DirectX 11 graphics and procedural world creation

Procedural Graphics with DirectX 11
James Reid
• A mesh is what all the textures are laid on.
• Meshes are deformed to give us the nice
terrains seen in games today using height
maps or procedural methods.
• More vertices require more GPU power!
• Goal: reduce number of vertices in a mesh
without sacrificing quality.
Height Maps
• Advantages:
Easily modeled by an artist.
Easily implemented.
Normal maps can be paired for lighting.
Use far less memory than meshes.
Easier on the CPU/GPU.
• Disadvantages:
– Only able to show 256 distinct heights in grayscale.
– Can quickly consume hard disk space when having to store
height/normal/tangent/etc maps.
• Image: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
What is Procedural?
• From Wikipedia: “content generated
algorithmically rather than manually”
• Content is created at run time, not compile
time or stored in file.
• Most games use height maps and models.
• Image: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Why Use Procedural?
• Memory usage is far less on both the hard disk
and in RAM.
• Size limitations are much larger than those
involving height maps.
– Allows games to be released on a single CD/DVD.
– Makes downloadable games more manageable.
• Image: Minecraft
Basis For Procedural
• Noise algorithms.
– Perlin
– Voronoi
• Can be implemented in different dimensions.
– 1D
– 2D (used for terrain/clouds)
– 3D (used for clouds the user can fly through)
How Noise Works
• Summing up of static maps generated with
pseudorandom numbers.
• Basic Algorithm:
double t = 0;
double amplitude = 1;
double freq = m_dFrequency;
for(int i = 0; i < m_nOctaves; i++)
t += GetValue(x * freq + m_nSeed, y * freq + m_nSeed) * amplitude;
amplitude *= m_dPersistence;
freq *= 2;
return t;
Using Perlin Noise
• Start with a 2𝑛 ∗ 2𝑛 mesh.
• Generate a height field using Perlin Noise.
• Assign the 𝑦 coordinate for each [𝑥, 𝑧] pair in
the mesh.
• Result:
• Makes very convincing terrain.
• Issues:
– High number of vertices.
– Static meshes can’t adapt to camera’s view.
• Solution:
– Use a quadtree structure to store the data.
Quadtree Structure
• Similar to binary trees, but has 4 nodes
instead of 2.
Quadtree Mesh
Uses For The Quadtree
View frustum culling.
Level of detail (LOD).
Collision detection.
Grid location.
Reducing total vertices.
View Frustum
• Field of view the camera has.
• Used in culling and LOD.
Frustum Culling
• Removing of primitives that are not seen from
the graphics pipeline to increase performance.
• More types:
– Backface
– Contribution
– Occlusion
Level of Detail (LOD)
• The amount of detail shown being based on
the camera’s view point.
• Where DirectX 11 makes a difference.
– Use of the geometry shader.
Vertex Interpolation Error
• When changing LOD the new vertices may
cause popping.
• Several solutions to this, most common is to
just take the midpoint of both vertices.
Texture Morphing
• LOD can cause textures to not line up and
varying levels of detail.
• Solution: Use texture blending to hide the
Vertex Reduction
• Use minimum number of vertices based on
slope of terrain.
• Image: Shamus Young (Twenty Sided)
– Top right: no optimization
– Bottom left: optimized grid, removed about twothirds of total vertices (Huge performance
• Started in DirectX 10 – can be controlled by
user with DirectX 11
• Take a mesh and add more primitives to
smooth it out.
Putting It All Together
• Use CPU to determine LOD and any culling to
be done based on view frustum.
• Use noise algorithm in real time on the GPU to
generate height field.
• Remove any unwanted vertices based on
slope of terrain (e.g. flat areas will use two
triangles instead of filling up the mesh).
• Morph the textures at the LOD breaks.
• Tessellate the mesh in high detail locations.
– Start at 3:20
– Start at 0:49
– Start at 0:25
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Perlin, K. (2001). Improving noise., Media Research Laboratory, Dept. of Computer
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Verts, W. T., & Hill, Jr., F. S. (1989). Quadtree meshes, COINS Department, ECE
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