An Ad Hoc Group Signature Scheme for Accountable and Anonymous Access to Outsourced Data Chuang Wanga,b and Wensheng Zhanga aDepartment of Computer Science Iowa State University bSymantec Corporation Background: Data Outsourcing author remote un-trusted data storage server encrypt decrypt authorized users 1 ABE (Attribute-based Encryption) retrieve decrypt OR AND “Computer Science” “ISU” “PrivacyGrp @Symantec ” derive key based on secrets associated with his attributes Graduate student @cs.iastate Access Structure retrieve X decrypt 2 Accountability? OR AND “Computer Science” “Privacy@ Symantec” “ISU” Access Structure What if the secret doc is found exposed? A trusted third-party authority should be able to find out who have accessed the data (accountability/ traceability) Meanwhile, anonymity of users should be kept from entities other than the authority (including the un-trusted storage server) 3 Group Signature Scheme m group public key (gpk) OR AND “Computer Science” σm = sign(gpk, gski, m) A user i’s personalized private key (gski) Verify(gpk, σm)=1? Record σm (Authority is able to trace the signature to user i.) “Privacy@ Symantec” “ISU” Access Structure Authorized Users 4 Group Signature Scheme: Problem group public key (gpk) Access structures may be defined on the fly (when a document is outsourced) A user i’s personalized private key (gski) The groups of users satisfying the access structures are formed dynamically OR Significant communication AND overheads may need to “Privacy@ set up private keys for Symantec” the members of “Computer “ISU” Science” dynamic groups Access Structure Authorized Users 5 Our Proposal: Ad Hoc Group Signature (AdHocSign) – Design Goals Objective: ad hoc group signature scheme. Design Requirements User anonymity: A successfully verified user could be any one of the authorized users. – Ex: Access Structure = “a AND b”; a successfully-verified user could be any one owning attributes a and b. – Ex: Access Structure = “(a AND b) OR c”; a successfullyverified user could be any one owning attributes a and b, or any one owning c, and the server and other users cannot know which of the above two cases occurs. Traceability: The authority is able to trace a signature to a user. 6 Our Proposal: Ad Hoc Group Signature (AdHocSign) – Design Goals Objective: ad hoc group signature scheme. Design Requirements User anonymity: A successfully verified user could be any one of the authorized users. Accountability (traceability): The authority is able to trace a signature to a user. Efficiency in communication (for group management): when a new access structure is created, no extra communication for group management (e.g., distributing keys) is required. 7 Our Proposal: Ad Hoc Group Signature (AdHocSign) – Key Ideas Storage Cost When a user joins: he/she is preloaded key materials for each attribute assigned. Communication Cost When a document (and associated access structure) posted to server: server is given key materials for the access structure (AS). A user’s attributes satisfy the AS Y Obtain: the user-specific and access structure-specific privacy key for group signature 8 Basis: Group Signature [BonehShacham’04] Complexity Assumptions: q-SDH problem Decision Linear problem System-wide secret user i’s private key (gski) public key (gpk) xi, Ai=g1/(ζ+xi) bilinear mapping g, g’=gζ x e(Ai, g’×g i ) = e(g, g) • Signing: sign(gpk, gski, m) σm • Verifying: verify(gpk, m, σm) 1/0 9 AdHocSign: Roadmap of the Design What to do? Construct and give appropriate key materials to users and storage server, s.t., an authorized user is able to derive his/her private key as in the BS group signature scheme How? Consider a conjunction-only access structure – Ex: “a AND b” Consider a disjunction-only access structure – Ex: “a OR b” Consider a general (i.e., conjunction of disjunctive) access structure – Ex: “(a OR b) AND (c OR d)” 10 AdHocSign for Conjunction-only Access Structures: Intuition Access structure: T a Authority Key materials: ra, rb AND b Secrets: αa , αb Private key: • xi Public key: α ×r +α ×r • gT = g a a b b ζ • gT’ = gT Server <T=“a AND b”; ra, rb> • AiT = gi,ara ×gi,brb = g (αa×ra+αb×rb)/(ζ+x i) Key materials: α /(ζ+x i) • for attribute a: gi,a=g a α /(ζ+x i) • for attribute b: gi,b=g b User i • … … e(AiT, gT’×gTxi) = e(gT, gT) 11 AdHocSign for Disjunction-only Access Structures: Intuition (1) Key materials: Access structure: T OR a Authority Secrets: αa, αb, ra= rT/αa ; rb= rT/αb b rT Private key: • xi • AiT = gi,ara = grT/(ζ+x i) Key materials: α /(ζ+x i) • for attribute a: gi,a=g a Public key: r • gT = g T ζ • gT’ = gT Server <T=“a OR b”; ra, rb> e(AiT, gT’×gTxi) = e(gT, gT) • for attribute c: … User i • … … 12 AdHocSign for Disjunction-only Access Structures: Intuition (2) Key materials: Access structure: T OR a Authority Secrets: αa, αb, ra= rT/αa ; rb= rT/αb b Server rT, ζ Key materials: <T=“a OR b”; ra, rb> • for attribute a: gi,a=g αa/(ζ+x i) •…… User i • … … r /r Problem: User i can derive gi,b = gi,aa, b though user i does not own attribute b. Later on, user i can satisfy access structures such as “a AND b”, “b OR x”. 13 AdHocSign for Disjunction-only Access Structure: Intuition (3) The authority For each attribute a, multiple (instead of a single) secret numbers are picked: αa,1, αa,2, …, αa,N Each user i who owns attribute a is preloaded with N secrets (key materials): gi,a,1, gi,a,2, …, gi,a,N, where gi,a,k = gαa, k/(ζ+ xi) Every time when a new disjunction-only access structure, e.g., T=“a OR b”, is defined: rT is selected randomly rT,a = rT/αa,k1 and rT,b = rT/αb,k2, where αa,k1 and αb,k2 have not been used before A user i with attribute a or b should use gi,a,k1 or gi,b,k2 to derive its private key 14 AdHocSign for General Access Structures: Intuition Access structure AND rT1 rT2 OR OR Authority a αa,k1 b c d αb,k2 αc,k3 αd,k4 Key materials given to server: (a, k1, rT,a = rT1/αa,k1) (b, k2, rT,b = rT1/αb,k2) (c, k3, rT,c = rT2/αc,k3) (d, k4, rT,d = rT2/αd,k4) Public key: • gT = grT1+rT2 • gT’ = gTζ Server 15 AdHocSign for General Access Structures: Intuition Assume the user owns attributes a and d User i Key materials assigned to user i: • For attribute a •… • gi,a,k1 = gαa,k1/(ζ+xi) Key materials provided by server: (a, k1, rT,a = rT1/αa,k1) … …. (d, k4, rT,d = rT2/αd,k4) •… • For attribute d •… • gi,d,k4 = gαd,k4/(ζ+xi) •… rT, a r AiT = gi,a,k1 × gi,d,k4T, d = g(rT1+rT2)/(ζ+xi) Private key: (xi, AiT) 16 Security Features Traceability Intuitively: Storage server and/or collusive users are hard to forge valid signatures that cannot trace back to any of them, as long as the SDH problem is hard. Formally: Our proposed AdHocSign scheme is (t, qH, qS, n, m,ε) traceable if (q, t’, ε’)-SDH assumption holds, where n = q1, ε= 8n*sqrt(ε’qH) + 2n/q, t’=O(tmN). 17 Security Features Selfless-anonymity Intuitively: Storage server and/or others are hard to determine if two signatures are pertinent to the same user or not, as long as the Decision Linear problem is hard. Formally: Our proposed AdHocSign scheme is (t, qH, qS, n, m,ε) selflessly anonymous if (t’, ε’) Decision Linear assumption holds, where ε’ = ε(1/n2 – qSqH/p)/2. 18 Cost Analysis Computational cost User’s cost – Private key preparation – x exponential ops, where x is the number of disjunctive components in the access structure – typically lower than signing cost as long as x is not too large – Signing (using BS Group Signature Signing) Server’s cost – Verification (using BS Group Signature Signing) Overall: Typically less than twice of that of BS Group Signature scheme 19 Cost Analysis Communication cost O(L): L is the length of an access structure Storage cost O(Nx) – x - total number of attributes owned by a user – N - total number of secrets preloaded for each attribute N: the minimum number of different access structures that can be defined dynamically; in practice, more different access structures can be defined dynamically 20 Conclusion We design a new group signature scheme for dynamically-formed groups Selfless-anonymity Traceability No user key distribution at dynamic group forming time – at the cost of storing extra key materials when a user joins the system Applicable when: storage is cheaper than communication (cost for dynamic management of groups) 21 Thank you! Contacts of the authors {wzhang, chuangw} Full paper: 22 Implementation Prototype development Based on jPBC (java pairing-based library) Adopting the type A curve Evaluation setup User: desktop with 1.83 GHz Genuine Intel processor and 3GB RAM Server: workstation with two 2.13 GHz Intel Xeon processors and 24 GB RAM Evaluation results BS Group Signature – Signing cost – 1.65 seconds by average – Verification cost – 0.28 seconds by average Private key computation in AdHocSign – ~0.1 second for each disjunctive component in the access structure 23