Prepared by: Berk Demirgok Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University 3/15/2012 References Overview Types of compressors Major applications Purchasing Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications By Yunus A. Çengel, John M. Cimbala - McGraw-Hill College (2009) Introduction to Fluid Mechanics [Book] by Robert W. Fox, Philip J. Pritchard, Alan T. McDonald Mechanical measurements by Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard Wikipedia /mombourquette/firstyrchem/GasLaws/inde x.htm com/products/products_2.php?big=01&mid= 01/06 opulsion/jets/basics/comp.html mechanical_science_web_educational_textbook _solar_hydrogen_fuel_cells.htm Compressors increases pressure on a fluid, gasses with compressing gasses. With increasing pressure, volume of gasses are reduced by compressors. However, liquids are incompressible and cannot be used as a fluid for compressors. Also, note that when compressors change the pressure of a fluid, fluid’s temperature changes Moreover, pumps are like compressors. They both work in the same principle. However, pumps can only transport the fluid. ages/compressors.html Compressibility helps us to measure volume change of fluids as a reaction to change in pressure. 𝑃 ∗ 𝑉 = 𝑛 ∗ 𝑅 ∗ 𝑇 is the relation between volume, pressure, unity and temperature. This equation is called ideal gas law and we can use it as a compressibility factor equation. Compressibility factor equation is 𝑃∗𝑉 =𝑍∗𝑅∗𝑇 𝑃∗𝑉 =𝑛∗𝑅∗𝑇 𝑃∗𝑉 =𝑍∗𝑅∗𝑇 P is the pressure and its unit is Pa in SI units. V is the volume and its unit is m^3. N is the amount of substance of a gas and its unit is mol. R is the universal gas constant, 0.08206 L*atm*mol^-1*K^-1. T is the temperature and its unit is K. Z is compression factor for gasses. For each type of fluid or gasses, they have their own compression factors. Next slide shows z factors for only air. • faculty/mombourquette/firstyrchem/G asLaws/images/compressibility.gif Turbo Compressors Axial Centrifugal Displacement Compressors Reciprocating Rotary Screw /refrigerating-compressors.html Centrifugal Compressors are also called annular compressors. It uses a rotating impeller rotating with really high speed to apply force on refrigerant into a diffuser. Diffuser section converts the velocity energy into pressure energy. Advantages Easy to design and fabrication It generally rises the pressure enough for efficient combustion with only one step without any problems. Disadvantages Less fuel efficiency Pressure ratio is generally lower causing creating less thrust. nowhow/images/c00090.gif Working fluid goes through out parallel the axis of rotation. However working fluid goes vertical for centrifugal compressors. Advantages It creates higher flow rate and pressure so that increases thrust and fuel efficiency. High peak efficiency. They large mass flow volume. Disadvantages Axial compressors are hard to built and costs a lot of money to manufacture. They weigh much higher than centrifugal compressors. In order to start axial compressors, it requires high starting power. Typical axial Compressor is shown below. ulsion/prop12.html Reciprocating compressors that the volume of fluid is reduced by a movement of a piston inside cylinder. Rotary compressors that the volume of fluid is reduced by rotation of some parts without reciprocating or piston movement. Reciprocating and rotary compressor 018v2/img/h1018v2_86_1.jpg mages/DOE_Mechanical_Science_Recipro cating_Air_Compressor.gif Advantages They are inexpensive. They have very wide-range horsepower options. Better mass flow rate. Better efficiency. Compressors are widely used in our world. Some of the application areas are: Medical use Welding use Aircrafts Air conditioner Pipeline transport Rail transport Automotive Industry Price range is very different for each type of compressor. You can reduce your cost by thinking buying used compressors. There are some good online stores to buy compressors.