Discrete Gaussian Leftover
Hash Lemma
Shweta Agrawal
IIT Delhi
With Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Amit Sahai
Need Good Randomness
• Crucially need ideal randomness in many areas, eg.
• However, often deal with imperfect randomness
• physical sources, biometric data, partial knowledge about
• Can we “extract” good randomness from ill-behaved random
Classic Leftover Hash
Universal Hash Family H = { h: X  Y }
For all x ≠ y Prh [ h(x) = h(y) ] = 1/|Y|
 Leftover Hash Lemma (HILL) :
Universal hash functions yield good extractors
( h(x), h) ≈ (U, h)
Classic use of LHL
Universal Hash Function : Inner Product over finite field
 H = { ha: Zqm  Zq }
 Pick a1…..am uniformly over Zq
 Define ha(x) = Σ ai xi mod q
ha(x) uniform over Zq
Simple, useful randomness extractor !
Discrete Gaussian LHL ?
What if target distribution we need is discrete
Gaussian instead of uniform?
What if domain is infinite ring instead of finite field?
When do generalized subset sums of lattice points
yield nice discrete Gaussians ?
You ask …
What are discrete Gaussians ?
Why do we care ?
Why do we care ?
Because they help us build “Multilinear Maps”
from lattices (GGH12)!
A set of points with periodic arrangement
Discrete subgroup in Rn
What are discrete Gaussians
DΛ, r : Gaussian distribution
with std deviation r but
support restricted to points
over lattice Λ
More formally …..
DΛ, r (x) α exp(-Π ||x||2 / r2) if x in Λ
0 otherwise
Why study discrete Gaussians ?
• Ubiquitous in lattice based crypto
• At the technical core of most proofs in the
area, notably in the famous “Learning with
Errors” assumption
• Not as well understood as their continuous
Our Results:
Discrete Gaussian LHL over infinite domains
• Fix once and for all, vectors x1…..xm Λ
• We choose xi from discrete Gaussian DΛ, s
• Let X = [x1|…..|xm] Zn x m
• Choose vector z from discrete Gaussian DZm, s’
• Then the distribution Σ zi xi is statistically close
to DΛ, s’X
• DΛ, s’X is a “roughly spherical” discrete Gaussian of
“moderate width” (under certain conditions)
Oblivious Gaussian Sampler
• Our result yields an oblivious Gaussian
• Given enc(x1)…..enc(xm)
• If enc is additively homomorphic, can
compute enc(g) where g is discrete
• Just sample z and compute Σ zi enc(xi)
• Previous Gaussian samplers [GPV08, Pei10]
too complicated to use within additively
homomorphic scheme.
Why is the Gaussian LHL
true ?
Analyzing Σ zi xi : Proof Idea
Recall our setup:
• Fix once and for all, vectors x1…..xm  Λ
• We sample xi from discrete Gaussian DΛ, s
• Let X = [x1|…..|xm]  Zn x m
• Sample vector z from discrete Gaussian DZm, s’
Define A = {v 
: X v = 0}
Note, A is a lattice.
Analyzing Σ zi xi :
Broad Outline of Proof
Thm 1:
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
if lattice A is
“smooth” relative
to s’
Thm 2:
A is “smooth” if
matrix X is “regularly
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
“near spherical” discrete
Gaussian of moderate width
A = {v : X v =
Thm 3:
X is “regularly
shaped” if
xi ~ DΛ, s
Analyzing Σ zi xi :
Broad Outline of Proof
Thm 1:
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
if lattice A is
“smooth” relative
to s’
Thm 2:
A is “smooth” if
matrix X is “regularly
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
“near spherical” discrete
Gaussian of moderate width
A = {v : X v =
Thm 3:
X is “regularly
shaped” if
xi ~ DΛ, s
Analyzing Σ zi xi :
Broad Outline of Proof
Thm 1:
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
if lattice A is
“smooth” relative
to s’
Thm 2:
A is “smooth” if
matrix X is “regularly
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
“near spherical” discrete
Gaussian of moderate width
A = {v : X v =
Thm 3:
X is “regularly
shaped” if
xi ~ DΛ, s
Smoothness of a Lattice
Want to wipe out the structure of the lattice
Add noise to lattice points till we get the
uniform distribution
* Smoothness animation from Regev’s slides
Smoothness of a Lattice
Want to wipe out the structure of the lattice
Add noise to lattice points till we get the
uniform distribution
* Smoothness animation from Regev’s slides
Smoothness of a Lattice
Want to wipe out the structure of the lattice
Add noise to lattice points till we get the
uniform distribution
* Smoothness animation from Regev’s slides
Smoothness of a Lattice
Want to wipe out the structure of the lattice
Add noise to lattice points till we get the
uniform distribution
* Smoothness animation from Regev’s slides
Smoothness of a Lattice
 How much noise is needed to blur the lattice
depends on its structure
 Informally, if the noise magnitude needed is “small”,
we may say that a lattice is “smooth”
 Measured by smoothing parameter smooth(L) [MR04]
 Smooth(L) is the smallest “s” s.t. adding Gaussian
noise of radius s to L yields an essentially uniform
“ Regularly shaped”
X is regularly shaped if its singular values lie within
small interval.
Thm 3: If xi ~ DΛ, s then X is regularly
 Start with random matrix theory.
Know that if matrix M  R
continuous Gaussian entries and m >2n,
then all the singular values of M are
within constant sized interval
Can extend this to discrete Gaussians,
Broad Outline of Proof
Thm 1:
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
if s’ > smooth(A)
Thm 2:
If matrix X is
“regularly shaped”
then smooth(A) is
Σ zi xi ≈ DΛ, s’X
“near spherical” discrete
Gaussian of moderate width
Thm 3:
If xi ~ DΛ, s
then X is
Thm 2: smooth(A) is small if X is
regularly shaped.
 Embed A into a full rank lattice Aq
 Consider dual lattice Mq : dual of Aq
 Argue that λn+1(Mq), the (n+1)st minima of Mq is large if X
regularly shaped
 Convert to upper bound λm-n(Aq) using thm by Banasczcyk
Argue these m-n short vectors belong to A
Relate λm-n(A) to smooth(A) using bound by MR04
 Typical application would use our LHL to drown out
some value it wishes to hide, a la GGH12.
 Need the minimum width of the Gaussian to be
wide enough to drown out the value it is hiding
 Our LHL can be seen as showing that this can be
done in a frugal way, without wasting too many
 Can be used within additively homomorphic
 Care needs to be taken if basis X has to be kept
secret. Better use other samplers (GPV08, Pei10)
 Provided a discrete Gaussian LHL over infinite
 May be used as an oblivious Gaussian
sampler within an additively homomorphic
 Discrete Gaussians are important and not as
well understood. Our work makes progress
towards understanding their behavior.
Thank you!