Tarquin Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 'With Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his design moves like a ghost‘ Macbeth says this line in Act 2 Scene 1 Macbeth says this in a soliloquy where he is determining whether he should kill the king or not Last king of the ancient Roman He had the most powerful kingdom in Italy He wasn’t politically astute and people hated him for the burdens he put on them He was stubborn and would never consult his Senate A rebellion was brewing in the kingdom of Tarquin Lucretia was husband of Tarquin’s relative Collatinus and member of the powerful Brutus family Tarquin reportedly raped Lucretia Soon after being raped Lucretia committed suicide After her Suicide Collatinus and the Brutus family raised a rebellion and the Tarquinus family was banished from Rome. Tarquin the Proud was a brutal and evil king He killed and raped his followers, family, and high powered aristocrats. He was Hated by everyone He pushed his luck and after he raped an important member of the Brutus family he was screwed but he didn’t care when he was doing it and he got his whole family banished from the kingdom of Rome. Shakespeare references Tarquin in Act 1 Scene 2 Macbeth brings Tarquin up in a soliloquy where he is determining whether he should kill King Duncan When Macbeth is bringing up Tarquin he is saying if Tarquin could have been that evil and vicious then he could be evil enough to kill King Duncan http://www.unrv.com/bio/lucius-tarquinius-superbus.php http://media.weirdworm.com/img/misc/5-diabolical-roman-kings/tarquinius- priscus.jpg www.shakespeare-navigators.com/macbeth/T21.html http://bookbuilder.cast.org/bookresources/44/44522/172416_1.jpg www.shmoop.com/macbeth/allusions.html http://www.collintheatrecenter.com/PastShows/2000/Macbeth/Photos/Macbeth Art2.jpg www.dipity.com/ltwernbold/Macbeth-Blind-Ambition/ http://www.crystalinks.com/romelogo.jpg http://0.tqn.com/d/ancienthistory/1/G/w/g/2/rapeofLucretia_by-titian.jpg http://bestoflegends.org/art/shakes-sm.jpg