Stops: Finite nature of lenses affects the energy and information collected and imaged by optical systems Important Definitions: Aperture Stop (A.S.) – Adustable leaf diaphragm that determines the light gathering ability of the lens. Field Stop (F.S.) – Limits the size or angular breadth of the object. In a camera, the edge of the film itself bounds the image plane and becomes the F.S. Entrance Pupil – Image of the A.S. as seen from the object side of the lens system (below). Exit Pupil - Image of the A.S. as seen on the image plane. View is from an axial point for both the entrance and exit pupils. Chief Ray- Enters the optical system along a line directed towards the midpoint of the Entrance Pupil and leaves the system along a line passing though the center of the exit pupil. Aperture Stop (A.S.) – Adustable leaf diaphragm that determines the light gathering ability of the lens. Field Stop (F.S.) – Limits the size or angular breadth of the object. In a camera, the edge of the film itself bounds the image plane and becomes the F.S. Entrance Pupil – Image of the A.S. as seen from the object side of the lens system (below). Exit Pupil - Image of the A.S. as seen on the image plane. View is from an axial point for both the entrance and exit pupils. Chief Ray- Enters the optical system along a line directed towards the mid-point of the Entrance Pupil and leaves the system along a line passing though the center of the exit pupil. Another Example showing a more complex arrangement. Marginal Ray – Ray from the outermost object point on the axis that goes through the A.S. Relative Aperture and f-number: f/# = f/D A 4 ( 2 f ) See next slide I 2 f I o E.P. D E.P. f/2 D/2 2 Let Io·Aobj represent the power radiated spherically by an object at the point 2f behind a lens. ( D / 2) 2 4 ( 2 f ) 2 Io D 64 f 2 2 D 1 I 2 f ( f /# ) f/4 f /# f D D 2f f f 2f Therefore, the time necessary for photographic exposure is proportional to (f/#)2 = speed of the lens. So, an f/1.4 lens is twice as fast as an f/2 lens since the time necessary for the same exposure (I·t) is ½. On cameras, e.g., f/# = 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22; so exposure times of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 msec for each consecutive setting are necessary to obtain the same amount of energy absorbed in the photographic film. Plane Mirrors i = r , So and Si < 0 when they lie to the right of V. The image is invariably virtual in which it is (1) erect and (2) inverted. Reflection from a single mirror causes a right-handed (r-h) object to appear as a left-handed (l-h) image. The transverse magnification is simply MT = -Si/So = +1 i r So Si Systems with more than one mirror give rise to an odd or even number of reflections, resulting in r-h l-h or r-h r-h symmetry, respectively. l-h r-h Inversion Plane Mirrors l-h r-h Inversion Multiple mirrors can be used to control the parity of the image by creating more than one symmetry inversion. Aspherical Mirrors: The symmetry of incoming plane waves along the optical axis gives OPL W 1 A1 A1 F W 2 A 2 A 2 F and A1 D1 A1 F parabola W 1 A1 A1 D1 W 2 A 2 A 2 D 2 with e AD AF and e 1 Parabola Directrix 4py = x2 p = distance from vertex to focus (or directrix) Eccentricity (e) is defined as follows: e = FP/PQ = 1 for a Parabola Other conic sections: hyperbola or hyperboloid (e > 1) ellipse or ellipsoid (e < 1 ) There are many introductory web-sites that describe conic sections, e.g.,, but be sure to refer to your math text books. Circle Definition: A conic section is the intersection of a plane and a cone. Ellipse (h) Parabola (h) Hyperbola (h) Ellipse (v) Parabola (v) Hyperbola (v) The General Equation for a Conic Section: Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 The type of section can be found from the sign of: B2 - 4AC If B2 - 4AC is... <0 =0 >0 then the curve is a... ellipse, circle, point or no curve. parabola, 2 parallel lines, 1 line or no curve. hyperbola or 2 intersecting lines. The Conic Sections. For any of the below with a center (j, k) instead of (0, 0), replace each x term with (x-j) and each y term with (y-k). Point Line Double Line By changing the angle and location of intersection, we can produce a circle, ellipse, parabola or hyperbola; or in the special case when the plane touches the vertex: a point, line or 2 intersecting lines. Equation (horiz. vertex): Circle Ellipse Parabola Hyperbola x2 + y2 = r2 x2 / a2 + y2 / b2 = 1 4px = y2 x2 / a2 - y2 / b2 = 1 y = ± (b/a)x Equations of Asymptotes: Equation (vert. vertex): x2 + y2 = r2 y2 / a2 + x2 / b2 = 1 4py = x2 y2 / a2 - x2 / b2 = 1 x = ± (b/a)y Equations of Asymptotes: a = major radius (= 1/2 length major axis) b = minor radius (= 1/2 length minor axis) c = distance center to focus Variables: r = circle radius Eccentricity: 0 Relation to Focus: p=0 a 2 - b 2 = c2 Definition: is the locus of all points which meet the condition... distance to the origin is constant sum of distances to each focus is constant Related Topics: Geometry section on Circles c/a (<1) p = distance from vertex to focus (or directrix) a = 1/2 length major axis b = 1/2 length minor axis c = distance center to focus 1 c/a (>1) a2 + b 2 = c2 distance to focus = distance to directrix difference between distances to each foci is constant Using spherical sections to approximate parabolic reflection: y x R R 2 2 2 y 2 Rx x 0 2 2 y 2 Rx x 0 2 2 x 2R 4R 4 y 2 2 R 2 R y 2 2 2 y R R 1 2 R 1/ 2 Consider |y/R| << 1 and x < R, use a binomial expansion 1 1 / 2 1 / 2 x y 2 O( y ) 4 y 2 Rx 4 fx 2 f R/2 2R y Paraxial region y << R y 4 fx 2 Equation for a parabola Concave spherical mirror SC CP i r because SA PA also SC s o R also so , si 0, and R0 CP R s i R R SC s o R , SC SA CP R f 1 1 R 2 R 1 so PA s i Paraxial Approx. si si SA s o si R so so 1 so R PA 1 CP s i R 1 si 2 R f fo fi lim s i lim s o f so R 2 R 2 si 1 so 1 1 si f > 0 (concave mirror); f < 0 (convex mirror) Also, as before, M T f yi yo Note: si on the left of V is now taken as positive; opposite to the lens system Similar behaviors and properties: concave mirror convex lens convex mirror concave lens si so C Fig. 5.55 The image-forming behavior of a concave spherical mirror. Consider a dispersing prism which can be used to perform spectroscopy as shown on the left. Dispersing Prism: The emerging ray will be deflected (refracted) by an angle from the original direction. Consider the basic geometry: i1 t 1 t 2 i 2 t1 i 2 i1 t 2 and 180 t 1 i 2 180 Using Snell’s law: t 2 sin use and 1 n sin i 2 sin 1 n sin t 1 sin t 1 sin cos t 1 sin t 1 cos n sin t 1 (1) sin i1 t 2 sin and again 1 sin n 2 Snell ' s law sin i1 2 1/ 2 and sin i1 cos cos t 1 i1 t 2 Thus, as n increases then also increases. So n decreases as increases (see figure 3.40) and n increases as decreases. (Red) < (Blue) (can also be seen in the figure with colors). The smallest value of , the minimum deviation, m, is important. 1 sin t 1 2 Setting d d i1 0 i ) i1 t 2 and ii ) t 1 i 2 The symmetry of these angles must therefore produce a ray parallel to its base for the minimum of (m). The symmetrical ray transfer (parallel to its base) gives the following: (1) t 1 i 2 2 t 1 ( 2 ) m i 1 t 2 2 i 1 (3) n sin / 2 (1) sin i1 n ( ) sin / 2 1 m sin 2 m ( ) sin 2 Therefore, we can experimentally determine n() by measuring the minimum angle of deviation m() for light rays having different . First, we need to make a prism out of the transparent material having the cross-section of an isosceles triangle. m nm By finding m for each ray having a different , we can determine n(). r-h r-h Fig. 5.61 The right-angle prism Fig. 5.62 The Porro prism. The orientation is reversed but remains right-handed. Reflecting Prisms shown here are used to change orientation and handedness. Some of the surfaces are silvered if TIR conditions aren’t met, such as c = 42 for n = 1.5. Notice that prisms can be constructed according to requirements of size, shape, angle, etc… Fig. 5.66 The penta prism and its mirror equivalent. Same orientation and remains r-h. r-h r-h Fiber Optics: Rays reflected within a dielectric cylinder Snell’s Law: n f sin t (1) sin i Path length traversed by the ray (l): l L / cos t n f L n Number of reflections (N) in the cylinder: t D t x N l x 1 D sin t x l D / sin t sin i 2 n f sin t L 1 D n sin i 2 f L sin i D n sin i 2 f 2 f 2 1 1 / 2 1 2 The sign indicates that N depends on where the ray strikes the face of the cylinder. For example, if nf = 1.6, i = 30, D = 50 m Then # reflections per length = N/L = 2000/feet = 6,600/meter To prevent cross-talk, must use a cladding. Typically the fiber core has nf = 1.6 and the cladding has nc = 1.5. Rays that are incident (picture on the right) with angles greater than max will strike the interior wall at angles less than c, and will leak out of the fiber. Therefore, max , which is the acceptance angle, defines the half-angle of the acceptance cone of the fiber. core cladding i = max c - Critical angle at the core-cladding interface for TIR tc – Critical angle for the transmitted ray at the core-air interface )c + tc = 90) max- Maximum angle for the incident ray, beyond which there is no TIR at the core-cladding interface n f sin c n c sin 90 sin c nc nf nc nf sin 90 tc cos tc 1 sin tc n i sin max n f sin tc n i sin max n f nc NA 2 Numerical 2 2 sin tc sin max Aperture n 1 c n f n n 2 f ni ( NA ) 2 c 2 NA2 is a measure of the light-gathering power of the system and originates in microscopy where the equivalent expression describes the capability of the objective lens. The NA is related to the speed of the system by f /# 1 2 ( NA ) Consider the acceptance cone for an optical fiber: L max rmax x max The collected intensity (irradiance) I rmax2 sin2max NA2 (f/#)-2 Because D max 2 rmax , f /# x 2 rmax use ni 1 for max 90 , and sin max 1 2 sin max NA rmax L rmax x 1 2 NA n f nc 2 NA 1 (max) 2 usually 0 . 2 NA 1 Consider attenuation in optical fibers Decibel (dB) is the customary unit for indicating ratio of two power levels: dB= - 10 log (Po/Pi ( and e.g. 1/100 20 dB Attenuation () is in dB/km of fiber length L L = -10 log(Po/Pi ( Po 10 L / 10 Pi Quality of Optical Glass 1965 1000 dB/km () 1970 20 dB/km 1982 0.16 dB/km Improvements in fabrication of fibers and removal of metallic impurities like Fe, Ni, Cu and removal of H20 and OH- have led to the dramatic reduction in fiber attenuation (). Today, reamplification after every ~80 km is needed after a ~50 dB drop in signal. Intermodal Dispersion (IMD) The minimum and maximum transit times for a ray traversing a distance L in the fiber are t min while L vf c/nf t max Therefore , for L l vf Ln f ( axial ray ) c L / cos t L /( n c / n f ) vf t t max t min c/nf Ln 2 f cn c nf nf L 1 c nc n f 1 . 500 , n c 1 . 489 t 37 ns / km L The spreading out of signals due to this effect is known as IMD Three basic types of Optical Fibers each with different IMDs Multi-mode Suffers greatly from IMD; core is 50-200 m and cladding is 20 m thick. Graded core diameter is about 20-90 m. Core diameter is less than ~10 m and typically from 2-9 m. Low attenuation of 0.2 dB/km; currently ideal choice for long-haul communication networks today. Graded index cores can reduce IMD by factor of 100, due to the spiraling effect and indexdependent speed of the rays. IMD of 2 ns/km is typical here. Single mode fibers are the best solution for IMD since only one horizontal mode with its ray traveling parallel to the axis can propagate. Imaging “coherent” fiber bundle Collection of individual parallel fibers for image transfer applications Fig. 5.73 Intermodal dispersion in a stepped-index multimode fiber. Higher-angle rays travel longer paths. Fig. 5.75 The spreading of an input signal due to intermodal dispersion (IMD).