3D NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTION IN SEDIMENTARY BASINS: THE CASES OF GUBBIO AND L’AQUILA, CENTRAL ITALY Roberto Paolucci and Chiara Smerzini Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano 2 Contents Motivation for 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion The spectral element code GeoELSE Case studies Seismic response of the Gubbio basin during the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake Modeling of the MW 6.3 2009 L’Aquila earthquake Conclusions Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D earthquake ground motion numerical simulations 3 Objective To simulate “synthetic earthquakes” as realistic as possible in terms of: the complexity of the seismic source the complexity of the geological and morphological environment the frequency range of the seismic excitation Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D earthquake ground motion numerical simulations 4 Applications parametric studies on earthquake ground motion PGV maps in the Grenoble Valley due to a Mw6 earthquake along the Belledonne fault. From left to right: neutral, forward, backward directivity conditions with respect to the urban area of Grenoble. After Stupazzini et al., 2009. Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D earthquake ground motion numerical simulations Applications 5 seismic risk assessment of urban areas under scenario earthquakes integration to PSHA, especially for long return periods seismic input for strategic structures - CyberShake (Graves et al., 2010) PGV (cm/s) ShakeOut Scenario: Southern California (Tech. report, 2008) - S2 Project DPC-INGV 2007-2009 (Faccioli et al, 2010) after the Japanese guidelines for evaluation of seismic hazard for nuclear installations (IAEA, 2010) Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D earthquake ground motion numerical simulations Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion 6 POLITECNICO DI MILANO 7 Contents Motivation for 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion The spectral element code GeoELSE Case studies Seismic response of the Gubbio basin during the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake Modeling of the MW 6.3 2009 L’Aquila earthquake Conclusions Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 8 The Spectral Element code GeoELSE Web site: http://geoelse.stru.polimi.it Developers Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano E. Faccioli, R. Paolucci, L. Scandella, C. Smerzini, M.Stupazzini, M. Vanini CRS4 (Center of Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) F. Maggio, L. Massidda Department of Modeling and Scientific Computing (MOX), Politecnico di Milano P. Antonietti, I. Mazzieri, A. Quarteroni, F. Rapetti Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO The Spectral Element code GeoELSE 9 Main purpose of GeoELSE Studying 2D/3D linear and non-linear visco-elastic seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media, including within the same numerical model: - seismic source (extended fault / plane wave with arbitrary incidence angle) - propagation path - complex geological structures / SSI effects Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 10 The Spectral Element code GeoELSE Dynamic Soil Structure Interaction Traffic-induced vibrations L’Aquila basin Dynamic response of structures Seismic wave propagation in complex geological configurations Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 11 The Spectral Element code GeoELSE Some “historical” references on spectral approaches for the numerical integration of the wave equation Kosloff D, Baysal E. Forward modelling by the Fourier method Geophysics 1982 47: 1402-1412. Kosloff D, Kessler D, Filho AQ, Tessmer E, Behle A, Strahilevitz R. Solutions of the equations of dynamics elasticity by a Chebyshev spectral method Geophysics 1990; 55: 748-754. Faccioli E, Maggio F, Paolucci R, Quarteroni A. 2D and 3D elastic wave propagation by a pseudo-spectral domain decomposition method Journal of Seismology 1997; 1 237-251. Komatitsch D, Vilotte J-P. The spectral element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2D and 3D geological structures. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 1998; 88: 368-392. Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 12 The Spectral Element code GeoELSE Spatial discretization unstructured hexahedral SEsN = 2 N=3 N=4 Numerical integration Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) rule Polynomial basis (test functions) orthogonal Lagrange polynomials of degree N (Spectral Degree) N=4 Time discretization: explicit 2nd order FD (LF2-B2) Native implementation in parallel architectures MPI (Message Passing Interface) Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO Treatment of seismic input in GeoELSE 13 plane wave incidence with arbitrary angles (engineering applications) kinematic modeling of a seismic fault with spatially varying source parameters (seismic hazard evaluations, seismic scenarios) Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 14 Contents Motivation for 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion The spectral element code GeoELSE Case studies Seismic response of the Gubbio basin during the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake Modeling of the MW 6.3 2009 L’Aquila earthquake Conclusions Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 15 Case studies Sedimentary basins in Gubbio Central Italy related to extensional tectonic activity Rieti Norcia L’Aquila Avezzano Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion Sulmona POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D seismic response of the Gubbio basin 16 The 1997-1998 Umbria Marche seismic sequence GUBBIO BASIN Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D seismic response of the Gubbio basin Construction of the 3D SE model 17 Deep geological model Layered - VS = 18003500 [m/s] x ~ 900 m at outcrop Alluvial basin x ~ 100 m VS(z) = 250 + 30z0.5 [m/s] linear-elastic SD 4 Kinematic fault model from Hernandez et al. (2004) Elements Nodes t Duration fmax # # (s) (s) (Hz) 361’752 ~ 23.5.106 3.4483·10-4 100 ~2.5 Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion CPU time (64) (hours) ~ 84.6 POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D seismic response of the Gubbio basin 18 Movie of velocity wavefield (FP component) Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO Comparison of 1D, 2D and 3D numerical results transverse comp. 19 longitudinal comp. Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake 20 Paganica fault L’Aquila Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake a 21 Strong ground motion records in the epicentral area L’Aquila AQU AQK AQM AQV AQG AQA Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake 22 L’Aquila downtown Aterno river records Near-fault acceleration records in L’Aquila Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake 23 Hexahedral SE mesh (fmax ~ 2.5 Hz) 3D shape of the Aterno Valley based on recent geophysical surveys during microzonation studies linear-elastic soil behavior: VS = 500+10z1/2 (m/s) = 2000 AQK (~ 300 m) (kg/m3) Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake Effect of stochastic source parameters 24 Homogeneous kinematic parameters rise time = 0.9 s, rup. velocity = 2.5 km/s, rake = 255° slip distribution according to Walters et al. (2009) AQK AQV AQK AQV Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake Effect of stochastic source parameters slip rise time rup.vel 25 rake Heterogeneous kinematic parameters, defined by AQK spatially correlated stochastic fields for rise time, rup. velocity and rake angle, with correlation length 4 km AQV AQK AQV Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion 26 POLITECNICO DI MILANO 3D numerical simulations of the MW6.3 L’Aquila earthquake 27 Comparison with observed MCS intensity Observed Simulated Model CM1 Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 28 Conclusions 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion in near-fault conditions, accounting for complex geological and morphological conditions, may provide realistic seismic scenarios, up to frequencies of 2 – 3 Hz. The frequency limit is mainly related to insufficient details in the source kinematic models, as well as on the local geology description. A moderate random variability of the kinematic source parameters may significantly improve the high-frequency energy radiation, improving as well the agreement with observed records during L’Aquila earthquake. The typical features of long period ground motion amplification and propagation of surface waves within sedimentary basins in Central Italy, such as in Gubbio, can be captured well by 3D numerical simulations. Generation of realistic earthquake ground motion scenarios for future damaging earthquakes within complex tectonic and geological environments is becoming more and more feasible, also for engineering applications. Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO 29 Thank you! Roberto Paolucci: 3D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion POLITECNICO DI MILANO