … } • [In all other languages with assignment, the semantics are much more complex - since the variable x0 may be aliased to other variables … and the values associated with those aliases will also have changed to v .] "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 26 Reference Semantics • Java/JCSP: references to data (objects) are copied from the workspace of A into B. Subsequent work by A on its x variable and B on its y variable causes mutual interference (race hazard). y x A c c!x B c?y UNSAFE but FAST "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 27 Reference Semantics HEAP before x y A c!x c B c?y "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 28 Reference Semantics HEAP after x y A c!x c B c?y "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 29 Movement Semantics Consider copy and move operations on files … • copy duplicates the file, placing the copy in the target directory under a (possibly) new name. • move moves the file to the target directory, possibly renaming it: – the original file can no longer be found at the source address; – it has moved. "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 30 Mobile Assignment Mobile semantics differs in one crucial respect: { <x 0 , v0 >, <x 1 , v1 >, … } x0 := x1 { <x 0, v 1 >, <x 1, ?? >, … } • The value of the variable at the source of the assignment has become undefined - its value has moved to the target variable. • It must be noted: mobile semantics is strictly weaker than copy semantics. "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 31 Mobile Communication • The semantics for assignment and communication are directly related. In occam, communication is just a distributed form of assignment - a value computed in the sending process is assigned to a variable in the receiving one (after the two processes have synchronised). • For example, if x0 and x1 were of type FOO, we have the semantic equivalence: x0 := x1 equals CHAN OF FOO c: PAR c ! x1 c ? x0 "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 32 Mobile data Syntax • Occam-pi has a new keyword – a MOBILE qualifier for data types/variables • The MOBILE qualifier doesn’t change the semantics of types as types. For example, MOBILE types are compatible with ordinary types in expressions. • But it imposes the mobile semantics on assignment and communication between MOBILE variables. • The MOBILE qualifier need not be burnt into the type declaration - it can be associated just with particular variables. MOBILE INT x0, x1: "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 33 Mobile data – cont’d • Mobiles are safe references • Assignment and communication with reference semantics • Only one process may hold a given mobile "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 34 Mobile Channel Type • In occam programs, channels are fixed in place at compile time • What if we want to reconnect the process network at runtime? • A channel type is a bundle of one or more related channels: for example, the set of channels connecting a client and a server • Note this has to be a CHAN TYPE, else you can’t put channels in it • Channel direction specifiers are mandatory "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 35 Mobile Channel Bundles • Defined as ‘client’ and ‘server’ ends of a “mobile channel-type”, e.g.: • Directions specified in the type are server-relative – Channel ends inside channel type ends can be used like regular channels CHAN TYPE INT.IO MOBILE RECORD CHAN INT in?: CHAN INT out!: : INT.IO! cli: SEQ cli[in] ! 42 cli[out] ? r INT.IO? svr: SEQ svr[in] ? x svr[out] ! x+1 "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 36 Communicating Mobile Channels • The main use of mobile channel bundles is to support the run-time reconfiguration of process networks • P and Q are now directly connected • Process networks may be arbitrarily reconfigured using mobile channels – dynamic process creation makes this much more interesting c Generator d c ? a P a b d ? b Q "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 37 Dynamic Process Creation • N-replicated PAR, where the replicator count is a constant • The creating process has to wait for them all to terminate before creating process has to wait for them all to terminate before it can do anything else. VAL N IS 10: SEQ PAR i = 1 FOR N ... "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 38 Dynamic Process Creation • Asynchronous process invocation using FORK • Essentially a procedure instance that runs in parallel with the invoking process • Parameter passing is strictly uni-directional and uses a communication semantics • occam-pi introduces two new keywords – FORKING and FORK • Inside a FORKING block, you can use FORK at any time to spawn a new process • When the FORKING block exits, it’ll wait for all the spawned processes to finish "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 39 Dynamic Process Creation PROC A () ... local state SEQ ...... VAL data is copied into a FORKING FORKed process SEQ ...... FORK P(n, svr, cli) ... ... : MOBILE data and channel-ends are moved into a FORKed process "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 40 Client-Server Application S response request C P "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 41 Client-Server Application • Fault-tolerance by Replication S response request C P B S "Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 42