OXYGEN Units, Definitions and O2 Availability Units •Barometric Pressure (mmHg) •760 mmHg = 1 atmosphere (atm) = 100 kPa •Partial pressure= Pgas a = Gasa X Ptotal Gasmix Usually given as a percentage Calculate partial pressure of O2 at Sea level Pgas a = Gasa X Ptotal Nitrogen Gasmix • Atmospheric pressure is 1 atm at sea level • O2 content ~ 21% What’s in our air? 78.08% Oxygen 20.95% Water Vapor 0 to 4 % Argon 0.93% Carbon Dioxide 0.036% Neon 0.0018% Helium 0.0005% Methane 0.00017% Hydrogen 0.00005% Nitrous Oxide 0.00003% Ozone 0.00004% The respiratory pigments… Why are they important? 100X increase! The respiratory pigments… Why are they important? 100X increase! Greatly increase O2 carrying capacity of blood Hemoglobin (Hb) 4 heme units: = 1 iron-porphyrin + 1 protein “heme” (1 Hb can carry 4 oxygen molecules) “globin” Hb binds oxygen reversibly… Hb + O2 Hemoglobin HbO2 Oxyhemoglobin Why is reversible binding important? • what happens when O2 concentration is high? (@ respiratory surface) • what happens when O2 concentration is low? (@ systemic tissues) O2-Hb dissociation curves: % saturation Describe activity of Hb at different PO2 % of Hb binding sites bound PO2 O2-Hb dissociation curves: % saturation Describe activity of Hb at different PO2 % of Hb binding sites bound PO2 O2-Hb dissociation curves: % saturation Describe activity of Hb at different PO2 @ systemic tissues PO2 @ respiratory surface O2-Hb dissociation curves: % saturation Describe activity of Hb at different PO2 @ systemic tissues PO2 @ respiratory surface “Affinity”- how tightly two molecules bind together Hb and O2…. Do you want your hemoglobin to have really High or really Low affinity for O2? A trade-off*: Optimal loading of O2 at respiratory surface Vs. Optimal unloading of O2 at tissues * Hemoglobin’s affinity for O2 determines which of these is favored O2-Hb dissociation curves: P50 is a measure of O2 affinity % saturation 100 = PO2 at which pigment is 50% saturated with O2 80 60 40 P50 20 0 30 60 90 PO2 (mmHg) There are many different forms of hemoglobin =The product of different selective pressures (i.e., an example of adaptation) based on differences in protein portion Show different affinities for O2 O2-Hb dissociation curves: P50 is a measure of O2 affinity • Hb with a high affinity has a lower P50 % saturation 100 •Animals that have Hb with high affinity: Hb is saturated when O2 concentrations are relatively low 80 60 •b/c Hb will not release O2 unless O2 levels are very low 40 • this kind of Hb favors O2 uptake (loading) P50 20 0 30 60 90 PO2 (mmHg) O2-Hb dissociation curves: P50 is a measure of O2 affinity • Hb with a low affinity has a higher P50 % saturation 100 •Animals that have Hb with low affinity: Hb is only saturated when O2 concentrations are relatively high 80 60 •b/c Hb is more likely to “let go” of O2, even if O2 levels are pretty high 40 • this kind of Hb favors O2 delivery (offloading) P50 20 0 30 60 90 PO2 (mmHg) Animals native to high altitudes % saturation 100 80 Bar-headed goose 60 40 P50 20 0 30 60 90 PO2 (mmHg) Animals native to high altitudes Favors O2 loading % saturation 100 80 Bar-headed goose 60 Hb has higher O2 affinity 40 P50 20 0 30 60 90 PO2 (mmHg) One more respiratory pigment… Myoglobin (Mb) essentially identical to Hb but only 1 heme unit always in muscle cells very high O2 affinity Comparing dissociation curves… myoglobin % saturation 100 hemoglobin 80 60 40 20 P50 P50 0 30 60 90 PO2 (mmHg) What is the function of myoglobin? May serve as an O2 reserve or store Facilitates diffusion of O2 into muscle Very common in animals that live in periodically low O2 environments What I want you to know about respiratory pigments… •Draw Hb-O2 dissociation curve and explain why it has that shape •Define and locate P50 on a Hb-O2 dissociation curve •Draw dissociation curve for Hb’s with different affinities and give physiological and ecological relevance of difference in affinity. •Compare dissociation curves for Hb and myoglobin and give physiological relevance. DIVING PHYSIOLOGY Diving Physiology- marine mammals • Cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoise) • Pinnipeds (seals, sea lion, walrus) • Sirenia (manatee, dugong) • Mustelidae (sea otter) • Carnivora (Polar Bear) Some diving records… Northern Elephant Seal 1600 m! Sperm Whale 2000 m! QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Southern Elephant Seal 2 hours! Dr. Sylvia Earle 375 meters, 1230 ft (with scuba gear) Free Diving (no scuba tank) “no limits” record = 171 m (561.02 ft) “unassisted constant ballast” record = 65 m (213.25 ft) How do diving mammals deal with hypoxia? -need to be able to store O2 for use when holding breath. Where can an organism “store” O2? Lungs Blood Muscle Major internal O2 stores: Lungs • Big lungs? - no…let lungs collapse! - many deep divers exhale before diving (20 - 60% capacity) Lung O2 stores vs. Blood O2 stores Major internal O2 stores: Blood Deep Divers have more blood for their body size than non-divers More blood holds more oxygen! Major internal O2 stores: Blood • Oxygen carrying capacity (Hb) - more Hb per red blood cell (RBC) - more RBC’s per ml blood (higher Hematocrit) Weddell Seal Harbor seal Human Comparing Total O2 Stores: What about our favorite curve?… Hb-O2 dissociation % saturation Left shift or right shift? Shallow divers that rely more on lungs Deeper Divers that rely more on blood stores of O2 PO2 Why??? •Divers that rely on O2 stores in lungs need high affinity Hb that will pull O2 into blood even when the partial pressure of O2 left in lungs has gotten really low. •Divers that rely on blood stores of O2 need lower affinity Hb that will allow O2 to move into tissues even when partial pressure of O2 in blood is really low.