Mary Madelynn. Nayga


Lévy path integral approach to the fractional Schrödinger equation with δ-perturbed infinite square well

Mary Madelynn Nayga and Jose Perico Esguerra

Theoretical Physics Group

National Institute of Physics

University of the Philippines Diliman




II. Lévy path integral and fractional Schrödinger equation

III. Path integration via summation of perturbation expansions

IV. Dirac delta potential

V. Infinite square well with delta - perturbation

VI. Conclusions and possible work externsions

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Fractional quantum mechanics

 first introduced by Nick Laskin (2000)

 space-fractional Schrödinger equation (SFSE) containing the Reisz fractional derivative operator

 path integral over Brownian motions to Lévy flights

 time-fractional Schrödinger equation (Mark Naber) containing the

Caputo fractional derivative operator

 space-time fractional Schrödinger equation (Wang and Xu)

1D Levy crystal – candidate for an experimental realization of spacefractional quantum mechanics (Stickler, 2013)

Methods of solving SFSE

 piece-wise solution approach

 momentum representation method

 Lévy path integral approach

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 use Lévy path integral method to SFSE with perturbative terms

 follow Grosche’s perturbation expansion scheme and obtain energy-dependent Green’s function in the case of delta perturbations

 solve for the eigenenergy of

 consider a delta-perturbed infinite square well

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Lévy path integral and fractional Schrödinger equation

Propagator: fractional path integral measure:

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Lévy path integral and fractional Schrödinger equation

Levy probability distribution function in terms of Fox’s H function


Fox’s H function is defined as


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Lévy path integral and fractional Schrödinger equation

1D space-fractional Schrödinger equation:

Reisz fractional derivative operator:



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Path integration via summation of perturbation expansions

Follow Grosche’s (1990, 1993) method for time-ordered perturbation expansions

Assume a potential of the form

Expand the propagator containing Ṽ (x) in a perturbation expansion about V(x)


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Path integration via summation of perturbation expansions

Introduce time-ordering operator,

Consider delta perturbations



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Path integration via summation of perturbation expansions

Energy-dependent Green’s function

• unperturbed system

• perturbed system


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Dirac delta potential

Consider free particle V = 0 with delta perturbation

Propagator for a free particle (Laskin, 2000)

• Green’s function

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Dirac delta potential

Eigenenergies can be determined from:

Hence, we have the following

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Dirac delta potential

Solving for the energy yields where

β(m,n) is a Beta function ( Re(m),Re(n) > 0 )

This can be rewritten in the following manner

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Dirac delta potential

Solving for the energy yields where

β(m,n) is a Beta function ( Re(m),Re(n) > 0 )

This can be rewritten in the following manner

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Infinite square well with delta - perturbation

Propagator for an infinite square well (Dong, 2013)


• Green’s function

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Infinite square well with delta - perturbation

• Green’s function for the perturbed system


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• present non-trivial way of solving the space fractional

Schrodinger equation with delta perturbations

• expand Levy path integral for the fractional quantum propagator in a perturbation series

• obtain energy-dependent Green’s function for a delta-perturbed infinite square well

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The end.

Thank you.

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