
Large Intestine meridian of Hand-yangming
Lecturer: Qu Hongyan
Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming
Starting place: radial tip of the index finger
Pertaining organ: Large Intestine
Connecting organ: Lung
Terminating place: lateral side of the nose
Large intestine meridian of hand-yangming
The Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-YangMing begins at the tip of
the index finger). It runs upwards along the radial aspect of the index
finger and passing through the interosseous space of the 1st and 2nd
metacarpal bones Hegu(LI 4) where it enters the depression between
the tendons of extensor pollicis longus and brevis. Then, it runs along
the anterior aspect of the forearm until it reaches the lateral aspect of
the elbow. From there, it ascends along the posterio-lateral aspect of
the upper arm to the highest point of the shoulder Jianyu(LI 15). At the
anterior border of the acromion, it ascends to the 7th cervical vertebra
(the confluence of the three yang meridians of the hand and foot
Dazhui(GV14); it then descends to Quepen(ST12) (in the
supraclavicular fossa) to connect with its corresponding zang-fu organ.
Finally, it then passes through the diaphragm and enters the large
intestine, its associated organ.
The branch from Quepen(ST12) runs upwards to the neck, passes
through the cheek and enters the lower gums. Then it turns back to the
upper lip and crosses the opposite meridian at the philtrum. From there,
the left meridian goes to the right and the right meridian to the left, on
the opposite sides of the nose Yingxiang(LI 20), where the Large
Intestine meridian links with the Stomach Meridian of Foot- YangMing.
Points on the Large Intestine meridian of
The first point of the meridian is Shangyang (LI 1) and
last one is Yingxiang (LI 20). There are 20 points on each
Summary of indications
Diseases of the head, face and the five sense
 Febrile diseases and conditions along the
pathways of the channel.
ShangYang(LI 1)
Location:0.1 cun lateral to the radial nail corner
of the index finger
Swollen and sore throat toothache
Loss of consciousness, sunstroke
Febrile disease
Needling method: puncture superficially 0.1
cun , or prick with a three-edged
needle to causing bleeding.
Erjian(LI 2)
Location:when a loose fist is formed,
it is on the radial side of the index finger, in the
depression distal to the 2nd metacarpo-phalangeal
Indications: nosebleed, toothache, conjunctival
congestion, sore throat, deviated mouth and
eyes; febrile disease
Needling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.20.3 cun
Sanjian(LI 3)
Location:with a loose fist, on the radial side
of the index finger, in the depression proximal to the
2nd metacarpo-phalangeal joint
Indications: toothache, swollen and sore
throat, fever
Needling method: puncture perpendicularly
0.3-0.5 cun.
Hegu(LI 4)
Location:on the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal
bones, approximately in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the
radilal side.
Indications: toothache, headache, deviated mouth and eye, conjunctival
congestion, nosebleed ,deafness; Fever and aversion to cold with or
without sweating; Amenorrea, delayed labor; Paralysis of the forearm,
unable to move voluntarily, painful wrist and forearm
Needling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 cun.
Hegu(LI 4)
YángXī(LI 5)
Location:on the transverse crease
of the radial side of the wrist,
between the hollow of the tendon of
the extensor pollicis longus and
Indications: pain in the wrist,
headache, toothache, swollen and
sore throat.
Needling method: puncture
perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun.
Quchi(LI 11)
Location:with the elbow flexed, at the lateral
end of the transverse cubital crease, midway
between Chize (LI 5) and the lateral epicondyle
of the humerus.
Indications: toothache, swollen and sore throat.
Redness and pain in the eyes, febrile disease,
rubella, eczema, hypertension, paralysis of the
arm, pain and weakness in the elbow, psychosis,
abdominal pain, diarrhea.
Needling method: puncture perpendicularly
0.8-1.5 cun.
Qǖchí(LI 11)
Qǖchí(LI 11)
Jianyu(LI 15)
Location:with the arm abducted and parallel to
the ground, at the upper border of the deltoid
muscle, in the inferior anterior depression of the
Indications: pain and numbness in the upper arm
and shoulder, impaired movement of arm; scrofula
Needling method: puncture perpendicularly or
obliquely downwards 0.5-0.8 cun.
Jianyu(LI 15)
Yingxiang(LI 20)
Location:in the nasolabial groove, at the
center of the lateral border of the ala nasi.
Indications: nasal obstruction, nosebleed,
sinusitis, facial paralysis, facial itchiness,
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ascariasis of the biliary tract.
Needling method: puncture obliquely or
transversely 0.3-0.5 cun.
Yingxiang(LI 20)