Game Programming 3D Math & Scene Graph

Eriq Muhammad Adams J.
Informatics Engineering
University of Brawijaya
 Hello JMonkeyEngine 3.0
 3D Math
 Scenegraph
Hello JMonkeyEngine 3.0 (cont.)
 You can extends to
build JMonkey apps.
 SimpleApplication provide us default camera input.
 simpleInitApp() is used for game initialization.
 to start app you can call start() from your main().
 rootNode is top node in JME scenegraph.
 Lets look the code at jme3test.helloworld.HelloJME
Hello JMonkeyEngine 3.0 (cont.)
Hello JMonkeyEngine 3.0 (cont.)
(resources creation )
3D Math
 JME uses right-handed coordinated system (as OpenGL does).
 Coordinate defined as
com.jme3.math.Vector3f (x,y,z)
 Origin coordinate is (0,0,0)
 Unit measurement is wu (world
unit), typically 1 wu is 1 meter.
3D Math (cont.)
 Transformation : operation that converts points from
one coordinate system to another includes rotation,
scaling, translation.
 Local transforms represent the positioning of objects
relative to a parent coordinate system.
 Global transforms represent the positioning of
objects in a global coordinate system.
 JME 3.0 provide us low-level transformation
3D Math (cont.)
 Visibility Determination concerns itself with minimizing the
amount of data that is sent to the graphics card for rendering.
 Not all data being sent to graphics card but data which we can
see are being sent.
 Data not sent to is said to be culled.
 Fustrum Culling is the procedure for visibility determination.
 The BoundingVolume of an object is tested against the
frustum planes to determine if it is contained in the frustum. If
at any point the object's bounding is outside of the plane, it is
tossed out and no longer processed for rendering.
3D Math (cont.)
 View Fustrum Culling : the process of removing objects that lie
completely outside the viewing frustum from the rendering
process (wikipedia)
3D Math (cont.)
 Fundamental Types in JME 3.0 : ColorRGBA, Matrix (Matrix
3f, Matrix4f), Vector (Vector2f, Vector3f).
 ColorRGBA defines a color value (red, green, blue, alpha).
 Matrix typically used as linear transformations (scale,
rotate, translate) to map vectors to vectors.
 Matrix3f is a 3×3 matrix and is the most commonly used
(able to handle scaling and rotating), while Matrix4f is a
4×4 matrix that can also handle translation.
3D Math (cont.)
Source : New Riders, Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers
3D Math (cont.)
 Vectors are used to represent a multitude of things in jME,
points in space, vertices in a triangle mesh, normals, etc.
These classes (Vector3f in particular) are probably the
most used class in jME.
 Quaternions define a subset of a hyper complex number
system. Quaternions are defined by (i2 = j2 = k2 = i j k = -1).
jME makes use of Quaternions because they allow for
compact representations of rotations, or correspondingly,
orientations, in 3D space. With only four float values, we
can represent an object's orientation, where a rotation
matrix would require nine. They also require fewer
arithmetic operations for concatenation.
3D Math (cont.)
 For more math tutorials in JME please learn JME math
for dummies presentation at
 Represents your 3D world.
 Object in JME scenegraph are called spatial.
Scenegraph (cont.)
Scenegraph (cont.)
Scenegraph (cont.)
Blue Cube
Red Cube
Attach blue
& red cube
to pivot
Scenegraph (cont.)
Root Node
Pivot Node
Red Cube
Blue Cube