Webinar_Caching - DevNet

Caching and caching dependencies explained
in Kentico CMS
Boris Pocatko
Solution Architect
Kentico Software
1. Problem
2. Describing different caching mechanisms
3. Demo for cache dependencies
4. API caching and additional info
Caching is a interesting topic useful for speeding up your pages and
understanding all cache types in Kentico can be a challenge.
1. What to do if I have dynamic content.
2. What to do with static content
3. How to delete the cache on specific scenarios
4. How to cache data in code
5. Caching in macros
Types of caching mechanisms
Client cache (browser)
IIS cache (Kernel cache blog post)
Output cache (Kentico)
File system cache (Kentico)
Partial cache (Kentico/.NET)
Content cache (Kentico)
Custom code cache (Kentico API)
Data retrieval (schema)
Client cache (files)
Kernel cache (html)
File system cache (html)
Output cache (html)
Server cache
Partial cache (html)
Content cache (data)
Custom code cache (data)
Code (Page_Load, Init …)
Kentico file cache
The system caches files for faster response times (images, JavaScript
files, style sheet files and other types of files)
Two types of file caches:
Client-side – stored by the browser on the side of the client
Server-side – stored on the server itself, in it’s memory
Kentico client-side cache
- uses HTTP request headers to control file caching in client
browsers and intermediate network caches
- Is set in SiteManager > Settings > System > Performance > Client
cache (minutes) (this specifies basically, that the client browser
doesn’t have to get new content until the given time expires)
- Data saved on the browser
- The ideal solution, cache revalidation needs to be implemented
- Must revalidate, Etag, Last-Modified, Expires, Cache-Control
values influence how the browser revalidates the content
- You can include the Must revalidate attribute with a setting in
SiteManager > Settings > System > Performance > Must
- The Must revalidate attribute is interpreted by different browsers
in different ways (blog)
- The revalidation needs an additional request
Kentico client-side files cache
Kentico client-side files cache
Kentico client-side files cache
Kentico client-side files cache
IIS Kernel cache
- IIS caching is the second best caching option
- The request isn’t processed by the Kentico at all, IIS
is returning the content
- Configured on IIS (link)
- More details available in our webinar
Kentico server-side files cache
- The same content is stored as in the client cache
- Stores files in the application's memory, so that the CMS doesn't have to access
the database or file system every time a user requests an image or other file.
- Site Manager > Settings -> System -> Performance > Cache files
(minutes) setting
- The system always caches files for at least one minute to prevent the
application from overloading in case of DoS attacks.
- Make sure not too big files are cached, so you don’t run out of memory (set the
Maximum file size to cache setting)
- You can redirect files to the disk, if you have the files stored in the file system
(not only in DB), so you allow to process it via IIS (the request uses redirection
to the physical file), with this property disabled, they are process directly via our
files processing script (if you store files in the file system and don’t have this
setting checked, the requests are still processed with our custom script and not
with IIS)
Kentico cache in general
- Every cached item in Kentico (it doesn’t matter if it’s the output cache,
partial, data cache, file system cache) has a key according to which the
data is cached and retrieved. This key consists of variables, which can
cause different data to be cached.
- Examples of these variables are:
- protocol, url, username, sitename, lang, browser, cookielevel,
- This key is used for retrieval of the cache
- If a cache item with such a key doesn’t exist, the output is generated
from scratch
Kentico output cache
- Enabled in Site Manager > Settings > System > Performance > Enable
output caching.
- Configured on individual pages (Properties > General > Use output cache
and Cache minutes)
- Saves the generated output HTML of whole pages to the memory (by
- The most effective way how to speed up your pages
- Not usable with pages with very frequently changing content (dynamic
content, such as random products web part), but great for static pages
where the content is updated once in a while (e.g. once an hour or day)
- You can use cache dependencies with the Output cache dependencies
web part
- You can use substitution macros for displaying dynamic content on a
cached page
Kentico output cache (substitution macros)
Substitution macros
(“{~myexpression~}”) are
developed the same way as
custom macros, it’s up to you
what content is replaced for them
Output filter
Replace substitution
Output cache (html)
Kentico output cache (substitution macros)
Kentico file system output cache
- Prerequisite: Globally enabled in System > Performance > Output caching > Cache
output in file system (minutes)
- Configured additionally individual pages (same place as Output cache)
- Saves the output HTML to the file system
- Useful during site restarts, when the cache from the server memory isn’t available
Kentico partial cache
- Partial cache is used when you are not able to use full page (output) caching
(e.g. a lot of dynamic content on your page)
- This type of caching can be used to cache the HTML of the page at least
- Ideally, resource intensive components should be cached (e.g. repeaters with
nested controls)
- We are utilizing the PartialCachingControl .NET object
- Set on the web part directly
- CMSPartialCacheItems - List of the cache key items for partial caching. Default
value is "username;sitename;lang"
- cache dependencies
- Editable web parts, have additionally the dependency to the current document
- Default cache dependency is based on instance GUID of the web part
Kentico partial cache
- By default the cached content is flushed once you change the settings of
the web part
Kentico cache dependencies
- They can be used on different cached objects:
- Full page cache
- Partial cache
- Custom cache
- Content cache
- Macro cache
- Cache dependencies are basically dummy cache keys pointing to other
cached content
- If the content, which is listed in the dummy key, is changed, the
associated cache (e.g. the cache of a web part) is flushed
Kentico cache dependencies
Kentico cache dependencies
- There are two main object types used in cache dependencies:
- Document (TreeNode)
- Any object (except document)
How to set up
custom table
dependencies is
described here
Kentico content cache
- You can set it up on two levels - either on a global level, which influences a
whole site, or you can enable content cache for individual instances of web
parts and controls.
- Globally enabled in Site Manager > Settings > System > Performance > Cache
content (minutes)
- Cache minutes property on web parts:
- You can specify a custom Cache item
name, which will allow you to share
the cached data between web parts.
It’s used instead of the cache Key
string of variables
- Don’t forget that properties can
contain macros = dynamic cache item
names based on the context (e.g
query string values)
Kentico content cache
Kentico custom code cache
using CMS.SiteProvider;
using CMS.GlobalHelper;
private void CachingExample()
DataSet data = null;
// Cache the data for 10 minutes with key "mykey"
using (CachedSection<DataSet> cs = new CachedSection<DataSet>(ref data, 10, true, null, "mykey"))
if (cs.LoadData)
// Get data from database
data = UserInfoProvider.GetAllUsers();
// Don’t configure cache settings if not necessary (e.g. condition set to false, cache minutes = 0)
if (cs.Cached)
// Cache dependency
cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency("node|corporatesite|/news|childnodes");
cs.Data = data; // Save data to cache
Kentico custom code cache
Clearing the cache manually (not with help of build in dependencies)
protected void CreateTouchableCacheItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string data = "";
using (CachedSection<String> cs = new CachedSection<String>(ref data, 15, true, null, "MyNewKey"))
if (cs.LoadData)
// Get from database or set it differently (here only assigned for presentation purposes)
data = "MyData";
cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency("touchthis".ToLower());
cs.Data = data;
protected void ToucheItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Kentico page info cache
- The PageInfo object contains some common properties of documents,
which are used quite often (e.g. DocumentName, DocumentID,
- To reduce overhead these values are cached by default
- Kentico sets automatic cache dependencies, so if data related to this
object is updated, the cache is flushed
- Contains most of the View_CMS_Tree_Joined properties (Document and
Node fields)
- Use it as often as possible (custom code, macros):
- CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.CurrentPageInfo.DocumentName
- {% CurrentPageInfo.DocumentName%}
Caching in macros
- You can specify caching dependencies, conditional caching and caching time also
directly in macros
- {%CMSContext.Current.Documents["/News"].Children.WithAllData.ApplyTransformatio
n("CMS.News.default_macro","","").Cache(10, true, "my_macro_html", "",
GetCacheDependency("node|corporatesite|/news|childnodes")) #%}
Kentico cache dependencies
DEMO – caching
Kentico cache debug
- Cache items (Site Manager > Administration > System > Debug)
are listed by default, no additional setup is needed
- For cache access debug you need to enable the setting in Site
Manager > Settings > System > Debug
- Use both of them if developing custom controls with caching or
custom caching dependencies
- Missing Partial cache debug (we are using the .NET
Additional notes
- The system sometimes caches data separately for each logged-in user. This
means that even though some data is cached for one user, when another
user requests the same data, the system retrieves the data from the
database and stores it in the cache as another cache item.
- Don’t over-cache
- Check the Site Manager > Administration > System for general cache
- Cache item name (web part properties), Cache key, CacheItemNameParts
(API) are synonyms
Interesting web.config keys
CMSAlwaysCacheResources (true) -Enables/disables client caching of (minifiable) resources.
Please note that caching on the client side is not done at all if the Client cache (minutes) setting is disabled (set
to 0) in Site Manager -> Settings -> System -> Performance.
CMSPhysicalFilesCacheMinutes (10080) - Determines expiration time in minutes that should be set for the
physical files in the client cache, e.g. stylesheets not managed via the CMS.
CMSAzureCachePath - Specifies a folder on a local disk where files requested from the storage account will be
cached. This helps minimize the amount of blob storage operations, which saves time and resources.
Do not use this key if the entire application is deployed as a Windows Azure hosted service.
CMSAllowCacheByCulture (true) - If true, the system adds culture code to the cache keys where needed, if false, it
shares the cache for all cultures.
CMSPartialCacheItems ("username;sitename;lang") - Defines the parts of the cache key used for partial cache of
the controls. List of items separated by semicolon. Available options: viewmode, username, sitename, lang,
browser, domain, gzip
CMSOutputCacheItems (“username;sitename;lang;browser;cookielevel;deviceprofile”) - Defines the parts of the
cache key used for output caching. List of items separated by semicolon. Available options: viewmode, username,
sitename, lang, browser, domain, gzip
CMSAllowCacheByUserName (true)- If true, the system adds user name to the cache keys
where needed, if false, it shares the cache for all users.
CMSClearOutputCacheOnPostback (true) – if output cache is cleared on post back
CMSCacheURLRewriting (0)- Cache url rewriting in minutes
Additional resources
Cache dependencies explained:
New caching mechanism (version 5.5+):
Old webinar about caching:
devnet.kentico.com/Blogs/Martin-Hejtmanek/October-2009/Webinar-2---Performance-optimization-andcaching-i.aspx (old API)
Deep dive caching blog post:
Blog post about optimization of your code:
Cache item name usage:
API caching examples:
Questions & Answers
Thank you!