Aeneas ad Inferos: Latin Text & Underworld Journey

Aeneas ad Inferos
p. 211
How is Aeneas related to
• 1. Aenēās fīlius Anchīsae fuit,
quī in Siciliā ē vītā excesserat.
• Aeneas was the son of Anchises, who had
died (literally, departed from life) in Sicily.
What does Anchises tell Aeneas
to do?
• 2. Tum Anchīsēs in somnō ad fīlium vēnerat
et fīlium vocāverat:
“Venī, fīlī, ad īnferōs, ubi sum.
• 3. Sibylla viam nōvit et tē dūcet.”
• 2. Then Anchises had come to his son in
sleep (i.e., in a dream) and had summoned
(called to) his son: “Come, son, to the
underworld, where I am. 3. The Sibyl knows
the way and she will lead you.”
Where did Aeneas find the
• 4. Ita Aenēās in Italiam prōcessit,
ubi Sibylla habitābat.
• So Aeneas proceeded to Italy, wher ethe
Sibyl lived.
What did the Sibyl tell Aeneas
to do?
• 5. Cōnsilium Sibyllae erat:
• 6. “Sī in silvā rāmum aureum inveniēs,
ad īnferōs tē prōdūcam
et sine perīculō redūcam,
sed sine rāmō numquam tē prōdūcam.”
• 5. The advice of the Sibyl was: 6. “If you
will find a golden branch in the forest, I will
lead you to the underworld and I will lead
you back without danger, but without the
branch, I will never lead you.”
How did Aeneas find the golden
• 7. Ita Aenēās in silvam properāvit.
• 8. Auxiliō Veneris rāmum invēnit
et cum Sibyllā ad īnferōs dēscendit.
• 7. So Aeneas hurried to the forest. 8. With
the help of Venus, he found the branch
and with the Sibyl he descended to the
What did he see in the
• 9. Ibi multa nova vīdit et nōvit.
• There he saw and learned many new
Where did he see Dido?
• 10. Tum ad magnam silvam vēnērunt.
• 11. Ibi erat Dīdō.
• 10. Then he came to a great forest. 11. There
was Dido.
Did Aeneas know Dido had
• 12. Aenēās rēgīnam vīdit
et vocāvit:
• 13. “Nūntiusne vērum nūntiāvit?
• 14. Vītamne āmīsistī?
• 15. Causane fuī?
• 12. Aeneas saw the queen and called: 13.
“Did the messenger tell (announce) the
truth? 14. Did you lose your life? 15. Was I
the cause?
How did Aeneas feel about
leaving Dido?
• 16. Invītus e patriā tuā excessī,
sed ita deus imperāvit.”
• Unwilling(ly) I left your country, but so the
god commanded.”
How does Dido react to seeing
Aeneas again?
• 17. Sed rēgīna,
nunc inimīca,
verbīs lacrimīsque Aenēae nōn movētur.
• 18. Neque Aenēam spectāvit
neque respondit
sed in silvam fūgit.
• 17. But the queen, now unfriendly, is not
moved by the words and tears of Aeneas.
18. She neither looked at Aeneas, nor
responded, but she fled into the forest.
What happens to the bad
• 19. Aenēās tardē e silvā excessit
et locum vīdit
ubi malī poenā
• 19. Aeneas slowly left the forest and saw
the place where bad men were afflicted
with punishment.
Who lives in Elysium?
• 20. Tum Aenēās Sibyllaque in Ēlysium
• 21. Ibi animae bonōrum in concordiā vītam
• 22. Iniūriae et pugnae aberant.
• 23. Ibi Anchīsēs erat.
• 20. Then Aeneas and the Sibyl proceeded
to Elysium. 21. There the souls of good
men spend their life in harmony (peace).
22. Injustices and fights are absent. (I.e.,
there are none) 23. There was Anchises.
What two things will Anchises
show Aeneas?
• 24. Grātus fīlium accēpit et nūntiāvit:
• 25. “Clārōs Rōmānōs
quī posteā in terrā erunt
et glōriam populī tuī mōnstrābō.
• 24. Grateful(ly), he received his son and
announced: “I will show (you) the famous
Romans who will be on the earth
afterwards and the glory of your people.
What will the Romans
• 26. Rōmānī malōs superābunt
et populōs aequē regent.”
• The Romans will conquer wicked men and
they will rule the peoples justly.”
How does Aeneas get out of the
• 27. Aenēās ab Anchīse nōn retinētur
et ā Sibyllā in terram redūcitur.
• Aeneas is not held back by Anchises and
he is led back to the land by the Sybil.
What does Aeneas do when he
gets back from the underworld?
• 28. Tum loca commoda in Italiā occupāre
• Then he hurried to occupy (seize by force)
convenient places in Italy.